Re: [mailop] opendkim bad signature data from

2020-11-06 Thread SM via mailop

Hi Mary,
At 08:05 AM 06-11-2020, Mary via mailop wrote:

Anyone knows why emails from the list are rejected by opendkim?


On-BadSignature reject

The message body is modified as it goes through the list.  The DKIM 
signature verification fails because of that.  The above 
configuration setting tells OpenDKIM to reject the message.


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Just how does SendGrid fail this badly?

2020-08-24 Thread SM via mailop

At 05:23 AM 18-08-2020, Atro Tossavainen via mailop wrote:

The SendGrid account sending these yesterday is 13999362.

I am receiving emails from Sendgrid about "Nedbank Credit Card 
monthly Charges eStatement".  The account is 17343945.  It looks like 
a phishing attempt.  Those emails originate from

S. Moonesamy 

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] How long to retry?

2020-02-03 Thread SM via mailop

Hi Chris,
At 09:52 AM 02-02-2020, Chris Adams via mailop wrote:

Just an idle Sunday question... how long do you have your mail server(s)
configured to queue and retry messages before bouncing them back to the

I use five days.  That may need to be tuned if the queue is filling 
up because of delivery issues.  I also use "DELIVERBY" for some messages.


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Are there any de facto standards around no-reply@ addresses?

2019-04-12 Thread SM

Hi Grant,
At 05:12 PM 10-04-2019, Grant Taylor via mailop wrote:
The back story in this case involved two such systems that were 
naively replying to each others no-reply address.

I'm used to things like Auto-Generated: and X-Loop* headers.  But 
I'm not aware of any de facto standard around no-reply addresses.

The "Auto-Submitted" header field might help (RFC 3834) to avoid a 
loop.  I guess that is intended to inform the 
person reading the email that he/she should not reply to it.


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] What should an MTA do when receiving 452 4.5.3 (aka too many recipients)

2018-12-13 Thread SM

Hi Benoit,
At 12:29 AM 13-12-2018, Benoit Panizzon wrote:

So based on my observation I wonder...

Upon receiving a 452 4.5.3 error, what should the sending MTA do?
Reconnect immediately and re-try the soft failed recipients as would
be done with the usual 'too many recipients' situation? Or is it
correct to wait for the backoff timer?

Is there an RFC defining the reaction to specific error codes?

What is the sending MTA exactly looking at when receiving an error
code? Only the first 452? Combination of "452 4.5.3" or even trying to
parse the text behind usually 'too many recipients' which we changed
this to 'incompatible recipient settings' and this may cause this issue?

The enhanced status code reports the error condition, e.g. "too many 
recipients".  The status code in the above is defined as 
"insufficient system storage".  It does not make sense to immediately 
reconnect if the receiver says that it has insufficient storage 
space.  Please see RFC 3463 and RFC 5321 for more information.

S. Moonesamy

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Should mail servers publish IPv6 MX records? Could this harm your spam filtering?

2018-06-06 Thread SM

Hi Rob,
At 01:08 PM 06-06-2018, Rob McEwen wrote:

Here is an article I posted on Linkedin about spam filtering IPv6-sent email.

"Should mail servers publish IPv6 MX records? Could this harm your 
spam filtering?"

In other words, DNSBLs have a scalability problem.


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] GDPR and SMTP in general

2018-05-27 Thread SM

Hi Paul,
At 03:40 AM 25-05-2018, Paul Smith wrote:
I wish that was the case, but it's not what GDPR says, certainly for 
SMTP relay services

The organization running the service would be the "processor".  Did 
you ask the ICO whether there is any guidance for a SMTP service?


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Gmail & TLS SNI

2018-04-27 Thread SM

Hi Phil,
At 11:28 AM 17-04-2018, Phil Pennock wrote:

RFC 3207 is the closest to a profile document which SMTP MX delivery
has, since RFC 7817 explicitly excludes MX coverage.  3207 doesn't
explicitly cover SNI since it predates the earliest RFC I know of
covering SNI.  The only standards-track document I know of touching this
topic for SMTP/MX is RFC 7672 for DANE, and for the DANE case, Exim
always sends SNI.

