Hey Chad -

Please contact me off list. I can help with Yahoo/AOL.


Lili Crowley


On Mon, Dec 13, 2021 at 2:25 PM Chad Dailey via mailop <mailop@mailop.org>

> Hello--
> In the past month or so, a decade-old mailing list that I administer has
> been running into deliverability issues.  I'm reaching out to mailop
> because I'm at wits' end for figuring this out.  I'll outline what I
> believe to be useful background information below.  Hopefully someone can
> offer suggestions for next steps, even better would be contact from admin
> peeps of the networks that are rejecting list messages, but I'll take what
> I can get.  Please feel free to reach out on the list or PM me if you need
> additional information.
> Some details about the list:  MPA is the name of the list, hosted at
> accelix.net
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__accelix.net&d=DwMFaQ&c=sWW_bEwW_mLyN3Kx2v57Q8e-CRbmiT9yOhqES_g_wVY&r=5Ps6gqx3JusivGVI-U9_l6qlVACXvsBn54y9pSHmSYw&m=TaCSQdumLdzxGScgqcE9mMsLMKVg3Abt8p_LJnW1rF31HIpxh76SzM_HWp_rKRwX&s=QnADMkiWMPq_s8scNjXB-WBqrm5X8o8FNgsO_m1bAps&e=>,
> our longtime listserv provider.  We're pretty low traffic, a few to dozens
> of messages a month, with 73 unique email addresses signed up to receive
> traffic.  Membership has very low churn, most are very long term
> subscribers.  The oldest subscriptions were added manually, but we've since
> moved to invite / COI for all new subscribers as of a few years ago.  We
> perform an annual cull of recipient addresses that no longer wish to retain
> list membership, no response to the out of band message earns a drop from
> the list.  In addition, the listserv will also disable subscriptions that
> encounter repeated bounces.  Admittedly, bounce settings are pretty
> generous, but are configured that way due to subscriber ISP / mail
> providers that are less than reliable (welcome to the middle of nowhere).
> I've checked Spamhaus and a couple other public RBLs, and didn't find any
> negative reputation hits for the server.  List info can be found here:
> http://mm.accelix.net/mailman/listinfo/mpa
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__mm.accelix.net_mailman_listinfo_mpa&d=DwMFaQ&c=sWW_bEwW_mLyN3Kx2v57Q8e-CRbmiT9yOhqES_g_wVY&r=5Ps6gqx3JusivGVI-U9_l6qlVACXvsBn54y9pSHmSYw&m=TaCSQdumLdzxGScgqcE9mMsLMKVg3Abt8p_LJnW1rF31HIpxh76SzM_HWp_rKRwX&s=ZlHY6uyLqpJUl6k3Kqx7qKlKVihz1g6WlSO8Te8hIW0&e=>
> I thought maybe our website domain name change (it's in the message
> footer) was a factor, perhaps triggering a keyword string hit, but that
> four letter string was in the old domain name too.  I hesitate to mention
> the string here for fear of getting snagged again and preventing this
> message from reaching the admins that I really need to see it.  Hint:  it's
> shorthand for the folks that engineer noisy, colorful aerial displays on
> holidays, especially on Independence Day here in the 'states.
> According to the bounce messages, Spectrum (subscriber emails on Charter
> and RoadRunner domains) says we've got an AUP violation (AUP#In-1190), but
> I can't find anything in their ToS / AUP that would get us booted,
> Windstream says we're spamming.  Juno and Yahoo are apparently dropping
