MI Geosoft's Bug or MapInfo's?

2000-08-10 Thread Mansour Shoari

Hello List,

We are a mining exploration company and use MapInfo extensively in
conjunction with major earth science applications (Geosoft, ERMapper,
ModelVision, etc). Late June I reported a bug to Geosoft Corp. with regards
to import of MI-TAB file into their earth science application (Oasis

The bug is: when i import MI-TAB files into Oasis montaj, the centroid has a
considerable (depending where in the world your points are) shift in X and Y

Geosoft programmers have looked into my bug report and below is their
comment! Could anyone from MI Users/Programmers comment on this?

"Mansour, Late in June you spoke to Erik regarding a region (polygon) in
MapInfo and when you open the TAB in Geosoft our point we report in the
database is off from what is reported in MapInfo. The programmers have now
looked at this and I thought that you might be interested in the

"I don't believe that the Centroid position is a value included in a MapInfo
TAB file. Neither the old MapInfo Translator API (used up to and including
V4.3) or the current, (and better) MITAB libraries return the Centroid
value; (in fact, the function is defined but not yet implemented in MITAB).
It seems the values displayed in MapInfo are calculated from the current
data, and we do the same. Our values are simply the average of the min and
max X and Y values, calculated in double-precision (8 bytes).
The values are most likely different due to numerical calculation precision
errors; perhaps MapInfo converts point location values internally to scaled
short integers, finds the centroid from the converted values, then
transforms back into real numbers.  That the difference between our values
and theirs is on the order of  part in 50,000 is evidence for this.

In any case, given the location values we get and plot from the TAB, our
values are exact, and the MapInfo ones are wrong.  Unless we obtained
MapInfo's exact internal procedure for scaling and calculating the centroid,
we have no way of getting "their" values, so this is not a "bug" that we can

Thank you in advance,

Mansour Shoari
Monopros Limited
Toronto, Canada

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MI Friday History

2000-06-23 Thread Mansour Shoari

Hi List,

This is a an article from Windows 2000 Magazine by Paul Thurrott (News
Editor). I found it quite interesting and sharing it with the list.

