I've a series of DEMs (USGS origin) that need some editing.  How can the Z
value of a particular pixel be changed?  My goal is to smooth obviously
incorrect values with their neighboring values.  Here's what I have been
able to do (using VM2.1.1/MI5.5, no MB yet):

1. Successfully selected out-of-range values and reassigned them to null by
using Grid Query.  That's an improvement, but doesn't seem to be a route to
assigning a (realistic)value to each particular pixel.

2. Captured values of selected pixels to the VMCapture table.  These values
can clearly be edited and the table saved, but how can they be incorporated
back into the grid?  Documentation is sparse.

2a.  In one test I selected a small region (~12 pixels) around the target
pixels, assigned realistic-if-arbitrary values to the targets, saved the
table, created points from the table, and interpolated those in VM.
Attempts to union this patch with the original grid have so far been
unsuccessful.  Seems like there ought to be a better way, anyway.

Your suggestions for further experiments greatly appreciated!



Andrew Phillips, Ph.D.
Quaternary Geology Section
Illinois State Geological Survey

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