Re: [mapguide-users] RenderMap: MgOutOfMemoryException

2020-08-26 Thread Jackie Ng
What kind of image sizes are you dealing with here out of curiosity?

- Jackie

Sent from:
mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] Nabble is now read-only

2020-08-26 Thread Jackie Ng
Update: Nabble appears to no longer be readonly for this list again. I'm
curious to know who is responsible for the nabble integration, so we know
who to ping if this is readonly again in the future

Source: This reply made from nabble.

- Jackie

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] enumeration

2020-08-26 Thread Jackie Ng
Properties with value list constraints is a feature of FDO that is not being
surfaced up to MapGuide, so I don't believe MapGuide supports this.

- Jackie

Sent from:
mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide Open Source 4.0 update

2020-08-26 Thread Jackie Ng
Some more linux-specific information about the upcoming preview 2 release.

The early/mid next month date is to give me some breathing space to refine
the Linux build and packaging process.

Because 4.0 is going to be fully 64-bit for both Windows (and now) Linux. It
means we can now fully leverage the use of docker to rapidly and
consistently pump out builds of MapGuide and FDO for various versions of
CentOS and Ubuntu. 

I may have mentioned in the past of consolidating only on Ubuntu due to
limited resources. With the advent of this docker-based build system, going
64-bit only and the ease/speed of getting builds out for both CentOS and
Ubuntu with this build system, I am retracting this move and 4.0 Preview 2
will be available for both CentOS and Ubuntu. The current versions being
targeted will be:

 * CentOS 6
 * CentOS 7
 * Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

This list may change for releases after 4.0 Preview 2.

For interested parties, the docker-based build system is on my github:

For this release, we are also going with a new packaging format. MapGuide
will be delivered as a single self-extracting tarball shell script with all
the installer niceties from the Ubuntu install script:

 * A text-based installer UI
 * An optional "headless" mode if installing MapGuide through
scripted/automated means (eg. Inside docker containers)
 * Automatic installation of required system libraries via the distro's
designated package manager (yum for CentOS, apt-get for Ubuntu)

- Jackie

Sent from:
mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] RenderMap: MgOutOfMemoryException

2020-08-26 Thread frieda
It's DIN A2, so I pass 9922 x 14032 pixel to that function. I'm not sure why
that's too much, if I'm not wrong then 9922 x 14032 pixel is something about
80 MB for a PNG.

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mapguide-users mailing list