On 2020-08-27 at 12:25 +1200, Mark Foster via mailop wrote:
> I think the option of forcing TLS within a closed community is fine.
> I think the option of forcing TLS on the wide-wide-internet is a
> minefield for anyone who needs to communicate outside of a relatively
> closed network...

while on this topic, it would be nice if mailop mailing list started
using starttls when delivering the list emails.

Other offenders include nanog, ca/browser forum, moderncrypto.org,
several gpg mailing lists... ☹

And STARTTLS *sending* is much easier than receiving, where you at
least need a dumb certificate. Let's not start discussion on requiring
CA-signed certificates, TLS ≥ 1.2 or MTA-STS.

Interestingly, some of those servers, while not using starttls
themselves, do support it for receiving (apparently being handled by
the same host). So just a matter of (mis)configuration (?)

Maybe it's time to add a milter which automatically prepends to every
message not sent with starttls: «WARNING: This message was
NOT transmitted securely given the lack of support of example.com mail
server. It may have been seen, copied and modified in-transit in an
undetectable way.»


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