RE: MI-L Re: RE:MI-L Off-topic: c++ porting problem- gnu c++ to MS .net c++

2004-11-19 Thread Warren Vick, Europa Technologies Ltd.
Hello Phil,.
I think I can help you with the second part of your query.
The error is actually quite a good one but the reason why the warning is
produced needs a little background information on how C++ implements OOP.
The error is generated because your class has members that are pointers...
distance, depotdist and name. Obviously these are assigned or allocated
space somewhere in your class methods. The problem is, however, that you do
not have a copy constructor or assignment operator method (these are the two
the warning complains about). So, with the absence of these, when you
construct a copy, or assign, an object of class Gene, a binary copy of the
object is made in memory. The danger here is that the pointer values will be
copied to the new object and you will end up with two objects which
internally have pointers directed to the same space. i.e. change one and the
other will change too. This is generally, but not always, undesirable and
could cause some nasty bugs which are difficult to track down.
The solution is to always have a copy constructor and assignment operation
function is your classes. It's generally good OOP practice.
As for a dummy's guide to the errors, I'm afraid it's just a case of
experience. If it was easy, C++ development wouldn't be regarded as a value
Warren Vick
Europa Technologies Ltd.

-Original Message-
From: Phil Waight [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 19 November 2004 04:45
To: David Langley
Subject: MI-L Re: RE:MI-L Off-topic: c++ porting problem- gnu c++ to MS .net

That change made the code more readable and pointed me in the right
direction. I tried  the -pedantic switch in gcc. 
" error: ISO C++ forbids array dimensions with parenthesized
type in new"
myChromoPool = new pChromo [popSize];
now works in VS.
Thanks for the help. I have attached the header file for the other problem
if you're able to look at that.

- Original Message - 
From: David Langley   
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 9:31 AM
Subject: RE:MI-L Off-topic: c++ porting problem- gnu c++ to MS .net c++ 


try using a typedef (a synonym for another type) declaration as a pointer to

the Chromo vector


typedef Chromo* pChromo ;

then change your code to
pChromo *myChromoPool ; // Chromosome vector
myChromoPool = new (pChromo)[popSize]  ;

Not sure about the second problem as I would have to see the header file.

Best Regards,


David P. Langley
Director of Programming Services

Mapping Solutions, LLC
4660 S. Hagadorn Rd.
Suite 120
East Lansing, MI 48823

Voice: (+1) 517-332-7735
Cell:  (+1) 517-402-3238
Fax:   (+1) 517-332-1329

SMS:  5174023238 (

Visit our website:

*** Need inexpensive GDT and NavTech street-level data for North America and

Europe? Check out Map-In-A-Box at ***
*** Map-In-A-Box Year-End Blowout!... Map-In-A-Box is on Sale Until December

31, 2004.. Check out Map-In-A-Box at *** 

MI-L DSN Less DBMS Connection

2004-11-19 Thread Milo van der Linden
Hello list,

I am using DBMS tables of a variety of types in a VB-programmed integrated
mapping project. My MapInfo version is 7.0.

Within my VB-program I use DSN less connections meaning that no Data Sources
(ODBC) need to be manually configured on the clients installation

I was wondering If this can also be done for a DBMS connection from MapInfo?
Is it possible to change the ODBC-parameters in the Server Link statement
to something like 
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;User ID=Admin;Data Source=MY_DATABASE;"

Anyone has some experience on this? Or should I change to a higher version
of MapInfo and will it be supported then?

Kind regards,

Milo van der Linden 
*   Hoogbloklandseweg 24
*   4205 NE  Gorinchem
* The Netherlands
Tel. +31 183 50 81 50
Fax. +31 183 50 81 60
Mob. +31 629 54 06 96

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Message number: 14133

RE: MI-L DSN Less DBMS Connection

2004-11-19 Thread Peter Horsbøll Møller
Well, it is kind of possible if you use the File DSN in stead. In this case you 
can place the DSN file at the same folder as your application, and so you don't 
need to create any DSNs using the ODBC-datasoruce dialog.

And your connect string would look like this:

"FILEDSN=" & ApplicationDirectory$() & "SPVector.dsn"

Actual I think that the connection you use in MapX is a OLEDB connection (?) 
and not a ODBC connection, so can't quite compare those.

