Re: [mapguide-users] mgTileSeeder Zoom Levels

2021-01-27 Thread GordonL
HI Jackie, that build works perfectly.

I generated tiles up to level 21 and added them to QGIS to test.


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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide 4: Displaying MapboxVectorTiles in OpenLayers

2021-01-27 Thread Gunter Becker
Hi Jackie,

I've got one more finding while debugging a Mapbox-Service, that let me to
the conclusion that the issue is propably  MapGuide related:

In OpenLayers up to v4.3.4 all features that were loaded by either
Mapbox-Service or MapGuide-Service have tile coordinates between 0 and 4096
(accordings to the grid size)

In versions above v4.4 the features from the same Mapbox-Service have
pseudomercator coordinates and the features from MapGuide are shown as NaN.

Maybe the MapGuide-Service does only send tile coordinates instead of
pseudomercator coordinates. Maybe that was sufficent for the older versions
but not for the newer once.


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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide 4: Displaying MapboxVectorTiles in OpenLayers

2021-01-27 Thread Gunter Becker
Hi Jackie,

thanks for your reply. I already checked all the release notes up to the
current version and have made the relevant changes. I had now time to look a
little closer into this problem and figured out, that there is an issue with
the coordinates of the geometry and not the styling what was my first

Since the features were displayed in your codesamples up to version 4.3.4 I
would assume that MapGuide delivers the geometry with the correct
coordinates. In all versions higher or equal than 4.4.0 all I can see in
developer tools are geometries with an array of coordinates like that: [NaN,
NaN, , NaN]. So the number of coordinates seems to be correct while the
values are not. It doesn't matter if we create features of type "ol.Feature"
or "ol.render.Feature". I even have used a tileLoadFunction to get more
control over what's happening. But even within in this function I'm not able
to find out where the coordinates were lost. 

So, I wonder what can cause this loss of coordinate values. Could it be that
there is something additional missing in the response from MapGuide that the
newer versions of OpenLayers expects. Any idea?

Thanks, Gunter

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mapguide-users mailing list