Re: [MlMt] Getting message tags from a bundle

2019-01-14 Thread leo
I second. As said here a few days ago, I’m interested in tag handling 
in Bundles too!

On 15 Jan 2019, at 15:03, Eric Sharakan wrote:

Hi Benny, is it possible for a bundle to access the tags associated 
with a message?  I read the Bundles document on github but didn't see 
a way to do this.

I'm looking to export mail to EagleFiler while preserving the 
messages' tags.  See this thread over on the EagleFiler forum:

Would it be possible to write a bundle to do something like this?


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[MlMt] Getting message tags from a bundle

2019-01-14 Thread Eric Sharakan
Hi Benny, is it possible for a bundle to access the tags associated with 
a message?  I read the Bundles document on github but didn't see a way 
to do this.

I'm looking to export mail to EagleFiler while preserving the messages' 
tags.  See this thread over on the EagleFiler forum:

Would it be possible to write a bundle to do something like this?


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailbox count = Recent doesn't match server's \Recent count

2019-01-14 Thread Randall Gellens

On 14 Jan 2019, at 16:04, Bill Cole wrote:

MailMate's display of recent *necessarily doesn't match* what your 
IMAP server reports (to another session) as recent.

What MM reports as the \Recent count for a mailbox and what you see as 
the \Recent count on a subsequent manual session can never match 
(except by random chance) if the server implements \Recent correctly. 
This is why \Recent is useless. Once a session has seen a message as 
having \Recent set,

It could easily be an issue with my IMAP server or a bug in MailMate.  
My IMAP server always reports 0 RECENT to me when I manually telnet in 
an select, but MailMate consistently reports a high count.  Perhaps 
MailMate noted the RECENT count when it first synched and then keeps 
displaying the same count forever.  In playing with it, I can get it to 
show a count of 0 by selecting all messages and marking them as seen.

But regardless of which software is not handling \Recent correctly, it 
is a useless value to display for the mailbox count.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailbox count = Recent doesn't match server's \Recent count

2019-01-14 Thread Bill Cole

On 14 Jan 2019, at 17:40, Randall Gellens wrote:

(I've also complained today that MailMate's display of recent doesn't 
necessarily match what my IMAP server reports as recent.)

MailMate's display of recent *necessarily doesn't match* what your IMAP 
server reports (to another session) as recent.

What MM reports as the \Recent count for a mailbox and what you see as 
the \Recent count on a subsequent manual session can never match (except 
by random chance) if the server implements \Recent correctly. This is 
why \Recent is useless. Once a session has seen a message as having 
\Recent set, no subsequent session will see it as such. You cannot 
verify the Recent count using telnet or another IMAP client because as 
soon as MM (or any client session) has seen a message as having the 
\Recent flag or a mailbox as having a particular number of \Recent 
messages, no subsequent client session can be shown the same messages in 
that mailbox as being \Recent.

Arguably it is a UI misstep for any IMAP client to expose the \Recent 
flag in any way to the user, because it is so tightly bound to the 
low-level connection management of IMAP. I'm not convinced that it even 
has any internal utility in the minuscule scope of its persistence for a 
client that behaves in a manner that modern users would find acceptable.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailbox count = Recent doesn't match server's \Recent count

2019-01-14 Thread Randall Gellens

On 14 Jan 2019, at 13:47, Bill Cole wrote:

On 14 Jan 2019, at 13:04, Randall Gellens wrote:

When the displayed count for a mailbox is "Recent," what does MM 

It counts emails having the IMAP `\Recent` flag. This is not as 
useful as it might seem to be.

Exactly; the IMAP \Recent flag is not much use.

Aside from the fact that the IMAP \Recent flag is not inherently 
useful, the MailMate displayed count does not match what the server 
says.  All my mailboxes show non-zero counts when the counter is set 
to "Recent," but as a test I used telnet to connect to my server and 
SELECT a mailbox that MailMate displays "215" when the counter is set 
to Recent.  When I SELECT that mailbox, the server reports 0 Recent:

You've just *discovered* why \Recent is intrinsically useless for any 
client usage model involving multiple connections.

