Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords

2008-09-11 Thread Rachel Mawhood

Hi Mark

Thank you for this - you have saved the day!  :-)  Cron job 
run.  Everyone now has their password.  Phew.

I have done 3 to 5 (of your message) in the control panel, too.


At 15:56 10/09/2008, Mark Sapiro wrote:


Once a person is a list member, you can't send another welcome
message without unsubscribing and resubscribing the member. You can
send a password reminder to everyone on the list by first making sure
that Send monthly password reminders? on the General Options page is
set to Yes and then from a shell, running Mailman's

  cron/mailpasswds -l listname

To ensure the welcome is sent when doing mass subscribes in the future

1.  Log into Mailman control panel
2.  Scroll down the General Options to List-specific text prepended
to new-subscriber welcome message
3.  Enter any text to be sent in the message as well as the password

3. Optionally enter any additional, list specific text to be sent along
with the standard welcome message - this is a one time step.

4. Make sure that Send welcome message to newly subscribed members?
is set to Yes - this is a one time step.

5. When using Membership Management... - Mass Subscription to add
members, make sure that Send welcome messages to new subscribees? is
set to Yes. This will be the default if step 4 was done.


Mailman is not going to add the members password to any ordinary
message. The only messages to the user that contain the password are
the actual Mailman generated list welcome message, the password
reminders sent from cron/maillpasswds (normally run monthly on the 1st
by cron) and a user requested password reminder from the user options
login page.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords

2008-09-10 Thread Rachel Mawhood
Our list welcome message was sent out to the members by the Secretary 
yesterday but he sent it as an ordinary mailman@ message and it 
didn't contain any password in it.  We'll have to send another, 
additional, message, just to get the passwords generated, but I will 
have to give the Secretary a description of how to do this.  Ie

1.  Log into Mailman control panel
2.  Scroll down the General Options to List-specific text prepended 
to new-subscriber welcome message

3.  Enter any text to be sent in the message as well as the password
4.   ?
5.   ?

I'd be grateful for help with the rest of this.  You'll remember that 
all the members were subscribed by the Secretary - they didn't 
subscribe themselves - I can't see how to create and send a welcome 
message (or a reminder message) that includes passwords (ie that 
the Mailman program recognises as THE welcome message and so will 
include the passwords).

Hope this makes sense.

At 17:05 01/08/2008, Mark Sapiro wrote:

Rachel Mawhood wrote:

Obviously, we can't give 400-plus people the Admin or Moderator
passwords so that they can view the Archives.  Is there a way of
having a third password, which we can give to the membership (and
reset from time to time), to enable members to view the Archives?

The admin and moderator passwords work (even without email address) for
accessing the archives, but each list member (including admins and
moderators if they are also members) has her/his own list password. In
your subscription scenario, the password is randomly generated. It
will be mailed to the member in the list welcome message, and unless
disabled by the list or the user, the user will receive a monthly
email reminder.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords

2008-09-10 Thread Mark Sapiro
Rachel Mawhood wrote:

Our list welcome message was sent out to the members by the Secretary 
yesterday but he sent it as an ordinary mailman@ message and it 
didn't contain any password in it.  We'll have to send another, 
additional, message, just to get the passwords generated, but I will 
have to give the Secretary a description of how to do this.  Ie

Once a person is a list member, you can't send another welcome
message without unsubscribing and resubscribing the member. You can
send a password reminder to everyone on the list by first making sure
that Send monthly password reminders? on the General Options page is
set to Yes and then from a shell, running Mailman's

  cron/mailpasswds -l listname

To ensure the welcome is sent when doing mass subscribes in the future

1.  Log into Mailman control panel
2.  Scroll down the General Options to List-specific text prepended 
to new-subscriber welcome message
3.  Enter any text to be sent in the message as well as the password

3. Optionally enter any additional, list specific text to be sent along
with the standard welcome message - this is a one time step.

4. Make sure that Send welcome message to newly subscribed members?
is set to Yes - this is a one time step.

5. When using Membership Management... - Mass Subscription to add
members, make sure that Send welcome messages to new subscribees? is
set to Yes. This will be the default if step 4 was done.

I'd be grateful for help with the rest of this.  You'll remember that 
all the members were subscribed by the Secretary - they didn't 
subscribe themselves - I can't see how to create and send a welcome 
message (or a reminder message) that includes passwords (ie that 
the Mailman program recognises as THE welcome message and so will 
include the passwords).

Mailman is not going to add the members password to any ordinary
message. The only messages to the user that contain the password are
the actual Mailman generated list welcome message, the password
reminders sent from cron/maillpasswds (normally run monthly on the 1st
by cron) and a user requested password reminder from the user options
login page.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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[Mailman-Users] Passwords

2008-08-01 Thread Rachel Mawhood
We have set up Mailman as a closed, private list for an international 
society.  Members are subscribed by the Secretary, via the Admin 
control panel.  (Anyone who wants to join the list has to e-mail the 
Secretary, and only the society members are eligible to be joined to the list.)

As far as I can see, that means that members won't ever be asked for 
a password/don't need a password to send messages to the list.  But 
they still would need a password to be able to view the Archives 
which we have set to private.  When I tested accessing the 
archives, I got in with my own e-mail address and the Admin password 
(my own e-mail address is on the subscriber list and is difference 
from the list-owner e-mail address).

Obviously, we can't give 400-plus people the Admin or Moderator 
passwords so that they can view the Archives.  Is there a way of 
having a third password, which we can give to the membership (and 
reset from time to time), to enable members to view the Archives?


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords

2008-08-01 Thread Mark Sapiro
Rachel Mawhood wrote:

Obviously, we can't give 400-plus people the Admin or Moderator 
passwords so that they can view the Archives.  Is there a way of 
having a third password, which we can give to the membership (and 
reset from time to time), to enable members to view the Archives?

The admin and moderator passwords work (even without email address) for
accessing the archives, but each list member (including admins and
moderators if they are also members) has her/his own list password. In
your subscription scenario, the password is randomly generated. It
will be mailed to the member in the list welcome message, and unless
disabled by the list or the user, the user will receive a monthly
email reminder.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords

2008-08-01 Thread Rachel Mawhood

At 17:05 01/08/2008, Mark Sapiro wrote:

In your subscription scenario, the password is randomly generated. It
will be mailed to the member in the list welcome message, and unless
disabled by the list or the user, the user will receive a monthly
email reminder.