When MapInfo Pro .NET will be here I guess it will support OLEDB or other DSN 
less connections.

Peter Horsbøll Møller
GIS Developer
Geographical Information & IT
Odensevej 95
DK-5260 Odense S.
Tel +45 6311 4900
Direct  +45 6311 4908
Mob +45 5156 1045
Fax +45 6311 4949

-Original Message-
From: Milo van der Linden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 12:06 PM
Subject: MI-L DSN Less DBMS Connection

Hello list,

I am using DBMS tables of a variety of types in a VB-programmed integrated 
mapping project. My MapInfo version is 7.0.

Within my VB-program I use DSN less connections meaning that no Data Sources
(ODBC) need to be manually configured on the clients installation workstation.

I was wondering If this can also be done for a DBMS connection from MapInfo? Is 
it possible to change the ODBC-parameters in the Server Link statement from 
to something like 
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;User ID=Admin;Data Source=MY_DATABASE;"

Anyone has some experience on this? Or should I change to a higher version of 
MapInfo and will it be supported then?

Kind regards,

Milo van der Linden 
*   Hoogbloklandseweg 24
*   4205 NE  Gorinchem
* The Netherlands
Tel. +31 183 50 81 50
Fax. +31 183 50 81 60
Mob. +31 629 54 06 96

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Message number: 14133

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Message number: 14134

MI-L MapInfo-L Reminder

2004-11-19 Thread MapInfo-L-Owner
This is just a reminder to help you manage your MapInfo-L subscription. This 
will be posted automatically each week, and please feel free to respond with 
suggestions or improvements.

- Bill Thoen



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Before you ask a question that's been asked a hundred times before, please 
consult the FAQ first. If you have suggestions for corrections or improvements, 
please send them to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and we'll make whatever changes are 
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Message number: 14135

MI-L Mouse button

2004-11-19 Thread Mehmet Doldur
Hi list,
I use VB.NET and MapBasic 7.5
When the main map has been changed (zoomin,zoomout,pan,going to select 
etc.) i want to move the rectangle object on the overview map. I think 
after the mouse up i should move the rectangle to the new place. But i 
don't know how can i get if the mouse button is pushed or not or which 
mouse button(left or right) is pushed on the main map. Some code below, is it a 
way? help please.
Mehmet Doldur
Infotech A.S.

Public Sub SetStatusText(ByVal statusText As String)

Dim newText As String

Dim xKoord As String, yKoord As String

Dim lPlace As Short


'Write the coordinates

newText = GetField(statusText, vbTab, 1)

lPlace = InStr(newText, " ")

xKoord = Mid(newText, 1, lPlace - 2)

yKoord = Mid(newText, lPlace + 1)

mdiWindow.MdiSBar.Panels(1).Text = "X : " & xKoord & " Y : " & yKoord


'Check if the mouse button is pushed

If mapInfo.Eval("CommandInfo(" + Str(CMD_INFO_X) + ")") <> "0" And _

mapInfo.Eval("CommandInfo(" + Str(CMD_INFO_Y) + ")") <> "0" Then

'Move the rectangle

End If

End Sub

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MI-L SUM: MapInfo Pro and Oracle 10g Spatial

2004-11-19 Thread Peter Horsbøll Møller
Thanks for the replies.
Here are the advice I got:
1. Start installing the Oracle Client before you install MapInfo
2. Use the Dependency Walker tool to check if nessessary dependencies for the 
MIDLOCI.DLL are found. This is nessessary for the DLL to be loaded.
3. Pray !!
And of course it was the later that worked for me - I'm cetain ;-)
I uninstalled the Oracle Instant Client and reinstalled it - still with MapInfo 
7.8 installed. This time I not only installed the Instant Client but also some 
other client tools like SQL Plus etc, so whether this is the thing that helped 
or if it was the reinstallation I wouldn't know.
After this I had some trouble making the connection to the Oracle server using 
the Net Configuration Assistant. So I decided to call it a day, and went home.
Today I found a TNSNAMES.ORA file on another computer, copied it to the 
computer I was working on yesterday, and surprice - It is working.
So I guess I most have been praying in my sleep.
Well anyway, I'm am up and running and a happy man
Peter Horsbøll Møller
GIS Developer
Geographical Information & IT
Odensevej 95
5260 Odense S.
Tel   + 45 6311 4900
Dir   +45 6311 4908
Mob +45 5156 1045
Fax  + 45 6311 4949

