MI-L Drop/delete a temporary column

2000-11-28 Thread Huang, Shu-Hua

Hi all,

I am trying to update one temporary column. I am thinking, if I can delete
that column and add new column, then I will get my job done.  However, what
I found from the reference book is: alter table cannot be used on linked
tables. I can't use Update Statement either, as I need to get the value from
the linked tables and update statement doesn't seem to support that (if I
miss that, please let me know.)

This is the code I use to add the temp column:
Add Column LayerName (POP Float)From table1 Set To POP Where COL1 = COL1

Here is what I am trying to do:

for i = 1 to NumCols(LayerName)
strCol = ColumnInfo(LayerName, "COL" + i, Col_Info_Name)
if Instr(1, strCol, "POP" ) > 0 then
lgCheck = Ask ("Do you want to overwrite the existing column?", "Yes", "No")
if (lgCheck) then 
Alter Table LayerName (Drop Pop)  '***THIS DOESN'T WORK
exit sub 
end if
end if

Any suggestions are highly appreciated!



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RE: MI Make Custom Symbol - SUM

2000-09-13 Thread Huang, Shu-Hua

Hi all,

My problem is solved ^_^  Many thanks to Mohamed Salauddin and Steven Heapy.
Originally, I saved the bit map as 24-bit bitmap.  But after I save it as
16-bit bitmap, problem solves!  I will try true type symbols fonts later, as
custom bitmap symbol allow me to modify the background and colors.  Here is
the summary of the suggestions:

Suggestion 1: 

Create a symbol in MS Paint  and save it as a 16 colour bit map in the
custsymb folder.( Path = MapInfo - Professional - Custsymb ).

Now your custom symbol will be listed along with other symbols in the same

Excite MapInfo - Create a new layer - edit it - select the symbol style -
select the custom symbol font - click on the reload option and your symbol
will get added to the symbol list.

Make sure that the symbol you are creating is a smaller one like the sample
custom symbols. You can increase the size after it gets loaded in MapInfo
Symbol list.

Suggestion 2: 

Another option is to use true type symbols fonts instead of bitmaps.

When I printed my custom symbols which were very small bitmap files the
print files became enourmous and locked up the system. So I used a
shareware font creator program and added various symbol fonts and
created others and this was a much better option than creating bitmaps 


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MI Make Custom Symbol

2000-09-12 Thread Huang, Shu-Hua

Hi all,

I am trying to make some custom symbols.  I follow the MI instructions
exactly.  But I was unable to load the symbol.  I click reload, but still,
nothing happen.  On the symbol style dialog, there are only 6 symbols shown
under custom symbol.  However, there are more than 50 bmp file on the
\custsymb directory.  Does it mean that custsymb is not the dir that MI
uses???  Also, I found the following MI help content:

 ...the Custom Symbols category lists those bitmaps you have created and
placed in the directory as specified by
Option>Preferences>Directories>Custom Symbols.

However, there is no custom symbols under the initial directories.  I am
getting more and more confused now.

Any suggestion is highly appreciated!

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MI Crystal Report

2000-09-07 Thread Huang, Shu-Hua

Hi all,

Is it possible to automate Crystal Report through MapBasic codes?  I can
create the report manually.  But don't have a clue about how to do it
through MapBasic.  Any suggestions?  


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RE: MI read only layer

2000-08-28 Thread Huang, Shu-Hua


Many thanks to Russell, Anatol, Martin, and Stanley's suggestions.  Here is
the summary of the suggestions to my question:

Suggestion 1: 
sounds like what you have is a 'permissions' problem,  often happens with
workspaces were the layers are 'edited' and the workspace is saved with the
layers "edit" option still checked.  If that layer is in a non-executable
drive like a CD or a drive with user permissions restricted on it, the
workspace fails.

make a copy of your workspace, now edit the workspace in notepad looking for
the word editable, delete it and try the workspace again.

Suggestion 2:
You may also want to open the TAB file of the table causing the problem and
see if the keyword READONLY is present. If so then you will need to remove
this to stop the table being read only every time you open the table.

Suggestion 3:
One hipotez
It is possibly that part of layers that You use on Network and system
administator can change the access ridts for users, or authomatic procedure
-Sheduler do it 
second Hipotez
Also thematic maps create some files for indexing they can also be load in
restricted access area in Your PC or Network 
Third hipotez
The some of time files that created by mapinfo intime of tematic maps
have the extension , that used some other application in your computer as
safety copies 


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MI read only layer

2000-08-24 Thread Huang, Shu-Hua

Hi all,

I have a question regarding read-only layer.  Yesterday I added several
layers into the workspace.  It worked fine.  I saved the workspace and then
went home.  Today, when I re-open the workspace, I got the error message
"some layers are read only". (It is not the first time I got this error
message.) The layers were added by the tools we developed.  It happens to
both thematic layers and regular layer.  Any ideas/suggestions are really

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MI Thematic Map - user defined symbol size

2000-07-03 Thread Huang, Shu-Hua


I am trying to create some thematic maps.   I have trouble allowing the user
to set the symbol size ( usually range from 4 to 12).  The following is the
simplier version of my code.  As "define" doesn't allow variable in the
definition, I don't know how to pass the value to mySize.  At first, I use
another define to define mysize (  If xxx then  define mysize 4 elseif xxx
then  define mySize 5 end if ) ,but the complier see this as redefine
mySize.  It is highly appreciated if anyone can help me out of this one.

Shu-Hua Huang

define symbol_11 (70, Blue, mySize, "MapInfo Cartographic", 256, 45) 
define symbol_12 (34, Red, mySize, "MapInfo Cartographic", 256, 0) 

shade window winid layername with Name 
"A"  symbol_11,
"B"  Symbol_12

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