Excellent - thank you!


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[Mailman-Users] passwords

2008-04-25 Thread Melinda Gilmore
Does mailman have restrictions for passwords.   Like a number or cap needs
in the passwords.  I am not finding anything on that.  I know in my
experience it just lets me put in anything for a password, wether it be for
owner or user?

Melinda Gilmore
Systems Engineer
The Ohio State University
Enterprise Messaging/OIT

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Re: [Mailman-Users] passwords

2008-04-25 Thread Mark Sapiro
Melinda Gilmore wrote:

Does mailman have restrictions for passwords.   Like a number or cap needs
in the passwords.


Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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[Mailman-Users] Passwords in Monthly Reminders Encrypted?

2006-07-01 Thread Bob Holden
I'm administering a group of lists and have monthly reminders set, and the 
reminder is being sent out on time and such, however, when I receive my copy of 
the password reminder, the passwords listed are incorrect, and it's almost like 
they're encrypted or something.

For an example, assume the password is password, which works fine in the 
system.  When the reminder arrives, it shows the password as dkhbkesd, or 
something like that.

I've searched through the archives for a problem like this and haven't found 
anything yet.  Is there some setting that I'm missing, or have set incorrectly 
that is causing this?

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords in Monthly Reminders Encrypted?

2006-07-01 Thread Mark Sapiro
Bob Holden wrote:

For an example, assume the password is password, which works fine in the 
system.  When the reminder arrives, it shows the password as dkhbkesd, or 
something like that.

I suspect that what you are seeing in this example is your original,
randomly generated, member password in the reminder which is
dkhbkesd, and the password password is actually the list admin
password, not your member password.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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[Mailman-Users] passwords post

2004-03-25 Thread jsingh

I'm new to this list, so I apologize if my question appeared soon
before, but I didn't see it in the archives.  
Is there a way to configure Mailman to require a
password for posting?

Jaskaran Singh
University Systems  Security
Fairleigh Dickinson University
1000 River Road, Mail Stop TBH1-01
Teaneck, NJ 07666

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Re: Apology/Retry Re: [Mailman-Users] passwords, confirmation emails, clunky web interfaces, and my grandmother

2003-07-23 Thread John DeCarlo

David Hunt wrote:

The company that hosts my website is running Mailman 2.1.2 (recently
upgraded), and although they do fine for normal questions, I don't really
think they're Mailman experts.  As for myself, I already know the options
available in Mailman's web interface and understand most of them (I think).
I have read what documentation I could find - which only amounted to the
expanded explanations of those options.  My questions boil down to:
1. Can you run a list without having passwords assigned to the subscribers
at all?  From the responses I've received, I'm guessing that it really can't
be done (there's a feature suggestion), but I think I can come up with some
workarounds, like the one suggested by Howard in
As far as I know, the answer is no.  Try not to worry about it g.

2. How can I change the confirmation and welcome emails?  I still want them,
but I want them to be completely different, not just with text added using
that option.  I've found this post from Todd - which
may help, except I can't find these folders in Mailman's web interface, and
I'm not sure how to access them otherwise.
What you can do, since you don't have shell access to change the files 
directly, is ask the hosting company to put your own files in the 
directory just for your own list(s).  The URL you note has the info you 
require, namely:

# 1. the list-specific language directory
Swear to the hosting company that this will not affect any other list. 
Remind them that ~mailman/lists/listname exists, but they have to 
create the subdirectory for the language, presumably for you en.

As to exactly what files you want to change, it might be easier for you 
to try an install on your own Linux machine and look at all the text 
files in ~mailman/templates/en because you may want to end up changing a 
bunch of them.


John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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[Mailman-Users] Passwords Q

2003-07-23 Thread Nyx Wolfwlaker

I've not been able to find the info, but I know its out there ... How can I send 
their password if they forget what it is? 

Or how can they get their passwrod if they for get it? 

Thanks take care, 

Nyx Wolfwalker

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords Q

2003-07-23 Thread Jon Carnes
On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 16:19, Nyx Wolfwlaker wrote:
 I've not been able to find the info, but I know its out there ... How can I send 
 their password if they forget what it is? 
 Or how can they get their passwrod if they for get it? 
 Thanks take care, 
 Nyx Wolfwalker

As long as you know the email address, you can use the listinfo page for
your list to have it send the user a password reminder.

Other than that, you can also do a dump of the database and read the
password which is stored in plain text.

Good Luck,

Jon Carnes

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords Q

2003-07-23 Thread Richard Barrett
On Wednesday, July 23, 2003, at 09:19 PM, Nyx Wolfwlaker wrote:


I've not been able to find the info, but I know its out there ... How 
can I send members
their password if they forget what it is?

Or how can they get their passwrod if they for get it?

They can get the system to send it to them from the 
/mailman/listinfo/listname page.

Thanks take care,

Nyx Wolfwalker

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[Mailman-Users] passwords, confirmation emails,clunky web interfaces, and my grandmother

2003-07-22 Thread David Hunt
Dear All,

I'm trying to run a simple mailing list so that people can sign up to 
receive news related to my career as a musician.  I would like it to be 
simple enough that my grandmother could sign up for it if she wanted to.  
Right now, it is a mess - the very first person who signed up, who was quite 
computer literate, made the comment that was a lot of emails!!  So here is 
what I want:

= When the user is asked to confirm a subscription, the confirmation message 
is a five page essay in legalese.  It should just say to confirm your 
subscription, please reply to this message or else _click here_.  How do I 
change it?  The admin person at my web host did not know of a way.

= After the user is confirmed, there is ANOTHER essay, longer than the 
first, detailing the web pages and passwords and all sorts of rediculous 
options they will need to remember in order to get one email once every two 
months about my music.  How do I change that message?

= How do I make it so users don't need a password to subscribe/unsubscribe?  
Or, maybe I can force the computer to assign them all the same password, 
even when I sign them up?  Again, my web admin didn't know of a way.

