Re: [mapguide-users] LINESTRING XYZ geometries fun

2018-07-02 Thread Hans Milling
Sweet. Next must be an augmented reality viewer for MapGuide, where you can
see the pipes and cables in the ground when looking around.

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] Google Map

2018-06-15 Thread Hans Milling
Google announced that:
1. From June 11 you cannot use google maps any more unless a credit card is
attached to your google account.
2. You cannot use google maps without a valid API key generated by your
google account for the specific site.

Google maps is now way more expensive than before. I recommend you check how
many "loads" yoru sites have before you give them your credit card

You can see the new price model here:

I suspect this is why your google maps stopped working.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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mapguide-users mailing list

[mapguide-users] Arrows on lines

2018-06-07 Thread Hans Milling
I found a guide for AIMS to put arrows at the end of lines. Question is, if
this is possible in MapGuide and how using Maestro? I tried the Composite
styles, but I cannot get any point symbols showing for lines.

This is the AIMS guide by Gordon:

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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mapguide-users mailing list

[mapguide-users] Changes in MapGuide 3.1.1

2018-04-23 Thread Hans Milling
I noticed two changes in MapGuide 3.1.1. Perhaps this is due to an updated
version of the FDO providers. But the OGR provider now expects single quote
' instead of double quote " for value fields. Double quoted strings are now
always treated as column names. This is great as Oracle and SQL Spatial
provider already do it this way (we had to make special cases for writing
filters for the OGR provider, however we have to remove these now: if
(providername=="OSGeo.OGR") from our source code now).

Selection XML, again when using OGR provider, now encodes all ID's as Base64
encoded Int64 instead of Int32 (Example FiM=). Affects our
code that either selects objects or get a list of selected objects. Not a
big deal either.

Is there anything else I missed? That might be useful to know?

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] What version of FDO is MapGuide 3.1.1 compiled against?

2018-04-18 Thread Hans Milling
All test data is in ASCII, and have no characters outsize the A-Z range.
I have created a very small test MapInfo TAB file:

The MapInfo table has two columns:
Stadt and Straße (city, street)
A sigle row with:
Güstrow, Neukruger Straße

The file is in WGS84 coordinate system, but this is not relevant for this

This is how it looks in MapInfo:

This is how it looks in QGIS (I believe they use OGR provider too, they
probably just handle it different than MapGuide after they receive the

Preview of feature source in MapGuide (Here it is clear that MapGuide cannot
handle none ascii characters from TAB files):

Creating a layer works, but setting a filter is next to impossible:

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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mapguide-users mailing list

[mapguide-users] WHat version of FDO is MapGuide 3.1.1 compiled against?

2018-04-18 Thread Hans Milling

I am trying to implement the fix for MapInfo TAB files that always uses
Windows 1252 and not UTF-8.
The OGR provider always assumes that files are UTF-8 and letters like é, æ
or ß turn out as chinese characters.
I have done this fixto MapGuide 2.2, 2.4, 2.6 and  3.1. This time for the
3.1.1 release the compiled DLL does not work. The OGRProvider.dll in the
MapGuide\Server\Fdo folder states version 4.1. But when I compile my own 4.1
OGRProvider.dll it cannot be loaded. The error is:
Unable to load the FDO Provider library '.\OGRProvider.dll': The specified
module could not be found. (Cause: , Root Cause: Unable to load the FDO
Provider library '.\OGRProvider.dll': The specified module could not be
found. ) 

Not many details there.
Is MapGuide 3.1.1 build against FDO trunk, or some other branch that is
still version 4.1?

This is the original post about the problem:

This is my first follow up post:

Perhaps someone with the right build environment could compile the change
for me ;-)

Providers\OGR\Src\Provider\stdafx.h add this function:
static std::wstring A2W_SLOW_ASCII(const char* input)
int wlen = (int)strlen(input) + 1;
wchar_t* ws = (wchar_t*)alloca(sizeof(wchar_t)*wlen);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, input, -1, ws, wlen);
return std::wstring(ws);

m_sprops[(long)val] = A2W_SLOW(val);
m_sprops[(long)val] = A2W_SLOW_ASCII(val);

That is it. Only downside is that all files read by the OGR provider is
treated as ASCII/Windows 1252.

A perfect implementation would be something like
if (source_file_is_mapinfo_tab_or_mif)
m_sprops[(long)val] = A2W_SLOW(val);
m_sprops[(long)val] = A2W_SLOW_ASCII(val);

But I have no idea how to implement this.

Best Regards
  Hans Milling

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] Migration Autodesk to Esri

2018-04-03 Thread Hans Milling
We changed to Open Source a few years ago. We had no issues changing. Getting
rid of all the license issues were the best (vierual servers that change MAC
address were a nightmare). ArcGIS has a lot of limitations in the layer
rules and some other stuff compared to MapGuide. Changing from MapGuide to
ArcGIS is a step back if you ask me.
We have made a tool to Migrate ArcGIS solutions to MapGuide to assist our
clients, who have ArcGIS. The tool take all data and setup (layer themes
etc.) from Arc into MapGuide+MSSQL server setup, but could just as easily
convert to PostGIS or Oracle databases with a few tweaks.

Best Regards
  Hans Milling...

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] Maestro 6m8 deletes resources on rename

2018-02-28 Thread Hans Milling
I vote for option 1, that would prevent data/setup from disappearing. If you
can tell by the nature of this post, someone has overwritten something by
mistake :-)

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mapguide-users mailing list

[mapguide-users] Maestro 6m8 deletes resources on rename

2018-02-28 Thread Hans Milling
In Maestro 6m8, if I rename a resources and type a name of an existing
resource but haven't checked the overwrite option. The existing resource
disappears. Is this by design?

An Example: I have folder named Client1. I have another folder named
Client2. The Client1 folder has 10 maps, 100 layers and 20 datasources. the
Client2 folder is empty.

If I rename Client2 to Client1. The original Client1 is nowhere to be found,
theres is a new Client1 folder that is empty. I get no warning or error
about overwriting?
The check box "Overwrite existing resource" is NOT checked. I guess I should
get an error/warning If overwrite has not been chosen and I am trying to
overwrite a resource?
What happens to the original Client1 when I choose not to overwrite? Is it
deleted, or is the reference just lost and the original folder is forever
stuck in the database? Can the lost reference be recovered somehow or is it
actually deleted from the database?

