Re: [Mailman-Users] Word Wrap

2009-08-21 Thread Rob MacGregor
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 18:39, Adrean Clark wrote:
> Word wrap was forced.  The text I pasted was not supposed to have line
> breaks, it was supposed to fit the width of the mail program.  Plain text
> usually runs the width of the screen it's on  -- that's what I want, not
> forced line ends.  Hope I'm making sense.

For some definition of usually - yes ;)  Traditionally plain text
wraps at under 80 characters (72-78 being a fairly common maximum) and
many mail clients will support that behaviour.  What you describe is a
relatively recent change in the way plain text emails are displayed.

> I checked the archives and the line breaks were there.
> So it must be my mail program that's causing the problem?  I tried sending
> the same message from Google mail and my SquirrelMail program -- both had
> the hard wrap.

Are you doing a copy-and-paste?  That'll preserve existing line wraps
and you'll get the behaviour you describe.  If you want it to flow
then you have to ensure that you enter it with line breaks only where
you want them.

Note that even if you do that, the final handling is up to the mail
client.  Some will hard wrap the lines anyway and some will flow
hard-wrapped lines.

 Please keep list traffic on the list.

Rob MacGregor
  Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he
doesn't become a monster.  Friedrich Nietzsche
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Word Wrap

2009-08-19 Thread Mark Sapiro
Adrean Clark wrote:
>So it must be my mail program that's causing the problem?  I tried sending
>the same message from Google mail and my SquirrelMail program -- both had
>the hard wrap.

Both Google Mail and Squirrel Mail wrap messages. Look at the message
in your sent mail or sent folder. You'll see it wrapped there.

Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Word Wrap

2009-08-19 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Adrean Clark writes:
 > Word wrap was forced.  The text I pasted was not supposed to have line
 > breaks, it was supposed to fit the width of the mail program.  Plain text
 > usually runs the width of the screen it's on  -- that's what I want, not
 > forced line ends.  Hope I'm making sense.

Are you sending *only* plain text?  I seem to recall an issue where
text could get reformatted in cases where a message had both plain and
HTML parts, and the HTML part was stripped/converted to plain text.
That was due to the external application used to convert.

Still, as Mark says AFAIK there's no code in Mailman to insert line
breaks.  It may be some other software, even a virus scanner or the
like (should not happen, but stuff like that does, sometimes), in the
mail pipeline.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Word Wrap

2009-08-18 Thread Rob MacGregor
On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 18:25, Adrean Clark wrote:
> I'm still having trouble with word wrap.  I send out messages in plain
> text, and I don't have the message editor enabled.  I've pasted a sample
> message below.  Also notice in the first sentence of the article a > sign
> was added.  It's not in the original -- where did that come from?  Thanks
> for all your help.
> >From Little Girls Point, we headed west on U.S. Highway 2 and entered

That's an artifact of the mail system in use.  In the very old days
that was used to avoid mail systems thinking it was another From:
header.  Some unix mail systems still escape it this way, I'm guessing
yours is one.  I'm sure you'll find it documented in one of the many
RFCs, somewhere.

As for wrapping, as you copy-and-pasted it there's no way for anybody
to say anything meaningful ;)  If you were to attach a sent message
then people may be able to say more.

 Please keep list traffic on the list.

Rob MacGregor
  Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he
doesn't become a monster.  Friedrich Nietzsche
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Word Wrap

2009-08-18 Thread Adrean Clark

Word wrap was forced.  The text I pasted was not supposed to have line
breaks, it was supposed to fit the width of the mail program.  Plain text
usually runs the width of the screen it's on  -- that's what I want, not
forced line ends.  Hope I'm making sense.

I checked the archives and the line breaks were there.

So it must be my mail program that's causing the problem?  I tried sending
the same message from Google mail and my SquirrelMail program -- both had
the hard wrap.


Clerc Scar
Email Publication of the Signing Community
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Word Wrap

2009-08-18 Thread Barry Finkel
On 8/17/2009, Adrean Clark ( wrote:
> Also notice in the first sentence of the article a > sign was added.
> It's not in the original -- where did that come from? Thanks for all
> your help.
> ...
> >From Little Girls Point, we headed ...

