OlympiaOnline.com  - Thurston county's ad-free, cost-free online community -
announced today the publication of the first interactive version of the Arts
Walk map.

        “We thought this would be a nice community contribution to the Arts Walk
this year.  Part of the Walk is a 12-year retrospective of Arts Walk map and
poster design,” said DawnMarie Moe, web developer and owner of WhooshWeb,
Inc.,  “and it just makes sense that there should be an interactive version.
So we teamed up with OlympiaOnline to provide it.”

        The online version of the map reveals information about the artists as
reader hover their mouse over the numbered locations.  It is also connected
to a database of Arts Walk information which can be sorted online to give
easy access to artists, events, times, and locations.  In addition, there is
a printable PDF version of the map.

        Links to the map and database can be found at www.olympiaonline.com.  Take
a look and Plan Your Walk today!

Arts Walk 2002 will be held on Friday, October 4.

DawnMarie Moe
WhooshWeb, Inc. / OlympiaOnline
360.455.7075 (tel) ~ 360.838.2180 (fax)
The work of an individual still remains the spark that moves mankind
- Igor Sikorsky, Russian-born American engineer

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