Re: MI-L FileExists problem

2004-07-21 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Jon,

"Drop Table" closes and deletes an opened table, not an existing file.

"Kill pathname" will delete the file.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 4:39 AM
Subject: MI-L FileExists problem

> Hello Listers,
> I seem to have a problem with some code I have written to determine if a file 
> exists.
> In theory the code should delete the table if it exists and carry on if it 
> doesn't.
> However it does not seem to delete the file if it finds it.
> I have tried about a bazillion different versions of the code and none of 
> them seem to work properly.
> I had initially tried to dimension BaseFile as Logical however the FileExists 
> command did not seem to return an actual true or false value
> (Zero or non-Zero) In many cases it returned TSP_In_No_Source_Buffer to the 
> Print Statement.
> Below is a snippet of the code that is giving me trouble.
> '
> Dim proj_name1 as String
> Dim proj_name as String
> Dim proj_dir As String
> Dim proj_map_dir As String
> Dim BaseFile as STRING
> Set Coordsys Window Frontwindow()
> Register Table "C:\stisoft\tdcseis.dbf" type DBF
> Open Table "c:\stisoft\tdcseis" 
> select * from tdcseis
>where status = ".T."
> into map_dir
> proj_name = Rtrim$(map_dir.projdbf)
>proj_dir = Rtrim$(map_dir.def_dir)+"\database\"
> proj_map_dir = RTrim$(map_dir.def_dir)+"\mapping\"
> set event processing off
> set map redraw off
> set progressbars off
> '''''''''Check for Existence of File and delete it if found
> '** Have also tried without any success.
> '** IF FileExists(proj_map_dir) + ""
> '** Drop Table (proj_map_dir) + SP_In_No_Source_Buffer
> '** End If
> '**
> BaseFile = FileExists(proj_map_dir) + ""
>Print "BaseFile = " + BaseFile
> If Basefile = "T" Then
> Drop Table(proj_map_dir) + SP_In_No_Source_Buffer
>Print "Deleted Table SP_In_No_Source_Buffer"
> Select * from gp_postsp
>   Where Julian_Date__Local_ > 2004000 and obj within (Select obj from 
> B_No_Sources)
> into Bad_SP
>  IF SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS) > 0 Then
> SP_in_no_source = SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS)
> Commit Table Bad_SP as (proj_map_dir) + "SP_In_No_Source_Buffer"
> Drop table Bad_SP
> Open Table (proj_map_dir) + "SP_In_No_Source_Buffer"
>Create Map for SP_In_No_Source_Buffer Coordsys Window Frontwindow()
>  Add Map Layer SP_In_No_Source_Buffer
> Set Map Layer SP_In_No_Source_Buffer Editable On
> Coordsys Window Frontwindow()
> Distance Units "survey ft"
> Distance Type Cartesian
> XY Units "survey ft"
> sSymbolAttr = "(73,16711680,14,""MapInfo Miscellaneous"",256,0)"
> sCmd = "Set Style Symbol MakeFontSymbol" + sSymbolAttr
> Run Command sCmd
> Update SP_In_No_Source_Buffer
>   Set obj = CreatePoint(Local_Easting,Local_Northing)
> Commit Table SP_In_No_Source_Buffer
> Else
> SP_in_no_source = 0
> End If
> '*
> *
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated..
> Jon Gramm

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Message number: 12686

Re: MI-L Countdown?

2004-07-23 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Hendrik,

Should the count-down be modal, or non-modal ?

Suggestions will be different according to which type you require.

But in any case you'll need an external timer.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Possberg, Hendrik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mapinfo-List (E-Mail) (E-Mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 9:53 AM
Subject: MI-L Countdown?

Dear List,

i am looking for a way to integrate a countdown in my application.
The countdown should take ten second and could /should be displayed.
How can I achieve this?
Iam using Mapbasic.

Thanks in Advance

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Micromarketing-Systeme und Consult GmbH

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Message number: 12708

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Message number: 12709

Re: MI-L WOR 2 Geoset

2004-07-23 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Tim,

Pro has a tool for it.

