Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: Removing those extra List-* headers

2002-04-19 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

> "TN" == Tom Neff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

TN> Look, I completely agree with you about this major gotcha with
TN> Mailman, that its otherwise terrifically brilliant coders
TN> happen to have some ideological hobbyhorses they ride - there
TN> is no use arguing with them about it.

I wouldn't say that.  Read my other response to this thread.


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[Mailman-Users] Re: Removing those extra List-* headers

2002-04-09 Thread tneff

Sorry, I missed this when it first appeared.

John W Baxter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One can patch the installation, if one manages the Mailman installation
> and has or develops the skills.
> One can't, if one uses the Mailman installation managed as a service by
> someone else.  Suitable bribes to that person might help, though.  I think
> I remember the OP saying that he was in the using-a-service camp.

Right, if the ISP is offering Mailman as a 'canned' service *AND* you're 
not allowed to install your own copy and use that instead, then you can't 
install any patches.  The good news is that even if the Mailman authors 
were to decide to make the List-* headers a per-list option in 2.1 (which 
they won't), you'd probably have no luck convincing the ISP to upgrade 

Sometimes an ISP will offer Mailman as an installable software option via 
checkbox on your web-based server configurator etc... but actually you 
could install your own copy if you wanted to.  In that case, install it 
yourself and patch away.

Personally, I wouldn't run Mailman somewhere I hadn't installed it.

Still on my todo list is a per-list config patch for the headers.

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: Removing those extra List-* headers

2002-04-09 Thread John W Baxter

At 20:51 -0700 4/8/2002, Chuq Von Rospach wrote:
>On 4/8/02 6:19 PM, "John W Baxter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> One can't, if one uses the Mailman installation managed as a service by
>> someone else.  Suitable bribes to that person might help, though.  I think
>> I remember the OP saying that he was in the using-a-service camp.
>Of course, maybe, just maybe, the people who spend their time designing,
>building, maintaining and operating mailman and mailman-using systems know
>something about this topic that people like OP don't.

Indeed.  But I didn't say anything about removing the headers being a good
thing, nor advise how to do it.

>Nah. He's right. Let's nuke the headers.

Actually, I want to keep the headers (and I elected to read a virtual
sarcasm smiley above).  But now and then I do read a list with a Windows
Eudora which is not set to suppress them, and I see the counter argument.
(I suppress them in the Mac Eudora I usually use.)

But I think that advice to comment out a line of code should be qualified
by "if you have access to the Mailman installation and want to [do xx] ..."
or something like that.  Whether xx is nuking the List-* headers or
anything else that requires a code change.  Because of the archives, I
think that's true even if it is known that the immediate recipient of the
advice indeed has the needed access to make the change (alternate form:
Because you have access to the Mailman installation, you can [xx]).


John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: Removing those extra List-* headers

2002-04-08 Thread Chuq Von Rospach

On 4/8/02 6:19 PM, "John W Baxter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One can't, if one uses the Mailman installation managed as a service by
> someone else.  Suitable bribes to that person might help, though.  I think
> I remember the OP saying that he was in the using-a-service camp.

Of course, maybe, just maybe, the people who spend their time designing,
building, maintaining and operating mailman and mailman-using systems know
something about this topic that people like OP don't.

Nah. He's right. Let's nuke the headers.

Chuq Von Rospach, Architech

Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties
are largely ceremonial.

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:

[Mailman-Users] Re: Removing those extra List-* headers

2002-04-08 Thread John W Baxter

At 18:12 -0400 4/8/2002, Tom Neff wrote:
>The good news is it's open source, so you can patch your installation as
>needed.  I was concerned to read you were unable to patch out the List-*:
>behavior.  What happened when you tried?

One can patch the installation, if one manages the Mailman installation and
has or develops the skills.

One can't, if one uses the Mailman installation managed as a service by
someone else.  Suitable bribes to that person might help, though.  I think
I remember the OP saying that he was in the using-a-service camp.

John Baxter   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Port Ludlow, WA, USA

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:

[Mailman-Users] Re: Removing those extra List-* headers

2002-04-08 Thread Tom Neff

David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually itis the only product that my host offers for mailing lists.
> It is a damn good program in all respects other than the programmers
> decision to force this on us and wrongfully cite it as following the
> standards.  The standards make it optional not forced.  Hell I like
> Mailman but just wisk they would change that and stop telling us things
> that are not true when we ask how to make it work the way we want.

Look, I completely agree with you about this major gotcha with Mailman, 
that its otherwise terrifically brilliant coders happen to have some 
ideological hobbyhorses they ride - there is no use arguing with them about 

The good news is it's open source, so you can patch your installation as 
needed.  I was concerned to read you were unable to patch out the List-*: 
behavior.  What happened when you tried?

Here's a one-byte patch that does it.  Assuming you're running Mailman 
2.0.8/9, just edit the file


and look down at the bottom, where you see an area of code that looks like 

# First we delete any pre-existing headers because the RFC permist only
# one copy of each, and we want to be sure it's ours.
for h, v in headers.items():
del msg[h]
# Wrap these lines if they are too long.  78 character width 
# shouldn't be hardcoded.  The adding of 2 is for the colon-space
# separator.
if len(h) + 2 + len(v) > 78:
v = string.join(string.split(v, ', '), ',\n\t')
msg[h] = v

Just change that very last line quoted above to say

#msg[h] = v

in other words, comment the line out.  Save that file, rerun Mailman and 
you should be all set.

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