This is standard MBOX formatting rules.  The beginning of each mail
message in an mbox-formatted file has this

 From Mon Jul 27 20:15:30 2009

The first five characters in this line are

 "From "

This separates this message from the one above it.  I do not
remember if there needs to be a null or blank line before this
separator line.  Because of this, any line in the body of the mail
that begins with "From " (note the upper-case "F") must be changed
so that the line does not get treated as an mbox-separator line.
The convention is to prefix the line with ">", as you saw.  A
blank character would have also worked.

Note that persons frequently post problems with creating/re-building
a Mailman list archive.  These problems sometimes are caused by
"From " lines that are not separators but which have not been modified
per the mbox "standard".

Also note that this is not a "word wrap" problem, as implied in the
"Subject" line.
Barry S. Finkel
Computing and Information Systems Division
Argonne National Laboratory  Phone:+1 (630) 252-7277
9700 South Cass Avenue   Facsimile:+1 (630) 252-4601
Building 222, Room D209  Internet:
Argonne, IL   60439-4828 IBMMAIL:  I1004994

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Word Wrap

2009-08-18 Thread Mark Sapiro
Adrean Clark wrote:

>I'm still having trouble with word wrap.  I send out messages in plain
>text, and I don't have the message editor enabled.  I've pasted a sample
>message below.  Also notice in the first sentence of the article a > sign
>was added.  It's not in the original -- where did that come from?  Thanks
>for all your help.
>Melanie Bond
>Words: 2,441
>Chapter 18
>Amnicon Falls State Park
>>From Little Girls Point, we headed west on U.S. Highway 2 and entered
>northern Wisconsin. After two hours of driving, we passed a road sign

Taking your second question first, lines that begin with "From " are
special message separators in many kinds of mailbox files. Thus, when
the body of a mail message contains a line that begins with "From "
various mail handling software will munge that line, most often by
placing '>' in front of it, but sometimes in quoted-printable encoded
parts, by encoding the F as =46.

In your case, this escaping of the From to >From probably was done by
your mail client or by a transfer agent before it got to Mailman, but
if is reached Mailman unescaped, Mailman would have escaped it upon
sending the message.

As far as the word wrap issue is concerned, I don't understand the
problem. If you are saying that the two lines I quote above together
with the rest of that paragraph were typed by you as one long line
without any "hard returns" and came back to you as you posted - i.e.
wrapped to about a 75 character width - all I can tell you is Mailman
didn't do that wrapping. Either the text was wrapped, probably by your
mail client, befor it got to Mailman, or it was wrapped after it left
Mailman. You should be able to see which by looking at the message in
Mailman's archive.

Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Word Wrap

2009-08-18 Thread tanstaafl
On 8/17/2009, Adrean Clark ( wrote:
> Also notice in the first sentence of the article a > sign was added.
> It's not in the original -- where did that come from? Thanks for all
> your help.

Aside from the spurious '>' character (what client di you use to
compose/send it?), whats the problem? The rest looked fine to me...


Best regards,

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Word Wrap

2009-08-18 Thread Adrean Clark
I'm still having trouble with word wrap.  I send out messages in plain
text, and I don't have the message editor enabled.  I've pasted a sample
message below.  Also notice in the first sentence of the article a > sign
was added.  It's not in the original -- where did that come from?  Thanks
for all your help.


From:"Clerc Scar" 

17 August 2009

Need to smile or laugh?
Check out deaf cartoons at !
Need something to thank interpreters?
Order greeting cards at !
Need a logo, illustration or graphic work for your business?
Check out artwork at !

All done by a deaf artist/cartoonist--Matt Daigle

Melanie Bond
Words: 2,441

Chapter 18
Amnicon Falls State Park

>From Little Girls Point, we headed west on U.S. Highway 2 and entered
northern Wisconsin. After two hours of driving, we passed a road sign
pointing toward Amnicon Falls State Park. On the spur of the moment, we
decided to stop and stretch our legs a bit. What a surprise it turned out
to be when we spotted not just one big waterfall but also many smaller
cascading falls! We all hurried down the steep rocky steps to stand close
to the Upper Falls and felt its misty spray and thunderous roar. It was
fascinating to watch the Amnicon River tumble downstream over many flat
layers of rock. With the sun hanging low in the sky, piercing flashes of
sunlight danced across the rippling waters like diamonds. The Amnicon
River descends 640 feet from its headwaters to Great Lake Superior. In the
past, as these rushing waters tumbled over rocky ledges, they broke off
more than 190 feet of rock exposing the Douglas Fault which is considered
to be a geologic wonder.