But beware, a geoset is very limited wrt. a workspace. E.g. you cannot have a 
duplicated layer in a geoset.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Tim Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MapInfo List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 12:03 PM
Subject: MI-L WOR 2 Geoset

Hi List,

I have a .wor and I would like to create a geoset that looks the same.
When I go to create the geoset I can't load a wor file, only tab files.
This means I have to manually change the layer appearance to look like
the wor.

Any ideas how to create a geoset from a wor file?



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Message number: 12712

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Message number: 12713

Re: MI-L A Problem with Cursors of Beers

2004-08-01 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Bill,

You've entered the twilight zone (i) - of undefined default behaviours, I 
fear. :-)

No, it's really a question of what the cursor is set to when you haven't set it. If 
you add a "Fetch First ..." before each column
reference (Print statements), or at least before the last one, you get the right 

It's not really a bug, since one should always state what one wants before asking for 
it, even if it looks as trivial as here.

But the example proves that selection tables doesn't have their own cursor, it's using 
the cursor of the base table. Which makes
sense, since a selection table isn't really a table technically, it only works that 
way in a logically sense.

Supporting example:
If I issue a "Fetch Rec 4 From BEERS" before each Print statement, the app replies 
with "Red Hook" all three times, even though the
column references goes to BEER2 and BEER3, not BEER.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Thoen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2004 6:00 PM
Subject: MI-L A Problem with Cursors of Beers

> This is a problem for MapBasic programmers and it involves MapInfo
> swicthing one selection cursor with another. In this case it switched a
> pint of Bass for a LoveInnaCanoe brand. Horrors!
> But what's going on here? If you create one temporary table with a
> selection, you don't want a subsequent selection overwriting the first
> when you specify a different result table. But that's exaclty what's
> happening in the short application below. Does anyone know why this is,
> and if there's a workaround?
> ' Beer.mb
> ' Demonstrates a bug in selection cursors. They are not persistent!
> Dim i As Integer
>   Close All
>   Print Chr$(12)
>   ' Set 'em up and display them...
>   Create Table BEERS (
> name Char(40)
> )
>   File ApplicationDirectory$() & ""
>   Insert Into BEERS (name) Values ("Guinness")
>   Insert Into BEERS (name) Values ("Bass")
>   Insert Into BEERS (name) Values ("Molson BarleyPop")
>   Insert Into BEERS (name) Values ("Red Hook")
>   Browse * From BEERS
>   ' Create a selection into a cursor
>   Select * From BEERS Where rowid = 2 Into BEER2 NoSelect
>   Print "Beer 2 is " &
>   ' Create another one
>   Select * From BEERS Where rowid = 3 Into BEER3 NoSelect
>   Print "Beer 3 is " &
>   ' So what's happened to BEER2 ???
>   Print "Ha! Beer 2 is now " &
> ' --- end
> -
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Message number: 12816

Re: MI-L GPS Tracking over Internet

2004-08-05 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
If it's for the Internet, MapInfo only offers MapXtreme (or various packages with it 

I recommend you look at Mapserver which is open source (and free of charge). It's 
available for Windows and supports TAB files

"GPS tracking" is not a question of which GIS to use, it's always implemented with a 
custom app. Basically it's just a number of
coordinate pairs pulled from a database, and rendered on a map. How you populate the 
database with real-time GPS positions is an
entirely different story.

Find the Mapserver homepage here :

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Soporte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 9:00 PM
Subject: MI-L GPS Tracking over Internet

Hi List

We are looking for a mapping software to do real-time GPS tracking using a Browser.

We know we can use MapXtreme but it's expensive for the budget we have.

Anyone knows another possibility and has experience using it ?

The application will have only 30 concurrent users and the technology can be .NET or 

I will appreciate a lot any help !

Thank you !

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Message number: 12854

Re: MI-L Exporting MapInfo Raster Images to MIF format

2004-08-11 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi David,

It's not possible. TIFF is raster, and MIF is vector. The MIF format doesn't handle 
raster data at all.