There is some information in RFC 6125.


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] question regarding support for international characters

2018-04-21 Thread SM

Hi Annalivia,
At 03:22 AM 09-04-2018, Annalivia Ford wrote:
I've been tasked with finding out what the 
general consensus is on the support in email 
headers for International characters such 
as  UTF-8 Charcacters and including things like 
accented characters like é and å and can also 
include Asian and Cyrillic characters.

I know there's an RFC from 2012, but my Product 
Dev people are interested in knowing how wide-spread the actual adoption is.

There was a report about it:


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Issues delivering to Hotmail addresses

2018-01-24 Thread SM

Hi Michael,
At 12:20 PM 24-01-2018, Michael Wise via mailop wrote:
Hack: an in-elegant solution that one personally doesn't like, but 
that appears to work.

As to the retry interval, I feel a bit out of my depth on that one, 
and I guess it all depends on exactly WHY the 452 was thrown, but 
... the implication seems to be that an immediate retry (maybe give 
it a few seconds?) would be the preferred way to handle it, maybe 
with some sort of exponential back-off?

The "immediate retry" could be read as "immediate".  From a 
receiver's perspective, that does not sound like a good idea.  Why 
would the receiver's implementation require segmented delivery?


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] 550 sending to

2017-10-26 Thread SM

Hi Michael,
At 12:47 PM 26-10-2017, Michael Wise wrote:

Ticket numbers are ALWAYS helpful... even if not for me.

The ticket number is SRX1402095036ID


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] 550 sending to

2017-10-26 Thread SM

Hi Chris,
At 12:32 PM 26-10-2017, Chris Truitt wrote:
Had this happen a coule of weeks ago.  Highly unusual for us.  No 
spikes in complaints and no real explanation from Outlook for it. To 
their credit, the team was responsive to my removal request.

I found it unusual given that there wasn't any complaint.

Did you substantially increase sending volume?

No, the sending volume to is very low.


mailop mailing list

[mailop] 550 sending to

2017-10-26 Thread SM


The mail server is rejecting messages from my mail server 
with the following error message:

  "550 5.7.1 Unfortunately, messages from [] weren't 
sent. Please contact your Internet 

Would it be possible to have the IP address mitigated [1] as it is 
not used for sending "unwanted" emails?


1. I'll provide a ticket number if it that would be useful.

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Best rate limiting response?

2017-09-17 Thread SM

Hi Luis,
At 05:22 PM 11-09-2017, Luis E. Munoz via mailop wrote:
Over the years I've seen rate limiting responses as 421 and 451 
(with the first being the most frequent). Is there a consensus in 
what the correct code should be?

I'm going through RFC-5821 and none of the codes mentioned there 
seem to be a perfect match to "hitting a rate limit for an 
authenticated user" in my submission servers.

Given the above, I'm leaning towards using 421, returned after each 
and every MAIL TO command.

This is about mail submission (RFC 6409).  550 would be the closest 
(SMTP) reply code for what the MSA is trying to communicate to the MUA [1].


1. I assume that you meant "MAIL FROM" 

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] CBL & c_sludge

2017-07-07 Thread SM

Hi Kirk,
At 06:37 07-07-2017, Kirk MacDonald wrote:
Struggling a bit to understand a development this morning about MTAs 
being listed on Spamhaus for a CBL listing for something called 
c_sludge. The Googles has really nothing helpful about what c_sludge is.

It might be about a spambot ( 


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] RFC question on smtp replies...

2017-07-07 Thread SM

Hi David,
At 02:27 07-07-2017, David Hofstee wrote:
I've an interesting RFC question. In an SMTP reply, one can have 
single line or multiline replies. E.g.

521 single line reply


521-Line one
521-Line two
521 Line three

See also 

My question is: The reply is an answer that is, necessarily, 
formatted for SMTP. But how should the multiline answer be 
interpreted? What is its 'value'.

The reply "text" is text except in some cases (see RFC 5321) where a 
string with a mailbox name is returned.  Sometimes, the "text" is 
used to convey some unstructured information which might be useful to 
the other end.


