MI Polar Projection of both Hemispheres

2000-09-21 Thread Andrew Waltho

I have a WWII vintage map, prepared for the US Army based in Australia
that was used to determine bearings for directional HF radio antennae from
Brisbane Australia (where the map is centred) to any other point in the world.

It is hand drawn, and id like to digitise it into Mapinfo in part to help
preserve it, and to be able to plot it at various scales etc.

Does anyone know how to cater for projections like this? I guess it is some form of polar
projection, but I have no experience with anything like this.

Thanks in advance 



MI Announcement - AIG Journal

2000-04-17 Thread Andrew Waltho

The Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG) is pleased to announce that
publication of papers in the Institute's on-line technical journal (AIG
Journal) has commenced.

The first papers published were originally presented at the Third Computers
in Mining, Exploration and the Environment conference (CIMEE3) held in
Brisbane Australia, October 1999 and focus on GIS applications in

The journal web site is www.aig.asn.au/aigjournal

Access to the site is free and unrestricted for both AIG members and


Andrew Waltho
Chairman, Queensland Branch
Australian Institute of Geoscientists

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MI Philippines TM Grid

2000-01-05 Thread Andrew Waltho

I am trying to locate details of a Transverse Mercator grid used widely in
the Philippines (Philippines Transverse Mercator grid).  The grid eastings
are offset from a UTM Zone 51 grid based on WGS84 by about 210 000m while
the northings are similar (but no identical).

Any information, or even parameters for the mapinfo.prj file would be
greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance

Andrew Waltho
 Brisbane, Australia


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MI Polyline Editing Tool

2000-01-05 Thread Andrew Waltho

Is anyone aware of a Mapbasic utility for breaking a polyline between nodes
into two separate lines?  Polybrk.mbx on the Mapinfo utilities site breaks a
polyline into segments at nodes, which can lead to the creation of hundreds
of segments with complex polylines (although it is very useful!)

Thanks in advance,

Andrew Waltho
Brisbane, Australia


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MI Spatialplus Web Site

1999-12-06 Thread Andrew Waltho

Does anyone know what has happened to Spatialplus?

They used to have a good web site with some very useful tools that are no
longer available.

Andrew Waltho
Brisbane, Australia


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1999-12-06 Thread Andrew Waltho

I agree with Charles.  The only difference between an image and a grid in my
view is that an image is usually constructed of a finer mesh of points
(pixels), and then maybe not in the case of some LANDSAT imagery where the
ground resolution is about 30m, and there are multiple instead of single z
values for each point in the image (as opposed to a single z value in a
grid).  Effectively, grids are the representations of a single "channel" or
"band" of data forming an image.

Andrew Waltho
Brisbane, Australia


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Charles Huyck
Sent: Tuesday, 7 December 1999 3:00
Subject: MI: Image VS GRID?

What is the difference between an image and a Grid? One is derived and one
is imported? Aren't they both just 2D (or more) arrays of numbers? Color
values reference the object. You can analyze these numbers to extract and
classify the object, like on the X-files last night when the FBI agent used
"SKAG" to classify a surveillance video still and it turned out to be the
exact colors of the some guy's letter jacket.

I guess ESRI is doing away with this weird GRID vs image thing.  I never
understood the difference anyway.

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RE: MI Australian Lat Long data

1999-10-18 Thread Andrew Waltho


I'm pretty sure that the AusLIG gazeteer is accesible through their web site

The on-line gazeteer is a really nice site (place names button from the
AusLIG home page), but you can only search for one name at a time.  It gives
you the geographic coordinates and a map of there the place is.


Andrew Waltho

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Laith Wark
 Sent: 18 October 1999 14:21
 To: MapInfo List Serve (E-mail)
 Subject: MI Australian Lat Long data


 Does anyone out there know of a good web site to search for the
 Lat. Long. coordinates of given physical features in Austrailia?



