[mapguide-users] Tooltips overspill in Mapguide (2.2+) Fusion

2014-11-17 Thread scoobylx

Apologies for posting another tooltip issue. I have searched long and hard
and and not come up with a solution to what I  hope is a simple issue.

In fusion, my tooltips open in erratic locations. Usually they spill
off-screen and won't respect their div container or the viewer iframe.
Occasionally (about 1 in 20 times) some will open above the cursor position,
suddenly respecting the bottom or right hand border (same layer, same
point). I have tested this with the default templates opening directly from
maestro without iframes or my own html and see the same behaviour.  

Ajax tooltips never go offscreen. Any help greatly appreciated!

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Re: [mapguide-users] Tooltips overspill in Mapguide (2.2+) Fusion

2014-11-17 Thread scoobylx
Actually I would like to be able to centre the tooltip window every time.
Could this be possible?

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Re: [mapguide-users] tooltips in 2.6 (migration from 2.2. to 2.6)

2014-11-06 Thread scoobylx
Hi Andrew,

Can you post some of the tooltip code that isn't working for you? All of my
tooltips are working well in 2.6.0 and 3.0.0 in fusion (except they don't
respect the body limits and spill off screen - any tips?). I am also using
iframes and images, etc.

You could try running them through Studio instead of Maestro, if you have
it, which might set you straight.


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Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide Open Source 3.0 test build for 64-bit Linux

2014-10-17 Thread scoobylx
I'm using a modified Dockerfile to pull the 64 bit builds and install the 64
bit dependencies and run mapguide 3.0.0 on the 64 bit host. Happy to share
this if anyone else wants to try.

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Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide Open Source 3.0 test build for 64-bit Linux

2014-10-16 Thread scoobylx
Quick response: I have mapguide 3.0 x64 running in a CentOS docker container
using Jackie's modified docker file. First impressions are that it seems
subjectively quicker, all my packages have loaded successfully and I can see
my maps loading fine. 

Couple of errors that probably relate to providers: no raster images are
loading and I'm getting a 'fusion object' error and no data loading on a
flexible layout, but this is all using postgis data.

External map providers are all working fine. 

Jackie, can you point me towards downloading and loading the
GDAL/postgres/posgis providers for x64 please? Exciting stuff...

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Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide Open Source 3.0 test build for 64-bit Linux

2014-10-16 Thread scoobylx
Sorry, GDAL was just an error in the path. All working fine.

Postgres/postgis provider not so happy. I have the following in


It's libpq.so.5 not found.

System.Exception: The remote server returned an error: (559)
An exception occurred in FDO component.
Unable to load the FDO Provider library 'libFdoPostgreSQL.so': libpq.so.5:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (Cause: , Root
Cause: Unable to load the FDO Provider library 'libFdoPostgreSQL.so':
libpq.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)

- MgFeatureServiceHandler.ProcessOperation() line 83 file
- MgOpGetCapabilities.Execute() line 124 file OpGetCapabilities.cpp

 --- System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (559)
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
   at OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.HttpServerConnection.OpenRead(String req) in
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.HttpServerConnection.OpenRead(String req) in
provider) in c:\working\JenkinsCI\home\slave_win\jobs\Maestro
   at Maestro.Base.Editor.FsEditorOptionPanel.Bind(IEditorService service)
in c:\working\JenkinsCI\home\slave_win\jobs\Maestro
trunk\workspace\Maestro.Base\Editor\FsEditorOptionPanel.cs:line 62
   at Maestro.Base.Editor.FeatureSourceEditor.Bind(IEditorService service)
in c:\working\JenkinsCI\home\slave_win\jobs\Maestro
trunk\workspace\Maestro.Base\Editor\FeatureSourceEditor.cs:line 71
   at Maestro.Base.Editor.EditorContentBase.set_EditorService(IEditorService
value) in c:\working\JenkinsCI\home\slave_win\jobs\Maestro
trunk\workspace\Maestro.Base\Editor\EditorContentBase.cs:line 117
   at Maestro.Base.Services.OpenResourceManager.Open(IResource res,
IServerConnection conn, Boolean useXmlEditor, ISiteExplorer siteExp) in
trunk\workspace\Maestro.Base\Services\OpenResourceManager.cs:line 192
   at Maestro.Base.Services.OpenResourceManager.Open(String resourceId,
IServerConnection conn, Boolean useXmlEditor, ISiteExplorer siteExp) in
trunk\workspace\Maestro.Base\Services\OpenResourceManager.cs:line 265