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide (actually FDO) 64-bit Linux blockers

2018-02-27 Thread Hans Milling
Hi Beoit

True, it would be best to use the designated providers instead of the more
generic OGR. But if this is the only way (for a start) to make a 64 bit
Linux build, then I guess people can live with using the OGR provider for
Shape etc. until the other compiler issues has been fixed with the other
Most of our clients use the OGR for MapInfo TAB files, and we haven't
experiences any issues. Also the performance is must faster with TAB files
than an Oracle database (In general my experience is that these optimized
spatial files are faster than databases).

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide (actually FDO) 64-bit Linux blockers

2018-02-27 Thread Hans Milling
Gordon, there is an official list of vector formats supported by OGR:

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] ECW in MapGuide 3.1

2018-02-25 Thread Hans Milling
The GDAL_DRIVER_PATH sort of works. I set it to the Server\Fdo\gdalplugins
directory. But the ECW is in black and white. I guess this is because the
ECW files are in a newer format than the driver can handle.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] ECW in MapGuide 3.1

2018-02-25 Thread Hans Milling
I'm on Windows. So there is still hope. Do you point the GDAL_DRIVER_PATH
environment variable to the OSGEO\MapGuide\Server\FDO or the
...FDO\gdalplugins directory?

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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mapguide-users mailing list

[mapguide-users] ECW in MapGuide 3.1

2018-02-22 Thread Hans Milling
Hi all

How can I get ECW to work in MapGuide 3.1? I tried the DLL's for MapGuide
But they do not work.
It seems that MapGuide 3.1 is compiled with MSVC2015 and requires GDAL 1.10.
On the GISInternals site I can only find 1.9 compiled with MSVC2015:

Please advise.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide (actually FDO) 64-bit Linux blockers

2018-02-20 Thread Hans Milling
You can ditch the Shape provider also, as this is also supported by the OGR

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] MGTileSeeder Help

2018-02-09 Thread Hans Milling
If MapGuide crashes/hangs, try to add your Shape files with the OGR provider
instead of the SHP provide. From time to time we have clients who experience
problems using the SHP provider, then OGR provider works better for Shape

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] XYZ-Tiles of different size

2018-02-05 Thread Hans Milling
Could it be this bug:
I think it has something to do with the DPI you set on your map. if you want
higher resolution you need to increase the DPI from the standard 72 or 96 to
150 or 300.

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] Accepting applications to join the MapGuide PSC

2018-01-22 Thread Hans Milling
Hi Jackie

Can you describe a bit more what kind of work is done by the PSC and how
much time each month is normally used for the work? Any special skills
required or "nice to have"?

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] Redirect Maestro download page

2018-01-19 Thread Hans Milling
The actual download page is this one:

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mapguide-users mailing list

[mapguide-users] Redirect Maestro download page

2018-01-19 Thread Hans Milling
When searching Google for MapGuide Maestro, I can find the old page:

Could someone update this to reference the new download for Maestro:

And remove the download links for the old version 6.0m5

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mapguide-users mailing list

[mapguide-users] How to add WMTS to MGOS 3.1

2018-01-19 Thread Hans Milling
I'd like to try the WMTS support introduced in MGOS 3.0. I am using MGOS 3.1.
But I have no clue how to do this, and have been unable to find a good
source of information, how to do this.
This is the URL for the WMTS GetCapabilities service:

From this I can read:
Coordinate system is UTM 32N
Top left corner: 12.0 650.0
Tile size is 256x256 pixels (I thing MapGuide defaults to 300x300)

The URL for each individual tile is like this:

Do I need to make an MgTileSeeder application, that MapGuide calls, and this
loads the tiles and seed them to MapGuide, or can the WMTS be added directly
to MapGuide using the XYZ tile provider?

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] Moving to MGOS from AIMS

2018-01-17 Thread Hans Milling
I am against GPL too. We have a lot of stuff build on the Maestro API and
integrated in the ajax viewer. If MapGuide was changed to GPL licensen, we
would pull the plug, because we do not want all of our source code to go
public. Why hand all our golden egs to our competitions ?

Same reason we haven't converted all of our MapInfo modules to QGIS. There
is no business in GPL licensed software.

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] Future plans/roadmap for MapGuide Open Source

2018-01-11 Thread Hans Milling
Thanks for the update Jackie. We will continue to use MapGuide for many
By all means drop 32 bit support. We haven't use 32 bit for a few years
We continue to use the MaestroAPI, since changing our WebGIS from this to
Fusion/React is a huge task and if we ever do this, we will start all over
with a brand new WebGIS I think.

GeoJSON is a great thing, we use this a lot in other projects. That would be
a very nice feature to include in MapGuide.

Best Regards
  Hans Milling...

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] Moving to MGOS from AIMS

2018-01-09 Thread Hans Milling
We moved from AIMS to MGOS about 5 years ago. Autodesk told us, to be able to
sell AIMS we had to start selling all of Autodesks products. That is when we
decided to go Open Source. Support from Autodesk was crap and just to obtain
a license took 1-2 weeks. New support personal all the time and couldn't
understand that MapGuide was server software and not a windows program with
a help->license menu. We have never regretted moving to MGOS instead.
We are using the GDAL provider for ECW at our clients (requires license).
But it works perfectly, no problems. Also someone mentioned in this thread,
concerns about Oracle support. We have a few clients that uses oracle
databases. The Oracle provider that comes with MGOS works great, we have not
encountered any problems.
As for DWG support, none of our clients had problems, the few that uses
Autodesk products just save in a different format than AutoCAD DWG when
creating new files for the MapGuide server. Not a big deal for them. Would
be nice though to have the provider available in MGOS, but it is not a
"must" for us.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] Display Historival value assigned to a polygon

2018-01-05 Thread Hans Milling
I usually create a table that matches the view (with a primary key). Then I
add the FeatureSource pointing to the table. The feature source is created
with primary key and can be selected. Then I delete the table and create a
vire with the same name, and everything works.

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] Open layers version 4.6

2017-12-19 Thread Hans Milling
We use the EXT.JS javascript framework on top of OpenLayers for the GUI and
MapGuides Maestro API on the server to manipulate the map. We do not have
any public accessible maps with this slider.