The fact that TAB files are used to open any kind of data in MI Pro, vector, raster, 
WMS etc., is only a (smart) convinience for you
the user. It doesn't imply that the data types are interchangable in any way (they 

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "David Haycock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 10:07 AM
Subject: MI-L Exporting MapInfo Raster Images to MIF format

Hi List

We have had a request to convert MapInfo Raster TIF Images to MIF format.
I am familiar with conversion for Vector Data - is it possible to translate Map Image 
Rasters from .TAB directly to MIF?


David Haycock
Forward Planning Department
Swindon Borough Council

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Message number: 12916

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Message number: 12918

Re: MI-L MapBasic accessing PHP scripts

2004-08-17 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Bill,

I'm still in favor of the method I named "piggybacking", i.e. make a EXE in VB or 
other sdk, launch it from MB (hidden) and have it
return the result at some time in some manner using Globals or the RemoteMsgHandler 
before it kills itself. In VB etc. you have off
course access to the full shabang of Windows connectivity.

I've used it previously to make both a WMS server out of and a WMS client in Pro long 
before 7.5, along with several more trivial
tasks. It works out very nice once one gets the hang of it.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Thoen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Warren Vick, Europa Technologies Ltd." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "'MapInfo-L'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 8:53 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L MapBasic accessing PHP scripts

> On Tue, 17 Aug 2004, Warren Vick, Europa Technologies Ltd. wrote:
> > By "accessing PHP scripts", do you just mean getting the results from the
> > web server execution of PHP or actual access to the PHP script itself? If
> Just getting the resulting page... don't think one can access the PHP code
> anyway.
> > the former, web programming is very easy in modern versions of Windows. Most
> > development platforms have libraries or classes that allow a basic web
> > client (a page grabber) to be build in just a few lines of code. The native
> > Windows library is called WinINet and is well documented on the Microsoft
> > site and many others. I don't see any reason (within the constraints of
> > string sizes) why the WinINet API could not be called from MapBasic but a
> > more elegant implementation is achievable from a DLL.
> WinINet looks like the ticket. I think the tricky bit is the ansynchronous
> nature of internet communications. MapBasic is pretty poor when used in a
> polling manner; there's no way to set up a callback or trigger an
> interrupt (except in one or two DDE functions, and DDE is so...
> yesterday!) But since the app I have in mind sends only one query and
> expects only one response and that's it, it shouldn't be too ugly.
> - Bill
> -
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Message number: 12976

Re: MI-L Datumless Lat/Long

2004-08-17 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Tim,

I've seen someone on the list (can't remember who) describing the no-datum (0) as 
"any-datum", i.e. unfit for use in a multi-datum
setup. Much the same mess a mixed Earth and NonEarth will produce. I.e. one should 
always use a specific datum, and never use datum
0 or NonEarth unless all data are in these pseudo projections.

But I remember that someone at MapInfo told me that the no-datum was actually 
implemented as WGS84, but I haven't verified this

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Timothy Mashford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MapInfo List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 11:24 PM
Subject: MI-L Datumless Lat/Long

> I opened a table in datumless Lat/Long coords, in a
> window using an AGD66 projection. It looked fine. Then
> I changed the projection to use GDA94 (same as WGS83)
> and MapInfo did not shift the objects, so they were
> 200m out.
> So were the 'datumless' table coords actually
> referring to the AGD66 datum? And if I create from
> scratch a table using the datumless Lat/Long, which
> centre origin point does it use? Is it the default
> table projection from the Options menu?
> Tim.
> __
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Message number: 12984

Re: MI-L Dealing with DBMS/access databases

2004-08-20 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Mike,

It's an old, old grievance, that MapInfo Pro can't open Access queries using DAO. No 
real technical reason why afaik, it just can't.

However, it's possible to open queries in Access using ODBC, i.e. "Open DBMS" rather 
than "Open Table / Microsoft Access".

I've experienced some problems if versions of ODBC driver and database somehow didn't 
match, resulting in the absence of queries,
but if they match up, the queries show up in the list.

And if you want the opened queries to be mappable, you first need to register them in 

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Cummings, Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 8:09 PM
Subject: MI-L Dealing with DBMS/access databases

I've gotten to a point were I can't avoid learning how to use the DBMS
stuff in MI.  I've been able to get to access tables OK, But I haven't
been able to get to a "access query" in MI.  My guess is that it may not
be possible.   But I need data from multiple tables.  I have been
converting the query to excel and using the excel table in MI.  This was
ok for a one time quick look, but we have started a big project were
this is going to be work and I don't want to worry about having an "old"
file or when was it updated.

