Re: [MlMt] More questions

2016-12-22 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 19 Dec 2016, at 16:11, Robert M. Münch wrote:

1. It looks like the sorting order is not retained. I use "newest on 
top" but MM switches back to "newest at bottom" if I open a different 
smartbox. I think I have changed the sorting order there too. Is there 
a way to change the default sorting order?

Setup your preferred settings, e.g., in the Inbox and then use “View 
▸ Headers ▸ Use as Default Columns”. You might want to reset 
everything first using this Terminal command:

defaults delete com.freron.MailMate MmMailboxRelatedStates

As I've noted before on the list I really need to redesign how mailbox 
states are saved, but this is still work in progress.

2. The selected columns to show are not retained as well. I selected 
the ones I want to show, defined these as standard and applied it to 
some smartboxes. But after returning only the "older" default ones are 
shown. In the right click menu for columns, the "revert to default" is 

When that is disabled then it should be because the current set of 
columns matches the default set. Try the above first, but I'm not ruling 
out bugs in the code handling this (there are known issues which is the 
main reason for the desire to redesign).

3. Is there a way to apply smart inbox rules in real-time. So, when 
marking a message as read that it won't show up any longer in my 
"unread" smartbox?

This is default behavior except that it's intensionally disabled to get 
the current behavior of the Unread mailbox. You can disable it like 

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmStickyMessagesEnabled -bool NO

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Labels/colors, global rules, and in-line reply/f=f

2016-12-22 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 21 Dec 2016, at 1:40, Randall Gellens wrote:

"0" = ( "removeTag:", "\\Flagged", "removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit0", 
"removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit1", "removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit2" );

Let me rephrase my question: I like being able to have messages show 
with different colors, and I currently use Eudora's "Make Label" 
action in filters (rules) to have messages show with one of 14 
different labels.  For example, if a message is from person A, it will 
have label color 1 applied; if it was sent to my address B, it will 
have label color 2 applied; different labels are applied if my email 
is in the To header field for some accounts or if my name appears 
early in the body.  Eudora happens to leverage Finder labels for this 
purpose, but that's an accident of implementation, not anything 
fundamental.  What's important is having messages in the same mailbox 
look different in the message list (table of contents).

There is currently no way to get, e.g., colored lines. The best you can 
do is to use tags (or maybe colored flags) and then enable the 
“Tags” column in the messages list. There's also an emoji variant of 
this column. The idea here is that you can assign an emoji in the Tags 
preferences pane to a tag and this is then used in a narrow Tags column. 
Emojis are accessed in a text field by hitting ⌃⌘+space.

Not having used MailMate for real yet, I haven't tried setting rules 
yet.  In the example above, do the flags $MailFlagBit1 and 
$MailFlagBit2 affect the display of the messages in the mailbox 
message list?

It affects the color of the flag of any flagged messages. It's how Apple 
Mail handles colored flags.

Why is it necessary to remove the flags not being set?  Is that just 
in case some other rule set them,

Yes. Each color has a specific bit pattern.

 (2) Can rules be global, applicable to all mailboxes, or can rules 
be inherited?

 Rules can be configured for any mailbox, both IMAP and smart 
mailboxes. In other words, they can apply to any set of messages for 
which you can create a smart mailbox. There's no inheritance involved 
with regard to rules.

Can a set of rules apply to all mailboxes in an account, or all 
mailboxes in all accounts?  Or would this require either copying the 
rules, or creating a smart mailbox that contained all messages in all 

If a default mailbox does not exist which matches the emails you want 
then you might need a smart mailbox. But there is a default set of 
universal mailboxes (one Inbox for all inboxes etc.) and also one named 
“All Messages” which contains anything but junk/trash (I don't think 
rules for this mailbox is very useful though). Rules themselves can also 
have conditions if you just need to narrow it down a bit.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Different Color (Dark?) Schemes possible?

2016-12-22 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 21 Dec 2016, at 8:36, Robert M. Münch wrote:

Hi, is it possible to use a dark scheme with MailMate? I would like to 
get rid of all the white areas to reduce eye strain.

No, such a scheme does not exist. It's probably possible to change the 
background of the message view using CSS, but that's it. The best you 
can do is probably the “Invert Colors” setting in the global 
Accessibility settings.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Date Received in message list

2016-12-22 Thread Tom Worster

On 20 Dec 2016, at 17:20, Sherif Soliman wrote:

On 20 Dec 2016, at 10:00, Tom Worster wrote:

Can I configure MailMate to display the time in the date received 
column of the message list for more than today?

