
I'm not from Spamcop but I manage a large email system in Italy, recently we 
often find out ips going into Spamcop for uncertain reasons, can I ask if you 
checked for compromised accounts used to send out emails?


federico bartolucci
mail systems administrator

Il 16 novembre 2018 10:31:24 CET, Laura Atkins <la...@wordtothewise.com> ha 
>Send mail to deput...@spamcop.net <mailto:deput...@spamcop.net>.
>They’re generally pretty helpful. 
>You can also sign up for their report cards, which can sometimes be
>useful in identifying problems.
>You’re an ISP so you may even get better reports than us mere plebs. 
>If this is a new issue, you may want to read back a few threads on
>mailop - it seems that microsoft is currently experiencing an
>infestation of the i have your password and you watch porn bitcoin
>spam. That may have generated enough complaints / trap hits (and those
>emails are going to traps) to cause the issue. I’m pretty sure they’re
>going to tell you to clean your outbound stream before they’ll consider
>delisting you. 
>> On 16 Nov 2018, at 08:16, Andy Onofrei via mailop <mailop@mailop.org>
>> Hi guys, 
>> Can someone from SpamCop reach out to me offlist ? Or if anyone has a
>contact for SpamCop or how it’s the best way to dispute or at least to
>find out more details about a certain IP block ?
>> Thank you
>> Andrei Onofrei
>> Dynamics 365 Email Deliverability Engineer
>> andrei.onof...@microsoft.com <mailto:andrei.onof...@microsoft.com> |
>+420 720 359 205
>> BBC Delta Building, Vyskočilova 1561/4a, 140 00 Prague, The Czech
>> <image001.jpg>
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>Word to the Wise
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