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] autoresponders & envelope-from/return-path

2017-06-07 Thread SM

Hi Autumn
At 14:57 05-06-2017, Autumn Tyr-Salvia wrote:
Any idea what the impact of turning on the return-path for 
autoresponders would be? Colleagues tell me that the hosted mail 
service (Proofpoint) tells their clients not to use a return-path 
address for autoresponders because this is the RFC-correct way to do 
it. We could probably get them to make an exception here, but I'm 
curious if there is any real world impact to that.

The "Return-path" header is appended at the message delivery 
stage.  The is a discussion of autoresponder in RFC 3834.


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] dkim signature failures sendmail/opendkim

2017-05-29 Thread SM

Hi Carl,
At 08:00 26-05-2017, Carl Byington wrote:

I have been unable to reproduce this by sending test messages to my
google test account. It may not be specific to sendmail/opendkim, since
I also see the same infrequent errors with another domain:

Can you capture the message at the receiving end where DKIM 
verification failed and compare it to the message which was sent out?


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] SPF record

2017-05-21 Thread SM

Hi Frank,
At 06:52 21-05-2017, wrote:
Do you think the sending domain was not aware of that when they 
wrote the policy?

I have come across cases where the sending domain was not aware of 
the impact of its SPF policy.  That does not mean that sending 
domains are not aware of what will happen because of their policies.


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] SPF record

2017-05-21 Thread SM

Hi Kurt,
At 05:25 21-05-2017, Kurt Jaeger wrote:

Can you tell more about this ? Why is '-all' bad ?

You are assuming that when the message is delivered to the receiver, 
it will see a connection from the sending IP address.


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] False positive on spoofing

2017-01-05 Thread SM

Hi Scott,
At 08:06 05-01-2017, Scott E Bonacker CPA wrote:
Since upgrading to a new laptop with OEM Win10x64, and OL2016 
connected to an Office365 account, I have also been sending messages 
to various lists via POP using a domain

The messages are sent via SMTP.

different than the one registered with Office365. That has resulted 
in false positive
 alerts when messages are distributed by some systems - the alert 
below was inserted by LISTSERV-TCP/IP release 16.0.  Interestingly, 
msgs distributed by Yahoo Groups don't get

There is a SPF record for your domain name.  The record does not 
permit messages to be sent through Office365.


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop]

2016-10-16 Thread SM

Hi Andreas,
At 07:55 07-10-2016, Andreas Schamanek wrote:

Does anyone know what is down with I cannot reach
it, however seems to work fine except that
all links point to

Sorry about that.  I'll try and get it fixed.


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] ADSP query: '' reply was unresolved CNAME

2016-05-02 Thread SM

Hi Jim,
At 07:27 02-05-2016, Jim Popovitch wrote:

Why am I seeing a hostname as the reply for an ADSP lookup?

~$ dig TXT


;; ANSWER SECTION:  3600IN  CNAME says that the status of ADSP 
is "Historic".


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Gmail throttles anyway

2016-02-05 Thread SM

Hi Michael,
At 17:27 04-02-2016, Michael Wise wrote:
If you're going to do something that will break the DKIM signature 
as a matter of course,

You should remove the DKIM signature, and maybe re-sign it with your own.

You shouldn't break the signature and then forward what was once 
goodmail with a now busted signature.

The issue with removing a DKIM signature which would get broken is 
that it is not easy to reverse the removal in future.  It is better 
[1] to treat the "broken" DKIM signature as unsigned.


1. This depends on the receivers you are sending mail to. 

mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Delivery to gmail via IPv6

2015-12-08 Thread SM

Hi Tony,
At 05:39 08-12-2015, Tony Finch wrote:

This isn't competing standards, this is a fundamental feature of one
standard. Ian is prefering to use exactly the same terminology as
RFC 5321 section 6.2:

  If they cannot be delivered, and cannot be
   rejected by the SMTP server during the SMTP transaction, they should
   be "bounced" (returned with non-delivery notification messages) as
   described above.