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] Open layers version 4.6

2017-12-17 Thread Hans Milling
I created a similar effect in the old OpenLayers version. If you add all your
geometry to the same table and have a column with the sea level. You can set
a filter on the layer. e.g. sealevel=10 and when people move the slider you
can change the sea level felter to e.g. filter=30 or whatever. To get the
best performance, you have the sea level layer in a separate map that you
add to your open layers map, and you refresh this layer only when the slider
is moved. Then OpenLayers do not have to call mapguide to render the entire
map every time you change the sea level. Only the sea level map is rendered.
It is not as fast as the example, because the example loads all data to the
browser. But it still works ok.

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide Maestro 6.0M8 available

2017-11-22 Thread Hans Milling
Thank you for the many hours you put into this. Great work.
Nice feature with the rule count.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] How to troubleshoot "The specified class was not found"?

2017-10-12 Thread Hans Milling
I just remembered that this error could also mean that the FDO provider does
not provide the method that MapGuide tries to use.
A great example is, if you enable selection on a raster layer. Raster does
not support querying the map for data. If you try to query a tooltip or
selection on a raster layer MapGuide will throw an error, because the raster
layer does not support the query functions. In other words, do not enable
selection on raster layers.
You can make a copy of your map, and remove one layer at the time until the
map works. Then you know which layer is generating the error.

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide 2.5 WMS asking for password

2017-10-11 Thread Hans Milling
Now 2017 and testing on MapGuide 3.1. I have the exact same issue. I tried
two different installations, but same result. I can do the the
RequestCapabilities call to the WMS, but as soon as the application (QGIS or
MapInfo) asks  for the image, MapGuide want's a username and password. No
MapGuide user og windows user works. Has anyone experienced this and found a
solution? IIS as default is set up to anonymous authentication. I also tried
to add Basic Authentication and Windows Authentication to the MapGuide IIS
application, but nothing helps.

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] How to troubleshoot "The specified class was not found"?

2017-10-09 Thread Hans Milling
This was some years ago. I think the problem was that the geometry in the
Oracle table where 3D coordinates. MapGuide did not like that. I solved it
by converting all 3D coordnates to 2D coordinates in the database.
Anyway "The specified class does not exist" usually means that a DLL some
where has the wrong version or you are running 64 bit and the dll is 32 bit,
or that the program is calling a function in the dll that is either not
defined or has different parameters.
What are you doing when you get this error?

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] Support Sqlserver 2016 inPASS mode

2017-09-21 Thread Hans Milling
MapGuide or FDO used to have a bug, where it tried to read information about
all databases on the server, even the databases that the user have no access
to. This resulted in an error. Solution was to use a user on the database
server that had access to everything (the sa user) to create the feature
source, and then change the username/password to the correct user, after the
datasource were created.
I am not sure if you experience the same?

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] alias with data trough VPN

2017-09-13 Thread Hans Milling
Read/Write/Seek operations of files on a network share can be very slow due
to the SAMBA protocol. I would advise against having your map data on a
different location than a local disk. It is much better to setup a job that
replicates the date to the local disk (a simple copy is often fine).

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] Mapguide 3.1 WFS service

2017-09-04 Thread Hans Milling
I usually ask my clients to install GeoServer (also open source) to host WFS
or WFS. Because MapGuide WFS is not compatible with ArcGIS or QGIS and some
others (at least version 2.0 and 2.2). Only MapInfo I could get it to work.
But perhaps things are better in 3.1.

You need to setup WFS properly and then tell MapGuide what to make available
in the WFS services. Here is how:

To get WFS server configured properly, do this:
1. Open the site administrator from Maestro or go to:
2. Open "Configure WFS"
3. Change Server name from:
This field contains the name if the server is accessed from outside the
You can use external IP or the like. But localhost points to the local
machine, so if you try to call the WFS from somewhere else, the WFS XML will
contain links to localhost and that is not valid unless you are running QGIS
from the same server as MapGuide is running. So if you need to access the
WFS from some other machine you need to put the server name or IP here. If
the WFS is to be access from people all over the world, you need the
external IP or domain name here. Also when running on IIS you are using port
80 for HTTP traffic as default and you need to change the port to port 80 to
make it work. Port 8008 is only for Apache installations I think. MapGuide
in IIS is using port 80 as default.

Now WFS is set up properly, you need to tell MapGuide what is available on
the users of the WFS service.
1. From MapGuide Maestro right click the FeatureSource you want available on
your WFS server and select thw WFS tab. Setup the title, and make sure to
check "Available". Also set the SRS and bounds properly. Click ok and when
you refresh your WFS (GetCapabilities) the feature source should be
Make sure that the feature source or any columns names only contain letters
a-z and numbers 0-9. If you have spaces, accents (é) letters from russian,
chinese or anything else, most desktop GIS systems will fail to load the WFS
do to the poor implementation in MapGuide.

One last thing, try to change the version=x.x.x to version=1.0.0
or version=1.1.0 in your desktop GIS (the GetCapabilities string) where you
try to add the WFS. I am not sure if MapGuide supports 1.3 or newer (only
change if still can not get it to work).

I hope this helps.

Best Regards
  Hans Milling...

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mapguide-users mailing list

Re: [mapguide-users] correctly display utf-8 arrow-symbol

2017-08-08 Thread Hans Milling
The square can also mean that the unicode font used, does not have the
specified character. Just like when people with an IOS device (iPhone) post
emoticons native to IOS. On Windows and Android you see a rectangle with a
cross, replacing the missing symbols.
Either you should use the same font as Autocad did for the arrows to work,
or you need to replace the arrow character with a similar character from the
font you use for the labels in MapGuide.
Arial font have the left and right arrow defined as:
U+2190: ←
U+2192: →
If you can update the column holding the arrow characters with those
symbols, they should display correct in MapGuide.

Best regards Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] Set selection color using MaestroAPI 6

2017-06-14 Thread Hans Milling
Hi Joel Edwin

Please do not hijack another thread. If you have a question, you should
create a new thread, or else your question could get lost in the original

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] Set selection color using MaestroAPI 6

2017-06-06 Thread Hans Milling
It works now.
Using parameters VERSION=2.0.0 and BEHAVIOR=7 and of course the

Thanks for your assistance Jackie.