I think that, coincidentally, the question of the width of the Date 
Received column was raised only a couple of days ago on the list.

Try increasing the width of the Date Received column. Prior to doing 
that, I could only see the time for the Today emails, but once you 
increase it you'll find that the times are shown for all of them.

thank you.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Missing older mails from GMail

2016-12-22 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 21 Dec 2016, at 20:18, Robert M. Münch wrote:

Hi, I have connected MM to my GMail account. There I have about 
120.000 messages. MM has about 42.000 in "All Messages" and about 
117.000 in "All Messages Subparts" (BTW what is this?)

Don't worry about the latter. It's almost an implementation detail which 
I probably should never have exposed. Some users rely on it though. It 
does allow creating smart mailboxes which only show subparts of other 
emails, e.g., a mailbox of PDF message parts, but it's not as 
flexible/robust as I originally intended it to be.

So, how do I get MM to read all Gmail messages? Is there a way to 
check that everything was downloaded?

What you are missing is the “[Gmail]/All Mail” folder which is not 
subscribed by default (see “Edit Subscriptions” in the IMAP account 
editor). This is a special Gmail mailbox which is similar to the “All 
Messages” mailbox in MailMate. The problem is that it's not a smart 
folder and if MailMate naively fetches all of its contents then you are 
most likely going to see a lot of duplicates, e.g., any INBOX message is 
also in “All Mail”.

But MailMate tries to be smart about it and detect such duplicates. At 
least in theory MailMate should only fetch messages in “All Mail” 
which are not found in any other mailboxes. The problem is that this is 
not very efficient and if you don't really need these emails then it's 
better to keep the mailbox unsubscribed. It can also be a bit fragile, 
because Google might change how the (undocumented) details work in the 

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Triggering markdown with 'complimentary close' above signature

2016-12-22 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 21 Dec 2016, at 21:44, Charlie Garrison wrote:

On 22 Dec 2016, at 0:08, Verdon Vaillancourt wrote:

Sorry for any confusion I have caused,

I don’t think you caused any confusion.  ;-)

I think I caused the confusion by not escaping characters correctly when 
I wanted to recommend dash-dash-space.

I jumped in since I was having a similar problem, but my issue was 
‘lack’ of formatting unless I introduce a blank line. I would like 
for my sig content to be on the following line from the sig marker, 
not with a blank line between sig marker and sig content.

Benny, I gave an example in an earlier message in this thread. Would 
it be helpful if I sent a proper report to feedback address.

This is probably unlikely to change. It would mean that dash-dash-space 
needed to be treated differently than, e.g., a line with some text.

In any case, my plan is to switch the default Markdown converter to 
something else. I currently use a 
[modified]( version of `sundown`.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Missing older mails from GMail

2016-12-22 Thread Robert M. Münch
On 22 Dec 2016, at 20:06, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> Don't worry about the latter. It's almost an implementation detail which I 
> probably should never have exposed. Some users rely on it though. It does 
> allow creating smart mailboxes which only show subparts of other emails, 
> e.g., a mailbox of PDF message parts, but it's not as flexible/robust as I 
> originally intended it to be.

Hi Benny, Ok, I see.

> What you are missing is the “[Gmail]/All Mail” folder which is not subscribed 
> by default (see “Edit Subscriptions” in the IMAP account editor).

Ah, I read the "/All Mail" part and that it's not subscribed.

> ...
> But MailMate tries to be smart about it and detect such duplicates. At least 
> in theory MailMate should
> only fetch messages in “All Mail” which are not found in any other mailboxes.


> The problem is that this is not very efficient and if you don't really need 
> these emails then it's better to keep the mailbox unsubscribed. It can also 
> be a bit fragile, because Google might change how the (undocumented) details 
> work in the future.

Got it... IIRC I saw other mail clients running nuts with my Gmail account and 
always wondered what the problem is. This might have been the cause.

One idea: Since I expect I can't search these "not fetched" messages at the 
moment, it's a bit hard to remember to search my old mails as well. How about 
having a feature that does a live-search against this folder so I at least can 
see if there is something in it?


Robert M. Münch, CEO
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