Ideally, a person should be able to go to my website, type in their email 
address, hit subscribe, confirm by replying to one simple email, and then 
receive the messages I send them; and then if they want off, they just click 
a link in any one of those emails.  No passwords, no options - just a 
mailing list, for goodness sake!  I hope that's not too much to ask.  Keep 
in mind when you reply that I'm a musician and not a unix guru.

David Hunt
The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

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Re: [Mailman-Users] passwords, confirmation emails,clunky web interfaces, and my grandmother

2003-07-22 Thread Richard Barrett
You do not say what version of Mailman you are running.

Were you to be running MM 2.1.2 you would find the following list  
configuration options, which if set as indicated would lead to a user  
being subscribed without having to respond to or indeed receive any  
emails except the subsequent normal list traffic. The list admin would  
have to OK the subscription; being a responsible list admin,  you would  
not want no constraints or checks on who is being subscribed to your  
list would you?

If I recollect, similar options are available on the MM 2.0.13  

If you take a look at the mailman-users list archives you may find  
recipes for password-less unsubscription. I will leave that for you to  

The web hosting admin person you refer to might like to spend some time  
checking the web admin GUI of Mailman for the options it offers.

On General Options page under Notifications:

  set 'Send monthly password reminder' to No

  set 'Send welcome message to newly subscribed...' to No

On Privacy Options page:

  set 'What steps are require for subscription' to 'Require approval'

As regards the rude tone of your post, you would do well to remember  
that Mailman is Open Software, you are paying no charge for either the  
software license or support and that the people you are asking to  
respond via this list do so because they want to help; not because they  
are being paid to tolerate your sarcasm.

On Sunday, July 20, 2003, at 07:21 PM, David Hunt wrote:

Dear All,

I'm trying to run a simple mailing list so that people can sign up to  
receive news related to my career as a musician.  I would like it to  
be simple enough that my grandmother could sign up for it if she  
wanted to.  Right now, it is a mess - the very first person who signed  
up, who was quite computer literate, made the comment that was a lot  
of emails!!  So here is what I want:

= When the user is asked to confirm a subscription, the confirmation  
message is a five page essay in legalese.  It should just say to  
confirm your subscription, please reply to this message or else _click  
here_.  How do I change it?  The admin person at my web host did not  
know of a way.

= After the user is confirmed, there is ANOTHER essay, longer than the  
first, detailing the web pages and passwords and all sorts of  
rediculous options they will need to remember in order to get one  
email once every two months about my music.  How do I change that  

= How do I make it so users don't need a password to  
subscribe/unsubscribe?  Or, maybe I can force the computer to assign  
them all the same password, even when I sign them up?  Again, my web  
admin didn't know of a way.

Ideally, a person should be able to go to my website, type in their  
email address, hit subscribe, confirm by replying to one simple  
email, and then receive the messages I send them; and then if they  
want off, they just click a link in any one of those emails.  No  
passwords, no options - just a mailing list, for goodness sake!  I  
hope that's not too much to ask.  Keep in mind when you reply that I'm  
a musician and not a unix guru.

David Hunt
The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords for bulk subscriptions.

2003-07-14 Thread Larry Rosenman

--On Monday, July 14, 2003 19:41:37 -0500 Mike Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hash: SHA1
A question...

I added a dozen folks to one of my lists using the admin bulk
subscription.  What password is assigned to these folks?
random characters.

Mike W
- --
Registered Linux - 256979
NRA Life

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)

Larry Rosenman
Phone: +1 972-414-9812 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
US Mail: 1905 Steamboat Springs Drive, Garland, TX 75044-6749

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords

2003-06-06 Thread Nigel Metheringham
On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 23:18, Derek Simkowiak wrote:
   Replace the password reminder email with a simple confirmation 
 email.  If you want to keep user options hidden then replace the 
 Password Reminder button with a Email me my options page URL button, 
 which emails the user a URL with an embedded cookie.

Its a password!
OK, it can be made time limited (how long though) and stuff like that,
but its still really a password :-)

I like the idea, except it needs to be expanded so that web access is
not required - you should be able to do this all by email too.

Maybe - if the installation handles VERP-like addressing - the cookie
can be made part of the sender address so a reply (from a sane MUA - we
aren't going to bend over backwards for the criminally insane here)
would be pre-authenticated - again with time limits and stuff (a day or
so is OK, a month isn't).   However if we do this sort of magic then we
need to handle the worst that stupid MTAs come up with for bounces.

[ Nigel Metheringham   [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[ - Comments in this message are my own and not ITO opinion/policy - ]

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords

2003-06-05 Thread Norbert Bollow
Derek Simkowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think mailing list passwords are The Worst Thing Ever.

Here is what I'd like to see:

Everyone who uses Mailman's web-based interface (at a particular
virtual host) would get a choice of two authentication methods:

 * authentication via password (similar to what we have today with the
   difference that for each email address there would be only one
   password, not multiple passwords (like there are today for people
   who are subscribed to multiple lists).

 * authentication via cookies:  Put a passcode into a never-expiring
   cookie and send a confirmation email to the user with an URL to
   visit.  People who access Mailman from multiple PCs need to go
   through this authentication procedure multiple times.

If someone has moderator or list-owner privileges, I'd like the chosen
authentication method to also work for that.

Greetings, Norbert.

Founder  Steering Committee member of
Free Software Business Strategy Guide   ---
Norbert Bollow, Weidlistr.18, CH-8624 Gruet (near Zurich, Switzerland)
Tel +41 1 972 20 59Fax +41 1 972 20 69

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[Mailman-Users] Passwords

2003-06-05 Thread Derek Simkowiak
I think mailing list passwords are The Worst Thing Ever.
	Is there an option to disable them completely within Mailman?  I'd like 
all user options to be confirmed via a confirmation email.  Googling 
only gave me old or incomplete information.

	If this is not possible, I am willing to add this feature to Mailman if 
someone can tell me where to look.

Thank You,
Derek Simkowiak
dereks at realloc dot net
Why I Hate Mailing List Passwords
By Derek Simkowiak
1. Remembering passwords is a pain in the ass.