It had been the Ojibway Indians who had named the Amnicon River. It means
"where the fish spawn." The tannic acid-colored waters support the only
native muskie population in this region, as well as several species of
trout, salmon, walleye, and migrating steelhead.

Soon Dano pointed his finger downstream and cried out, "Mom, look the
other way! Can you see that bridge? I want to go on it! Can we?"

I turned to look and sure enough, it was there. But it wasn't just "a
bridge"--it was a 55-foot wood-covered foot bridge that spanned the Lower
Falls. What a quaint picture it was! We hurried over to the bridge and
crossed it, not realizing that we were crossing over to a little island.
This island was completely surrounded by cascading waterfalls. It was
amazing! Here, there were beautiful contrasting white birch trees and
aromatic evergreen trees. A nature trail circled around the perimeter of
this island. The three of us had fun hiking through the woods close to the
rocky cliff edges of this island.

When Dano started running up some rocks precariously close to the drop-off
ledges, Harvey shouted, "Dano, stop! You're too close to the edge! If you
had taken a fall into the rapids below, that'd be the end of you! Stay
close to us so that we can keep an eye on you!"

We all had to be careful when we rounded the steepest part of the island.
Here the trail was treacherously close to the edges. Feeling a little
winded, I spotted a nice sun-baked flat rock and suggested, "How about we
take a break and sit down for a few minutes so that I can catch my breath
and admire the views around here?"

We all plopped down on sun-warmed rocks, watched the cascading waters and
listened to its thundering rock music which seemed to soothe our souls.
Soon it was time to get moving again. We crossed back over the covered
bridge but took time to stop on the bridge and admire the views from both
sides. Looking upstream at the rocks above the Upper Falls, there was
black basalt rock over a billion years old. Looking downstream were red
sandstone believed to be 3,000 feet deep. Dano enjoyed the contrasting
color lines of black basalt rock and red sandstone and was able to collect
a tiny rock sample of each to take home with him.

Dano observed, "Mom, this is just like the black and pink sands that
wouldn't mix at Indian Lake!"

"That's right!" I exclaimed. "Isn't that interesting! What do you suppose
is the difference between these rocks and the sand at Indian Lake?"

He responded in his didactic manner, "Erosion."

That's my boy! As twilight began to fall, Harvey and I debated whether to
camp overnight in this state park. Both Dano and I were in favor of
staying here. But Harvey thought otherwise.

He stated, "I think it's best to continue driving to make up for lost time."

"What lost time?" I inquired. "Who's keeping track of time here? It's not
like we have to keep a schedule! Besides, we've had a full day already and
we're tired. So, why can't we just stay here?"

Harvey repeated himself, "I'm sorry, Mel, but I feel that we need to put
some miles on the road."

"But, Harvey!" I retorted. "I don't like driving at night! I can't see
anything! Besides, you have a hard time stay

Re: [Mailman-Users] Word Wrap

2009-07-19 Thread Terri Oda

Adrean Clark wrote:

Mailman seems to be wrapping my email text automatically-- I have sent
email messages unwrapped from both Gmail and SquirrelMail and I still get
my emails back through the list with word wrap.  The line width is the
same as when seen in the post authorization window (moderation is set to
on).  This is frustrating because it breaks long URLs and has ugly line
breaks when other people read our messages in other email programs such as
pagers, etc.

Are the messages being sent in HTML?  I never seem to have this trouble 
with plain-text emails, but the HTML conversion on my lists will 
sometimes result in weird formatting on messages sent originally in HTML.

The best way to fix it is to not send HTML messages, but it may be 
easier to disable Mailman's HTML-to-plaintext translation depending on 
your users.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Word Wrap

2009-07-17 Thread Mark Sapiro
Adrean Clark wrote:

>Mailman seems to be wrapping my email text automatically-- I have sent
>email messages unwrapped from both Gmail and SquirrelMail and I still get
>my emails back through the list with word wrap.  The line width is the
>same as when seen in the post authorization window (moderation is set to
>on).  This is frustrating because it breaks long URLs and has ugly line
>breaks when other people read our messages in other email programs such as
>pagers, etc.

