MI Detailed Elevation Landuse data

1999-10-22 Thread Stephen R Ford

Hello all,

Does anyone know of any sources for detailed elevation and land use data for
the following countries.

1. Mexico
2. Egypt
3. Jordan
4. Pakistan

Any help is appreciated!


Stephen Ford
Baseline Business Geographics Inc.
URL www.baselinegeo.com
PH (902) 892-0300

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MI Position Available

1999-10-19 Thread Stephen R Ford

Hello all,

Baseline Business Geographics has a current employment opportunity for MI
Sales/Marketing person. Visit http://www.baselinegeo.com/employment.html
for further information on this position.


Stephen Ford
Baseline Business Geographics Inc.
URL www.baselinegeo.com
PH (902) 892-0300

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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI Routing

1999-08-17 Thread Stephen R Ford

Hello everyone,

I have a client that requires a routing package that will work with MapInfo.
They require this software to be able to perform route optimization, travel
time, allow for time per stop, multiple routes. I am aware of a couple
packages RouteView, WayFinder and Visual Control Room. If anyone knows of
any other software that maybe suitable, could they please let me know.


Stephen Ford
Baseline Business Geographics Inc.
URL www.baselinegeo.com
PH (902) 892-0300

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