Re: MI Free Riders versus What is an Ad?

2000-09-23 Thread Brien Green


Would MapInfo Filter Content?

-Original Message-
From:Neil Havermale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:Fri, 22 Sep 2000 15:34:45 -0600
Subject: MI Free Riders versus What is an Ad?

I guess it had to come.  But I think we need to understand just what the
untold rules may be.  (Bill don't get me wrong here, but a point or two
needs to be made... your conduct and intent via this list must be considered
a gem amongst stones.)

Last week another list that also seems to be struggling around to find a
home, GISList, had a poor chap from India looking for what I thought was a
legitimate question about GIS.  One of that list's members felt that since
he exposed the name of his company, email, and WEB and that he was looking
for additional work in the area of GIS (therefore his GIS question), it had
to be self promotion; an AD if you will. (The outcome - the list didn't give
a Hoot, Bill included!)

So now we are about to embark on to the wild side and subscribe with our
soul and $.  Can any one of us use the list as Bill admits "It cost
$14.95/mo plus my time, which was gladly given because it has also been good
for my business."  Well a $14.95 per month advertisement budget for a small
company seems dam reasonable. Ok, pay your $15/month and you too can deliver
all sorts of self serving advice and direct ads? 

Alternatively, what happens if we accept the advertisement model? We give
great answers to difficult questions and heck we get some business from this
just like Bill did?  Worse, what if we step across the line and announce a
product, promote ourselves, or go looking for a hire or job?  What is news,
introductions, offers to help, and lastly what is self/company promotion?
Can wish-lists be tolerated?

The idea of ads on an open and free-form list is fraught with the problem of
free-riders and will only call down the management and their nasty-grams on
us.  If we have to have them, Ads, I say they MUST be at the bottom - NOT
the top!

While I know and trust Bill over the years to leave plenty of room for all
sorts of activity on this list that is totally edited off others and creates
nasty-grams from less tolerant webmasters, I worry that Bill, our gem, may
someday drift away from us now that he has gained his reputation and others
demand his full attentions.  Then what?  Yes, I know that a what if or

I propose an alternative - possibly MapInfo would sponsor the hosting of the
service as a gift to its partners and leave it up to its freely associated
members to govern content and purpose?  Heck, MapInfo must have saved a
million or two just having the list answering all these questions that tend
to go unanswered once they fall into the black-hole of "that's a revenue
source for support" or Yikes, that's too political - delete it right away",
or ..  in Troy.

MidNight Mapper
aka neil
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Re: Advertising to fund MapInfo-L (was MI ANNOUNCEMENT: MapInfo-L is moving! -No Advertising!!)

2000-09-22 Thread Brien Green

This is a Sample ad, Only a sample ad.
The Advertiser in this add will help you keep this service 
For a few lines of space all this knowledge and access can remain free.
Thank you for your attention


-Original Message-
From:John Haynes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:Fri, 22 Sep 2000 12:55:28 -0400
Subject: Re: Advertising to fund MapInfo-L (was MI ANNOUNCEMENT: MapInfo-L is moving!  
-No Advertising!!)


Going back to the early days when you asked for voluntary contributions
would be a start.  I fully appreciate the odious response when you ask
freeloaders for dough on something they believe SHOULD BE FREE.

There are many companies, like mine, that have used the list to further our
business and we SHOULD PAY for it.  There are other companies whose
employees use the list to further their business interests but who, as
employees, have no authority to authorize payment and would be hard pressed
to persuade those who sign the checks that it is a worthwhile investment.

A simple, for a start solution would be to set out a budget and ask for help
in meeting it.  Companies like mine would respond; a lot of folks would not,
but all their contributions to the list make it a valuable business asset
for those of us who would happily pay a fee to keep the list from going

I have no objections to viewing advertising.  I mean, like where do you go
for anything that hasn't got some message wrapped into it?  I just throw out
50% of the Sunday paper and fast forward through the ads on the rental
video. As for the chronic whiners, "Adios, MF".


- Original Message -
From: Bill Thoen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 11:41 AM
Subject: Advertising to fund MapInfo-L (was MI ANNOUNCEMENT: MapInfo-L is
moving! -No Advertising!!)

> >
> > One Comment about the advertising with the e-mail.
> >
> > Don't do it!
> >
> > That's the sort of thing that could run me off from this list faster
then any thing else.
> Would you be willing to pay a subscription fee to get the list
> mail then? How do you suggest we afford the service? Would you
> prefer twice-yearly fund drives like they do for public
> broadcasting?
> It's been free because I managed to get a good deal at Colorado
> Supernet for the last 6 years. That made it cost so little (and
> was helped by some donations and the proceeds of an auction) that
> my business carried it these last few years. It cost $14.95/mo
> plus my time, which was gladly given because it has also been
> good for my business. But SuperNet got bought out by Qwest/US
> West, and because SuperNet isn't profitable enough for the big
> wheels, the wheels are closing down that service. The hard, cold
> Morlocks meet the Eloi of the Internet.
> In a perfect world advertising serves to connect people who have
> needs to products and services that answer those needs, and
> that's the goal we would try to attain. I am all too aware that
> in our real world, advertising also tries to *create* needs and
> wants and stick a straw into your wallet and suck hard. We all
> know that activity sucks, but is there any creative solution that
> we can come up with where we can generate enough cash to pay for
> the infrastructure we need to make this list a success? Lists do
> not live by email alone.
> Perhaps we can do a mix of paid subscriptions with no advertising
> with some freebie subscriptions that come with a helping thinly
> sliced spam. How about the USGS buying up a block and giving them
> out to employees? Maybe people with deeper pockets could fund
> subscriptions for students who are full of bright ideas, but no
> money. Maybe we could charge enough for advertising so that there
> wouldn't be many (but if there were none, that wouldn't help) Or
> maybe the ads wouldn't be so bad or common anyway. Maybe we could
> do a mix of donations, light advertising, auctions, and fund
> drives. But all that work takes volunteers or paid staff.
> Advertising is the easiest solution. If you don't want it at all,
> get creative, and not to put too fine a point on it, put your
> money where your mouth is. The form that these will take has not
> been decided yet anyway. All that's been talked about is that the
> service can be offered and that advertising would be a covenant
> way to afford it.
> As Henry D. Thoreau once said, "All great enterprises should be
> self-supporting."
> How about some ideas instead of complaints?
> --
> - Bill Thoen
> GISnet, 1401 Walnut St., Suite C, Boulder, CO  80302
> tel: 303-786-9961, fax: 303-443-4856

MI Calling Ian Erickson

2000-07-19 Thread Brien Green

Sorry for the broadcast, 

Please Reply if you get this
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MI: Vertical mapper translator?

2000-02-04 Thread Brien Green

Hi Listers.

Do any of you know of a way of translating a vertical mapper GRD file to an ESRI GRID 
file without using vertical mapper?



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MI subscribe

2000-01-27 Thread Brien Green

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