Hi all!

I'm having a weird problem here, need some help.

I have two installations of Mailman on my system, one for each domain
(let's say lists.domain1 and lists.domain2).

I'm using a directory structure like /var/mailman/domain. Qmail is
configured to point lists.domain1 to user 'mailman' and lists.domain2 to
user 'mailman1'.

I then user qmail-to-mailman.py.

Each compilation was properly configured to reflect the path and uid.


lists.domain1 works fine but lists.domain2 does not. 

I have a 'test' list created, that appears on the web and on the file
structure (/var/mailman/domain2/lists/test). 

But everytime a mail is sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED], qmail-to-mailman.py

I took a look at the code, and the ideia i got is that
qmail-to-mailman.py bounces if 'test' is not found under directory
'lists'. So, for some reason that i can't see, 'test' isn't found, but
it's there!

I already tried everything i could remember.. The installations seem
correct to me (at least one is working, i can't spot the difference
between them.

Any help will be appreciated.


Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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