   Laith Wark

   EDAW (Aust) P/L
   Design, Planning and
   Environments Worldwide

   Level 4 Rowes Building
   235 Edward Street
   Brisbane 4000

   Ph:  INT +61 (0)7 3229 6422
   Fx:  INT +61 (0)7 3229 6422



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MI: Title Blocks on Final Maps

1999-10-12 Thread Andrew Waltho

This is probably a really basic question...

I have a complex title block, incorporating things like the subject of the
map, drawing number, date etc.  that I want to use as a standard inclusion
in f9inal plots.  Most of  my plots are A3 or A1.  The title block differs
in size between sheet sizes, but is the same for all plots of a particular

My approach was going to be "hardwire" the title blocks into a workspace
that could then be opened, the required drawing dropped into place and
details filled in the title block for the drawing.

I'd be interested to hear how others handle this.


Andrew Waltho
Brisbane Australia


MI Computers in Mining, Exploration and the Environment (CIMEE3)

1999-09-23 Thread Andrew Waltho

Brisbane Australia
15 October 1999.

Organised by the Australian Institute of Geoscientists

The theme of the third seminar in this popular series will be "Data
Management and Integration
from the field to the corporate database" with papers covering topics from
data collection in the field, historical data capture, data sources and the
Internet, spatial data sets, centralisation of data - pros and cons, and
corporate strategies.

Visit www.aig.asn.au/cimee3.htm for details on the seminar program and


Andrew Waltho


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MI subscribe Mapinfo-l

1999-08-29 Thread Andrew Waltho

Andrew Waltho
Consulting Geoscientist
Resource evaluation, project development, information management and GIS
Brisbane Australia

Tel:07 5497 8146
Fax:07 5497 8145
Mobile: 0412 426 764

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RE: MI saving workspaces

1999-08-05 Thread Andrew Waltho


What I do is manually edit the paths in the workspace file to make them
relative rather than absolute (ie .\data rather than c:\data).  This means
that the files can be either run directly from the CD, or placed in any
other part of the directory structure on another machine, under a directory
from which you attempt to open the workspace.

To assist with this I normally use the following type of directory structure
for different mapping projects:

Project top directory   e.g. d:\project
Mapping files   d:\project\mapping
Client data d:\project\client_data
Topo models d:\project\topo
Workspaces  d:\project\workspaces

...and so on.

Using this approach all of the paths in Workspace files can become
..\mapping or ..\client_data etc, which enables them to be transported
elsewhere without any problems.

This approach may not suite everyone but I've found it a good way of
organising data for one, and it makes a map very portable.

I edit the workspace with Ultraedit32 (I like Ultraedit because you don't
have to actually open the file to perform search and replace operations, and
you can run the same operation on multiple files).  You need to re-edit
workspaces if you save them from Mapinfo because all of the relative paths
will be replaced by absolute ones again.

You also need to ensure that no table is set to editable when you write the
data to CD, just by making sure no edit boxes are ticked in the layer
control dialogue for any open map windows.

You can test the edited workspace simply by closing all files and re-opening
it.  If you've made a mistake, don't despair - just re-edit the paths or
resort to the backup the editor creates - you haven't lost anything.

Data can then be written to CD or moved to another directory across a
network with no problems.

There are a couple of workspace manager programs about (like workspace
control from 4th Beach Software in Melbourne, Australia) that may make this
process even simpler, but I don't find the task onerous using the method

Hope this helps

Andrew Waltho
Mining  Resource Technology
Brisbane Australia

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MI Directory of Australian Geoscientists

1999-07-10 Thread Andrew Waltho

A Directory of Australian Geoscientists has been established to provide a
reference point for professional geoscientists (in the broadest sense)
currently working, trained or in some other way connected with Australia.
The Directory is maintained by the Australian Institute if Geoscientists but
is open to all.

The principal aims of the Directory are to provide a contact point for
Australian geoscientists, and to collate detailed information on the many
fields in which geoscientists are employed, employment trends and education
and training.  The latter information will be used to provide "hard"
statistical data for submissions to government and other bodies to enhance
the professional standing and employment opportunities for geoscientists in

Complete details are available from the Directory web site


Andrew Waltho

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