So my question is simple, how is this supposed to be done?  How do I get
data from multiple access tables into a MI table?

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Message number: 13027

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Message number: 13029

Re: MI-L MI Table to SVG: ObjectNode out of range error

2004-08-26 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Ben,

Have you considered if it's a bogus error message, so what's really wrong is that 
you're breaking the 32k barrier for a MB string
variable ?

Or maybe if your variables Var_D2 and Var_E2 are smallints ? They need to be integers, 
at least in Pro 4.5+.

Btw: there seems to be a small flaw in your shown code: switching from one poly to the 
next seems to go unnoticed !?! As far as I
remember, SVG doesn't handle polygons with holes like MapInfo does.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Ben Crane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 10:16 AM
Subject: MI-L MI Table to SVG: ObjectNode out of range error

> Hi all,
> This email is for anyone who has put together code for
> converting Tab files to SVG. I have put some code
> together for converting thematic maps into SVG maps
> with a legend, etc. But I have encountered a "random"
> problem. Every now and again, certain Tab files
> generate an ObjectNodeY: out of range/subscript error.
> I have gone through the table and it appears okay and
> all the nodes are joined and it is exactly the same as
> other tables I've processed. I then run it again and
> no problems...then again, I try to process multiple
> tables and it falls over with the same error.
> The code I am using is fairly standard and I've used
> it for all my SVG map apps without incident. Here is a
> segment of the code where it occasionally falls over.
> Has anyone experienced this particular problem
> before...the random nature of it and the fact my other
> SVG apps don't suffer this problem means I'm kinda
> shooting in the dark and as a programmer, frankly, I
> think my code is fairly robust for the programs needs.
> For Var_D2 = 1 To
> ObjectInfo(RecObject,OBJ_INFO_NPOLYGONS)
> For Var_E2 = 1 To
> ObjectInfo(RecObject,OBJ_INFO_NPOLYGONS+Var_D2)
> f_x = ObjectNodeX(RecObject,Var_D2, Var_E2)
> f_y = ObjectNodeY(RecObject,Var_D2, Var_E2)
> Newstring=""+Int(f_x-fminx)+
> chr$(44)+Int(fmaxy-f_y)+""
> AppendString = AppendString & " " & Newstring
> Next
> Next
> Regards
> Ben
> __
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Message number: 13086

Re: MI-L Help: not all polygons are being selected

2004-08-26 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Two possibilities from the top of my head:

1. the data is corrupt, having the centroid placed significantly outside the regions - 
manual selection requires selection of
2. some of the regions are duplicated - multiple selected regions on top of each other 
cancel each other out visually - they ARE
selected though


Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Gregory Trizisky, CBO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 6:02 PM
Subject: MI-L Help: not all polygons are being selected

> Using MI7, with they layer I want to select, selectable; using marquee,
> radius, polygon, or region select tools, only some of the objects are
> selected, I then have to go and select the rest manually and add them those
> already selected.  Any idea why certain polygons wont be selected?  I even
> tried an SQL search and them same polygons are not selected.
> Gregory Trizisky CBCO, CPSO, WETT
> Chief Building Official
> North Dundas Township
> Visit us at
> -
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> Message number: 13088

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Message number: 13089

Re: MI-L 'Save Workspace As' in my specified path?

2004-09-03 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Søren,

There is a bug in the "Save Workspace As" command, making Pro throw an exception if 
queries are enabled in the options setup
(usually are). You need to use "Run Command" to circumvent this bug.

I.e., instead of issuing
Save Workspace As pathname

you need to issue
Run Command "Save Workspace As """ + pathname + """"

Same thing, just run a different way.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Søren Breddam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MapInfo-L (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 11:47 PM
Subject: Sum: MI-L 'Save Workspace As' in my specified path?

Bill Thoen => use the FileSaveAsDlg() function

Thank YOU. I helplessly stared at the 'M_FILE_SAVE_WORKSPACE' command...

