MI MapBasic Shade statement - Responses (Thanks!)

1999-10-01 Thread Susan Yu


I have received a couple of responses to my original question dealing with
'shade' statement for thematic mapping (individual values).  Thanks to Brad
and Antoine. I'll post their response in entirety for those who don't like

Briefly, the problem was that I am working on an application that, based on
a query, the resulting number of values to be mapped out can be varied.  I
wondered how I could use the shade statement by taking this problem into

I have discovered that you can put the values into a string array variable
and execute the 'shade' statement by using the 'run command' statement.
Here is my code:

   dim counter, newsize as integer
   dim name_list as string
   dim names(5) as string  'this variable needs to be redim according to

   counter = 2
   name_list = Chr$(34) + names(1) + Chr$(34)
   Do While counter = newsize
  name_list = name_list + "," + Chr$(34) + names(counter) +  Chr$(34)
  counter = counter + 1

   Run Command "Shade 2 With New_Dealer Values" + name_list 

I still don't know how to shade the polygons with black and white patterns
rather than the awful default colours.  If anyone knows how to do this...
I'm still looking for a solution.  Thanks again!  Hope this isn't too

Here are the 2 responses I got:

Note:   can yield the same result using Chr$(34) - it's based on
preference. :)

--- From Brad ---

I worked with strings and the run command statement

here is a snippet of the part that adds all the columns to map for a
pie/bar thematic map

sPieString = "shade window " + iEastCoastMap +" 1 With COL3"
For i = 1 to iNumCols-1
sPieString=sPieString+",COL" + str$(i+3)
you need to work with the legend in a different manner

set legend
window iEastCoastMap
layer prev
display on
shades on
symbols on
title "Legend" Font ("Arial",0,8,0)
Ranges Font ("Arial",0,7,0)  auto   display on , auto display on ,
display on , auto display on , auto display on , auto display on , auto
display on , auto display on , auto display on , auto display on , auto
display on , auto display on , auto display on 
ascending on

by having enough auto display ons to cover the max number of objects to
if you have only, for example, 3 then the rest are ignored

GeoInfo Solutions Ltd.
phone/fax 250-656-7170

--- From Antoine ---
use the RUN COMMAND instruction..


dim tmp as String
tmp = "Shade .. With ... bla bla bla "
tmp = tmp + "Values "
for i=0 to x
tmp = tmp +  + nameIndividualValue(i) +  + " Brush(" + param1(i)
+ "," + param2(i) + "," + param3(i) + "), "
Run Command tmp

PS :  is an insertion of the caracter - " - into the string...

for the string stories, i'm not not sure to understand all you asked..

||//Antoine Gilbert
||  //#ICQ 9737371
||  \\
||   \\Le Groupe KOREM Inc.
||\\   http://www.korem.com


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FW: MI MapBasic Shade statement - Responses (Thanks!) - correction

1999-10-01 Thread Susan Yu

I'm sorry for this, but I meant to take out the part about not figuring out
the filling the polygons with black and white patterns.  I forgot that I
tried Antoine's technique.

With sincere apologies,

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Susan Yu
Sent: Friday, October 01, 1999 9:39 AM
To: MapInfo-L (E-mail)
Subject: MI MapBasic Shade statement - Responses (Thanks!)


I have received a couple of responses to my original question dealing with
'shade' statement for thematic mapping (individual values).  Thanks to Brad
and Antoine. I'll post their response in entirety for those who don't like

Briefly, the problem was that I am working on an application that, based on
a query, the resulting number of values to be mapped out can be varied.  I
wondered how I could use the shade statement by taking this problem into

I have discovered that you can put the values into a string array variable
and execute the 'shade' statement by using the 'run command' statement.
Here is my code:

   dim counter, newsize as integer
   dim name_list as string
   dim names(5) as string  'this variable needs to be redim according to

   counter = 2
   name_list = Chr$(34) + names(1) + Chr$(34)
   Do While counter = newsize
  name_list = name_list + "," + Chr$(34) + names(counter) +  Chr$(34)
  counter = counter + 1

   Run Command "Shade 2 With New_Dealer Values" + name_list 

I still don't know how to shade the polygons with black and white patterns
rather than the awful default colours.  If anyone knows how to do this...
I'm still looking for a solution.  Thanks again!  Hope this isn't too

Here are the 2 responses I got:

Note:  """" can yield the same result using Chr$(34) - it's based on
preference. :)

--- From Brad ---

I worked with strings and the run command statement

here is a snippet of the part that adds all the columns to map for a
pie/bar thematic map

sPieString = "shade window " + iEastCoastMap +" 1 With COL3"
For i = 1 to iNumCols-1
sPieString=sPieString+",COL" + str$(i+3)
you need to work with the legend in a different manner

set legend
window iEastCoastMap
layer prev
display on
shades on
symbols on
title "Legend" Font ("Arial",0,8,0)
Ranges Font ("Arial",0,7,0)  auto   display on , auto display on ,
display on , auto display on , auto display on , auto display on , auto
display on , auto display on , auto display on , auto display on , auto
display on , auto display on , auto display on 
ascending on

by having enough auto display ons to cover the max number of objects to
if you have only, for example, 3 then the rest are ignored

GeoInfo Solutions Ltd.
phone/fax 250-656-7170

--- From Antoine ---
use the RUN COMMAND instruction..


dim tmp as String
tmp = "Shade .. With ... bla bla bla "
tmp = tmp + "Values "
for i=0 to x
tmp = tmp + """" + nameIndividualValue(i) + """" + " Brush(" + param1(i)
+ "," + param2(i) + "," + param3(i) + "), "
Run Command tmp

PS : """" is an insertion of the caracter - " - into the string...

for the string stories, i'm not not sure to understand all you asked..

||//Antoine Gilbert
||  //#ICQ 9737371
||  \\
||   \\Le Groupe KOREM Inc.
||\\   http://www.korem.com


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