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Re: [mapguide-users] Set selection color using MaestroAPI 6

2017-06-05 Thread Hans Milling
Hi Jackie

If I set version to 3.0.0 MapGuide 3.1 returns:
The requested operation version is invalid.

The requested operation version is invalid. -
MgHttpGetDynamicMapOverlayImage.Execute() line 122 file
- MgHttpRequestResponseHandler.ValidateCommonParameters() line 218 file
- MgHttpGetDynamicMapOverlayImage.ValidateOperationVersion() line 141 file

If I use version 2.0.0 the selection image returned is a
blank/empty/transparent image.

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Re: [mapguide-users] Set selection color using MaestroAPI 6

2017-06-02 Thread Hans Milling
Hi Jackie

I cannot get the selection color to change. This is the request from
OpenLayers to MapGuide:

This is the output:

The selection color is set to green 7800FF00 (Green with 50% transparency)

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Re: [mapguide-users] Set selection color using MaestroAPI 6

2017-06-02 Thread Hans Milling
Any change that the RFC148 (that GETMAPIMAGE) will support SELECTIONCOLOR
attribute is ported to MGOS 3.1? That would be great as the openlayers
implementation can easily be modified to parse the selection color.

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[mapguide-users] Set selection color using MaestroAPI 6

2017-06-01 Thread Hans Milling
Hi all

I am using MaestroAPI 6 and MapGuide 3.1. I can see that the
renderdynamicoverlay supports a selection color. The OpenLayers
implementation of MapGuide uses GETMAPIMAGE and GETDYNAMICMAPOVERLAY. In my
codebehind I use the IMappingService.RenderRuntimeMap.
These do not support setting the selection color. I cannot see any way to
set the selection color in the RuntimeMap either.
Question is. Can it be done? Is it possible or is the renderdynamicoverlay
something used by Fusion or React layout?

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Re: [mapguide-users] Problem with MobileViewer and SSL (https)

2017-04-07 Thread Hans Milling
If your main page is running HTTPS, you need to load scripts etc. from HTTPS
also. Lucky you the supports HTTPS too. Somewhere there is
a reference to the virtualearth script. just edit this to:
That should work.

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Re: [mapguide-users] Creating tiled map from untiled

2017-03-06 Thread Hans Milling
In Maestro you can convert ordinary groups to base layers groups with a
single click of a button (the one to the far right in the Layers section of
your map.
If your layers are not in a group, put them in a group and click the button.
Next  go to Base Layer Groups and add som Finite Display Scales for the
tiled map.
Finally use MGCooker (the button with the globe) to generate the tiles.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] unable to logon Mapguide : ACE.dll failed

2017-02-07 Thread Hans Milling
I sometimes see this error if the repository is corrupt or if I moved the
repository from one server to another and the path where MapGuide was
installed is not 100% identical.

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Re: [mapguide-users] Test release of MapGuide Maestro 6.0m6

2017-01-31 Thread Hans Milling
I get this error when i close the new Maestro 6.0m6:

Best regards Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] Mapguide 3.1 Label Issue

2017-01-02 Thread Hans Milling
Does it work when you run the application but after a while stops working due
to the MapGuide sessions has timed out? Or the map never works and always
give you the timeout error because the render time is too long?
Perhaps too many labels are displayed at the same time. You can duplicate
the layer style. I should read something like 0 : Infinity
After you have duplicated the layer style, set the first one to 0 : 1000 and
the second to 1001 : Infinity.
Apply only labels to the 0 : 1 to make sure labels only appear when
zoomed way into the map (just for a test). See if that works. If it does,
the peoblem is too many lables displayed and the outer zoom levels.
Another way to debug the timeout could be running the SQL Server profiling
tool (unless you are using SQL Express) to see what select commands MapGuide
is using. Run the select command in Management Studio and see how many rows
are returned. If many thousand rows are returned MapGuide will die trying to
draw all those labels.
I am not sure if MapGuide can output/log the SQL sentences in case you do
not have the profiling tool.

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Re: [mapguide-users] Mapguide 3.1 Label Issue

2017-01-01 Thread Hans Milling
When you say the rendering doesn't happen, do you get an error when executing
your C# code?
Is the label a complex one (using expressions) or a simple value from a
Does the MapGuide error.log file has any errors when you try to render the
map image with labels?

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Re: [mapguide-users] invalid geomatry in oracle spatial

2016-12-23 Thread Hans Milling
Try to run sdo_cs.make_2d(...) on the geometry column or include this in the
select you use when extracting data. the FDO provider or SDF file does not
support 3d coordinates, and some systems store the coordinates as 3d
coordinates, even though the height value is always 0. 3D coordinates will
not fail the validate_geometry.

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Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide slow SHP datasource

2016-11-30 Thread Hans Milling
There are some internal limit to the maximum number of files. I am not sure
if it is MapGuide or Windows that has this limit. I think it is about 1000
file handles. A few years back we ran into this problem with one of our
The file based data is often compiled of several files for a single layer.
MapInfo TAB files have 4-5 files.
The server config has a limit of 200 internal but 200*5 = 1000 and I do not
know how many file handles MapGuide uses for everything else (repository,
temp files etc.).
I have no clue why connectionpooling has been disabled for SHP files, but I
usually have this in my serverconfig.ini:

DataConnectionPoolSizeCustom   = OSGeo.Gdal:1,OSGeo.OGR:50,OSGeo.SHP:50

In other words. 50 file based connections for the OGR and 50 for the SHP

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] Generate Pre-Cache Tiles

2016-11-10 Thread Hans Milling
Create a map with a BaseLayer group and and your layers for the background
map to this group. Define some display scales (fixed zoom levels) that the
tiles should be generated.
Finally click the small globe "Start MgCooker" and from here select the map
and zoom levels and click Build tiles now. That is it, the tiles are
generated for the map.

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Re: [mapguide-users] Mapguide WMS Error

2016-11-02 Thread Hans Milling
The RuntimeMap in memory has to have width and height defined for a lot of
functions to work. I am not sure if the width and height has to match the
output pixel width height though.

