
> There is a /human_result/ in DMARC reports.  It would be a good idea
> to check whether there are (new) messages there, and bring it to
> human attention in case.  Not doing so deprives the field of its
> /human/ attribute.

Ah, makes sense; Still, just noting that most analysis software does
not display it.

> just bespeaks the quality of report consumer software.

Not arguing with that.

> Do reports received at contribute to the
> output of email-security-scans?

No, of course not; esec.o is tests-are-atomic. Technically I _could_
(or rather: should) try to implement something similar to what I am
already doing for the TLS-RPT test for DMARC _sending_ as well
(currently, I am only testing deliverability of RUA/RUF).

However, I skipped on that initially, because:
- It is more about receiving than sending (and esec.o was initially
  sending focused)
- It is difficult to fill in an identifier there; Technically, I could,
  e.g., send from unique domains (difficult, as some large domains are
  now blocked for the startup mail and have a web-only-flow; Also,
  deliverability for that is likely low(er)), or add something where
  you can request the DMARC test in addition when you submitted the
  some test results. Sending DKIM&SPF invalid mails for the test should
  further reduce the noise (while still triggering reports). However,
  that would have to be implemented, and I am currently struggling with
  the very stupid idea somebody had some when that a day should just 
  have 24h.

Similarly, it would kind of make sense to maybe tie in the
suite and display/integrate those results as well. But again, time.

So, somewhat related: If somebody suffers from an abundance of time, is
kind of good with python, mail, and PHP... and would like to work on
what is objectively likely some of the worst code they have ever
seen... drop me a line. ;-)

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

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