Re: [MlMt] Attachments

2018-07-16 Thread Randall Gellens

On 10 Jul 2018, at 6:05, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

I won't be changing any of this before I completely replace the way 
non-inlined attachments are displayed (a proper non-HTML table view 
with columns which can optionally be put at the top/bottom of the 

Eudora on the Mac had problems with attachments (mostly because it used 
inode numbers to keep track of them, so anytime a disk was restored from 
backup or cloned to a new machine, attachments were lost).  But there 
were two things it did that I found quite handy: there was a table of 
contents column that indicated if a message had attachments or not.  A 
simple flag, but very nice when looking for a message where someone sent 
me something.  The other thing it did was if you clicked on that column 
of a message with one or more attachments, it popped up a context menu 
listing them; clicking on one opened it.  This was in addition to the 
usual display within a message view.  Both of these features were really 
useful, and I'd like to suggest that you at least consider adding 
something along these lines when you re-do attachments.

The other thing I'd like to suggest is a way to drag an attachment from 
one draft to another.  Or, an option so that if the front-most window 
happens to be a draft message and I ask an external program to send 
something via MM, have it go into that draft instead of a new one.  (If 
the front-most window isn't a draft, but anything else. have it go into 
a new draft as currently.)  I find myself often with a draft about ready 
to send but I need to attach something that's currently a view in 
another program.  I could print to PDF and save that to /tmp and then 
use MM to navigate to and attach it, but it'd be much easier if I could 
instead tell the program to share via MM and have it go into the draft 
I'm working on, or let me drag from the draft it ends up in to the one I 
want it in.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Best way to auto-archive trash in gmail?

2018-07-16 Thread Bill Cole

On 15 Jul 2018, at 23:25 (-0400), Michael Hucka wrote:

Did I do something in a past exchange to trigger this rather hostile 
reply?  I honestly don't remember, but if I did, I apologize.

No, it is my place to apologize. I absolutely did not intend to come 
across as personally hostile and I am sorry that I did.

I spend much of my time managing mail systems and I AM hostile towards 
patterns of using mail that work against their general design, causing 
unnecessary frustration (like yours with Google's Trash policy) and 
often (particularly with smaller mail systems) performance troubles. I 
do not understand where the pattern of Trash-as-Archive comes from, but 
it is surprisingly common and at the root of an inordinate fraction of 
user complaints even in environments *without* auto-empty mechanisms in 

I'm also not really sure why you presume to tell others on this list 
how they should manage their mail; you're free to do as you wish, but 
you should realize that others may have workflows that attempt to 
address other needs.  Some of those workflows may be based on even 
longer experiences than yours.  (My archives go back to 1987 and I 
currently have 1,412,484 messages, as of a few moments ago, although 
to be fair, some the 1990's are probably Usenet postings due to using 
an Emacs-based mail & news reader for a long time.)  Maybe you're 
better than me at deciding what can really be "just deleted" on the 
spot, but after many years of trying, I've decided it's better for me 
to keep everything (yes, including what is clearly spam).

I'm *not* very good at it but I recognize non-retention as important. I 
also retain all of my delivered spam, because spam control is a 
professional specialty of mine. I have 246 IMAP mailboxes in my main 
account, and another 269 mailboxes for messages prior to 2006, imported 
from Eudora and only loaded on my primary machine inn an "offline 
account" that has no backing server.

The approach I've found helpful is to:

(1) Automatically file new unread messages in mailboxes other than INBOX 
when they fit some recurring logical class that correlates to how 
important it is to read and/or how long it makes sense to keep it.
(2) Automatically delete 'old' messages when they meet well-defined 
criteria for deletion, even if those criteria are very broad.

An example of (1) is that each mailing list I subscribe to has its own 
IMAP mailbox. An example of (2) is that each of my mailboxes that is 
associated with a mailing list which has a public archive is purged of 
messages older than a month which are not in threads that I have 
participated in by an associated Smart Mailbox with a rule.

Bill Cole or
(AKA @grumpybozo and many * addresses)
Currently Seeking Steadier Work:
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Best way to auto-archive trash in gmail?

2018-07-16 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 16 Jul 2018, at 5:25, Michael Hucka wrote:

Did I do something in a past exchange to trigger this rather hostile 
reply?  I honestly don't remember, but if I did, I apologize.

