Re: [MlMt] Future plans?

2013-05-30 Thread Eric A. Meyer

At 17:45 +0200 5/27/13, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

Some users claim to use MailMate with 500K messages, but I think
that requires pretty powerful hardware. I think 50-100K messages
should work pretty well.

   As a point of data, I have a GMail account with 61K messages and a 
private-server account with 49K, and performance is quite acceptable. 
Though startup is slow, I think a lot of that is GMail's fault.  Once 
I'm past startup, everything is snappy enough, including deep archive 
searches and display of messages in very long threads (I never turn 
off thread arcs).  I run a 2011 MBP with 8GB RAM and a 2.4GHz Core 

In my mind, the major missing features in MailMate are:

Rules (which can be added to any mailbox with actions like move
message, tag, run script, etc.)
Commands (essentially scripts executed at certain events including
keyboard shortcuts)

   I'm a little confused as to the difference.  How are Rules and 
Commands distinct from each other?  If I wanted, say, to 
automatically filter all incoming mail from the Mailmate Users list 
to a dedicated subfolder, would I use a Rule or a Command?

Eric A. Meyer (
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] [MIMt] Future plans?

2013-05-30 Thread Christopher LILJENSTOLPE


On 23 May 2013, at 14:29, CSS wrote:


The announcement of the new beta today reminded me of why I joined the 

I went through the trial period, and I was very happy with MailMate in 
general.  The interface and features are pretty much exactly what I 
was looking for in my quest for the perfect OS-X mail client 
(currently back on, previously tried Postbox and 

That said, I do currently deal with three rather large mail accounts, 
plus some additional accounts used for archives.  I think I basically 
want to maintain immediate access to more mail than MailMate is 
designed for due to the flat message store.  On my older MBP it's 
most obvious - everything has a bit of a lag, particular paging 
through or deleting messages; it's just enough lag to make me second 
guess whether I deleted the right thing. :)

I understand that as it stands, MailMate is not made for my usage 
scenario (giant mailboxes, and less-than-modern hardware), but is 
there anything to look forward to in the next year or two that might 
be of interest to someone like me who's eager to ditch  I 
recall reading something in the archives that there may be a time in 
the future when MM gets a major rewrite to make handling 50K+ messages 
practical.  Are we anywhere near that time?

Regardless, I think MM is a fantastic mail client and I'll recommend 
it to anyone who will listen.  As more people move to webmail and 
social media for messaging, it seems like the market for power user 
MUAs is decreasing.  I was truly disappointed that my use case didn't 
fit MM, as I was very eager to make it my primary mail client - 
everything else about it is just about perfect.

I'm running about 200K messages - no appreciable delay (unless I have to 
do an index rebuild or re-init my local store).




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Re: [MlMt] Future plans?

2013-05-30 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 30 May 2013, at 18:04, Eric A. Meyer wrote:

In my mind, the major missing features in MailMate are:

Rules (which can be added to any mailbox with actions like move
message, tag, run script, etc.)
Commands (essentially scripts executed at certain events including
keyboard shortcuts)

I'm a little confused as to the difference.  How are Rules and 
Commands distinct from each other?  If I wanted, say, to automatically 
filter all incoming mail from the Mailmate Users list to a

dedicated subfolder, would I use a
Rule or a Command?

Great question. Technically, there is no difference with respect to how 
MailMate handles it internally. A rule is a specialized command with a 
GUI. A rule is an event (the arrival of a message in a mailbox), one or 
more conditions, and one or more actions (for example, moving a 
message). Commands are a bit more general with (potentially) more types 
of events, in particular, it could be keyboard shortcuts. Input and 
output can vary depending on the type of event and a command can run any 
kind of script to do the actual work. This is intentionally vague. Don't 
want to promise too much :-)

The implementation of rules is going to be based on the existing 
implementation of commands, but I'm only going to expose rules to the 
user at first since this is a good way to test and evaluate the 
implementation of commands. As usual, no promises, I'm not even sure 
I'll keep on calling it commands :-)

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] New MailMate User here, and have some questions...

2013-05-30 Thread Peter Losher

Hi all,

New MailMate user, bought the license, drank most of the kool-aid. ;)  
Being a former Pine, Thunderbird, user, there are many parts of 
MailMate that I really do like (native OpenPGP support, display font 
customization, keyboard shortcuts).  But there have been some drawbacks 
- if they have already been addressed in the list archives, then point 
me there and I'll read up. (too bad mailman doesn't have integrated 
search capabilities)

My setup is to two IMAP servers, one for work (Zimbra 8.x), one for 
personal (Dovecot 1.x) where sent mail is relayed separately (work via 
Zimbra, personal via my personal server).  Note that I already know of 
the one Zimbra related issue i/r/t folders that is already in the bugs 
queue (and it's more annoying than anything).

But a couple of annoyances….

Per account preferences - since I have to keep work mail separate from 
my personal mail, having the ability to set per-account preferences like 
autoBCC.  I know in the hidden preferences pane you can set it to 
auto-BCC but it's one address overall (I hope I am mistaken)  I have 
been resorting to trying to put it in manually with every message which 
is spotty at best.

Use the same font (and size) for printing as display - I am a curmudgeon 
- I like all my plain text email to use a monospace font (in this case 
Courier Prime 12pt).  However when I print out a email, it's using Lucid 
Grande (the old default) and the font size is like 16pt. :(  Any way to 
change that?  If it's HTML mail then use whatever fonts it wants, but 
for text emails it should honor the font settings for display which has 
been my experience with most other MUA's.

Threading - $work uses RequestTracker to handle trouble tickets, and RT 
does keep the Reference: header populated, but every message that I get 
from that system comes across as a new thread in MailMate (even though 
the Subject and Reference headers indicate that it's part of a larger 
thread.)  Happy to pass along examples if need be (and I can get them 

Interested to hear any workarounds for any of these issues. ;)

Best Wishes - Peter
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