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Re: [mapguide-users] Additional monitoring of MapGuide

2016-10-24 Thread Hans Milling
We also experience this with our WebGIS. We never found the cause of this,
but some of our customers experience this every day and others never
experience it.
My research suggests that if you query the MapGuide server with an expired
session, some errors occur inside MapGuide and at some point it stops
working due to memory leaks or something. Best way to avoid the crashes is
to avoid working with expired MapGuide server sessions. So set the IIS
session timeout to something lower than the MapGuide timeout or have some
keep alive request that triggers both IIS and MapGuide server requests.

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Re: [mapguide-users] Bug: CreateRuntimeMap returns scalerange with „Null“ when using Raster or WMS-layers in Map

2016-10-24 Thread Hans Milling
If you need the information, if a layer in a RuntimeMap is either raster or
vector, can't you just go the the layers feature source to get this
We do this in our WebGIS to split the runtime maps into several maps. We add
all the background raster  layers (e.g. WMS) from the RuntimeMap as
individual runtime maps (layers) in OpenLayers. This way you can swap the
background maps without refreshing the vector map, or update the vector map
without reloading the background map. Especially for WMS layers that are not
tiled, this gives a great performance boost when people turn vector layers
on and off.

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Re: [mapguide-users] QueryMapFeatures throws OSGeo.MapGuide.MgDbException

2016-10-18 Thread Hans Milling
As a side note. Using HtppConnection instead of LocalNative, the max features
-1 can be used with no errors.

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Re: [mapguide-users] Difference to QueryMapFeatures when using LocalNative and HttpConnection

2016-10-18 Thread Hans Milling
Using MapGuide 2.2 and MaestroAPI 4 the tooltip and hyperlink was returned
through the MaestroAPI.
Our WebGIS is using both LocalNative and HTTP, so it was easy to use the
HTTP connection for selection and tooltips.

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[mapguide-users] Difference to QueryMapFeatures when using LocalNative and HttpConnection

2016-10-18 Thread Hans Milling

I am using MapGuide 3.1 and MaestroAPI 6.
It seems there is a difference to the IServerConnection.QueryMapFeatures
function when using LocalNativeConnection and HttpServerConnection.

The LocalNative is returning only the FeatureSet part of the XML, where the
HttpServerConnection returns a full FeatureInformation xml with hyperlinks,
tooltips etc.

Is this by design?

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] QueryMapFeatures throws OSGeo.MapGuide.MgDbException

2016-10-17 Thread Hans Milling
Hi Jackie

I am selecting from a small rectangle on the map. Setting the max results to
100 works, even though it only returns 6 features. I guess the -1 makes some
buffer run full. Thanks.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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[mapguide-users] QueryMapFeatures throws OSGeo.MapGuide.MgDbException

2016-10-17 Thread Hans Milling

I am using MaestroAPI 6 and MapGuide 3.1. I am trying to query a map using
the QueryMapFeatures function. I create the runtime map using the CreateMap
function and later query the map.
I call the query this way:

The last lines fails with:
Exception thrown: 'OSGeo.MapGuide.MgDbException' in

The MapGuide server error.log says:
Error: An exception occurred in DB component.
Db::put: DB_LOG_BUFFER_FULL: In-memory log buffer is full

If I validate the map in MapGuide Maestro I get no errors. How can I
troubleshoot what is causing this error?

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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[mapguide-users] Problem getting LocalNative to work in Maestro6 API and MapGuide 3.1

2016-10-05 Thread Hans Milling
Hi. I have problems getting the LocalNative connection working with Maestro
API v6 and MapGuide 3.1.
This is what I have done:

1. Used the ProviderTemplate.exe to create a LocalNative provider DLL:
2. Used the MaestroAPITestRunner64.exe to check that the DLL is working with
the LocalNative tests enabled.

All is fine so far.

In my own source I now do this:
IServerConnection con =
ConnectionProviderRegistry.CreateConnection("Maestro.Http", "Url",
host.ToString(), "Username", username, "Password", password);
if (MapGuideApi.MgInitializeWebTier(@"C:\Program
  localconnection =
"SessionId=" + con.SessionID + ";AllowUntestedVersion=true");

I then get the following error on the last createconnection:
Provider not registered: Maestro.LocalNative

I checked with the GetProviders, only the Maestro HTTP provider is
registered. I can see the API sources code when loading the providers form
the ConnectionProviders.xml, the source just ignores any exceptions (empty

I then tried to modify the Maestro API to throw any exception of the
provider cannot be loaded, to detect the error. But after compiling the
MaestroAPI and copying the OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.dll file to my project,
the InitializeWebTier now failes with this error:
Could not load file or assembly 'OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f526c48929fda856' or one
of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not
match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

Question is, do I need to do something with the dll I built myself to make
it work with the or do I have to rebuild the LocalNative provider again with
the ProviderTemplate64.exe file? Seems like the dll is missing both the
version number and the token (perhaps it was signed with the SDK, but is not
when I build myself?)

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Re: [mapguide-users] Problems getting LocalNative and MapGuide 3.1 to work with MaestroAPI 6

2016-09-27 Thread Hans Milling
Hi Jackie

I deleted the test folder and unzipped again from the Maestro SDK. Then it
worked. I guess if I compile the OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.dll myself
(fixing a bug), the version is not the same any more as the one the test
application is using, and that causes the error.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] Maestro API 6 - Infinite loop when calling IMappingService.CreateMapLayer

2016-09-27 Thread Hans Milling
This is a bug in the API, see

Changes have been committed and will be fixed in next release.

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[mapguide-users] Problems getting LocalNative and MapGuide 3.1 to work with MaestroAPI 6

2016-09-27 Thread Hans Milling
Hi MapGuide Users

I compiled OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Native-3.1.0.dll using the
ProviderTemplate.exe file provided with the MaestroSDK.
However when I copy the file to the Test directory and run the test (I have
modified the ConnectionProviders.xml) I get the following error:

Errors and Failures:
1) SetUp Error : MaestroAPITests.TestBootstrap
   SetUp : System.IO.FileLoadException : Could not load file or assembly
'OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=f526c48929fda856' or one of its dependencies. The located
assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference.
(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
   at MaestroAPITests.TestBootstrap.Setup()

I have checked the OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.dll file (right
click->properties->details) and the version is 6.0.0 and no build number is
visible. How can I fix this? Is the LocalNative dll built with a different
version or is it the test app that is using a different version or what is
the reason for this error?

