[mapguide-users] Mapguide is displaying wrong coordinates

2009-07-14 Thread Paulo Azevedo
Hi all.


I'm having problems with MapGuide Open source displaying data from PostGis
Database using OGR Provider or PostGis Provider.

In my database I use EPSG: 27492, and MapGuide is configured with coordinate
system Datum73.ModPortgGrd (Datum73.ModPortgGrd), but the points are not
displayed correctly.


Example: in my database I have a point with coordinates -63949,495217;
15467,134032; 0 but on MapGuide it's displayed in -64008,282557;
15291.623095; 0


Any clue about what it's happening in MapGuide?


Best regards,

Paulo Azevedo



mapguide-users mailing list

[mapguide-users] FDO OGR Provider + Mapguide + UTF-8

2009-02-09 Thread Paulo Azevedo

Hi all,

I'm using the FDO OGR provider to connect Mapguide to my PostGreSQL 8.3 
+ Postgis database.
The database encoding is UTF-8,  but when i put the data in the map, the 
tooltips and the labels are displaying with incorrect characters.

Did FDO OGR provider DLL have any issue with the UTF-8 encoding or i 
forgot something!?

Thanks for your time.

Best regards,
mapguide-users mailing list

[mapguide-users] FDO OGR Provider for PostGreSQL 8.3 + PostGis

2009-02-04 Thread Paulo Azevedo

Hi all,

I'm trying to connect Mapguide OS 2.0.2 with a PostGreSQL 8.3 + PostGis 
database via FDO OGR Provider 3.3.0.
I have downloaded the provider dll from OSGeo Website, and put them in 
the MapGuideOpenSource2.0\Server\Bin\FDO folder and updated the 
providers.xml file.
After that i try to create a DataConnection in MapGuide Maestro, 
selected the OSGeo  FDO Provider for OGR then i fill the DataSource 
field whith  PG:host=myHost dbname=myDBName user=myUser 
password=myPassword port=5432 (this are fake names) and the Readonly 
field with TRUE, but when i press the Test connection button occurs the 
following error:

*The remote server returned an error: (559) MgFdoException.:
An exception occurred in FDO component.
Connect failed:
Exception occurred in method MgFdoConnectionManager.Open at line 858 in 

Did i forget some step or DLL?

Thanks for your time!

Best regards,

mapguide-users mailing list