[MI-L] Autogeneration of colour ranges for thematic maps

2006-08-22 Thread Ben Crane
Hi all,

Anyone know or have an algorithm to autogenerate
colour ranges for creating thematic maps? Basically, I
want to select a column and it just automatically
determines how many elements there are in the range
and how to appropriately assign a colour range based
on a start/end colour?


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[MI-L] III Taller de Imágenes satelitales en Gu adalajara, Jalisco, México

2006-08-22 Thread Nicolas Labombarda


Para los colisteros de México.Saludos

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MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] Integrated mapping

2006-08-22 Thread Alvin Ng

Hi All,
Some questions about integrated mapping ie: Update and FileOpenDlg
1. Update - Below is the code that i had written in VB. However when run, error dialog pops up saying "Cannot perform edit. Someone else is currently editing the table"
Just a note: s_table refers to a valid table name
Public Sub ChangeItem(item As Integer)Dim i As Integermi.Do "Dim o_sector as object"
mi.Do "Select * from s_table where Col1=" & item & " into Selection"
For i = 1 To mi.Eval("SelectionInfo(" & SEL_INFO_NROWS & ")")    mi.Do "Fetch rec " & i & " from selection"    mi.Do "o_sector = selection.obj"    mi.Do "Alter Object o_sector Info " & OBJ_INFO_BRUSH & ", makebrush(2, 0, 0)"    mi.Do "Alter Object o_sector Info " & OBJ_INFO_PEN & ", Makepen(1, 2, 0)"    mi.Do "update selection set Obj = o_sector where Rowid = " & iNextEnd Sub
2. FileOpenDlg
This question is pertaining to this keywork usage in MapBasic. 
Understand that if we use this command, the file open dialog will appear. However, in this case we are able to select only 1 file. Read somewhere in the forum that we can use getopenfilename (Declare function getopenfilename ... ). Wondering, if anyone has successfully did it and able to post the codes here. Tried a few times doing it, after always run into some errors.
If anyone has any answers, please feel free to email your thoughts. 
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MapInfo-L mailing list

Re: [MI-L] SUMMARY: MI 8.5 Copy/Paste issue

2006-08-22 Thread Derek_Snyder

As many of you have discovered, there
is a change in the way Find Selection is done in MI Pro 8.5.  Some
of you have also discovered that Copy/Paste has done a Find Selection for
many versions, and this functionality has picked up the change made to
Find Selection.

The change itself relates to how we
treated single objects.  In the case of single object selections and
Find Selection, previous to MI Pro 8.5, we performed a pan operation but
not a zoom.  It is unclear why it had been done this way.  One
thing we do know is that there is no spatial reference to provide a zoom
for a single point object.  The fact that find selection did not work
for single objects became a bug in MI Pro 8.5, and was "fixed".
 Instead of the single object check, now there is a check to see if
the MBR of the selection is not empty.  So, we will pan for point
objects or certain other cases, such as a selection containing multiple
coincident points.  For all other cases, we will pan and zoom.  I
think this fix is valid, since it makes the Find Selection command more

But, we understand your pain and we
would like to do something to address this issue.  What we are leaning
towards is a preference, or perhaps a few preferences.  Concerning
how this would look, we would like your feedback.  Here are some options,
but please feel free to provide others:

Should we provide a preference to not
perform a Find Selection during the copy/paste operation?

Should we provide a preference to not
perform a Zoom, but still perform the Pan operation of the Find Selection
during the copy/paste operation?

Should we provide separate preferences
for Zoom and Pan (although we would not do a Zoom without doing a Pan)
for copy/paste? This would provide more complete control, but also increases
the complexity of the preferences dialog and the accompanying documentation.
 While the added control may be nice, if it isn't necessary is it
just getting in the way, and not keeping it simple?

Particularly if we have just a "don't
zoom" preference, should Find Selection obey this preference?  Should
Find Selection have its own preference? Or should the Query > Find Selection
always do a pan and zoom?

