[MapHist] CALL FOR PAPERS - Society for the History of Discoveries - Portland Maine - September 2011

2010-12-09 Thread Thomas Sander
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Society for the History of Discoveries
52nd Annual Meeting
22-25 September 2011
Portland, Maine, USA



The Scholarly Activities Committee of the Society for the History of
Discoveries invites those wishing to make a presentation at the Fifty-second
Annual Meeting to submit a proposal to the chair of the committee at their
earliest convenience. Proposal should be sent by email or snail-mail to:
gregorymcint...@yahoo.com  or  Gregory McIntosh, P.O. Box 18112, Long Beach,
CA 90807 USA.


The deadline for the submission of proposals is Friday 29 April 2011.


Presentations on all aspects of geographical discovery, exploration,
voyages, maritime history,
maps, cartography, European expansion, colonial settlement, and native
responses are welcome. With Portland, Maine, as a venue, especially welcome
are proposals emphasizing the host area, the U.S. Northeast, and the
Atlantic World. 


The Osher Map Library of the University of South Maine in Portland will host
the annual meeting of the Society for the History of Discoveries, 22-25
September 2011. This event brings together academic and lay scholars, and
members from varied professions interested in the processes of discovery,
exploration, colonization, and the maps and reports that resulted. The
Society for the History of Discoveries (SHD) paper sessions will begin on
Thursday 22 September, and will conclude on Sunday, September 25, 2011.


Proposals may be up to 500 words in length and should include the following:

- the title of the presentation

- the author's name and address, including email address, and affiliation

- an abstract summarizing the paper's scope and conclusions (max. 500 words)

- a statement whether the presentation will include PowerPoint compatible
images or digital audio recordings. Indicate anticipated audio-visual

- a brief biographic sketch of the author(s)


Presenters interested in organizing a special session focused on a single
theme are particularly encouraged. SHD members are also invited to send
suggestions for sessions, speakers, and general program ideas.


The time allotted for the presentation of papers is generally 30 minutes,
followed by 5 minutes for question-and-answer.


The audience at SHD meetings is diverse and includes academics and members
of various professions. All are especially interested in the processes and
consequences of geographical discovery and exploration. Presenters are
encouraged to use images (maps, paintings, photographs, illustrations of
historical places, etc.). For the benefit of the audience all visuals have
to be presented as PowerPoint projections.


When selecting papers for presentation, preference will be given to papers
that are intended for submission to the society's journal, Terrae


Thank you.


Program Committee: Gregory McIntosh (chair), Ron Fritze, Gerald Saxon




Posted by:

Thomas Sander

SHD Web Content Manager


MapHist: E-mail discussion group on the history of cartography
hosted by the Faculty of Geosciences, University of Utrecht.
The statements and opinions expressed in this message are those of
the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the University of
Utrecht. The University of Utrecht does not take any responsibility for
the views of the author.
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[MapHist] "Terrae Incognitae" - Special Issue Fall 2012 - Exploration of Africa - CALL FOR ARTICLE PROPOSALS

2010-12-09 Thread Thomas Sander
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Call for Article Proposals


Terrae Incognitae

The Journal of the Society for the History of Discoveries


Special Issue:

Exploration of Africa

Volume 44 (September 2012)


With the recent change of Terrae Incognitae from one issue per year to two
annual issues (Spring and Fall) the Editor and the Editorial Advisory Board
decided to occasionally embrace with a special issue a specific topic or
region. For the first special issue the exploration of Africa has been
selected for the issue due in September 2012.


The Society for the History of Discoveries invites members and all
interested researchers to submit an abstract proposing an article to the
guest editor of this special issue at their earliest convenience:


Dr. Imre Josef Demhardt

Professor & Garrett Chair in the History of Cartography

University of Texas at Arlington, Department of History, Box 19529

Arlington, Texas 76019

United States of America



Proposals are welcome on all aspects of geographical discovery and
exploration of the African continent , for example, the discovery,
exploration, mapping from earliest times to the present, the explorers and
the explored. Proposal submission should include

- the suggested title of the article;
- the name(s) and address(es) of the author(s), including email address, and
- an abstract summarizing the article's scope and conclusions (max. 500
- a statement about the originality of the contents of the article: how much
is new, unpublished material, based on research in primary sources, etc.

The deadline for abstract submissions is 15 March 2011.


On reaching the deadline up to four proposed topics will be selected for the
special issue of Terrae Incognitae and all submitters informed accordingly.
The authors of accepted proposals will be given a reasonable period (about
nine months) to prepare their articles.


Posted by:


Thomas Sander

SHD Web Content Manager


MapHist: E-mail discussion group on the history of cartography
hosted by the Faculty of Geosciences, University of Utrecht.
The statements and opinions expressed in this message are those of
the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the University of
Utrecht. The University of Utrecht does not take any responsibility for
the views of the author.
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