I think Bill was just trying to let us know why auto-deletion is thought 
of as a very good thing if you are a server administrator. Never/rarely 
permanently deleting the emails in Deleted Messages is something I'm 
guilty of myself, but I am also the server administrator of my email 
accounts :)

I'm looking for a way to preserve all my mail.  Does anyone have a 
scheme to preserve mail permanently rather than let it be deleted?  
For example, is there a way to have MailMate (or another piece of 
software) periodically and automatically move mail out of the Trash 
into a folder (or even another imap server) for archiving?

I think the feature you are looking for is “Mailbox ▸ Mailbox 
Type”. Create a mailbox for deleted messages, for example, named 
“Deleted Messages” within the Gmail account and then use “Mailbox 
▸ Mailbox Type” to make MailMate use it when you delete messages. 
This way Gmail won't auto-delete the emails since this only happens for 
“[Gmail]/Trash”. Gmail just considers “Deleted Messages” mailbox 
to be just like any other mailbox (or “label” as Google likes to 
name them).

Note that a side effect is that MailMate won't any longer consider 
“[Gmail]/Trash” to be a mailbox with deleted messages. Any emails in 
that mailbox are going to be part of, e.g., “All Messages”.

I hope that helps.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Quick Reply Bundle

2018-07-16 Thread Padraic Renaghan
Launchbar Actions (which are similar to bundles) have the concept of 
local preferences that the action can interact with. Gives a good way 
for local user customization without changing action/bundle code 

Happy to discuss more details of how all that works in LB if useful. I 
have many LB actions up on GitHub

The entire implementation of actions in LB is great, especially with the 
javascript API and leveraging local mac javascript runtime.


2018-07-16 11:06 EDT from Benny Kjær Nielsen:

On 12 Jul 2018, at 4:16, Padraic Renaghan wrote:

MailMate bundle to send quick message replies

Thanks for sharing!! It worked in my quick test. It would be very nice 
if this evolves into something more general/configurable. It'll 
probably require some additional features in MailMate, but I would 
naturally be willing to look into that.

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Request for "Preview at Right" mode

2018-07-16 Thread Sam Hathaway
On 16 Jul 2018, at 11:17, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> I've noted the above as a feature request.

Thanks, Benny!
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Request for "Preview at Right" mode

2018-07-16 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 15 Jul 2018, at 18:57, Sam Hathaway wrote:

On 15 Jul 2018, at 12:52, John Cooper wrote:

I would add that the maximum width of the "doubled" window should not 
exceed the width of the current screen, though.

Ah yes, of course.

Another way to manage this might be to have separate remembered 
compose window sizes for “preview shown” and “preview hidden” 
and let the user decide what they want for each. (Perhaps someone 
wants a 60% wider window when preview is shown or something.)

Also maybe good to remember is where the split between the edit pane 
and the preview pane is.

I've noted the above as a feature request.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Does this announcement of GPG vulnerabilities affect MailMate?

2018-07-16 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 14 Jul 2018, at 21:34, Alexandre Takacs wrote:

This has been discussed in the list at the time and indeed it was an 
implementation issue that was silently taken care of by Benny.

Now there might be new follow up issues that I am not aware of but it 
does not seem so.

Some additional variations of the problem was fixed later on. As far as 
I know MailMate should be able to handle all of the Efail-issues. (This 
is with the caveat that, to my knowledge, no automated test suite 
exists. Maybe someone will create that in the future.)

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Add toggle for a scrollbar in the preview pane (which would turn off auto-scroll)

2018-07-16 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 14 Jul 2018, at 0:06, Kee Hinckley wrote:

Right now in the compose window, the preview pane stays synchronized 
with what I'm typing.

Sometimes when I'm replying, I'd really like to stay focused on some 
text I'm replying to, but it's off window. One way to do this might be 
to add a toggle in the toolbar that disabled auto-scroll and added a 
scrollbar to the preview pain. Then I could treat it as though I had a 
multi-paned editor. I could type on the left, and read what I was 
replying to on the right.

I have no idea if people would generally find this useful, or if it's 
just me. So take it with a grain of salt. 

It's an interesting issue. Do you need this in general or is it more 
like a top vs in-between posting issue? I hadn't thought of it, but the 
auto-scroll might not make much sense for top-posters (which are likely 
in the majority). For example, for top-posting MailMate could be told to 
*not* auto-scroll if the view is already scrolled further down than the 
auto-scroll position would be.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Quick Reply Bundle

2018-07-16 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 12 Jul 2018, at 4:16, Padraic Renaghan wrote:

MailMate bundle to send quick message replies

Thanks for sharing!! It worked in my quick test. It would be very nice 
if this evolves into something more general/configurable. It'll probably 
require some additional features in MailMate, but I would naturally be 
willing to look into that.

mailmate mailing list