One other point.  We have a policy
in maintenance patch releases of not doing any UI changes.  This relates
to localizing MI Pro for different languages - basically, we don't localize
maintenance releases. So, our patches will upgrade any version of MI Pro,
regardless of language.  So, we can't add preferences as such in a
maintenance release.  To get around this obstacle and make it so you
don't have to wait until the next full release to get this addressed, we
can get these new preferences out of the registry.  You add a new
specific registry key, and we will treat it as a preference.  The
actual UI will be changed during the next full release of the product.
 We have used similar schemes in past development cycles.

Thanks for your input.  To help
generate discussion, you can reply to MapInfo-L, as I will monitor the

Derek Snyder
MapInfo Corporation
MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] Ascertaining Layout Dimensions with MapBasic

2006-08-22 Thread Cory Martin
I'm writing procedures that require knowing the size of a map layout so 
that they can position certain elements in the corners and top and 
bottom centers of the maps we generate. Using MapBasic, how does one 
find the dimensions of a map layout? I've tried the WindowInfo() 
function on the layout window, but I haven't found anything useful to 
use in my procedures except its WIN_INFO_PRINTER_PAPERSIZE attribute. 
Using WIN_INFO_HEIGHT and WIN_INFO_WIDTH doesn't help because I'm not 
looking for the height and width of the layout window, but rather the 
map in it. I'm sure I need to go about this a different way. Any ideas?

Best regards / Met vriendelijke groet
Cory Martin
MapInfo-L mailing list

RE: [MI-L] SUMMARY: MI 8.5 Copy/Paste issue

2006-08-22 Thread Bonwick, Vicky

Some feedback as 
1) You must 
definitely provide an option for the user to choose NOT to zoom during a 
"Query>Find Selection".  This would be best as a user set preference and 
I would recommend it is 'off' by default.  It worries me that you mentioned 
"It is unclear why it had been done this way".  Those of us who 
use MapInfo for cartographic work (map production) understand extremely 
well why it was done this way but that seems to have been lost within MapInfo 
corp.  The basic reason is we need to preserve scale!  Don't be guided 
by how you think we should use MapInfo but how it is actually used 
out there in the real world.  
2) I see no reason 
to include a preference to choose to pan or not in a "Query>Find Selection" 
operation.  That's the very reason we use this facility - of course it 
should pan automatically.  I'll choose whether to zoom to it once I get to 
it. This pan facility is what allows us to rapidly produce many different maps 
using a layer of boxes as an index. 
3) Copy/paste - I'd 
prefer it was just that, no other functions forced on the user.  We can 
always perform a "Query>Find Selection" or Ctrl A for fast access if we 
want.  If necessary a separate preference for copy/paste to zoom/pan or not 
could be included if other feedback suggested it.  This preference needs to 
be independent of any preferences for "Query>Find Selection".  

The whole 
copy/paste/pan/zoom issue is a much more minor issue as generally copy/paste 
happens duing data maintenance operations where scaling is 
generally less important.
Selection" often happens during map production operations, hence the importance 
of preserving scale.
The bottom line is 
there must be a facility allowing the user to use "Query>Find Selection" 
without changing the scale/zoom of the affected map windows.  

Your suggestion of 
removing the new preferences from the registry sounds good - I can't wait a year 
before I can efficiently produce scaled maps.
Thankyou for 
requesting feedback!  