2. We sysadmins have spent years trying to train people to NOT put 
passwords in emails.

3. Whenever I change any Mailman option on any list, it's a matter of

	1. Go to the webpage.
	2. Click Password Reminder
	3. Back to the MUA, wait for the password, cut'n'paste, back to the web 
	4. Ergo, more pain in the assedness.

Desired behaviour:

	Replace the password reminder email with a simple confirmation 
email.  If you want to keep user options hidden then replace the 
Password Reminder button with a Email me my options page URL button, 
which emails the user a URL with an embedded cookie.


1. More secure (no password to get stolen, you must have access to the 
Inbox to change user options -- like it should be).

2. No more mailing list password to confuse endusers (Is that the 
same as my email password?  Why won't my password work?  Can you 
change my password?  I never got my password..., What CAPS LOCK 
button?, I want [X] as my password, I'll just use my [HIGHLY 
SENSITIVE] password that I use at work., etc.  You admins know what I'm 
talking about here.)

3. No more retarded cut'n'paste bullshit

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[Mailman-Users] passwords

2003-06-02 Thread CodyG
Hi All...

I'm new to using Mailman on my websites, so I have a lot of questions.

I set the option for sending monthly password reminders, thinking this sound like a 
good idea.  Then the reminder arrived last night and lo and behold it had a different 

What's up with this?  Seems funky and will be totally confusing for my users.  So, I'm 
turning it off unless someone can explain to me why it works this way.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members UPDATE

2003-01-22 Thread Steve Rifkin
But, the python commands you want me to try DO work (and mailman still yields 
the same errors from my previous e-mail):

# python -V
Python 2.2.2
# python
Python 2.2.2 (#1, Jan  9 2003, 16:24:27) 
[GCC 2.95.2 19991024 (release)] on sunos5
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import time

So, what should I try next?  (BTW, thanks for your help!  :)

Steve Rifkin

 The second issue you had (no module name time) looks like your
 Python installation is broken.  You should be able to do something
 like the following at the command line:
 % python
 Python 2.2.2 (#1, Oct 14 2002, 19:51:36) 
 [GCC 2.96 2731 (Red Hat Linux 7.3 2.96-112)] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import time

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members UPDATE

2003-01-19 Thread Barry A. Warsaw


You're first problem looks like a classic permission denied
problem.  I'd suggest running bin/check_perms to see if that clears up
your problems.

The second issue you had (no module name time) looks like your
Python installation is broken.  You should be able to do something
like the following at the command line:

% python
Python 2.2.2 (#1, Oct 14 2002, 19:51:36) 
[GCC 2.96 2731 (Red Hat Linux 7.3 2.96-112)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import time

If not, go back to your Python source dir, and run make test.  Check
your compilation output carefully.

Mailman 2.1 should work with Python 2.1.3 or later.

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[Mailman-Users] passwords

2003-01-16 Thread Jeff Poretsky
Is there any way to set up a list so that there are no passwords
required for unsubscribe. Even better if the only password would be for
the admin(s).

I need this so that someone who wants to unsubscribe can do so with a
mailto link with unsubscribe filled in the subject field.


Jeff Poretsky

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Re: [Mailman-Users] passwords

2003-01-16 Thread Matthew Davis
Quoting Jeff Poretsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Is there any way to set up a list so that there are no passwords
 required for unsubscribe. Even better if the only password would be for
 the admin(s).
 I need this so that someone who wants to unsubscribe can do so with a
 mailto link with unsubscribe filled in the subject field.

Check the FAQ 1.5

I've never used it, and not sure if it'll work with 2.1 or not.  YMMV

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members UPDATE

2003-01-09 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

 SR == Steve Rifkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SR OK, I upgraded to MM2.1.  After having to run check_perms with
SR -f to fix permissions, I finally got the web pages up.

SR When I go in as site admin and change the list admin's
SR password for a list, I *still* cannot log in as the list
SR admin.  (I still receive the authentication error).

SR And if I go back into the password change page for the list as
SR the site admin, and if I put in a new list admin password and
SR have a *different* verified password, I receive no errors when
SR I click submit.

SR However, if I run change_pw from the command line, changing
SR the password for the list admin for the specific list, them, I
SR CAN log in!  :)

SR So, it's the web interface that's screwing up.  We're
SR narrowing this one down now... I hope!  Any suggestions?

Do you have any cookie blockers or other proxies between your browser
and the web server?  That's about the only thing I can think of.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members UPDATE

2003-01-09 Thread Steve Rifkin
I recently installed mailman 2.1 (upgrading over our mailman 2.13) to correct a 
problem with list admin passwords.

At the time of the upgrade, I was running python 2.1

Today I finally ran genaliases to modify the old mm list aliases for the new 

With the aliases in place, I sent e-mail to one of my lists... newlist.

Instead of the message going through, I get back the following from the 

  - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
|/users/rtfm/mailman/mail/mailman post newtest
(reason: 1)
(expanded from: newtest@cs)

   - Transcript of session follows -
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/scripts/post, line 69, in ?
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/scripts/post, line 64, in main
tolist=1, _plaintext=1)
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/Mailman/Queue/, line 119, in enqueue
msgfp = open(msgfile, 'w')
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 
554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error 1


What is causing the above?

OK, so I figure, since I was running python 2.1, maybe mailman 2.1 would rather 
me run python 2.2.2.

I then installed python 2.2.2.  Directly afterwards, I rebuilt (make clean, 
configure, make, make install) mailman 2.1 again, and then, ran check_perms (and 
corrected anything that needed correcting so that check_perms now comes back 

Now, when I start to run the scripts/mailman script to startup mailmanctl, I 
immediately get lots of messages that look like this:

# ./mailman start
cs:/users/rtfm/mailman/scripts:{153} Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/bin/qrunner, line 77, in ?
from Mailman.i18n import _
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/Mailman/, line 18, in ?
import time
ImportError: No module named time
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/bin/qrunner, line 77, in ?
from Mailman.i18n import _
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/Mailman/, line 18, in ?
import time
ImportError: No module named time
Traceback (most recent call last):

I get the above messages continuously.  What's happening here?

