RE: MI What is ...

1999-10-26 Thread bagge

Dear Peter

It's a transformed file format from AutoCAD dwg format to a format used
at the net, fx can cadViewer Light read and present this format. Search
at net for cadViewer or dwf to find readers and the like. Hope this

Sincerely Yours

Lars Bagge Nielsen
The National Museum of Denmark, DKC
Ny Vestergade 11, Baghuset, 2. sal.
1471 København K
Tlf.: (+45) 33473088
Fax: (+45) 33473007

-Original Message-
From: Peter Robinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 1999 5:31 AM
Subject: MI What is ...

Does anyone know what type of file is a .dwf?

Many Thanks!

Peter Robinson
Research Associate
Urban Frontiers Program
UWS - Macarthur
PO Box 555
Campbelltown NSW 2560 Australia

Ph: +61 2 4620 3499
Fx: +61 2 4620 3447
Mb: 0414 470 929

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Legend problems - close MI

1999-11-23 Thread bagge

Dear All

Don't do this!!!

Any information's or help on the following problem?

1. Crate a thematic Map

2. Close the corresponding Legend

3. Create a new Legend


you choose the Thematic Map (no other map),

change the orientation to Landscape (instead of Portrait as in the
Thematic Map default)

and MI will CLOSE without any information at all

I'll crate a Legend below a Map in a layout!

Sincerely Yours

Lars Bagge Nielsen
The National Museum of Denmark, DKC
Ny Vestergade 11, Baghuset, 2. sal.
1471 København K
Tlf.: (+45) 33473088
Fax: (+45) 33473007

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MI Program for Workshop den 8 februar i MapInfo Brugergruppen, DK, på Natiopnalmuseet

2000-02-07 Thread bagge

Hej Alle MapInfoer

Workshop, MapInfo Brugergruppe Møde DK, 8 februar 2000.

MapInfo Brugergruppens første workshop for folk der arbejder med MapInfo.

Nationalmuseet, biografen, Ny Vestergade 10, Nationalmuseets Hovedindgang

Nationalmuseets døre åbner kl 1000.

Workshoppen afholdes i en afslappet atmosfære, hvor det er meningen vi skal
udbygge vores net, få besvaret konkrete spørgsmål, møde nye folk og få nye


10.15 Velkomst
Fra 10.15 til 12.00 giver hver oplægsholder en kort præsentation på ca 10
12.00 - 13.00 Frokost. Der er åbent i Nationalmuseets Cafe (ny ejer med
billigere priser).Bordene sættes op.
13.00 - 16.00 Workshop. Oplægsholderne er ved deres computere og vi kan gå
rundt til dem. Meningen at vi skal diskuttere konkrete problemer eller få
nye ideer.
14.00 Kaffe, som indtages, mens workshoppen er i gang.
17.00 Alle smides ud. Der er således mulighed for at blive til 17.00 og fx
se udstillingen eller diskuttere videre.


Velkomst, Lars Bagge
Generelt, om MapInfo Brugergruppe og hvad er der sket siden sidst, Peter

Peter Møller, KampSax: "Datakontrol (program)".
Lars Bagge Nielsen, DKC, Nationalmuseet: "Gis data på nettet ved
WebPublisher. Hjælpeprogrammer og Plots".
Uffe Kousgaard, RouteWare (/ DMU): "Integration mellem MapInfo og
egne(delphi)-applikationer. Afstandsprogram som case".
Peter Laulund, KMS: "Kartograf og kortproduktion i MapInfo".
Claus Dam, DKC, Nationalmuseet: "3d gis på nettet ved Pavan".
Ole Gregor, Viborg Amt: "3D og visualisering".
Jens Jensen, Roskilde Amt: "3D og visualisering".
Lars Nørbach, DKC, Nationalmuseet: "Eksempel på anvendelse af MapInfo til
digitale udgravningsplaner".

Praktiske Oplysninger:

Der forefindes en projekter (ny) med mulighed for opsætning i 1024X768 eller
endda 1280X1024. Der kan kobles 3 computere til ad gangen, som kan opsættes
med en fælles profil. dette tjekkes i løbet af i dag.


Lars Bagge 
DKC, Nationalmuseet

Sincerely Yours

Lars Bagge Nielsen
The National Museum of Denmark, DKC
Ny Vestergade 11, Baghuset, 2. sal.
1471 København K
Tlf.: (+45) 33473088
Fax: (+45) 33473307

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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI Generate HTML Image Maps from map windows

2000-02-24 Thread bagge

Dear All

Have anyone find the "Generate HTML Image Maps from map windows" function in
the MI60 beta version?? And is it like the Webpublisher program???

Sincerely Yours

Lars Bagge Nielsen
The National Museum of Denmark, DKC
Ny Vestergade 11, Baghuset, 2. sal.
1471 København K
Tlf.: (+45) 33473088
Fax: (+45) 33473307

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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI predefined styles

2000-08-24 Thread bagge

Dear MapInfo users

We have a problem and some whishes.

We need the creation of an automatic startup with a editable layer and a
menu with predefined line- text and polygon style for digitalizing, an mbx.


Police officers at 3 o'clock in the night do not have the energy or time to
work with various different styles and the output might therefore have

An archeologist with little knowledge of GIS other than the basics would
like to change the appearances while he is digitalizing but haven't the
knowledge of how so it would be nice to be able to distribute a standard for
digitalization with symbols and representation relevant for archaeologists.

We can't implement or distribute to large changes so it has to be with the
use off an mbx that works as an add-on.

Example: predefined text, line, symbol and polygon style in Ariel, red and
bold, bmp, and blue with black borders.


To be sure that what has been digitalized is with the "correct" styles in a
manner that the user is costumed too and preferre.

Any ideas would be off great help.

On behave of The National Museum of Denmark and The Danish Police.

Sincerely Yours

Lars Bagge Nielsen
Junior Researcher
The National Museum of Denmark,
DKC "The Sites and Monuments Record"
Ny Vestergade 11, Baghuset, 2. sal.
1471 København K
Tlf.: (+45) 33473088
Fax: (+45) 33473307

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