I am unsure why you would think I have just learned about the lack of 
usefulness of the \Recent flag.  Have I ever said anything that 
suggested that I thought \Recent was useful or that I think \Recent is a 
useful counter display option?  I've been asking for months that 
MailMate have a counter option that reflects something useful, such as 
what I suggested some time ago: unread messages that arrived within the 
last xx time period.  (I've also complained today that MailMate's 
display of recent doesn't necessarily match what my IMAP server reports 
as recent.)

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailbox count = Recent doesn't match server's \Recent count

2019-01-14 Thread Bill Cole

On 14 Jan 2019, at 13:04, Randall Gellens wrote:

When the displayed count for a mailbox is "Recent," what does MM 

It counts emails having the IMAP `\Recent` flag. This is not as 
useful as it might seem to be.

Exactly; the IMAP \Recent flag is not much use.

Aside from the fact that the IMAP \Recent flag is not inherently 
useful, the MailMate displayed count does not match what the server 
says.  All my mailboxes show non-zero counts when the counter is set 
to "Recent," but as a test I used telnet to connect to my server and 
SELECT a mailbox that MailMate displays "215" when the counter is set 
to Recent.  When I SELECT that mailbox, the server reports 0 Recent:

You've just *discovered* why \Recent is intrinsically useless for any 
client usage model involving multiple connections.

Quoting RFC 3501:

   Message is "recently" arrived in this mailbox.  This session
   is the first session to have been notified about this
   message; if the session is read-write, subsequent sessions
   will not see \Recent set for this message.  This flag can 

   be altered by the client.

   If it is not possible to determine whether or not this
   session is the first session to be notified about a message,
   then that message SHOULD be considered recent.

   If multiple connections have the same mailbox selected
   simultaneously, it is undefined which of these connections
   will see newly-arrived messages with \Recent set and which
   will see it without \Recent set.

Heisenberg and Schroedinger would love \Recent.
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Identities not right

2019-01-14 Thread Randy Bush
[ off list ]

> This problem with the identities not being right is driving me crazy.
> MailMate used to be wonderful in showing me the identity that was
> being used, and in most cases automatically picking the right one.
> The last update or three it's been terrible.  It no longer shows me
> the identity.

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Identities not right

2019-01-14 Thread Randall Gellens
This problem with the identities not being right is driving me crazy.  
MailMate used to be wonderful in showing me the identity that was being 
used, and in most cases automatically picking the right one.  The last 
update or three it's been terrible.  It no longer shows me the identity. 
 The only way I can get it to show me is the Format -> Show Identities, 
which often omits the identity I want to use (which MM used to determine 
from the address pattern and previous emails), and even when I use 
Format -> Show Identities and pick an identity, it is sometimes ignored 
and the message gets sent with a different identity.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] slow/laggy UI behavior after updating from 10.13.6 -> 10.14.2

2019-01-14 Thread Robert Brenstein

On 14 Jan 2019, at 19:38, Michael Dunston wrote:

On 11 Jan 2019, at 17:56, Eric Sharakan wrote:

I know you said other Apps aren't experiencing this, but there's been 
reports of bugginess in one of MacOS' spell-correction related 
processes (in both High Sierra and Mojave).  Perhaps the upgrade to 
Mojave tweaked your spellcheck options and exposed you to this issue.

Check and disable the Spelling and Grammar options in the Edit menu 
of MM and see if that helps.

Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately disabling those options 
does not appear to have made a difference.  Even replying to this 
message took about 3 seconds for the new/reply message window to 
actually open after selecting the message and typing cmmd+R, and a 
SWOD was actually briefly displayed while typing this as the display 
of the entered text caught up.  I’m not seeing this behavior in any 
other apps though (even other third-party apps with 
check-spelling-as-you-type enabled) though, unfortunately just MM it 
seems.  Thanks for the suggestion though; I had not considered that 

I see a considerable difference when replying while quoting the entire 
message and quoting only a portion of it. It seems that parsing the 
HMTL/CSS or whatever to extract the relevant portion of the old mail 
requires some extra time.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] slow/laggy UI behavior after updating from 10.13.6 -> 10.14.2

2019-01-14 Thread Michael Dunston

On 11 Jan 2019, at 17:56, Eric Sharakan wrote:

I know you said other Apps aren't experiencing this, but there's been 
reports of bugginess in one of MacOS' spell-correction related 
processes (in both High Sierra and Mojave).  Perhaps the upgrade to 
Mojave tweaked your spellcheck options and exposed you to this issue.

