I'm having a problem with a layout that redraws just about every time I
click on a toolbar, a toolbar icon or back on the layout with a toolbar
item, such as a zoom mouse pointer.  This problem ("feature?") seems
recent, in that I don't remember having it right along.  It's very
annoying, especially because this particular layout contains lots of
geocoded points, lots of layers and lots of labels.  And there's two maps
on an 11x17 layout.  The thing seems to redraw all the time!   It's
especially linked to the zoom in and zoom out functions.  If I click on the
zoom in icon, it redraws.  If I click to hold down a corner with the
pointer, it redraws.  Ditto the select, grabber, info icons.  There are a
couple of odd things, too:  these redraws don't want to get stopped by an
escape key; they'll keep on going and going.  It seems that when they reach
a certain degree of "doneness" then they'll stop with repeated hits on the
escape key, but not immediately.  The other odd (worth mentioning to
potential diagnosticians, anyway) is that none of this happens when the
layout is sitting in that undrawn state where the graphics are "blued out."
Is this MI, my mouse sending wrong signals?  My karma? Any assistance
greatly appreciated by my very tight jaw muscle.

Tim Rood
Ravenna Planning Associates
5417 21st Avenue NE
Seattle, WA  98015-2408

phone:  (206) 527-3181
fax:       (305) 489-6478
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