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Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide Open Source 3.0 test build for 64-bit Linux

2014-10-16 Thread scoobylx
Hi Michelle,

Thanks, that's a big help as I'm not so familiar with CentOS.

The base image is the same one as Jackie used in the 2.6.0 build, so it must
be that the liibpq included is for the 32 bit architecture.

I ran the command you suggested and identified the
postgresql-devel-8.4.20-1.el6_5.x86_64 headers as available. Now maestro can
load the feature source, but I still get 'Fusion Error: [object Object]' in
the browser and no postgis data. 

Perhaps I need to update to a newer postgres dev headers, but the 32 bit
version of the 8.4 headers work fine in the base image with mapguide 2.6.0.
I'll keep tinkering.


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Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide as a Docker container

2014-10-15 Thread scoobylx
Hi Jackie,

I'm not sure - it has been stable for me in limited testing. I think some of
your questions may be at least relating to the content of these pages which
I have been reading through. It relates to a properly configured base image
for docker to manage services and processes, especially when things go


The docker image here is ubuntu 14.04 (was 12.04), but the issue is the same
for CentOS though I don't think a centos base image is available there.

Anyway, it might be a starting point for incorporating the custom 'my_init'
described, instead of supervisord which doesn't seem to effective, probably
for the reasons there described. We are using this baseimage with a cesium
app and it's been very solid running over the past few months without issue.


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Re: [mapguide-users] Plans for 64-bit Linux release of MapGuide

2014-10-13 Thread scoobylx
Great news. Happy to test a docker image here.

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Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide as a Docker container

2014-10-13 Thread scoobylx
The postgres/postgis providers appear to be working just fine on the current

My issues was moving from postgis 1.5.5 to 2.1 and the geometry column on
the views not having a defined SRID, fixed by casting the geometry column. 

Mapguide is now functioning as well for me under docker as it is on a
windows server. One windows server ready for retirement...

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Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide as a Docker container

2014-10-08 Thread scoobylx
Hi Jackie,

The docker image is fantastic, thank you for all your efforts on this which
is really helpful. I had been struggling with the 32bit/64 bit docker issue
when I came back to your blog and saw your docker post.

I now have most of my maps running successfully on the docker image. To get
around the issues with admin I have been using the mounts switch to keep all
my data on the host. I am keeping the www, Packages and templates locally
and linking them to docker where mapguide can see them. Exporting the
packages after making changes  means I have not actually needed to modify
the docker image at all. This is a revelation in terms of easing deployment.
I copied my start up command here in case it helps any one figure out docker
a little:

sudo docker run -d --name mapguide -p 8008:8008 -p 5432:5432 -v
-t mat-mapguide /usr/bin/supervisord

I setup /data/docker/mapguide/ on my host to manage all of the application
data. There's probably better ways of doing this, but its working well for
the time being. Passing through port 8008 allows docker to run on the
localhost (or domain) instead of grepping the docker IP each time. 

I am currently running postgresql/postgis on my host and have been able to
hook up mapguide in docker to pull data across. I used this blog post to
figure out the IP that docker was using to bridge across to the host:


For me it was the same as the post (but might not always be) which I then
used as the host address in the feature source: 

The postgres sources display perfectly, but I am getting a fusion error when
selecting from some data stores. One of them seems to be working with
postgres 9.0.3 and postgis 1.5.5 so I need to investigate further.