The discussion was about what to do when there is a DNSSEC 
failure.  You mentioned treating that condition the same way as a DNS 
failure.  The receiving side can treat it as a temporary condition or 
reject the message to avoid retries as the DNS failure would not be fixed.

As you pointed out, it is not about competing standards.  There was 
this question from Brandon Long: "Are you even going to know there's 
an issue if the message is just sitting in a queue instead of 
delivering or bouncing?"  It depends on whether the sender is 
monitoring the logs or getting complaints from his/her users.  The 
complaints might come in faster when there is a rejection.


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Delivery to gmail via IPv6

2015-12-04 Thread SM

Hi Ted,
At 18:00 03-12-2015, Ted Cooper wrote:

So whomever runs has screwed up their key roll over and
the entire branch is now unsigned?!

organisation: APNIC

Anyone know who to poke to get that fixed?

APNIC is a RIR.  You can send an email to their helpdesk.  Feel free 
to drop me an email if that does not work.


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Canonicalization

2015-10-18 Thread SM

At 13:22 16-10-2015, Luke M wrote:
I was wondering if anyone would share their thoughts on RFC 1123 
section 5.2.2. It states:

The domain names that a Sender-SMTP sends in MAIL and RCPT
commands MUST have been  "canonicalized," i.e., they must be
fully-qualified principal names or domain literals, not
nicknames or domain abbreviations.  A canonicalized name either
identifies a host directly or is an MX name; it cannot be a CNAME.

Does anyone know the reasoning behind this guideline? It seems like 
it is widely ignored.

That section of RFC 1123 is no longer used.

Are there any benefits to following this guideline? Or pitfalls for 
not following it?

Will some receiving servers have trouble finding the MX record if 
the MAIL FROM domain has a CNAME?

Please see Section 5.1 of RFC 5321.  There are two issues in the text 
which you quoted:

  (a) the name is not a FQDN

  (b) CNAME

If I recall correctly, (a) is about whether the delivery is local or 
not.  The second issue is about email addresses rewrites.  There has 
been quite a lot of discussion about (b) over the years.  The benefit 
of following the guideline is that you don't have to worry about edge cases.


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Microsoft sending multiple Message-ID headers in password reset links..

2015-09-15 Thread SM

Hi Michael,
At 11:44 15-09-2015, Michael Wise wrote:

No, it doesn't.

After all, technically Message-ID is an optional field.
I bitch and moan about that, but nobody cares... They all end up 
pointing to, "SHOULD", and I can't really do anything but :'(

It is recommended to add a "Message-ID" field if there isn't one in a 
message.  There are reasons why that is not always done.  You did 
your part; that's good enough.


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Help with definitions in RFC5598

2015-07-10 Thread SM

Hi Matthew,
At 10:08 09-07-2015, Matthew Black wrote:
SINK, used in Section 2.1.4 (paragraph 2). It appears to have a 
mathematical meaning that does not appear as one the 40 definitions 
in my dictionary. I grasp what they mean, but I want a dictionary 
type definition. It's been more than 30 years since I studies 
Calculus, so please avoid use of higher math in your definition.

My reading of "sink" in that paragraph is that it does not have a 
mathematical meaning.  The term has been used in other RFCs; there is 
a distinction between "source" and "sink", e.g. output sink.

ADMD, Administrative Management Domain. The document dances around 
the term. However, it is never explicitly defined.

I suggest viewing ADMDs in terms of administrative 
boundaries.  Section 2.3, Paragraph 2 discusses about that.


mailop mailing list

Re: [mailop] Delivery to A record if MX exists ?

2015-06-24 Thread SM

Hi Kurt,
At 01:16 17-06-2015, Kurt Jaeger wrote:

5.1. Locating the Target Host

can be read that MX records have preference, but it explizitly avoids
mentioning "A or " records if no MX is found. The sentence:

   If an empty list of MXs is returned,
   the address is treated as if it was associated with an implicit MX
   RR, with a preference of 0, pointing to that host.

implies a A/ DNS query, but does not explicitly state so.

That section explains how to locate the target host.  The section 
also has the following:

  'the "implicit MX" rule above applies only if there are no
   MX records present'


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