Hi Vadim

Thanks for the information. (Yes, the site was down today for several

I did see your message to the mailing list, and tried to update the cvs
tree right away, however the operation failed.  Hopefully it will
succeed later.

Thanks again

On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 12:33:59PM -0700, vadim getmanshchuk wrote:
> Hi,
> Althought, the problem is regarding a page that generating on Russian - you can see 
> it youself, that bottom part is not translated.
> My users found a problem - they could not get to options page if they view listinfo 
> page on Russian. I investigated that russian template starts wrong form. I have 
> Mailman 2.1.1. I've fixed it as follows: 
> murzik:pts/5{vaget}mailman/templates/ru>diff listinfo.orig listinfo.html
> 120c120
> <         <MM-Subscribe-Form-Start>
> ---
> >         <MM-Options-Form-Start>
> Please, include it in your later edition.
> Thanks,
> Vadim
> ps. I was trying to contact russian editor, but looks like his web site 
> http://only.mawhrin.net/mailman/listinfo/mailman-ru is down. I cc him just in case.

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