Have a nice weekend everyone, 



Although it's easy to attribute much of Microsoft's success over the 
years to shady business practices, the company wasn't always in a 
position of power, and its early success was an interesting mix of 
savvy maneuvering and sheer luck. Throughout Microsoft's history, the 
company has dodged bullet after bullet as potential competitors have 
come and gone, never to be heard from again. The company's current 
legal dispute with the federal government is seemingly the most 
dangerous threat the company has faced, but I see signs that Microsoft 
will land on its feet yet again, thanks to good, old-fashioned luck.
   First, let's look at the history. As many of you already know, 
Microsoft's current dominance is due largely to IBM's decision in the 
early 1980s to include Microsoft's MS-DOS OS with IBM's first PC--and 
the combination was wildly successful. Many people wonder how IBM could 
have so easily handed over the "keys to the kingdom"--and basically 
ceded control of the PC OS market to Microsoft. But that isn't what 
happened. As is often the case with such legends, the real story of 
Microsoft's success with MS-DOS is less dramatic. At the time, 
Microsoft was simply a software development tools company, offering 
versions of its BASIC, Fortran, Assembly language, and other 
programming languages to one and all. In its bid to retain IBM's 
business for the fledgling PC, Microsoft agreed to supply the company 
with DOS only after a deal between IBM and Digital Research fell 
through. The decision was just a smart business move.
   But IBM didn't cede the market to Microsoft--far from it. Uncertain 
whether the upstart company would be able to supply a viable PC OS, IBM 
made sure that two other OS offerings--CPM/86 and a Pascal-based 
system--were available at launch. Microsoft did what it could to make 
its OS the software platform of choice, but given the CP/M-oriented 
nature of the day, it's rather amazing that Microsoft's OS won out. The 
rest, of course, is history: MS-DOS and its Windows successors are the 
best-selling software titles of all time, and Microsoft's OS business 
now accounts for 45 percent of its revenues. And the success of 
DOS/Windows as a platform has given the company massive growth in 
supporting areas: Microsoft's Office suite of productivity applications 
makes even more money for the company than does Windows.
   Luck aided Microsoft at other times in its history. In the late 
1980s, Apple Computer, with its beautiful and simple Macintosh, was in 
a position to dominate the PC industry. Third-party hardware developers 
were waiting in the wings, hoping to license the Mac, and even 
Microsoft prompted Apple to make a run for it (at the time, Microsoft 
was making a killing from Mac software, and Windows wasn't going 
anywhere). But bolstered by the insanely great margins on its hardware, 
John Sculley's Apple surrendered long-term viability for short-term 
profits and became an also-ran. When Microsoft effectively halted MS-
DOS development in the early 1990s, Digital Research released its DR-
DOS alternative, which sold amazingly well. DR-DOS's success prompted 
Microsoft to announce MS-DOS 5.0, which the company couldn't deliver 
for more than a year. And when Microsoft released MS-DOS 6.0, Stac 
Electronics sued the company, charging Microsoft with violating its 
patent for disk compression. Stac won a staggering sum in court, but 
Microsoft settled with Stac, whose technology then appeared in the 
final version of Microsoft's command line system, MS-DOS 6.22.
   Novell bought WordPerfect Corporation (for a huge sum) and Borland's 
Quattro Pro--hoping to offer a Microsoft Office alternative. After a 
year, however, Novell sold WordPerfect, losing millions. Lotus 
SmartSuite, meanwhile, which essentially invented the Office suite 
concept, watched its market share erode because of a Microsoft bundle 
that offered little true integration. Both Lotus and WordPerfect, 
dominant in the DOS era, lost a technical "bet." As Microsoft put all 
of its resources into Windows, Lotus and WordPerfect continued to push 
their DOS products while they worked on OS/2-based successors. As OS/2 
floundered in the market, so did third-party developers, and Lotus and 
WordPerfect never fully recovered. By the time Lotus 1-2-3 and 
WordPerfect had versions of their products for Windows, Microsoft Excel 
and Word were entrenched.
   In recent times, Netscape's implosion and inability to create 
elegant software that you could upgrade easily did more to harm 
Netscape than Microsoft ever did. And threats such as Java and the 
Network Computer never materialized because of those products' 
limitations, not because of Microsoft's perceived respon

RE: MI MapInfo Compatible Geological software

2000-06-22 Thread Mansour Shoari


Check out www.geosoft.com and contact Darin Bryce at (+1)(416) 369-0111.
Geosoft is Toronto based company in Canada and has offices in Europe, South
America and Australia. They have excellent packages of
exploration/interpretation tools for geophysical, geological, environmental,
oil exploration and mining industries. We have been using their software for
the past 10 years in conjunction with MapInfo and other geoscience

Good luck, --mansour...

-Original Message-
From: Hassan TAZI [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: June 22, 2000 3:24 PM
To: Mapinfo-L
Subject: MI MapInfo Compatible Geological software

Dear All

I am looking for 17 licences of a "geological software" that should have the
following functionalities :
1 - Mining and geochemical data interpretation
2 - 2D and 3D handling
3 - Data acquisition directly on the field

Discover should do it but I am not sure for the item 3 : Data acquisition
directly on the field

Thank you
Best Regards

Hassan Tazi
Business Expansion S.A.

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MI Default metric units ...

2000-06-14 Thread Mansour Shoari

Hello List,

Copying from Bradly Browne's e-mail, i modified my startup.wor as follows;

Set Distance Units "m"
Set Area Units "sq m"

When i start MI, it doesn't default to "m". It defaults to "km". Any idea
what i am doing wrong?

Also wanted to default all the "Choose Projection" dialog boxes for a
specific projection (lets say; UTM (NAD27 for Canada)). I don't really like
modifying the projection text files in the MapInfo directory, because, when
applying patches, if the file size and date stamp on a file is different,
patch application fails (this is a case with majority of apps that we are
running in our company) 

Thank you in advance,

Mansour Shoari
Monopros Limited
Toronto, Ontario

Bradley Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

If you want to set the default in MapInfo so that when you use functions the
units are "km" instead of "mi" as in Query --> Select then  using
"functions" in Assist pick "Area". By default this will be in "sq. mi".

 Add the following two lines to "startup.wor" which resides in you MapInfo

 Set Distance Units "km"
 Set Area Units "sq km"

And now every time MapInfo loads it will run the above commands and the
output of functions will be returned in the above metric units.