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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[mapguide-users] Maestro API 6 - Infinite loop when calling IMappingService.CreateMapLayer

2016-09-26 Thread Hans Milling

When I try to create a new RunTimeMapLayer I get an exception about infinite

The code looks like this:
RuntimeMapLayer rml = mapSvc.CreateMapLayer(map, l);

In short I first create the RunTime map, and then I try to create a new
RuntimeMapLayer from an IMapLayer.
Question is, what can I do wrong to cause an infinite loop to happen inside
the Maestro API?

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] Maestro API 6 - How to convert xml to ILayerDefinition

2016-09-22 Thread Hans Milling
I might have found a way to do it with Maestro API 6. However I need to solve
the 1000+ compiler errors after swapping the API, before I can confirm that
it works:

ILayerDefinition ldef =

As a side note (to Jackie). It would be great if the "string resourceType"
parameter were exchanged with the ResourceTypes enum, since I have
absolutely no clue what to write in that string field.

Best regards
  Hans Milling... 

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[mapguide-users] Maestro API 6 - How to convert xml to ILayerDefinition

2016-09-22 Thread Hans Milling
Hi I am converting from Maestro API 4 to 6 and I have a problem converting
from xml file to an ILayer definition.
I used to do this:

ILayerDefinition ldef =

But the ResourceTypeRegistry class is not public anymore.
Has anyone found another way to do this?

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide 3.0 installer stuck at "IIS Configuration Settings"

2016-09-21 Thread Hans Milling
Both MapGuide server and website runs as Network Service.
I went over alle folders in serverconfig.ini, webconfig.ini and php.ini and
made sure that there is read+write permission for the network servervice to
these folders (and sub folders). Also c:\windows\temp has read/write
permission to Network Service.

This is usually how I run my MGOS 2.2 setup.

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Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide 3.0 installer stuck at "IIS Configuration Settings"

2016-09-21 Thread Hans Milling
The www\Temp folder were missing. I crated it, but get a new error. I guess
there are stille some folders or something missing from the InstantSetup ZIP
file. I will double check all folders from the serverconfig.ini and
webconfig.ini files.

The new error is: 
System.Exception: The remote server returned an error: (559)
- IsapiAgent.HttpExtensionProc() line 211 file IsapiAgent.cpp
- IsapiPostParser.Parse() line 199 file IsapiPostParser.cpp
- MgByteSink.ToFile() line 215 file

 ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (559)
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
resourceid, Stream content, Stream header) in
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
resource) in c:\working\JenkinsCI\home\slave_win\jobs\Maestro
   at Maestro.Base.Commands.NewItemCommand.Run() in
trunk\workspace\Maestro.Base\Commands\NewItemCommand.cs:line 60
   at ICSharpCode.Core.WinForms.MenuCommand.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEventInteractive(EventArgs e,
ToolStripItemEventType met)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEvent(EventArgs e,
ToolStripItemEventType met)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons
button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg,
IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

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Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide 3.0 installer stuck at "IIS Configuration Settings"

2016-09-21 Thread Hans Milling
I tried to InstantSetup bundle. That works more or less, until I try to
create a new FeatureSource, Map, Layer or anything else in Maestro. I get
the following error (ISAPI seems to be installed correctly in IIS by the

System.Exception: The remote server returned an error: (559)
- IsapiAgent.HttpExtensionProc() line 211 file IsapiAgent.cpp
- IsapiPostParser.Parse() line 199 file IsapiPostParser.cpp
- MgFileUtil.GenerateTempFileName() line 1123 file
- MgFileUtil.GetTempPath() line 1016 file
- MgFileUtil.CreateDirectory() line 427 file
- MgFileUtil.MkDir() line 454 file

 ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (559)
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
resourceid, Stream content, Stream header) in
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
resource) in c:\working\JenkinsCI\home\slave_win\jobs\Maestro
   at Maestro.Base.Commands.NewItemCommand.Run() in
trunk\workspace\Maestro.Base\Commands\NewItemCommand.cs:line 60
   at ICSharpCode.Core.WinForms.MenuCommand.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEventInteractive(EventArgs e,
ToolStripItemEventType met)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEvent(EventArgs e,
ToolStripItemEventType met)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons
button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg,
IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

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[mapguide-users] MapGuide 3.0 installer stuck at "IIS Configuration Settings"

2016-09-21 Thread Hans Milling

I am about to port out WebGIS to MapGuide 3.0, and I am trying to install on
my Windows 10 (64bit) machine. In the installation options I am stuck at the
"IIS Configuration Settings" window. I choose .Net but when I click the Next
button, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
I have installed on Windows 2012 server with no problem.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] How to best consume Map Data

2016-09-07 Thread Hans Milling
I know that oracle as a SDO_UTIL.FROM_WKTGEOMETRY you can use in an insert or
update statement.

You need to convert your points to WKT (Well Known Text).
If you have the following data points that should turn into a polygon:
x, y
30, 10
40, 40
20, 40
10, 20
30, 10

TO write this in WKT format (Note that spaces devide each x and y and that
comma devide each coordinate pair):
POLYGON ((30 10, 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10))

You can do an:
insert into mypolygons (attr1, attr2, geometrycolumn) Values(1, 'Name',
SDO_UTIL.FROM_WKTGEOMETRY('POLYGON ((30 10, 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10))');

The table has to have a geometry column of type SDO_GEOMETRY to store the
geometry data and for MapGuide to be able to display these. The geometry
column you specify an SRID that tells the database what coordinate system
the coordinates are in. Two system are widely used. Either
Latitude/Longitude in WGS84 that has SPID/EPSG 4326 or you are using your
local EUREF89 UTM zone coordinates (A lot of different ID's are used, you
can find them with a simple Google search).

