Hey friends,

I'm a bit new to the mailing list and I'm really interested in sharing useful data with others. I have a lot of data to work with and I'm trying to find more and more ways to share it that benefits everyone. Email is one of those things where community really matters I think, because the more we share the better off all of our mail servers can be. One less inbound spam = one less accidentally forwarded spam = one less IP rate limited by Google this hour, all that jazz.

Anyway, to say hello I wanted to share one of my latest findings:

From what I can tell this is an entirely (or very nearly entirely) spam network. If you start clicking through the prefixes and looking at the PTR records, it's pretty rough. Even the ones that look more questional like I can only find spam in my logs for, no legitimate emails coming in. I keep adding them to my internal RBL (MXRBL if you want to use it) and they keep announcing new ranges to try to outpace it. Look out for them, they're worth blocking all around. Zero complaints from customers thus far.

Anyway, a small gift and a hearty hello <3

Jarland Donnell
mailop mailing list

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