Bradley Browne
Support Manager
Desktop Mapping Systems Pty Ltd

1st Floor 646 Newcastle St
Leederville, WA 6007
Ph: +61 8 9328 2715 Fax: +61 8 9328 2716

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MI MapInfo and Windows 2000

2000-06-06 Thread Mansour Shoari

Hello MI List,

I have a test platform in our organization running Windows 2000, testing our
softwares. I just had a fresh full installation of MapInfo 5.0 and upgraded
to 5.0.1 via the patch. MapInfo works fine under the Local Administrator
(Administrator for the machine), but not under any other user. here are the
problems I am having.

1. From Tools dropdown menu, Tool Manager box is completely blank (not even
one item displayed)
2. When trying to close and exit the application, an error message pops out
saying; "unable to save work space"
3. and finally MapInfo closes with this massage; "Error writing preferences

Has anyone installed and worked with MapInfo 5.01 under Windows 2000
professional? Have you experienced any problem with installing or running a
particular module of MapInfo?

mansour shoari
Monopros limited
Toronto, Canada

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MI Reading SEGY format files

1999-12-09 Thread Mansour Shoari


It feels like Friday but it is NOT Friday in Toronto! Sorry for sending this
note late. Something hit my in-pile with a big "ASAP" stamp on it and put
every thing on hold for few days.

I posted this question on both MapInfo (mapinfo.com) and Geosoft
(geosoft.com) users net. Thanks to Chris Clark, Martin Higham, Ed Campbell,
Peter Walker, Jacques Beaurain (hope I didn't forget anyone's name) for
guiding me to utilities and programs which read SEGY format files. 

For those of you who are interested, here is a summary of all responses.

G'day every one,



1. Chris Clarke ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: There is a free SEGY
Viewer available from Encom Technology
(www.encom.com.au). I'm not sure if this will let you save off as raster but
you can certainly print from it.


2. Martin Higham (www.encom.com.au) wrote: You'll likely need specialist
seismic data processing software for this.  We
have a free SEGY viewer (www.encom.com.au), though I'm not sure whether it
saves bitmaps etc. as the output. Alternatively you could use ER Mapper to
do this, and then maybe export as dxf.


3. Ed Campbell ([EMAIL PROTECTED] ) wrote: You might try this package
Visual_SUNT display at http://www.wgeosoft.ch/visual2.html I don't know how
good it is, just came across the web-page.

4. Peter Walker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: Here is something that was
circulated previously. It may help {I'm not sure how closely related the
SEG-2 and SEG-Y formats may be but I've written a small program which
converts Surfer GRD files to a SEG-Y file containing traces for each
vertical line. It will show you how to write the EBCDIC header, the binary
header and the trace headers as well as the trace data. I used a few
resources I could find on the 'net and it is just a preliminary
quick-and-dirty solution, therefor the source code comments may not be
sufficient. I also know that the SEG-2 format is described on SEG's site.
Also included is a MSWord document describing the SEG-Y format. Take note of
the Endian and IBM floating point issues which I handled in the program.
Hope it helps. Regards, Jacques Beaurain AATS Room 908 Tel: +27 11 6383007
Cel: 082 322 7530}


5. Jacques Beaurain ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: Included, is some code
(not extremely well documented) I pasted together from various resources on
the 'net. It takes five binary files which describes a 3D segy file and
generates a
SEGY file from it. It may or may not be helpful to you. Note the following:
SEGY format: 3200 byte EBCDIC header
400 byte binary header : see header files for structure each trace has a 240
byte header. Be careful for the Little- and Big-endian conversions etc.P.S.
I used gcc to compile but any other C compiler  will probably also work. [I
can forward the attachment if you are interested! -mansour]


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MI RE: Import excel

1999-12-09 Thread Mansour Shoari

Hi Patrick,

Are you running 5.0 or 5.0.1? If I recall it correctly, we had a similar
problem with 5.0, but the problem went away by applying the service patch
"mi501p.exe", and upgrading it to 5.0.1. It think that was a tiny
programming glitch.