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] mapguide and mssql low performance problem

2016-08-23 Thread Hans Milling
Another great performance tip is to adjust what zoom levels different layers
are visible.
A building layer does not have to be visible when viewing a 100x100
kilometer area. Anything else that does not make sense drawing in the map
when zoomed all the way out should be set only visible in the inner zoom
Tweaking the different zoom levels that layers are visible can increase
performance quite a bit.
Also splitting a forrest layer (or other layer with many complex polygons)
in two, where you have a decreased the amount of points in the polygons for
the outer zoom levels and have the fully detailed polygons in the inner zoom
levels can speed up the map quite a bit. Most Desktop GIS application have a
feature to decrease the amount of points in polygons or lines. Imagine a
shore line with points for ever meter and you have to draw this at
1:100, most of the points in the shore line will fall within the same
pixel. Having a low detailed version for the first zoom levels will increase
performance a lot.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] Map Guide Open Source 3.0 on HTML 5 on Desktops and Devices

2016-08-23 Thread Hans Milling
We assisted a customer in moving from MapGuide 6.5 to MGOS and had the exact
same issue with SDF2 and SDF3 files. The trial version of Autodesk
Infrastructure Map Server and Autodesk Studio is sufficient for the
conversion. No need to purchase the full version.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] Mapguide OS WMS service is not showing any geometry

2016-06-28 Thread Hans Milling
I suspect the "localhost". This is only valid if you run local on the server.
If you use the WMS from outside you have to specify the outside IP address
or DNS.
From MapGuide Maestro go to Tools -> Site Administrator and checxk the WMS
settings. Replace localhost:8008 with the correct outside ip or name for the
server and also the correct port (in my setups it is always 80).

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Re: [mapguide-users] Mapguide 2.6 on windows 10 with IIS

2016-06-26 Thread Hans Milling
I experienced this with MapGuide 2.2 on newer operating systems. It seems
something is broken in the installer. Have you tried MapGuide 3.0 installer?

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Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide Maestro 6.0M5 available

2016-06-16 Thread Hans Milling
If any help, I have seen this error from Maestro 5 and up until now, but only
on WIndows 2008 or 2012 servers, not on Windows 7 or 10.
I guess the application try to do something or use som library not available
on some machines and that makes it crash.

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Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide Download Layer data

2016-05-29 Thread Hans Milling
You can also use ogr2ogr to convert between different formats.

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Re: [mapguide-users] Mapguide server 3.0 crashes often and got pink screen in the fusion viewer

2016-03-10 Thread Hans Milling
Try and search this forum, I am certain that this has been asked before. The
problem is that when initializing the map the display width has not been
set. At least that is what the first error at the bottom says.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] Mapguide 3.0 Maestro and Studio problem

2015-12-22 Thread Hans Milling
Seems you have something other than a number in a field that expects a
number. Check the feature source and layer (perhaps the xml is better to
look at). Try to validate both of them. Check the scale ranges also.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide as WMS server - high CPU usage, poor performance

2015-12-04 Thread Hans Milling
Hi Rob

I am sad to say that my experience is the same as yours. The WMS is very
slow and uses a lot of resources. Also I found that Esri ArcView/Map/GIS
does not like the XML that MapGuide WMS produces, and does not work at all.
MapInfo and QGIS have no problem with the WMS from a MapGuide server.
Most of our clients set up a separate GeoServer to make public WMS or WFS
instead of using the MapGuide server.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] Using an external WMS in MapGuide Maestro

2015-12-04 Thread Hans Milling
The minx > maxx error is a common error when Maestro creates a preview
runtime map. If you setup a map yourself and add the WMS layer, you can
preview this map with no errors.
Please pay attention to what Coordinate system you use for the map, remember
on the WMS feature source to set the same coordinate system for the layers.
Also be sure to remove "Selectable" (Set it to false) for any raster/WMS
layers as this makes no sense and can often cause MapGuide to throw some

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] The map display width cannot be less than or equal to zero

2015-11-13 Thread Hans Milling
I use the Maestro API, and I get this error if I create a runtime map with no
width/height information. So I always set the width/height to 1024x768 when
I create the RuntimeMap, and then later on I set the correct values.

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Re: [mapguide-users] How to use API (get selection geom) on Remote Server using a GETRUNTIMEMAP session ID?

2015-10-22 Thread Hans Milling
I never worked with the REST API, even though I wish at some point I could
ditch the API and use OpenLayers3 with REST for our WebGIS solution.

Best Regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] How to use API (get selection geom) on Remote Server using a GETRUNTIMEMAP session ID?

2015-10-22 Thread Hans Milling
This is how I would query a layer on a remote MapGuide server (I've cut bits
and pieces fom my source):

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] Upgrade Mapguide from 2.6->3.0

2015-09-02 Thread Hans Milling
You should be able to do this, the same way as moving to another server.

1. Make a backup of MapGuide 2.6.
2.  Stop the existing MapGuide 2.6 service.
3.  Open a command prompt and from the mapguide2.6\Server\RepositoryAdmin
run the BackUpOfflineRepositories.bat. Make sure no errors are displayed
(that is why you need to run it from a command window).
4.  In the command window, run RestoreColdBackupRepositories.bat (same
folder). Again check for errors. 
5. Then run RecoverRepositories.bat. Check for errors. If anything goes
wrong you need to restore your backup at this point.
6. Install MGOS 3.0 (You can remove 2.2 first if you need to resuse the same
folder/ports, but then you first make a copy of the "prepared" Repositories
7.  Stop the MapGuide 3.0 service.
8.  Delete the Repositories folder in mapguide3.0\server\ folder and copy
the prepared folder from MapGuide 2.6 to this location. 
9.  In the command window, change to the mapguide3.0\Server\RepositoryAdmin
folder and run UpgradeRepositories.bat. Check for errors.
10. Then run SetupRepositoryIndices.bat. Again check for errors.
11. Start the MapGuide 3.0 service (keep your fingers crossed) and upgrade
should be complete.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] Fwd: Consultation mapguide to be send

2015-07-20 Thread Hans Milling
Hi Julian

If you have the vehicles on the MapGuide map, the entire map image is
reloaded/generated, every time you need to refresh the vehicle positions.

What I have done in my solution is:
1. From JavaScript call the server (an aspx/php) that returns all vehicles
positions in JSON format.
2. Add a vector layer to the OpenLayers map with the vehicles on top of the
MapGuide map.
3. Keep updating the vehicle data, eg. every 5 seconds from the server.

