Thanks to James Harvie, Ole Gregor and Eric Maranne I was able to get some
sort of headway on this.  I've cut and pasted most of the solutions from
emails that were sent to me.
1.      When using Grid Splicer to add building footprints to a DEM you have
to be sure to use the correct splicing method.  This will depend on which
elevation value each building footprint is attributed with i.e. the height
of the building above the ground or above sea level.  Generally it is the
building height above the ground and it sounds like from your problem that
this is the case.  In this situation you should use a Merge using the
Maximum as the calculation method.
The other method was to use the grid calculator and add the building heights
grid and DEM.
2.      This is not possible without the base option selected.  I've seen it
done using the 3D add-on for ArcInfo.
3.      James' solution - For example if you wanted to show a street network
file in 3D but you don't want to see the DEM you would do the following.
First place the grid and the street network file in the same Map window.
Next, open the Layer Control and make the grid invisible.  Next, make a
drape of the window.  Finally, in GridView open the DEM and the
corresponding drape file. Make the DEM totally transparent which makes it
The drape files are still created with an opaque white DTM still viewed in
the background.

Eric suggested using vrml.  See http:\\ for general info on the
VRML standard, and Eric's site for VRML applied to geography examples ... <> 

Thank you again.

-----Original Message-----
From:   Litea Biukoto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, 7 June 2000 9:56
To:     MapInfo-L (E-mail)
Subject:        MI VM2

I'm trying to layer several grids in VM2/ Grid view to represent the data
layers that exist.  The layers include hazards, DTM, bathymetry,
orthophotograph, etc.
1.      I would like to update the existing grid (DTM) by adding building
heights to it, so that they appear as extrusions on the DTM.  Each building
is represented by a region object.  The information attached to each object
includes the height of the building in storeys. The regions were converted
to a grid with the Region to Grid utility, using the building height for
elevation. Using the Grid Splicer utility, the building grid is stamped on
the DTM.  The projection and the grid units of the two grids are the same.
The resulting grid has pockets where the buildings stand.
2.      Can a building grid be represented as columns with a transparent
base in Grid View?  
3.      Can a drape file be created with a transparent background?  (Grid is
not visible in the layer).
Please do email if you would like me to clarify the above questions or if
you know of a simpler software to use.

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