FileSaveAsDlg ( path ,  filename,  filetype,  prompt ) (From MB help)
The 'path' thing was what I was looking for. Then I can do a 'Save Workspace
As' afterwards.

This list beats everything :-D


Søren Breddam
GIS- og IT-koordinator
Teknik og Erhvervsforvaltningen
Stevns Kommune -
*  Tlf.:   5656 1800
*  Dir.:   5656 1891

-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Bill Thoen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 2. september 2004 23:29
Til: Søren Breddam
Cc: MapInfo-L (E-mail)
Emne: Re: MI-L 'Save Workspace As' in my specified path?

On Thu, 2 Sep 2004, Søren Breddam wrote:

> Another one for you: How do I specify the folder that I want my users to
> save the current workspace in and then let them type in a name of their
> choice?
> When I run 'Run Menu Command M_FILE_SAVE_WORKSPACE' the path is not
> unambiguous. I think a user is promted to save a workspace at the last
> folder that has been used by the user or something like that...
> I want them to start in a specified folder (where they are allowed writing
> it's also more convenient).
> Is that possible? Is there a workaround?

If you're using MapBasic,  to get the user
to tell you where s/he wants to store the workspace. If you just want to
have them pick a folder, then that's going to take one or more Windows API

- Bill Thoen

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Message number: 13192

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Message number: 13201

MI-L MapX sometime requires full path to geoset - why?

2004-09-06 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi list,

We're using MapX 5.0 (MapXtreme 3.0) in a web solution on a Windows 2000 Server, and 
every so often MapX rejects a new geoset when
it's given to it without a path.

The emergency solution is to provide it to MapX with full path, but this work-around 
yields other inconviniences, so we'd like to
work without it.

All geosets are located in the same directory on the server (D:\Maps\), the directory 
that holds GeoDict.DCT file, the directory
that's given in the registry key 
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MapInfo\MapX\5.0\GeoDictionary" setting.

We've looked everywhere for something that distinguishes the geosets MapX won't accept 
without path from the ones (almost all the
others) that it will. GeosetManager has been used to generate them all, and opens them 

We now have 35 geosets in the geodict directory, and the largest geoset is 71 kB in 
size, but it doesn't appear to be a numbers or
size issue (?)

Has anyone encounters this problem, and maybe even a remedy for it ?

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

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Message number: 13221

Re: MI-L .NET and MapBasic

2004-09-06 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Rob,

I've used pre-.Net exe's that way. I first used DDE from the MB app to try and contact 
the EXE before starting a new instance. If a
contact was made, the EXE was running, and the MB app could transfer parameters to it 
instead of issuing a Run Program.

But I suppose .Net excludes the use of DDE ?? ;-)

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Rob Healy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 11:38 AM
Subject: MI-L .NET and MapBasic

> Dear List,
> We are venturing out into .NET and have hit a wall.
> We are trying to launch a .NET EXE from MapBasic and pass it some
> startup arguments - this part is easy. However if the EXE is already
> running, I would like to "jump/switch" to this and pass some different
> arguments, or even better, invoke a public method from the EXE.
> Essentially refresh the EXE with some new initialisation values. We do
> not want to Kill the EXE and then start a new instance of it.
> Has anyone had success with something similar.
> Look forward to your responses.
> Regards
> Rob Healy
> Meridian GIS Pty Ltd
>  MapInfo Partner & Reseller
>  Encom Partner - Discover Suite
>  Earth Resource Mapping Partner - Image Web Server
>  Safe Software Partner - FME
> Level 2, 1050 Hay Street
> West Perth 6005
> Western Australia
> Ph: 618 9226-0101
> Fax: 618 9226-0102
> web:
> This transmission is confidential and intended solely for the person or
> organization to whom it is addressed. It may contain privileged and
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> If you have received this transmission in error or would like to be
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Message number: 13223

Re: MI-L Rectifying stereo aerial photos

2004-09-06 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Caroline,

As far as I know, you can't use such images for immidiate backdrops in MapInfo, since 
they're "flattened" yielding severe height

I was involved in a similar project a long time ago, and the images then were only 
rectified for tablet digitizing with up to 9
points 3D ground control points arranged in a 3-by-3 pattern across the image 
(visualize 8 slices in a square pizza) . The resulting
(3D) corrections was fairly reasonable, but it was only used for digitizing 
more-or-less fuzzy habitat areas, so the need for
accuracy wasn't too overwhelming.