Mind you, when I had python 2.1 installed, I had no problem running mailmanctl 
(except that mail sent to lists would yield the message near the top of this 
e-mail.  With python2.2.2 installed, I can't even get mailmanctl to run 
properly... or rather, whatever it's running is giving me the errors directly 

And remember, *after* I installed python 2.2.2, I *rebuilt* mailman.

So, what should I do here?

If python's an issue, I'll go back to python 2.1 and hope someone here can help 
me fix the problem with the mailer-daemon message.  At least python 2.1, I could 
run the mailman startup script.

(Note, the machine mailman is built on is Solaris 2.8.

Thanks in advance!

Steve Rifkin

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members UPDATE

2003-01-06 Thread Steve Rifkin

 A better solution would be to upgrade to MM2.1.  It uses sha1 hashing,
 which will always be available.

OK, I upgraded to MM2.1.  After having to run check_perms with -f to fix 
permissions, I finally got the web pages up.

When I go in as site admin and change the list admin's password for a list, I 
*still* cannot log in as the list admin.  (I still receive the authentication 

And if I go back into the password change page for the list as the site admin, 
and if I put in a new list admin password and have a *different* verified 
password, I receive no errors when I click submit.

However, if I run change_pw from the command line, changing the password for 
the list admin for the specific list, them, I CAN log in!  :)

So, it's the web interface that's screwing up.  We're narrowing this one down 
now... I hope!  Any suggestions?

Steve Rifkin

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members UPDATE

2003-01-03 Thread Steve Rifkin

 What are you using for Password authentication on your system?  Are you
 using PAMs?  What does your /etc/nsswitch.conf file look like (are you
 using NIS)?

NIS is used, but the mailman user account info is local to the web server.  
Mailman's home directory, though, is shared between the web server and the mail 

Some nsswitch.conf entries:

passwd: compat
group:  files nis
hosts:  dns nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
netgroup:   nis
automount:  files nis
aliases:files nis

But again, I never had the list-admin authentication problem until I upgraded 
the Apache server.  Whether the mailman list config databases before the apache 
upgrade had the nobody user set, I do not know.  What could have changed from 
doing the apache upgrade?  The user that CGI scripts get run by?  Our 
cgi-scripts are working ok.

Steve Rifkin

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members UPDATE

2003-01-03 Thread Steve Rifkin
Just did another reinstall of 2.0.13.  Again, installed with no problems. 
Check_perm ran fine... again

And, the list ownerships for the config.db file for my test list is:

-rw-rw   1 mailman  mailman  3169 Jan 03 11:57 config.db

(owned and group-owned by mailman)

Then, I log into the list as the site admin, and change the lists's admin's 

When I do, the config.db file now has these attributes:

-rw-rw   1 nobody   mailman  3169 Jan 03 14:35 config.db

Yes, nobody has replaced mailman as owner again

And the list admin gets an authentication error trying to log in to its list.

If, as site admin, I once again change the list admin's pwd (this time to a 
longer password, so that hopefully, config.db would change size) and log out, 
the config.db file remains the same size with the updated timestamp.

-rw-rw   1 nobody   mailman  3169 Jan 03 14:36 config.db

Still owned by nobody!  (yet, still group-owned by mailman)

And still not allowing list admin's to log in... onl log in... only site admin and 
users can log in.  (and this happens to all of 
our lists).

Running check_perms again (now that nobody is the owner and mailman is the 
group owner of the config.db files), I still receive No problems found

Since the only signs of error are 1) the Authentication failed error for the 
list admins, and 2) config.db doesn't looks as if it is updated [comparing the 
size of the of current and previous config.db files]... there any way to do a trace of what is happening?  Can python be used for 

It's almost as if the list admin password being changed by the site admin never 
really updates the config.db file.

Oh, I even tried the setup using the mailman group consisting of mailman and 

Steve Rifkin

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members UPDATE

2003-01-03 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

The ownership issue is a red-herring.  As long as it's group owned by
mailman and it's g+rw you should be fine.

I'm guessing somewhere along the way Python got upgraded and the
status of the crypt libraries changed (either they were there before
and not now, or vice versa).  Try setting USE_CRYPT=0 in your file.

A better solution would be to upgrade to MM2.1.  It uses sha1 hashing,
which will always be available.

BTW, a debugging tool I use quite often (or the Python literate here),
is to sprinkle the code with lines like:

syslog('debug', 'some value: %s', somevalue)

which puts the output in errors/debug.  You may need to add

from Mailman.Logging.Syslog import syslog

at the top of the file, if it isn't already there.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members

2002-12-27 Thread Steve Rifkin

 My suggestion to you is that you re-install Python, then re-install
 Mailman.  Both are fairly easy to do.  The order is important - you
 definitely want to re-install Mailman after installing Python.

OK, reinstalled python.  Python works.  (v2.1)

Then, reinstalled mailman (v2.0.13).  Mailman still does *not* allow for admin 
logins... only site and user logins.  No errors logged!

All built from scratch... i.e. with ./configure   make   make install
on Solaris 2.6.

 Good Luck (and if you happen to hang that way: Merry Christmas!)

Have a great holiday.  Thanks!  :)

Oh, and if you have any other ideas on what to do (anybody reading), please let 
me know.  This is very frustrating.

I'd love to downgrade back to 2.08 without losing my 2.0.13 archive data.  
Anyone know how?   2.08 had worked fine before the 2.13 upgrade.  But, 2.08 
won't let me install it, because a higher version is already on.


