Please HELP I am running Mailman (mailman-2.0.11-1) installed via RPM on RH7.3 
system.  Archiving never has worked.  If just left to pipermail all I get is 
the "raw" dump screen no matter what the settings on the mailing list (have 
set it to daily and still not archives. This mailing list has been runnning 
for over a month, so I tried using Mhonarc I can't get that to work (though 
that one AT LEAST gives me an error message).  Can anyone please, please, 
please (w/sugar on top) tell me how I can either get pipermail mail to work 
(ie. what to look for and what settings to check) or tell me how they got 
Mhonarc to (exactly what changes to what files) work as their archiver.  Let 
me say I have already followed several unoffical How-tos none of them worked, 
if I just tell mhonarc to take my mbox and convert it it works fine (I get a 
web page etc.) if I try to get mailman to send mhonarc the message I get "sh: 
-c: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of file" error message at least this 
is farthest I have gotten .(this archinvg thing is killing me! :)

Here is my file:
(including various commented out command lines for Mhonarc)
# -*- python -*-

# Copyright (C) 1998 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

"""This is the module which takes your site-specific settings.

From a raw distribution it should be copied to  If you
already have an, be careful to add in only the new settings
you want.  The complete set of distributed defaults, with annotation,
are in ./Defaults.  In mm_cfg, override only those you want to
change, after the

  from Defaults import *

line (see below).

Note that these are just default settings - many can be overridden via the
admin and user interfaces on a per-list or per-user basis.

Note also that some of the settings are resolved against the active list
setting by using the value as a format string against the
list-instance-object's dictionary - see the distributed value of
DEFAULT_MSG_FOOTER for an example."""

#    Here's where we get the distributed defaults.    #

from Defaults import *
import pwd, grp

#    Here's where we override shipped defaults with settings #
#    suitable for the RPM package.                           #
#MAILMAN_UID = pwd.getpwnam('mailman')[2]
#MAILMAN_GID = grp.getgrnam('mailman')[2]
LOG_DIR     = '/var/log/mailman'
QUEUE_DIR   = '/var/spool/mailman/qfiles'

# Put YOUR site-specific configuration below, in . #
# See for explanations of the values.            #

DEFAULT_URL       = 'http://www.%s/mailman/' % DEFAULT_HOST_NAME
MAILMAN_OWNER     = 'mailman-owner@%s' % DEFAULT_HOST_NAME


#PUBLIC_EXTERNAL_ARCHIVER = '/usr/bin/mhonarc -add -outdir 
/var/mailman/archives/mhonarc/%(listname)s >> /tmp/out_external_archiver'
#PRIVATE_EXTERNAL_ARCHIVER = '/usr/bin/mhonarc -add -outdir 
/var/mailman/archives/mhonarc/%(listname)s >> /tmp/out_external_archiver'

/var/mailman/archives/mhonarc/%(listname)s ; /usr/bin/mhonarc -nomodtime -add 
-umask 022 -outdir /var/mailman/archives/mhonarc/%(listname)s -multipg  
-expireage 2592000 -idxsize 1
5 -noauthsort -reverse -nothread -nosubsort -idxfname index.html -rcfile 
/var/mailman/archives/mhonarc/%(listname)s ; /usr/bin/mhonarc -nomodtime -add 
-umask 022 -outdir /var/mailman/archives/mhonarc/%(listname)s -multipg  
-expireage 2592000 -idxsize
15 -noauthsort -reverse -nothread -nosubsort -idxfname index.html -rcfile 

PUBLIC_EXTERNAL_ARCHIVER = '(/usr/bin/mhonarc -nomodtime -add -umask 022 
-outdir /var/mailman/archives/mhonarc/%(listname)s -multipg -reverse 
-idxfname index.html -rcfile /var/mailman/frames.mrc'

PRIVATE_EXTERNAL_ARCHIVER = '/usr/bin/mhonarc -nomodtime -add -umask 022 
-outdir /var/mailman/archives/mhonarc/%(listname)s -multipg -reverse 
-idxfname index.html -rcfile /var/mailman/frames.mrc'

# Note - if you're looking for something that is imported from mm_cfg, but you
# didn't find it above, it's probably in

also I have changed in
# Are archives on or off by default?
DEFAULT_ARCHIVE = 1                               # 0=Off, 1=On

# Are archives public or private by default?
DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_PRIVATE    = 0                    # 0=public, 1=private

#-1 - do not do any archiving
# 0 - do not archive to mbox, use builtin mailman html archiving only
# 1 - archive to mbox to use an external archiving mechanism only
# 2 - archive to both mbox and builtin mailman html archiving -
#     use this to make both external archiving mechanism work and
#     mailman's builtin html archiving.  the flat mail file can be
#     useful for searching, external archivers, etc.

# 0 - yearly
# 1 - monthly
# 2 - quarterly
# 3 - weekly
# 4 - daily

# These variables control the use of an external archiver.  Normally if
# archiving is turned on (see ARCHIVE_TO_MBOX above and the list's archive*
# attributes) the internal Pipermail archiver is used.  This is the default if
# both of these variables are set to false.  When either is set, the value
# should be a shell command string which will get passed to os.popen().  This
# string can contain %(listname)s for dictionary interpolation.  The name of
# the list being archived will be substituted for this.
# Note that if you set one of these variables, you should set both of them
# (they can be the same string).  This will mean your external archiver will
# be used regardless of whether public or private archives are selected.


Yes before trying mhonarc I had both PUBLIC_EXTERNAL_ARCHIVER and 


David Mir
System Administrator
Soar Technology, Inc.

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