Next step for me is dockerise the postgres installation and take the same
approach to storing the data on the host, independently from the

Exciting stuff, looking forward to reading more about your progress.

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Re: [mapguide-users] MapGuide as a Docker container

2014-10-08 Thread scoobylx
Ah, of course. Ok, I'll have a look into enabling the providers in the image. 


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Re: [mapguide-users] Workaround: PostGIS view FDO schema override from feature source with foreign keys

2013-10-17 Thread scoobylx
Confirmed, it works very well. FDO Toolbox fails to export XML config when
/any/ foreign key fields are present on my PostGIS tables so I created views
of all my geometry tables and applied the schema override to them all. 

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[mapguide-users] Workaround: PostGIS view FDO schema override from feature source with foreign keys

2013-10-11 Thread scoobylx
Using postgresql 9.0, postgis 1.5.5, maestro 5.0.0 and mapguide 2.5.1. Schema
overrides from FDO Toolbox 1.2 fail due to errors when exporting XML
configuration document in the manner described in the following blog posts:


Exception occurred: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The
given key was not present in the dictionary.
 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
etc. (full error on request)

My tables have numerous foreign key constraints that are mostly lookup
tables which FDO Toolbox seems to not like. I deleted all other tables other
than the views that I want to show in mapguide. XML export then runs
successfully and I can load the schema override in Maestro and select the
layers. If you don't save the changes in FDO Toolbox, then the changes are
only made to the schema, not the actual datastore.

Question1: is there any other way besides FDO Toolbox to extract the full,
unmodified xml config document for the datastore so that I can stream in the
part that has changed for my offending view, and thus keep the other feature
source tables with foreign keys that are otherwise working in maestro.

Question2: is it possible to tell FDO Toolbox more about the foreign keys so
that it can export the XML config document successfully without having to
delete the other tables?

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Re: [mapguide-users] How to add commercial layers to Fusion OverviewMap widget

2013-10-11 Thread scoobylx
OK, I'll stop banging my head on this desk then. Thought the comments at the
end of your blog post (from 2011, admittedly) were dealing with this
specific question:


I get that this is a dull topic for mapguide developers, I'l look for a
different solution.

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Re: [mapguide-users] Overview Map

2013-10-08 Thread scoobylx
GordonL wrote
 Just make sure your overview map is in Latitude Longitude Coordinate
 System (i.e. 4326)

Hi Gordon,

Could you give me a pointer as to how to define the co-ordinate system
specifically for the overview map, please? My MainMap is in EPGS:3857. Does
the overview map require additions to the XML Application Definition? Can't
see how else to define this.
I'm using Maestro 5.0, MG 2.5.1 on windows x64. 

Many thanks,

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[mapguide-users] Fusion OverviewMap commercial layers no showing

2013-10-03 Thread scoobylx

First post - please go easy. I've been using mapguide since 2.0, but only
recently switched to fusion since 2.5. Enjoying mapguide with my postGIS
setup a lot, but I have some issues that I am just stumped with. I'll limit
this post to one issue.

I cannot figure out how to get the OverviewMap widget to show commercial
basemapping: Google, Bing or even MapNik. I have my vector layers showing
fine on the mainmap and in the overview.

I am using spherical Mercator (WGS84.PsuedoMercator) on the map definition.
I have manually entered the map extents
I have checked that the correct maps apis are being called in the xml
I have added google friendly zoom levels

Do I need to define map projection or other parameters in the widget xml? Is
there any reference for XML parameters that can be added to the widget to
define map projection, etc?

I am only using the fusion templates for now. Does the basic template
OverviewMap widget xml need more parameters to load a commercial layer? I
have tried adding those layers identified in the preceding MapSet, but going
nowhere fast.

My setup: Windows Server 2008 r2 x64, mapguide OS 2.5.1 x64, IIS 7.5,
feature sources: tested with SDFs and Postgis 1.5.5.

Many thanks for your time, and patience!

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