Mailman doesn't normally do this. Is your mailman modified to allow
editing of messages waiting approval in the admindb interface?

What happens if you approve the message from the admindb summary page
rather than the individual message page?

Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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[Mailman-Users] Word Wrap

2009-07-17 Thread Adrean Clark
Mailman seems to be wrapping my email text automatically-- I have sent
email messages unwrapped from both Gmail and SquirrelMail and I still get
my emails back through the list with word wrap.  The line width is the
same as when seen in the post authorization window (moderation is set to
on).  This is frustrating because it breaks long URLs and has ugly line
breaks when other people read our messages in other email programs such as
pagers, etc.

My Mailman version is 2.1.12

I've tried searching archives but not seen any messages that specifically
list directions on how to fix it through the control panel.

Help much appreciated. :)


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Word wrap in archives

2003-02-20 Thread Tokio Kikuchi
(BThere are constants in Mailman/Archiver/
(Bclass HyperArchive(pipermail.T):
(BSHOWHTML = 0  # Eg, nuke leading whitespace in html manner.
(BSHOWBR = 0# Add  onto every line
(BIf you chenge both to 1, then you will get long lines wrapped at
(Bthe end of the browser width.
(BSage wrote:
(B> My apologies if this has been brought up before, but I do not see any
(B> answers in the recent archives.
(B> The archive pages for my mailman lists do not automatically wrap the
(B> text of each message. Since these pages use the  tag to display the
(B> message, each message consists of several very long lines that extend to
(B> the right, forcing readers to scroll to the right in order to read the
(B> message. This is a very big problem since many of my users cannot be
(B> trusted to use a mail client that wraps the message for them. Can
(B> mailman not be configured to automatically wrap all incoming messages at
(B> around 75 characters by itself?
(B> Does anyone have a possible solution to this?
(BMailman-Users mailing list
(BMailman FAQ:
(BSearchable Archives:
(BThis message was sent to:
(BUnsubscribe or change your options at

Re: [Mailman-Users] Word wrap in archives

2003-02-19 Thread alex wetmore
On 19 Feb 2003, Sage wrote:
> My apologies if this has been brought up before, but I do not see any
> answers in the recent archives.
> The archive pages for my mailman lists do not automatically wrap the
> text of each message. Since these pages use the  tag to display the
> message, each message consists of several very long lines that extend to
> the right, forcing readers to scroll to the right in order to read the
> message. This is a very big problem since many of my users cannot be
> trusted to use a mail client that wraps the message for them. Can
> mailman not be configured to automatically wrap all incoming messages at
> around 75 characters by itself?
> Does anyone have a possible solution to this?

You can use an external archiver that wraps.  I'm not sure if
MHonArc (the most popular external archiver) will wrap or not.
I'm using a homebrewed solution ( that

There is also some commented out code in stripmime
( that wraps lines down
to 75 columns.  I don't remember what problems there might be
in there though, so if you want to use it make sure you test it
yourself.  The code is at lines 322 to 339.


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[Mailman-Users] Word wrap in archives

2003-02-19 Thread Sage
My apologies if this has been brought up before, but I do not see any
answers in the recent archives.

The archive pages for my mailman lists do not automatically wrap the
text of each message. Since these pages use the  tag to display the
message, each message consists of several very long lines that extend to
the right, forcing readers to scroll to the right in order to read the
message. This is a very big problem since many of my users cannot be
trusted to use a mail client that wraps the message for them. Can
mailman not be configured to automatically wrap all incoming messages at
around 75 characters by itself?

Does anyone have a possible solution to this?

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[Mailman-Users] word wrap rap?

2002-09-11 Thread Sarah Boone


On the Archives page:
When a plain text/text only email posted to a Mailman list originates 
from Eudora, the body of the text word wraps; when a plain-text email 
originates from Microsoft Outlook 2000, a line of text continues ad 
infinitum.  How can this be changed so that the text wraps in Mailman?

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