Here's the solution to the problem...

A big thanks to all those who have given me a helping hand:

Options> Show Mapbasic window
goto the window, enter
set coordsys table YourTableName
hit return.

This fix will only solve the problem for this session.

I now have a full list of Eastings & Northings...

Thanks again! 

------- Forwarded message follows -------
From:                   "David Eagle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization:           W S Atkins East Anglia
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Fri, 28 Jan 2000 10:00:27 -0000
Subject:                MI Eastings & Northings Part II

Ok, many thanks to all of you who have replied to this annoying 
little problem. I'm getting there slowly...I now know that my initial 
mistake was in having the column flagged as an Integer, it should 
be a 'Float' it seems. To clarify for those who have asked the 
projection I am using is "British Coordinate Systems" - Category 
Member "British National Grid" with coordinate units expressed in 
Meters. After updating both columns again with the 'float' setting I 
atleast get a result but it seems there is a projection problem 

E.g. - When I select an object and go to Edit>Get Info, I get the 
following, Location X: 549,316.39m   Location Y: 256,640.97m. 
These are the figures I wish to grab and put in my table, however 
when I update I get the following for that point:
X: 0.184493   Y:52.1874
Major annoyance! Some of you have suggested entering a 
mapbasic command similar to the following "set coordsys table 
<yourTableName>", not being familiar with MapBasic (in any way 
shape or form!) I am unsure what this is doing, and it doesn't work 
when I try it anyway.

If anyone can help, you know where I am...Thanks, to all have 
helped thus far anyway!



Another one for the masses!

I have geocoded over 100 addresses by Postcode. I now want to 
append the Eastings and Northings for each point to this table. I 
have created two extra columns and have flagged them as integers. 
I then have tried going to 'Table', 'Update Column' and then select 
the 'table to update', then the 'column to update' and then 'get value 
from' the same table, with the 'value' as centroidX(obj). I'm getting 
nowhere! I'm sure I'm on the right lines as it seems logical and I 
have gotten a semi-valid output but only when the column is 
flagged as a character...Er, help?!

Any help gratefully recieved!

David A. Eagle (Graduate Analyst).
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Tel: (01223) 276002, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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David A. Eagle (Graduate Analyst).
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Tel: (01223) 276002, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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