[MlMt] Strange newline behavior sometimes near paragraph breaks?

2016-04-25 Thread Seebs
Sometimes mailmate gets into a state wherein I have a paragraph, and a 
blank line, and more text. And then something happens such that, if I 
enter text at the beginning of the line after that, mailmate inserts 
another blank line.

And I am not sure what causes this, and I can't produce it on purpose, 
but once it's started it consistently happens. If I just delete the text 
and blank line, and then start a new paragraph, it happens again. If I 
start a paragraph, then leave it and go back and delete the extra blank 
line, things recover, apparently?

Seems to happen more often when there is much cutting and pasting and 
such going on.

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Re: [MlMt] Disable Saving of Sent Mail

2016-04-25 Thread Josh Fishburn

On 24 Apr 2016, at 5:25, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 23 Apr 2016, at 21:48, Josh Fishburn wrote:

I use FastMail, which I have set to do its own saving of sent mail. 
Is there a way to turn this behavior off in MailMate for my "Sent 
Items" folder so that I don't get duplicates of every sent message in 


I'd rather let FastMail's servers handle this.

It's a tricky problem, because this would mean that MailMate should 
permanently delete its copy of the message just after sending it. 
Performance-wise it doesn't make much of a difference. Either the 
message is downloaded from “Sent Messages” or it's uploaded to 
“Sent Messages”. The only way to avoid this is for MailMate to 
automatically detect the sent message duplicate and keep its own local 
copy and “just” map it to the online copy. It might not be that 
trivial though, e.g., Gmail adds headers to the sent mail which means 
that they are no longer strictly identical.

It looks like FastMail does the same - when I compare the duplicate 
messages, one has detailed headers, the other includes only the original 
message. The deduplication seems to "just work" in Apple Mail (perhaps 
it's doing something like what you describe above). Thanks for the 
detailed explanation of the issue - I had assumed it was less 
complicated than that.

As a workaround you can setup deletion of sent messages yourself. Add 
a rule to the “Sent Messages” mailbox which deletes any message 
which has a “Relayed” header (Relayed exists). This is a virtual 
header which only exists in MailMate and not in the FastMail copy.

Thanks, Ill give that a try.

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