 Jon Carnes 
 On Mon, 2002-12-23 at 15:29, Steve Rifkin wrote:
  Hi Jon!
  Well, I did what you said... I used dumpdb to look at the encrypted password 
  a list.  Then I changed the list admin pw for th list (logged in as the site 
  admin), and did a dumpdb again.  I get the same encrypted password for the 
  admin (and therefore, still cannot log in as the admin).
  What else can I try?
   Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members
   From: Jon Carnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Steve Rifkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Cc: Mailman users Mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
   Date: 14 Dec 2002 20:36:07 -0500
   Mime-Version: 1.0
   In this version of Mailman the admin password for the list is encrypted,
   well sort of... If you want to be clever and look at the source you can
   easily figure this part out.
   In any case, I've seen this problem before after an upgrade and it seems
   to be that the encryption has changed.  Normally resetting the password
   via the web-admin works.  I don't know why it's not working in your case
   - unless you upgraded python and didn't re-install Mailman.
   You might want to use dumpdb to look at the encrypted password, then try
   to change it via the web admin and use dumpdb to see if it actually
   Good Luck - Jon Carnes
   On Sat, 2002-12-14 at 14:24, Steve Rifkin wrote:
Now that we can see the plain-text passwords of members using dumpdb on 
config.db file, how can we see the specific list admin password for a 
list?  I could see plaintext passwords for the users, but for what 
the admin, I saw something very different than what the password is set 

A (bogus) example of this:  Here are what looks like the admin lines 
config.db dump:

 'owner': ['[EMAIL PROTECTED]'],
'password': '=\x2b\x4abH\xgg3\x3n\x5e\x4e\xh_\xb6\xb2\x8n\xqp',
'passwords': {[EMAIL PROTECTED]': 'sdjlkl',
 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]': 'nasdat',
 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]': 'kljlkd',
 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]': 'jsdafk',

So, the user passwords are pretty clear, but the owner's password is not 
in plain text as to what the password is.

How do we get that password?  If I had that info, I could check to see 
are able to log into our mm site with the site-wide password or the user 
(subscriber) passwords, but *not* the list admin's password.  (for mm 



 Date: 13 Dec 2002 16:58:52 -0500
 From: Jon Carnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Mailman users Mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The archives have a script for this (for versions 2.0.x), and you can
 easily modify the script found here to do it (you will have to be 
 On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 12:25, Gary Smith wrote:
 How do I find out the passwords of subscribers with out clicking on 
 'send me my password button'?
 Gary Smith

Steve Rifkin - JHU CS Dept Sr. Unix Systems Administrator
   Technical Director

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members

2002-12-27 Thread Steve Rifkin
The other interesting thing I found is that once I log into a list as the SITE 
ADMIN, if I go to change the list admin's password, I can put anything into:

Enter new password: 

Then, I can put something different into:

 Confirm new password:

I can then proceed to click Submit Your Changes, and I receive NO error that the 
password I put in and the confirmation of that password are different.  It acts 
like it's trying to submit, but then, just returns me back to the top of the 
list admin page for the list.

I also notice that if I put some bogus password into
the Enter Current Password fied at the bottom, and hit submit, I get:

Error: Incorrect administrator password

displayed at the top of the page.  That tells me that the list thinks it has 
some list admin password set... but, there's no way to figure out what it is?


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members UPDATE

2002-12-27 Thread Steve Rifkin
Going an extra step, I compiled python 2.2.2 and put it in place.

I then rebuilt mailman (based on the new python).  Again, mailman works EXCEPT 
FOR list admin passwords.

I'm running out of options.  I'm now at python 2.2.2 and mailman 2.0.13, and my 
list admins cannot log in, but the site admin and users can.

When the site admin changes the list admin password for a list, should there be 
a confirmation of the change AFTER submit is clicked?

WHOA!  Here is something weird... all my mailman files are owned by user mailman 
and group mailman. 

At the list level, for a test list (mmtest), the dir looks like:

-rw-rw   1 mailman  mailman  3082 Dec 27 11:48 config.db
-rw-rw   1 mailman  mailman  3082 Dec 27 11:47 config.db.last
-rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman   869 Dec 26 16:57 request.db
-rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman   189 Jan 30  2002 handle_opts.html
-rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  1026 Jan 30  2002 headfoot.html
-rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  3136 Jan 30  2002 listinfo.html
-rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  4106 Jan 30  2002 options.html
-rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  1169 Jan 30  2002 roster.html
-rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman   198 Jan 30  2002 subscribe.html
-rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  1706 Jan 30  2002 admindbpreamble.html

 That's ok.  HOWEVER, whenever I log into a list or try to make changes to a 
list as the site admin, the ownership changes for config.db:
 -rw-rw   1 nobody   mailman  3082 Dec 27 11:50 config.db
-rw-rw   1 mailman  mailman  3082 Dec 27 11:48 config.db.last
-rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman   869 Dec 26 16:57 request.db
-rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman   189 Jan 30  2002 handle_opts.html
-rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  1026 Jan 30  2002 headfoot.html
-rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  3136 Jan 30  2002 listinfo.html
-rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  4106 Jan 30  2002 options.html
-rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  1169 Jan 30  2002 roster.html
-rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman   198 Jan 30  2002 subscribe.html
-rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  1706 Jan 30  2002 admindbpreamble.html

And the filesize for config.db does not change.  I suspect that the config.db 
file is not changing at all when I attempt changes logged in as the site admin.

The only change to the file is config.db's ownership keeps changing to nobody!


Maybe the above is a clue to the problem!

Any thoughts?


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members UPDATE

2002-12-27 Thread Steve Rifkin
Oh, I should also add that, as user mailman, when I run:


I get:

No problems found


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members UPDATE

2002-12-27 Thread Jon Carnes
Catching up on a few of your messages...

I'm betting that your Web-server runs as user nobody, so changes via the
web to the list config may end-up as being owned by nobody.

Shouldn't you have the sticky bit set for the group on all those
directories and files (if the check came back okay then it must be
correct - sorry).

What are you using for Password authentication on your system?  Are you
using PAMs?  What does your /etc/nsswitch.conf file look like (are you
using NIS)?

What happens when you run the site password program?