Mosaicing seems to be a better choice, if backdrops are what you want.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Caroline Hilton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Joe Piggott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 10:40 AM
Subject: MI-L Rectifying stereo aerial photos

> Hi Listers
> A client of mine has purchased some hard-copy aerial stereo-photos and
> wants to scan them for use as a base layer in MapInfo.
> These photos are not rectified in any way for digital use, as they are
> designed for viewing in stereoscopic pairs.
> Obviously, the client is concerned about the distortion at the edges of
> the images - he is planning to use 5 photos for the area concerned. Once
> registered there is about 150m distortion at each photo edge. Placing
> vector layers onto the images is obviously going to be a problem as
> registration will be different for each photo image, so they will not
> currently display properly in MapInfo.
> Is there any software which will rectify the photos? (is this
> "ortho-rectifying"?). Or would specific rectified digital images need to
> be purchased for mosaicing in MapInfo?
> I have only used digital images, and have not tried using stereographic
> images for this purpose, so cannot advise.
> Any advice you may have for using these images in MapInfo would be most
> welcome. I will forward it to my client.
> Thanks
> Caroline
> --
> Dr Caroline Hilton
> Pelican GeoGraphics Ltd
> UK

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Message number: 13228

Re: MI-L .NET and MapBasic

2004-09-06 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
DDE may be old fashioned, but it is perfectly suited for this kind of communication.

Dumping it to me seems like dumping ordinary old-fashioned telephones just because 
WCDMA/UMTS provides wireless video capabilities.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Peter Horsbøll Møller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Rob Healy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 12:06 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L .NET and MapBasic

Actually I think still exists in .NET, but as Bill Thoen once put it, it is kind of 
"old" ;-)

Peter Horsbøll Møller
GIS Developer
Geographical Information & IT

Odensevej 95
DK-5260 Odense S.

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Har du husket MapInfo Konferencen d. 8 og 9. september 2004.
Tilmelding samt yderligere information kan ses på:

-Original Message-
From: Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 11:55 AM
To: Rob Healy
Subject: Re: MI-L .NET and MapBasic

Hi Rob,

I've used pre-.Net exe's that way. I first used DDE from the MB app to try and contact 
the EXE before starting a new instance. If a
contact was made, the EXE was running, and the MB app could transfer parameters to it 
instead of issuing a Run Program.

But I suppose .Net excludes the use of DDE ?? ;-)

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Rob Healy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 11:38 AM
Subject: MI-L .NET and MapBasic

> Dear List,
> We are venturing out into .NET and have hit a wall.
> We are trying to launch a .NET EXE from MapBasic and pass it some
> startup arguments - this part is easy. However if the EXE is already
> running, I would like to "jump/switch" to this and pass some different
> arguments, or even better, invoke a public method from the EXE.
> Essentially refresh the EXE with some new initialisation values. We do
> not want to Kill the EXE and then start a new instance of it.
> Has anyone had success with something similar.
> Look forward to your responses.
> Regards
> Rob Healy
> Meridian GIS Pty Ltd
>  MapInfo Partner & Reseller
>  Encom Partner - Discover Suite
>  Earth Resource Mapping Partner - Image Web Server
>  Safe Software Partner - FME
> Level 2, 1050 Hay Street
> West Perth 6005
> Western Australia
> Ph: 618 9226-0101
> Fax: 618 9226-0102
> web:
> This transmission is confidential and intended solely for the person
> or organization to whom it is addressed. It may contain privileged and
> confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, you
> should not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance on it. You
> are receiving this email because of your area of professional
> interest. If you have received this transmission in error or would
> like to be removed from our mailing list for company announcements
> please reply to this email with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject field.
> Thank you.
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Message number: 13225

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Message number: 13229

Re: MI-L MapBasic - Commit Statement Error

2004-09-13 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Mike,

You probably need to provide a sample of the specific commands used.