Vicky Bonwick ___ GIS Officer Glenorchy City Council Ph 03 6216 6719 Fax 03 6216 6400 
AddressPO Box 
103,Glenorchy, TAS. 7010 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, 23 August 2006 7:04 
  mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.comSubject: Re: [MI-L] SUMMARY: MI 
  8.5 Copy/Paste issueAs 
  many of you have discovered, there is a change in the way Find Selection is 
  done in MI Pro 8.5.  Some of you have also discovered that Copy/Paste has 
  done a Find Selection for many versions, and this functionality has picked up 
  the change made to Find Selection. The change itself relates to how we treated single objects.  In 
  the case of single object selections and Find Selection, previous to MI Pro 
  8.5, we performed a pan operation but not a zoom.  It is unclear why it 
  had been done this way.  One thing we do know is that there is no spatial 
  reference to provide a zoom for a single point object.  The fact that 
  find selection did not work for single objects became a bug in MI Pro 8.5, and 
  was "fixed".  Instead of the single object check, now there is a check to 
  see if the MBR of the selection is not empty.  So, we will pan for point 
  objects or certain other cases, such as a selection containing multiple 
  coincident points.  For all other cases, we will pan and zoom.  I 
  think this fix is valid, since it makes the Find Selection command more 
  consistent. But, we understand 
  your pain and we would like to do something to address this issue.  What 
  we are leaning towards is a preference, or perhaps a few preferences. 
   Concerning how this would look, we would like your feedback.  Here 
  are some options, but please feel free to provide others: Should we provide a preference to not perform a Find 
  Selection during the copy/paste operation? Should we provide a preference to not perform a Zoom, 
  but still perform the Pan operation of the Find Selection during the 
  copy/paste operation? Should we 
  provide separate preferences for Zoom and Pan (although we would not do a Zoom 
  without doing a Pan) for copy/paste? This would provide more complete control, 
  but also increases the complexity of the preferences dialog and the 
  accompanying documentation.  While the added control may be nice, if it 
  isn't necessary is it just getting in the way, and not keeping it 
  simple? Particularly if we have 
  just a "don't zoom" preference, should Find Selection obey this preference? 
   Should Find Selection have its own preference? Or should the Query > 
  Find Selection always do a pan and zoom? One other point.  We have a policy in maintenance patch releases 
  of not doing any UI changes.  This relates to localizing MI Pro for 
  different languages - basically, we don't localize maintenanc

[MI-L] MiPro 8.5 copy/paste (zoom to selection)

2006-08-22 Thread Mike Osbourn

Just my 2 cents for zooming to a selected object.  


We use point files extensively for address points and other
features and have had issues over the years since the objects have no mbr. 
I would love to see an option whereby the user can set a preference to zoom to
a hard coded zoom level for point objects.


Another option or user preference should also be provided
for overriding the default behavior of zooming to the MBR of a polygon and/or
linear object.


Mike Osbourn

Cumberland County Planning

Cumberland County NC


MapInfo-L mailing list

RE: [MI-L] Set Focus on PopupMenu Control in a Dialog

2006-08-22 Thread Greg Goodall

This worked well.  Sometimes "rigging" the application is the only way to
go.  You'd think MB would allow you to set the focus on any control you
wanted with the "active" keywrd.

-Original Message-
From: Spencer Simpson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 4:24 PM
To: 'Greg Goodall'; mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: RE: [MI-L] Set Focus on PopupMenu Control in a Dialog

If your dialog has even one EditText control that is enabled, MapInfo will
select one of those to be the active control.  You have no choice.

However, it's possible to work around this limitation by specifying all of
the EditText controls with Disable.  In that case, the first of the
non-disabled controls in the dialog will be the active one.  If you want an
EditText to be enabled when the dialog appears, you can enable it in the
dialog handler; this will not affect which control is active (that is,
unless you use the "Active" clause of Alter Control).

In the following code, the RadioGroup will be the active control, since it
is the first control that appears in the dialog which is active by default.

Notice the "position" clauses, which make the radio group appear further
down in the dialog.

' compiled with MB8.5 / run with MI 8.5

declare sub main
declare sub setupdlg

sub main
dialog title "Test"
   calling setupdlg
   control StaticText title "Edit:" position 4, 6
   control EditText value "edit text" ID 1 disable
   position 30, 4
   control StaticText title "Radio:" position 4, 38
   control RadioGRoup title "first option;second option;third option" 
   position 30, 36
   control StaticText title "Popup:" position 4, 22
   control PopupMenu title "first option;second option;third option" 
   position 30, 20
   control OKButton title "OK"
   control CancelButton title "Done"
end sub

sub setupdlg
alter control 1 enable
end sub

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Greg Goodall
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 1:31 PM
To: mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: [MI-L] Set Focus on PopupMenu Control in a Dialog

I have a Dialog that contains several types of controls (StaticText,
PopupMenu, EditText, RadioGroup and Buttons) and I would like to specify
which control has the initial focus when the Dialog displays.

Currently when the Dialog displays, the focus is placed on the first
EditText control.  I want the focus to be placed on a PopupMenu control

The Controls are defined in the following order


So I would think that the PopupMenu would be get the initial focus according
to the Help information below.


Greg Goodall
Data Management Marketing
Project Manager / Senior Systems Analyst

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