On 2020-08-12 at 14:38 -0700, Michael Peddemors via mailop wrote:
> the phishing, don't even want to see that there, 
> because end users will STILL click on phish bait, even in the spam 
> folders sometimes ;)
> Doesn't matter HOW big the sender is.. When you are a billion dollar 
> company, you should be held responsible for what leaves your network..

It would be interesting to watch if one of those ended up in a suit
against Sendgrid. I would generally not consider an ESP liable for
everything that is sent by their customers (specially when there are
also account compromises into the mix), but in this case they might have
a hard time showing that they were unaware of these issues or that they
were doing proper diligence (particularly since the original sender will
probably not be found to be charged).

> by the time they do though at this rate, their legit 
> customers will have spoken with their pocket book..

You mean... they might not like a banner above their emails saying that
recently there have been malicious emails received from that sender?
What a surprise!

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