This way the MapGuide server is not used, unless I zoom/pan the map, even
though the vehicles are moving on the map. The load on the server is far
less this way.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] multiple mapguide instance on win64 / .net development environment

2015-06-17 Thread Hans Milling
Hi David

Just restart the MapGuide service, that should do the trick.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] Mapguide and ODBC

2015-04-22 Thread Hans Milling
If your string column is e.g. "typeofhouse" and it is either:

create a new int column named typeid
and set an id to each type.
update houses set typeid=1 where typeofhouse='villa'

You then have the typeid column updated as this:
cityhouse = 2
appartment = 3
school = 4
government = 5

Add the same typeid column in the other table and update this the same way.

Tjen you can join using the int column instead of the text column.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] mapguide-users Digest, Vol 100, Issue 6

2015-04-20 Thread Hans Milling
Hi Julian

First of all, use the forum:
Every time you answer the e-mail, a new thread is generated for some reason
and we loose track of your previous questions in this forum.

Next, I suggest that you read the user manual for MapGuide Maestro. This is
the program that you need to use to start adding data to MapGuide and
setting up your map.

As an alternate I searched for MapGuide on YouTube and found this video (no
audio) where you can see how to create a map from scratch (with an completly
empty MapGuide installation):

I hope this is enough to get you started.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] (no subject)

2015-04-15 Thread Hans Milling
If you just need a simple map, then you can download open street map data for
a country or region here in shape format and add the different files to

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] How to load my appl with google maps as base map even without internet conection

2015-03-26 Thread Hans Milling
Do you have MapGuide and SQL server on the offline machine? You need to have
this or else you will not have any contact to the servers while offline. I
believe that the map should still work then even though there is no
connection to the google map.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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[mapguide-users] MapGuide 2.5 WMS asking for password

2015-03-25 Thread Hans Milling
Hi all

I have a MapGuide 2.5 (Windows), and I try to get WMS setup. I have a
problem though. I added a password to the WmsUser. The GetCapabilities works
fine in a browser and MapInfo:
When MapInfo (or from the browser) try to get a map image:

Mapguide asks for a username+password. No matter what user/password
(Administrator, Anonymous, WmsUser etc.) I use, the password prompt keeps
appearing, until i cancel it and i get an error that I have no access.

In the site administrator I set the WMS to port 80. WFS works fine, no

The question is, what am I doing wrong?

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] WiX Toolset MapGuide Windows Installer

2015-03-11 Thread Hans Milling
We use WiX all the time. It has been around for years. I do not think WiX
will just go away.
We used the build in setup projects in Visual Studio, but we are moving all
of them to WiX since Microsoft dumped the support for setup projects from
Visual Studio 2012 and on.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide 2.5.2 Connexion Limit

2015-03-03 Thread Hans Milling
I forgot to say that it is the serverconfig.ini you should change. Remember
to restart the MapGuide service or else the changes will not take effect.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide 2.5.2 Connexion Limit

2015-03-03 Thread Hans Milling
Try to set the MaxConnections in both the ClientConnectionProperties and
SiteConnectionProperties to 100 and see if that helps.
The information about number of cores and how many maximum connections is
not correct. A connection can be left open to on the server without any
traffic, so unless you have a very old machine and have 100 users working on
the map all at once, there will not be any problem setting the maximum
connections to 100.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuideApi.MgInitializeWebTier String Problem (2.5 and 2.6 side by side)

2015-02-22 Thread Hans Milling
I've been using side-by-side installations for years, also just using the
Windows installer. As Emma writes, as long as you keep on seperate ports,
directories and application pools, there are no problems. On my developer
machine I have 2.2, 2.4 and 2.6 installed all at the same time.

Best Regards
  Hans Milling...

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[mapguide-users] Maestro API obtaining %MG_USERNAME% and %MG_PASSWORD%

2015-02-06 Thread Hans Milling
Hi, I am using MapGuide 2.2 and Maestro API 4 (soon 5).

If I read a datasource I can get the properties like username and password
but they are displayed as %MG_USERNAME% and %MG_PASSWORD%. I guess that
since I am connecting to the server as administrator, I should be able to
read the actual username and password. Question is how?

Code looks like this:

The connection string looks like this:

Question is how do I obtain the username and password? I know that with the
older versions of Maestro the username and password was not hidden, and
Maestro was changed to not display these, but I should still be able to
obtain them or?

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] LoadProcedure

2015-01-07 Thread Hans Milling
Can't you just avoid having load procedures and just replace file files
(stopping the MapGuide service first)?

Perhaps not the most elegant solution, but another solution if you do use
load procedures and managed files could be:
The managed files are placed in the DataFiles folder in the MapGuide
C:\Program Files\OSGeo\MapGuide22\Server\Repositories\Library\DataFiles

You could just stop the mapguide service, replace the files inside the
folder and start the service again. I don't know if MapGuide or the API can
give you the excact path to a managed resource, but it would be easy to
write some code that just search for the filename (assuming you have no
duplicate filenames) and then replace them.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] SHP Feature Source - Unmanaged File error over one thousand shapes

2014-12-14 Thread Hans Milling
You could create a small application that creates a feature source and layer
from each file instead of pointing to a directory. My experience is that a
folder with too many files used as a single feature source, is no good for

Alternate, use your favorite desktop GIS software and merge all the historic
files into a single file. Have a column that uniquely identify the shapes
that belong to each file (id, filename, date or whatever suits your need).
Create a feature source that points to this file, and each layer should then
have a filter, to show the correct data. In our WebGIS application, we use
this with a slider to make people slide back and forth to show historical
data or flooding at different sea levels.
Watch it in action:

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] FDO Connection Error - Shape File

2014-12-01 Thread Hans Milling
Windows has a limit on maximum number of open files at the same time. If you
put all your files in a single directory and you point to this directory as
a feature source you might get in trouble.
serverconfig.ini does have some settings to limit the maximum number of data
connections (DataConnectionPoolExcludedProviders,
DataConnectionPoolSizeCustom), but I don't think they apply if you use a
folder as datasource.

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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Re: [mapguide-users] php - edit map in repository, save modifications back

2014-10-22 Thread Hans Milling
Using the Maestro API you can load the MapDefinition from MapGuide, then
modify this (add layer or whatever) and use the:

code example:

Best regards
  Hans Milling...

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