[MlMt] Too many bounces?

2019-01-27 Thread David Morrison

I just got an e-mail from the list manager saying:

"Your membership in the mailing list mailmate has been disabled due to
excessive bounces The last bounce received from you was dated
27-Jan-2019.  You will not get any more messages from this list until
you re-enable your membership.  You will receive 3 more reminders like
this before your membership in the list is deleted."

Now my address is a gmail address, and it is unlikely that Google 
would be bouncing e-mails. I am only using about 10% of the space so 
it cannot be that.

Later: webmail version of gmail seems to be having difficulties 
connecting to Google.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] iCloud accounts require an app specific password starting June 15th

2017-05-16 Thread David Morrison


Apple has announced (by email) that iCloud email accounts are going 
to require the use of an app specific password. If you have an 
iCloud email account then you might want to look into this before 
June 15th. The email is described 

How to do this is described by Apple 

It requires two factor authentication to be turned on to generate the 
app specific password. Can you turn two factor authentication off 
after the password has been generated?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] will MailMate be a good mail mate for me?

2016-06-12 Thread David Morrison

On 11 Jun 2016, at 13:28, David Morrison wrote:

This is all very well where there is something common in all of the 
messages, as there might be in mailing lists. However, some mailing 
list do have weird responses that my filters do not pick up.

Worse is where messages grouped in a folder do not have something 
common to search for, such as messages from different people about 
a particular project. Saved searches are useless in this case for 
finding all the relevant messages. (I suppose you could make up 
some really convoluted rules involving listing all the likely 
people and certain keywords to identify the project.)

Sorry but it's really simple, just search for the mailing list 
header or look for the address of mailing list in the recipient 

Then if you add sub-searches you can group the messages further if 
you want (I don't)

As I said, not everything is a mailing list so does not have anything 
common to all the messages to include in the search. Yes, saved 
searches are fine if you leave everything but mailing list messages 
in the inbox. But if you get more real mail than mailing lists and 
you want to group certain messages

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] will MailMate be a good mail mate for me?

2016-06-11 Thread David Morrison

At 13:16 +0900 10/6/16, Fredrik Jonsson wrote:
All incoming messages are sorted out by filters into close to 300 
mailboxes. What is left in the inbox is some junk that sneaked thru 
spam filters and a few misc messages.

I used to sort mails in many real folders with many rules. With 
MailMate I just dump everything in Archive after handling it 
(manually or via rules). I then use MailMates smart folders (really 
smart) to organise them to my liking. Smart folders are really saved 
searches but they feel just like folders.

This is all very well where there is something common in all of the 
messages, as there might be in mailing lists. However, some mailing 
list do have weird responses that my filters do not pick up.

Worse is where messages grouped in a folder do not have something 
common to search for, such as messages from different people about a 
particular project. Saved searches are useless in this case for 
finding all the relevant messages. (I suppose you could make up some 
really convoluted rules involving listing all the likely people and 
certain keywords to identify the project.)


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] keeping sent mail with other mail

2015-02-19 Thread David Morrison

On 2015-02-18 02:24, Fredrik Jonsson wrote:

I used to have a lot of rules that moved both received and sent mails
to folders per person/company/project etc. Always fretting where to
stora mail, "Is this more project or company or Š".

With MailMate I dump everything I have processed in to "Archive" and
let all sent mails stay in "Sent". Quick and easy.

True, and MailMate's smart folder feature is 
indeed a thing of beauty. However, after twenty 
years of using and dealing with email, of having 
loved Eudora until it expired, of having been 
forced to use Outlook under various flavors of 
Windows, of having used Apple Mail until its 
integration with Gmail broke horribly, and 
finally having moved my mail from Gmail to a 
personal host with MailMate as my primary (but 
not unique) mail access program, I'm not willing 
to file my mail in such a way that *only* 
MailMate will be able to intelligently retrieve 
it for me. My mail client must be smart enough 
to file my mail where I can find it without the 
use of my preferred mail client. And so I depend 
on rules.