G' day
mansour shoari
Monopros limited
Toronto, Canada

> -Original Message-
> From: Patrick van der Deijl [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 09, 1999 5:13 AM
> To:   'MAPINFO-L'
> Subject:  MI: Import excel
> Hello all,
> I've a excel table which loses its last character in a characterfield
> when imported in MI 5.0
> No matter if the placename is short or long, the last character is
> lost.
> However, in MI 4.5 and 5.5 this problem does not occur.
> Who has experienced this strange phenomenon before and, better, has a
> solution. Of course you can export excel into dbase but this kind of
> detours are not a solution. And why does it works fine in MI 4.5 and
> 5.5?
> Thanks,
> Patrick van der Deijl
> --
> Geodan IT bv
> Jan Luijkenstraat 10
> 1071 CM  Amsterdam
> The Netherlands
> Tel. +31 (0)20-5707300
> Fax. +31 (0)20-5707333
> Also visit our website: www.geodan.nl
>  << File: Card for Patrick van der Deijl >> 
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MI SEGY format files converter

1999-12-03 Thread Mansour Shoari

Hello everyone,

It's a cloudy Friday morning in Toronto and I am stuck in my cubicle trying
to read an SEGY format file.
Does anyone know a program/utility to make an image file (tif, bmp, jpg,
etc) out of this file.

thanks in advance, 
mansour shoari
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RE: MI Exporting tables

1999-10-27 Thread Mansour Shoari

> John,
> I am not sure if there is a shorter way of doing this - here what I would
> do:
> 1. In MapInfo, go to Table > Export > {Select save as type: dBASE DBF
> (*.dbf)}
> 2. In Microsoft Excel, open this (*.dbf) file and save it as Microsoft
> Excel Workbook (*.xls)
> 3. In Microsoft Word, open (*.xls) file and save it as Word Document
> (*.DOC)
> Hope this helps,
> mansour shoari
> Monopros Limited
> Toronto, Canada
>   Original message
> Hi,
> I'm a new(ish) user to MAPINFO so excuse the maybe simple question but can
> anyone advise as to the best way to export a table into, say microsoft
> word,
> and retain any graphic's, i.e columns and rows ?..I've exported to an
> ascii
> (.txt) file but its all jumbled up and you loose column headings etc
> etc Anyone with an idea ?
>  Cheers
>  John
>  --
>  John Blute
>  Maunsell Ltd
>  United Kingdom
> --
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RE: MI Exporting tables

1999-10-27 Thread Mansour Shoari


I am not sure if there is a shorter way of doing this - here what I would

1. In MapInfo, go to Table > Export > {Select save as type: dBASE DBF
2. In Microsoft Excel, open this (*.dbf) file and save it as Microsoft Excel
Workbook (*.xls)
3. In Microsoft Word, open (*.xls) file and save it as Word Document (*.DOC)

Hope this helps,

mansour shoari
Monopros Limited
Toronto, Canada

> Original Message-
> From: John Blute [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 1999 3:46 AM
> Subject:  MI Exporting tables
> Hi,
> I'm a new(ish) user to MAPINFO so excuse the maybe simple question but can
> anyone advise as to the best way to export a table into, say microsoft
> word,
> and retain any graphic's, i.e columns and rows ?..I've exported to an
> ascii
> (.txt) file but its all jumbled up and you loose column headings etc
> etc Anyone with an idea ?
>  Cheers
>  John
>  --
>  John Blute
>  Maunsell Ltd
>  United Kingdom
> --
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MI Making a "Floating" Toolbar "Dockable"

1999-09-16 Thread Mansour Shoari

Hi Folks,

I am a new MapInfo user and just joined the Users Net. YOU ARE A GREAT GROUP
Thanks to Jason Adam's recipe for making a toolbar for "Find Selection"
command, also thanks to Peter Laulund's short cut codes. Both work like a
charm. Cool Stuff!

I couldn't find a way to dock Jason's toolbar. It appears in the "Toolbar
Options" dialog box as an item - I checked the "Show" box and left the
"Floating" box unchecked, also checked the "Save as Default" box. 

Every time I launch MapInfo, it appears there "Floating" again! It seems
that the "Toolbar Options" dialog box treats custom toolbars differently.

Am I doing something silly or this is just the internal codes of MapInfo
that makes it act differently.


mansour shoari

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