From: Peter Horsbøll Møller
Sent: Thu 18-Nov-04 20:09
To: MapInfo-L Mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: MapInfo Pro and Oracle 10g Spatial

Just a very simple simple question, that I'm sure every one knows the answer to 
- or at least those working with Oracle:
What do I need to install on a computer that should be able to access a Oracle 
10g Spatial database ?
On my own laptop I have installed the complete Oracle 10g database with SQL 
Plus and TOAD etc. But these computers are supposed to use MapInfo as a client.
Having just installed MapInfo - of course with the Oracle OCI support - I get 
the message that some drivers failed to load when I start MapInfo. This is 
normally caused be the fact that there is no Oracle Client installed.
I then installed the Oracle Instant Client, but this didn't help.
What else do I need to do ?
Peter Horsbøll Møller
GIS Developer
Geographical Information & IT
Odensevej 95
5260 Odense S.
Tel   + 45 6311 4900
Dir   +45 6311 4908
Mob +45 5156 1045
Fax  + 45 6311 4949

From: Robert Crossley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 17-Nov-04 23:12
To: Possberg, Hendrik
Cc: MapInfo List
Subject: Re: MI-L Spatialware on SQLServer - 2

More random thoughts on SQL.

If you are not one yourself, make friends with a good database 
administrator.  They are worth their weight in gold.

And be careful about restricting access to various tables in the database 
- eg. users need to be able to see the base tables - something dbas don't 
like.  MapInfo needs to select from those tables and fails if you try to 
edit them via views with triggers.

We had a conference with a few seurity nazis, and their assessment was 
that they couldn't impose the same sort of restrictions on the database as 
they would like to normally (eg. only see views and only edit via 
triggers), and suggested creating a differnent instance of SQL Server that 
held only the GIS data as being the best compromise.

I'll keep posting these as I think of them.  It is good for my records as 


On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 18:00:00 +0100, Possberg, Hendrik 

> Dear List,
> I am looking for an entrance using following programs.
> - MS SQL Server 2000
> - Spatialware 4.8
> used with Mapinfo and Mapbasic 7.0
> 1. I am looking for general informations to avoid beginner's mistakes.
> 2. I would like to implement some triggers (update). What does that mean 
> for
> the performance? Are there any pitfalls?
> 3. I would like to get to know how to do "batch programming" e.g.
> select the 5 nearest Shops for 10 customers.
> and "batch programming"  for
>  selecting all customers inside a circle of 5 km for 1000 Shops.
> This should be done with Mapbasic.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Mit freundlichen Gruessen
> microm
> Micromarketing-Systeme und Consult GmbH
> Hendrik Possberg
> Geodaten
> Hellersbergstr. 14
> 41460 Neuss
> Phone: 02131-10 97 51
> Fax:   02131-10 97 77
> ***
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MI-L US States LINE file

2004-11-19 Thread Will Mitchell
Hi all,


Anyone have a US State outline dataset as Polylines, preferably without
coast or with coast attributed/identified?  Need this for cartographic
purposes and am hoping to not have to build it.




Will Mitchell

Mitchell Geographics, Inc.

496 Congress St

Portland, ME 04101

ph 207.879.7769

fx 207.253.5756


MI-L using Visual C++ Macros from MapBasic

2004-11-19 Thread Christophe Brabant
Hi everyone
I would like to use Win32 API like LoadCursor and SetCursor. The second
argument of LoadCursor is returned by the Macro called MAKEINTRESOURCE
For example, IDC_WAIT = MAKEINTRESOURCE(32524)
The macro definition in Winuser.h is :
(for Ascii)
Hor could I include that into the MapBasic program ?
Thank you

MI-L Looking for HELP on radius search.

2004-11-19 Thread Nick Vrbos

I have a table with a column containing latitude information to the 6th
decimal point.  The same goes for the longitude co-ordinate column.

What I am looking for is :
    1.  A radius search results from one of those lat/long points from
a user selection of 100 metres to a max of 2000 metres (2km.)
    2.  What is the precision/accuracy of
the 5th or 6th decimal point?  In other words, does the 6th decimal
represent a foot or a metre or a kilometre?