The way e-mail is going nowadays, it needs to be 
able to be accessed on whatever device you are 
currently using. If I use features only Mailmate 
supports, it will require me to only access my 
e-mail from the computer with Mailmate. While 
this will suit a lot of people, the vast majority 
are wanting the flexibility of accessing their 
mail from computer, phone, tablet, web browser, 
kiosk, etc.

For example, if I am visiting a client, and need 
to check an e-mail to solve a problem, I do not 
want to have to go home to be able to find the 
message, then go back to the client to fix the 
problem. I want to be able to find it on my phone 

I know IMAP is not exactly the best protocol for 
e-mail, but it is all we have that allows this 
flexibility. Solutions that stick to IMAP are 
going to be most useful. (Unless Benny is 
planning to make IOS and Android versions of 

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] keeping sent mail with other mail

2015-02-18 Thread David Morrison

Shoshanna Green 2015-02-17 15:02 wrote:

But this morning it occurred to me that MMate's 
experimental 2.0 feature of Rules lets me just 
set up a rule on my Sent Messages mailbox that 
says to move all incoming messages to my Inbox! 
So simple. So obvious.

I used to have a lot of rules that moved both 
received and sent mails to folders per 
person/company/project etc. Always fretting 
where to stora mail, "Is this more project or 
company or Š".

With MailMate I dump everything I have processed 
in to "Archive" and let all sent mails stay in 
"Sent". Quick and easy.

I then use MailMates (really) Smart folders to 
organise all mails (received and sent) according 
to person/company/project. With Smart folders 
one mail can "be in" several folders, person and 
project e.g.

Many Smart folders are simply this:

Mailboxes: All Messages
Conditions: Any Address -> Domain is "example.com"

MailMates smart folders and custom keybindings are for me its killer features.

That's fine if all your messages for a particular 
smart folder have some common factor, such as a 
mailing list name. But what happens when the 
mailing list changes its name or host or 

Or if a project you are working on gets mail 
messages from random people. These sorts of 
message I file manually because no rule could 
ever pick them up reliably.

How could smart folders work in these cases?

I have been using e-mail for far too many years 
and have come across these situations too many 
times to be able to rely on smart folders to find 
what I want.


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] keeping sent mail with other mail

2015-02-17 Thread David Morrison
I'm glad to know I'm not as rare a case as I sometimes assume. The 
difference is that I don't bcc myself, since it creates a double 
message (one in the Sent folder and one in the Inbox) that offends 
my sense of economy. I set things to file themselves in the most 
logical place when I can, and manually delete or file items in the 
Sent folder periodically, which sounds like a huge effort only when 
you're not used to it.

Agreed. In Eudora, I set up filters to move all incoming and outgoing 
messages on a particular topic (eg, a mailing list) into a folder. No 
duplicate copies and gives automatic threading.

But if I could design my own email system, there would be no Sent 
folder at all.

I liked (actually still like) Eudora's idea of an "Out" folder, and 
drafts are nothing more than unfinished messages to be sent. My Out 
folder is almost always empty because messages are automatically 
(usually) or manually moved to a more appropriate place.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Want a simple IMAP server to run locally... every proposed method is too complicated for my little brain... any help out there?

2014-07-14 Thread David Morrison

This is a sort of last gasp.

I need to have offline mail storage. It's essential.

I like MailMate for many reasons, none of which offset the 
requirement for offline mail storage.

It seems that I need a local IMAP server. It need not communicate 
with the outside world, just work inside my own user space. The only 
use of this server will be to provide MailMate with a way to 'see' 
the offline mail.

I have purchased Emailchemy which claims to have an IMAP server but 
the app implements only a tiny fraction of the server functions. 
It's a good app for reading old mail but it's functionality stops 

I have tried to get dovecot running both from the dovecot website 
and MacPorts. 
easy for Leonardo!

Does anyone have a canned approach that works out-of-the-box (i.e. 
without extensive modifications to .conf files and all that stuff?)

Instead of doing your own, for $40 per year you can have 15GB of 
storage on a professionally-run IMAP hosting service.


IMAP is all they do. It was recommended by Adam Engst of Tidbits 
newsletter fame. I tried the free trial, and it worked as advertised.


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