> messages silently, or their feedback isn't making it into bounce
> processing.  Of course, none of them will talk to me because I'm not their
> actual customer, and 'Shave and a haircut' doesn't open any doors.
> I have encouraged our users to reach out to their providers, and write
> mail filters for the listserv if they are able, but I have low confidence
> in those functions.  I'd rather fix the root of the problem instead.
> __________
> Windstream reject messages:
>    ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
> <obfuscatedu...@windstream.net>
>     (reason: 554 5.7.1 [VI-1] Message blocked due to spam content in the
> message.)
>    ----- Transcript of session follows -----
> ... while talking to mx01.windstream.net
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__mx01.windstream.net&d=DwMFaQ&c=sWW_bEwW_mLyN3Kx2v57Q8e-CRbmiT9yOhqES_g_wVY&r=5Ps6gqx3JusivGVI-U9_l6qlVACXvsBn54y9pSHmSYw&m=TaCSQdumLdzxGScgqcE9mMsLMKVg3Abt8p_LJnW1rF31HIpxh76SzM_HWp_rKRwX&s=NAIApSXGp4nnfMdr0RLtS2TegcgjFqRTCfaaNsxPaZE&e=>
> .:
> >>> DATA
> <<< 554 5.7.1 [VI-1] Message blocked due to spam content in the message.
> 554 5.0.0 Service unavailable
> __________
> Spectrum reject messages:
>    ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
> <obfuscatedu...@charter.net>
>     (reason: 552 5.2.0 <mpa-boun...@accelix.net> sender rejected. Please
> see https://www.spectrum
> .net/support/internet/understanding-email-error-codes
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.spectrum.net_support_internet_understanding-2Demail-2Derror-2Dcodes&d=DwMFaQ&c=sWW_bEwW_mLyN3Kx2v57Q8e-CRbmiT9yOhqES_g_wVY&r=5Ps6gqx3JusivGVI-U9_l6qlVACXvsBn54y9pSHmSYw&m=TaCSQdumLdzxGScgqcE9mMsLMKVg3Abt8p_LJnW1rF31HIpxh76SzM_HWp_rKRwX&s=EeMFTXvSsAxIEb_HFJCAS2sAfdtFiXvBJJutJt0wLnw&e=>
> for more information. AUP#In-1190)
>    ----- Transcript of session follows -----
> ... while talking to mx0.charter.net
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__mx0.charter.net&d=DwMFaQ&c=sWW_bEwW_mLyN3Kx2v57Q8e-CRbmiT9yOhqES_g_wVY&r=5Ps6gqx3JusivGVI-U9_l6qlVACXvsBn54y9pSHmSYw&m=TaCSQdumLdzxGScgqcE9mMsLMKVg3Abt8p_LJnW1rF31HIpxh76SzM_HWp_rKRwX&s=8q1V4_OUIKnYSGxkGLCLW4Y2Rngb9vEcbn03jV_cSk4&e=>
> .:
> >>> DATA
> <<< 552 5.2.0 <mpa-boun...@accelix.net> sender rejected. Please see
> https://www.spectrum.net/support/internet/understanding-email-error-codes
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.spectrum.net_support_internet_understanding-2Demail-2Derror-2Dcodes&d=DwMFaQ&c=sWW_bEwW_mLyN3Kx2v57Q8e-CRbmiT9yOhqES_g_wVY&r=5Ps6gqx3JusivGVI-U9_l6qlVACXvsBn54y9pSHmSYw&m=TaCSQdumLdzxGScgqcE9mMsLMKVg3Abt8p_LJnW1rF31HIpxh76SzM_HWp_rKRwX&s=EeMFTXvSsAxIEb_HFJCAS2sAfdtFiXvBJJutJt0wLnw&e=>
> for more information. AUP#In-1190
> 554 5.0.0 Service unavailable
> __________
> Thank you for your attention,
> Chad Dailey
> _______________________________________________
> mailop mailing list
> mailop@mailop.org
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__list.mailop.org_listinfo_mailop&d=DwIGaQ&c=sWW_bEwW_mLyN3Kx2v57Q8e-CRbmiT9yOhqES_g_wVY&r=5Ps6gqx3JusivGVI-U9_l6qlVACXvsBn54y9pSHmSYw&m=TaCSQdumLdzxGScgqcE9mMsLMKVg3Abt8p_LJnW1rF31HIpxh76SzM_HWp_rKRwX&s=37Dh08i3mYY-uLXzZKPUO8oOnMB073UvFcxaCvJyFjk&e=
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