Bonne's projection is a pseudoconical equal-area projection. The 
meridians are represented by concurrent curves, the parallels by 
concentric arcs of circles. The centre of the projection is defined as 
the intersection of a straight central meridian with a central parallel 
of length r0 = R*tan(90-lat0), where lat0 is the latitude of the central 
parallel. The parallels are correctly spaced along the central meridian 
and represented in correct length (which gives the projection the 
equal-area property). Transformation formulae:

x = r*sin(T)
y = R*cot(lat0) - r*cos(T)


T = R*longit*cos(latit) / r

r = R[cot(lat0) - (latit - lat0)]

lat0 is the latitude of the central parallel.
R is the radius of the generating globe.

(setting the equator as central parallel yields sanson's sinusoidal 

For more information see for example:
Canters, F. and H. Decleir, 1989, The world in perspective: a directory 
of world map projections, John Wiley&Sons, Chichester.

William De Genst
Centre for Cartography and GIS
Department of Geography
Brussels Free University V.U.B.
Pleinlaan 2
B-1050 Brussels
Tel: ++ 32-2-629.35.56
Fax: ++ 32-2-629.33.78

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