I am not looking for a map engine to determine this for me.  I think I
need an algorithm.  Does anyone know where to lead me to a programmed 
solution to this problem?  Where can I find information on the lat/long
accuracy of each decimal point?


Nick Vrbos

309B-219 Dufferin Street
Toronto, Ont.   M6K 1Y9
TEL: 416.538.0111
FAX: 416.987.0680


Re: MI-L Re: RE:MI-L Off-topic: c++ porting problem- gnu c++ to MS .net c++

2004-11-19 Thread Phil Waight

Appreciate the detailed info you have provided.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Warren Vick, Europa Technologies Ltd. 
  To: 'Phil Waight' 
  Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 7:24 PM
  Subject: RE: MI-L Re: RE:MI-L Off-topic: c++ porting problem- gnu c++ to MS 
.net c++ 

  Hello Phil,.

  I think I can help you with the second part of your query.

  The error is actually quite a good one but the reason why the warning is 
produced needs a little background information on how C++ implements OOP. The 
error is generated because your class has members that are pointers... 
distance, depotdist and name. Obviously these are assigned or allocated space 
somewhere in your class methods. The problem is, however, that you do not have 
a copy constructor or assignment operator method (these are the two the warning 
complains about). So, with the absence of these, when you construct a copy, or 
assign, an object of class Gene, a binary copy of the object is made in memory. 
The danger here is that the pointer values will be copied to the new object and 
you will end up with two objects which internally have pointers directed to the 
same space. i.e. change one and the other will change too. This is generally, 
but not always, undesirable and could cause some nasty bugs which are difficult 
to track down.

  The solution is to always have a copy constructor and assignment operation 
function is your classes. It's generally good OOP practice.

  As for a dummy's guide to the errors, I'm afraid it's just a case of 
experience. If it was easy, C++ development wouldn't be regarded as a value 

  Warren Vick
  Europa Technologies Ltd.
-Original Message-
From: Phil Waight [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 19 November 2004 04:45
To: David Langley
Subject: MI-L Re: RE:MI-L Off-topic: c++ porting problem- gnu c++ to MS 
.net c++ 


That change made the code more readable and pointed me in the right 
direction. I tried  the -pedantic switch in gcc. 

" error: ISO C++ forbids array dimensions with parenthesized 
type in new"

myChromoPool = new pChromo [popSize];
now works in VS.

Thanks for the help. I have attached the header file for the other problem 
if you're able to look at that.

  - Original Message - 
  From: David Langley 
  Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 9:31 AM
  Subject: RE:MI-L Off-topic: c++ porting problem- gnu c++ to MS .net c++ 


  try using a typedef (a synonym for another type) declaration as a pointer 
  the Chromo vector


  typedef Chromo* pChromo ;

  then change your code to
  pChromo *myChromoPool ; // Chromosome vector
  myChromoPool = new (pChromo)[popSize]  ;

  Not sure about the second problem as I would have to see the header file.

  Best Regards,


  David P. Langley
  Director of Programming Services

  Mapping Solutions, LLC
  4660 S. Hagadorn Rd.
  Suite 120
  East Lansing, MI 48823

  Voice: (+1) 517-332-7735
  Cell:  (+1) 517-402-3238
  Fax:   (+1) 517-332-1329

  SMS:  5174023238 (

  Visit our website:

  *** Need inexpensive GDT and NavTech street-level data for North America 
  Europe? Check out Map-In-A-Box at ***
  *** Map-In-A-Box Year-End Blowout!... Map-In-A-Box is on Sale Until 
  31, 2004.. Check out Map-In-A-Box at *** 

MI-L Futur or MapXtreme Java

2004-11-19 Thread Gilbert Haché
Hi group


I would like to have your opinion on MapXtreme Java. What's happening with it? 


We see a lot of improvement on the MapXtreme .net version and it's 
understandable, but the Java version is still in use and improvement are not 
coming out!


Have you heard about future upgrades, new features, etc? Did someone hear that 
Mapinfo will let it die?


I would welcome any comments... 







Gilbert Haché


Solutions Consortech Inc.

6300, Auteuil, Bureau 505

Brossard, Québec, Canada, J4Z 3P2


Tél/Tel. : (450) 676-1555 Ext. 211

Télécopieur/fax : (450) 676-8851

Courriel/email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]