[Mailman-Users] help installing Mailman

2001-04-26 Thread Becky Wilson

Where might I find someone to walk me through the set up of the program?
I've read all the instructions and read me files, but I'm still lost.  I
didn't realize it was going to *this* difficult!  Thank you for your time.

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Help Installing Mailman

2002-02-15 Thread Bodnyk, Bruce W


I'm attempting to install Mailman 2.0.8 on Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 and am
having problems.
The install seemed to go smoothly up until I created the test list. That
seemed to go ok
and I got an email from mail-owner about the new list including the URLs of
the two web
pages. However when I try and go to them I'm told that the page is not

When I try and send a help command to
I get the message shown below. I'm rather new to Linux. It seemed
like the Apache install went OK because I can get to the standard
info page.

Any help would be appreciated!



This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. The following address(es) failed:

generated |/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd test:
Child process of address_pipe transport returned 2 from command:

The following text was generated during the delivery attempt:

-- |/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd test --

Failure to exec script. WANTED gid 8, GOT gid 31.  (Reconfigure to take 31?)

Bruce W. Bodnyk
Staff Engineer, CAE Development
FCI Electronics
825 Old Trail Road
Etters, PA 17319-9351

Phone: (717) 938-7543
Fax: (717) 938-7224

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] help installing Mailman

2001-04-26 Thread Michelle Murrain

On Thursday 26 April 2001 05:05 am, Becky Wilson wrote:
> Where might I find someone to walk me through the set up of the program?
> I've read all the instructions and read me files, but I'm still lost.  I
> didn't realize it was going to *this* difficult!  Thank you for your time.

Well, first off, where do you feel stuck? What kind of system do you have, 
and how are you thinking of installing it? I'm willing to help, but you need 
to start somewhere.

The truth is, you do need a fair bit of basic understanding of Unix commands 
and OS structure, how your mailer program works (sendmail/exim/postfix), how 
e-mail in general works, as well as some knowledge of Apache, too. Without 
this basic knowledge, installing and setting up Mailman might well be 
impossible. I'd suggest if you don't have this knowledge, find someone local 
who does, who can install it for you.



Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
Norwottuck Technology Resources

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Help installing MailMan on RedHat 7.1 Linux

2001-09-14 Thread Jose Ramos

Hi guys,

First of all my deepest sympathies ... the Mexican Family is highly tied
to the United States and feel it’s own brothers and sisters where the
victims in this barbaric act.

If it’s possible I need some help for Mailman setting up. I’m receiving a
CGI error when I try to open a mailing list in the web page saying
“Failure to exec script. WANTED gid 99, GOT gid 48”. I know gid 99 is
“nobody” in my Linux RedHat 7.1 ... I already use --with-cgi-gid
configure option like this “% make -- with-cgi-gid=99” and it keep giving
me the same error.

Also attempt to add ’alternate’ members to groups and use the
’securelinux_fix.py’ from /contrib but have same error. You’re already
familiarized with error page like this in

By the way I needed to place a space before ’with’ (like this “% make --
with-cgi-gid=99”) cause otherwise I obtain an error. My compiler is
gcc-2.96-85 and Python 1.5.2-30

Is there a help page I can consult? ... thanks a lot.

  Ing. Jose Ramos E.