Check and disable the Spelling and Grammar options in the Edit menu of 
MM and see if that helps.

Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately disabling those options does 
not appear to have made a difference.  Even replying to this message 
took about 3 seconds for the new/reply message window to actually open 
after selecting the message and typing cmmd+R, and a SWOD was actually 
briefly displayed while typing this as the display of the entered text 
caught up.  I’m not seeing this behavior in any other apps though 
(even other third-party apps with check-spelling-as-you-type enabled) 
though, unfortunately just MM it seems.  Thanks for the suggestion 
though; I had not considered that possibility.

-- Michael Dunston
-- Recording and Production
-- School of Performing Arts Music | Theatre | Cinema
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] JMAP support

2019-01-14 Thread davecc0000

> On Jan 14, 2019, at 10:01 AM, Sam Hathaway  wrote:
> Not necessarily. But you seem dead set against anything but the status quo so 
> I give up.

It’s not a competition (at least to me), it’s a discussion.

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Mailbox count = Recent doesn't match server's \Recent count

2019-01-14 Thread Randall Gellens
When the displayed count for a mailbox is "Recent," what does MM 

It counts emails having the IMAP `\Recent` flag. This is not as 
useful as it might seem to be.

Exactly; the IMAP \Recent flag is not much use.

Aside from the fact that the IMAP \Recent flag is not inherently useful, 
the MailMate displayed count does not match what the server says.  All 
my mailboxes show non-zero counts when the counter is set to "Recent," 
but as a test I used telnet to connect to my server and SELECT a mailbox 
that MailMate displays "215" when the counter is set to Recent.  When I 
SELECT that mailbox, the server reports 0 Recent:

* FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen \Recent \Answered \Flagged \Draft $MDNSent)
* OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Deleted \Seen \Answered \Flagged \Draft 
$MDNSent)] OK

* 657 EXISTS
* OK [UNSEEN 91] first unseen message
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] JMAP support

2019-01-14 Thread Sam Hathaway

On 11 Jan 2019, at 16:14, davecc wrote:

On Jan 11, 2019, at 12:10 PM, Sam Hathaway 

If coordinated right, it would centralize the thankless work of 
kludging around nonstandard, broken IMAP server implementations. 
Imagine if, instead of each MUA author having to develop, test, and 
maintain dozens of ugly hacks, they were collaborating to improve a 
single JMAP proxy codebase that all could use.

Puts 1 more level of responsibility in the chain. If users have mail 
issues, no matter how responsive and responsible the client developer 
is, they can only say “We’ve contacted the proxy developer. 
You’ll just have to wait.”

Not necessarily. But you seem dead set against anything but the status 
quo so I give up.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] JMAP support

2019-01-14 Thread Mike Brasch

On 11 Jan 2019, at 22:14, davecc wrote:

On Jan 11, 2019, at 12:10 PM, Sam Hathaway 

If coordinated right, it would centralize the thankless work of 
kludging around nonstandard, broken IMAP server implementations. 
Imagine if, instead of each MUA author having to develop, test, and 
maintain dozens of ugly hacks, they were collaborating to improve a 
single JMAP proxy codebase that all could use.

I use DavMail to use MailMate with the Exchange of my work. This works 
very good. And in contrast to Exchange-IMAP this way I can use Tagging 
as DavMail translates between Exchange categories ans IMAP keywords.

Sometimes it is (much) better to use a tool like DavMail than to work 
you don't like. :)

I know this is a little different than a JMAP-IMAP-Proxy. But nothing 
gets better if you stick to the same thing forever. We all know, that 
IMAP has problems. Either "we" do the step to a protocol like JMAP or 
someone else will create facts. Has there been a greater chance of 
switching to a non-proprietary mail protocol?

I'd be willing to take the step – ok, maybe it's easy to say as an end 
user. :)

With kind regards
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Command->Export->Select Export Folder not working (and a workaround)

2019-01-14 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen
On 10 Jan 2019, at 20:49, Eric Sharakan wrote:

> Selecting Command->Export->Select Export Folder does nothing for me; nor do
> the Copy to Folder & Copy to mbox options seem to do anything.  I saw a
> very similar report in a recent update (12/28/18) to ticket #1723.

This should be fixed in the next update. (I also updated the ticket.)

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