On Fri, 2002-12-27 at 11:57, Steve Rifkin wrote:
 Going an extra step, I compiled python 2.2.2 and put it in place.
 I then rebuilt mailman (based on the new python).  Again, mailman works EXCEPT 
 FOR list admin passwords.
 I'm running out of options.  I'm now at python 2.2.2 and mailman 2.0.13, and my 
 list admins cannot log in, but the site admin and users can.
 When the site admin changes the list admin password for a list, should there be 
 a confirmation of the change AFTER submit is clicked?
 WHOA!  Here is something weird... all my mailman files are owned by user mailman 
 and group mailman. 
 At the list level, for a test list (mmtest), the dir looks like:
 -rw-rw   1 mailman  mailman  3082 Dec 27 11:48 config.db
 -rw-rw   1 mailman  mailman  3082 Dec 27 11:47 config.db.last
 -rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman   869 Dec 26 16:57 request.db
 -rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman   189 Jan 30  2002 handle_opts.html
 -rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  1026 Jan 30  2002 headfoot.html
 -rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  3136 Jan 30  2002 listinfo.html
 -rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  4106 Jan 30  2002 options.html
 -rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  1169 Jan 30  2002 roster.html
 -rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman   198 Jan 30  2002 subscribe.html
 -rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  1706 Jan 30  2002 admindbpreamble.html
  That's ok.  HOWEVER, whenever I log into a list or try to make changes to a 
 list as the site admin, the ownership changes for config.db:
  -rw-rw   1 nobody   mailman  3082 Dec 27 11:50 config.db
 -rw-rw   1 mailman  mailman  3082 Dec 27 11:48 config.db.last
 -rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman   869 Dec 26 16:57 request.db
 -rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman   189 Jan 30  2002 handle_opts.html
 -rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  1026 Jan 30  2002 headfoot.html
 -rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  3136 Jan 30  2002 listinfo.html
 -rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  4106 Jan 30  2002 options.html
 -rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  1169 Jan 30  2002 roster.html
 -rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman   198 Jan 30  2002 subscribe.html
 -rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  1706 Jan 30  2002 admindbpreamble.html
 And the filesize for config.db does not change.  I suspect that the config.db 
 file is not changing at all when I attempt changes logged in as the site admin.
 The only change to the file is config.db's ownership keeps changing to nobody!
 Maybe the above is a clue to the problem!
 Any thoughts?

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members

2002-12-24 Thread Jon Carnes
Well, now you *know* that the password is not being changed!  So
something fundamental is broken within your install.  It's not handling
encryption properly and any calls to cause encryption are failing.

Assuming that this is not a system-wide problem (that would be caused by
a library in your distribution), then I'm guessing that the problem lays
with a library or module of Python.

My suggestion to you is that you re-install Python, then re-install
Mailman.  Both are fairly easy to do.  The order is important - you
definitely want to re-install Mailman after installing Python.

If you install Python from an RPM or package management system, then
load the development packages of Python as well - to make sure you get
all the modules/libraries that Mailman uses.

Good Luck (and if you happen to hang that way: Merry Christmas!)

Jon Carnes 

On Mon, 2002-12-23 at 15:29, Steve Rifkin wrote:
 Hi Jon!
 Well, I did what you said... I used dumpdb to look at the encrypted password for 
 a list.  Then I changed the list admin pw for th list (logged in as the site 
 admin), and did a dumpdb again.  I get the same encrypted password for the list 
 admin (and therefore, still cannot log in as the admin).
 What else can I try?
  Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members
  From: Jon Carnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Steve Rifkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cc: Mailman users Mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
  Date: 14 Dec 2002 20:36:07 -0500
  Mime-Version: 1.0
  In this version of Mailman the admin password for the list is encrypted,
  well sort of... If you want to be clever and look at the source you can
  easily figure this part out.
  In any case, I've seen this problem before after an upgrade and it seems
  to be that the encryption has changed.  Normally resetting the password
  via the web-admin works.  I don't know why it's not working in your case
  - unless you upgraded python and didn't re-install Mailman.
  You might want to use dumpdb to look at the encrypted password, then try
  to change it via the web admin and use dumpdb to see if it actually
  Good Luck - Jon Carnes
  On Sat, 2002-12-14 at 14:24, Steve Rifkin wrote:
   Now that we can see the plain-text passwords of members using dumpdb on the 
   config.db file, how can we see the specific list admin password for a given 
   list?  I could see plaintext passwords for the users, but for what looked 
   the admin, I saw something very different than what the password is set to.
   A (bogus) example of this:  Here are what looks like the admin lines from 
   config.db dump:
'owner': ['[EMAIL PROTECTED]'],
   'password': '=\x2b\x4abH\xgg3\x3n\x5e\x4e\xh_\xb6\xb2\x8n\xqp',
   'passwords': {[EMAIL PROTECTED]': 'sdjlkl',
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]': 'nasdat',
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]': 'kljlkd',
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]': 'jsdafk',
   So, the user passwords are pretty clear, but the owner's password is not 
   in plain text as to what the password is.
   How do we get that password?  If I had that info, I could check to see why 
   are able to log into our mm site with the site-wide password or the user 
   (subscriber) passwords, but *not* the list admin's password.  (for mm 

Date: 13 Dec 2002 16:58:52 -0500
From: Jon Carnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Mailman users Mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The archives have a script for this (for versions 2.0.x), and you can
easily modify the script found here to do it (you will have to be system

On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 12:25, Gary Smith wrote:
How do I find out the passwords of subscribers with out clicking on the
'send me my password button'?
Gary Smith

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members

2002-12-23 Thread Steve Rifkin
Hi Jon!

Well, I did what you said... I used dumpdb to look at the encrypted password for 
a list.  Then I changed the list admin pw for th list (logged in as the site 
admin), and did a dumpdb again.  I get the same encrypted password for the list 
admin (and therefore, still cannot log in as the admin).

What else can I try?



 Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members
 From: Jon Carnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Steve Rifkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Mailman users Mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 Date: 14 Dec 2002 20:36:07 -0500
 Mime-Version: 1.0
 In this version of Mailman the admin password for the list is encrypted,
 well sort of... If you want to be clever and look at the source you can
 easily figure this part out.
 In any case, I've seen this problem before after an upgrade and it seems
 to be that the encryption has changed.  Normally resetting the password
 via the web-admin works.  I don't know why it's not working in your case
 - unless you upgraded python and didn't re-install Mailman.
 You might want to use dumpdb to look at the encrypted password, then try
 to change it via the web admin and use dumpdb to see if it actually
 Good Luck - Jon Carnes
 On Sat, 2002-12-14 at 14:24, Steve Rifkin wrote:
  Now that we can see the plain-text passwords of members using dumpdb on the 
  config.db file, how can we see the specific list admin password for a given 
  list?  I could see plaintext passwords for the users, but for what looked 
  the admin, I saw something very different than what the password is set to.
  A (bogus) example of this:  Here are what looks like the admin lines from 
  config.db dump:
   'owner': ['[EMAIL PROTECTED]'],
  'password': '=\x2b\x4abH\xgg3\x3n\x5e\x4e\xh_\xb6\xb2\x8n\xqp',
  'passwords': {[EMAIL PROTECTED]': 'sdjlkl',
   '[EMAIL PROTECTED]': 'nasdat',
   '[EMAIL PROTECTED]': 'kljlkd',
   '[EMAIL PROTECTED]': 'jsdafk',
  So, the user passwords are pretty clear, but the owner's password is not 
  in plain text as to what the password is.
  How do we get that password?  If I had that info, I could check to see why 
  are able to log into our mm site with the site-wide password or the user 
  (subscriber) passwords, but *not* the list admin's password.  (for mm 
   Date: 13 Dec 2002 16:58:52 -0500
   From: Jon Carnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Gary Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Cc: Mailman users Mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The archives have a script for this (for versions 2.0.x), and you can
   easily modify the script found here to do it (you will have to be system
   On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 12:25, Gary Smith wrote:

   How do I find out the passwords of subscribers with out clicking on the
   'send me my password button'?


   Gary Smith

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members

2002-12-14 Thread Steve Rifkin
Now that we can see the plain-text passwords of members using dumpdb on the 
config.db file, how can we see the specific list admin password for a given 
list?  I could see plaintext passwords for the users, but for what looked like 
the admin, I saw something very different than what the password is set to.

A (bogus) example of this:  Here are what looks like the admin lines from the 
config.db dump:

 'owner': ['[EMAIL PROTECTED]'],
'password': '=\x2b\x4abH\xgg3\x3n\x5e\x4e\xh_\xb6\xb2\x8n\xqp',
'passwords': {[EMAIL PROTECTED]': 'sdjlkl',
 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]': 'nasdat',
 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]': 'kljlkd',
 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]': 'jsdafk',

So, the user passwords are pretty clear, but the owner's password is not listed 
in plain text as to what the password is.

How do we get that password?  If I had that info, I could check to see why we 
are able to log into our mm site with the site-wide password or the user 
(subscriber) passwords, but *not* the list admin's password.  (for mm 2.0.13)



 Date: 13 Dec 2002 16:58:52 -0500
 From: Jon Carnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Mailman users Mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The archives have a script for this (for versions 2.0.x), and you can
 easily modify the script found here to do it (you will have to be system
 On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 12:25, Gary Smith wrote:
 How do I find out the passwords of subscribers with out clicking on the
 'send me my password button'?
 Gary Smith

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members

2002-12-14 Thread Jon Carnes
In this version of Mailman the admin password for the list is encrypted,
well sort of... If you want to be clever and look at the source you can
easily figure this part out.

In any case, I've seen this problem before after an upgrade and it seems
to be that the encryption has changed.  Normally resetting the password
via the web-admin works.  I don't know why it's not working in your case
- unless you upgraded python and didn't re-install Mailman.

You might want to use dumpdb to look at the encrypted password, then try
to change it via the web admin and use dumpdb to see if it actually

Good Luck - Jon Carnes

On Sat, 2002-12-14 at 14:24, Steve Rifkin wrote:
 Now that we can see the plain-text passwords of members using dumpdb on the 
 config.db file, how can we see the specific list admin password for a given 
 list?  I could see plaintext passwords for the users, but for what looked like 
 the admin, I saw something very different than what the password is set to.
 A (bogus) example of this:  Here are what looks like the admin lines from the 
 config.db dump:
  'owner': ['[EMAIL PROTECTED]'],
 'password': '=\x2b\x4abH\xgg3\x3n\x5e\x4e\xh_\xb6\xb2\x8n\xqp',
 'passwords': {[EMAIL PROTECTED]': 'sdjlkl',
  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]': 'nasdat',
  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]': 'kljlkd',
  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]': 'jsdafk',
 So, the user passwords are pretty clear, but the owner's password is not listed 
 in plain text as to what the password is.
 How do we get that password?  If I had that info, I could check to see why we 
 are able to log into our mm site with the site-wide password or the user 
 (subscriber) passwords, but *not* the list admin's password.  (for mm 2.0.13)
  Date: 13 Dec 2002 16:58:52 -0500
  From: Jon Carnes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Gary Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cc: Mailman users Mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The archives have a script for this (for versions 2.0.x), and you can
  easily modify the script found here to do it (you will have to be system
  On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 12:25, Gary Smith wrote:
  How do I find out the passwords of subscribers with out clicking on the
  'send me my password button'?
  Gary Smith
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[Mailman-Users] Passwords of members

2002-12-13 Thread Gary Smith

How do I find out the passwords of subscribers with out clicking on the 'send me my password button'?


Gary SmithMSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service:  2 months FREE*

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members

2002-12-13 Thread Jon Carnes
The archives have a script for this (for versions 2.0.x), and you can
easily modify the script found here to do it (you will have to be system

On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 12:25, Gary Smith wrote:
How do I find out the passwords of subscribers with out clicking on the
'send me my password button'?
Gary Smith

MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service:  2 months FREE*

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[Mailman-Users] Passwords

2001-10-24 Thread rsavage

I am new to this list, and somewhat new to mailman.  I fellow employee at
my company who did our MailMan administration has left, and not filtered
down enough information for me.  I need to know how to change the ``site''
password from what it is now, to something diffrent.


-Rory Savage

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords

2001-10-24 Thread rsavage

Thanks, I was able to get this working.

On Wed, 24 Oct 2001, Ignacio Labrador Pavon wrote:

 You can change your site password using:

 /bin/mmsitepass your-site-password


  I am new to this list, and somewhat new to mailman.  I fellow employee at
  my company who did our MailMan administration has left, and not filtered
  down enough information for me.  I need to know how to change the ``site''
  password from what it is now, to something diffrent.
  -Rory Savage
  Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Rory Savage, Senior Systems Administrator
Nando Media:
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Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]