But one of the things that'll probably make Pro throw an exception, is if it's given a 
path that doesn't exist, e.g.

Untrappable errors in Pro are unfortunately not as uncommon as you might think. :-/

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Tonge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 11:35 AM
Subject: MI-L MapBasic - Commit Statement Error

> I've got a MapBasic program which selects data from two tables and combines it.  
> Then it tries to commit the selected table under
a different name.
> Whenever I run the program the variables are all initialised correctly but it causes 
> MapInfo to crash on, or around, the commit
table statement.  I've tried to add error handling in but it doesn't goto the error 
statement.  It appears to crash without giving
MapInfo a chance to do anything about it.
> Has anyone seen this before.
> Mike
> -
>  ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun!

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Message number: 13282

MI-L Repost: MapX sometime requires full path to geoset - why?

2004-09-13 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi list,

We're using MapX 5.0 (MapXtreme 3.0) in a web solution on a Windows 2000 Server, and 
every so often MapX rejects a new geoset when
it's given to it without a path.

The emergency solution is to provide it to MapX with full path, but this work-around 
yields other inconviniences, so we'd like to
work without it.

All geosets are located in the same directory on the server (D:\Maps\), the directory 
that holds GeoDict.DCT file, the directory
that's given in the registry key 
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MapInfo\MapX\5.0\GeoDictionary" setting.

We've looked everywhere for something that distinguishes the geosets MapX won't accept 
without path from the ones (almost all the
others) that it will. GeosetManager has been used to generate them all, and opens them 

We now have 35 geosets in the geodict directory, and the largest geoset is 71 kB in 
size, but it doesn't appear to be a numbers or
size issue (?)

Has anyone encounters this problem, and maybe even a remedy for it ?

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

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Message number: 13283

Re: MI-L MapBasic - Open Folder Dialog

2004-09-22 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Bill,

Is there a consolation prize too ?

I'm asking 'cause that's all this answer can hope to win :-)

It's not possible to initialize SHBrowseForFolder from MB since it involves a callback 

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Thoen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 3:55 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L MapBasic - Open Folder Dialog

Now the $64,000 question: Does anyone know how to initialize the 
SHBrowseForFolder() to start at any arbitrary folder (other than the 
standard Windows ones)?

On Wed, 22 Sep 2004, Jakob Lanstorp wrote:

> Sure, use the SHBrowseForFolder from the WIN API. 
> ' *** 
> Include "MAPBASIC.DEF" 
> Define MAX_PATH 260 
> Type BrowseInfo 
> hWndOwner As Integer 
> pIDLRoot As Integer 
> pszDisplayName As integer 
> lpszTitle As String 
> ulFlags As Integer 
> lpfnCallBack As Integer 
> lParam As Integer 
> iImage As Integer 
> End Type 
> Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32" ( 
> lpbi As BrowseInfo) 
> As Integer 
> Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32" 
> Alias "SHGetPathFromIDList" ( 
> byval pidList As Integer, 
> lpBuffer As String) 
> As Integer 
> Declare Sub Main 
> Sub Main 
> Dim lpIDList, retVal As Integer 
> Dim sBuffer As String 
> Dim tBrowseInfo As BrowseInfo 
> tBrowseInfo.hWndOwner = SystemInfo(SYS_INFO_MAPINFOWND) 
> tBrowseInfo.lpszTitle = "Your title" 
> lpIDList = SHBrowseForFolder(tBrowseInfo) 
> If (lpIDList) Then 
> sBuffer = space$(MAX_PATH) 
> retVal = SHGetPathFromIDList(lpIDList, sBuffer) 
> Note sBuffer 
> End If 
> End Sub 
> ' *** 
> Mvh. | Regards
> Jakob Lanstorp
> Software Developer, MSc
> Geographical Information & IT
> Odensevej 95
> DK-5260 Odense S
> Tel   +45 63 11 49 00
> Direct+45 63 11 48 62
> Fax   +45 63 11 49 49 
> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Tonge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 3:16 PM
> Subject: MI-L MapBasic - Open Folder Dialog
> Is there any way to select a folder in the same way as the fileopendlg
> function works.  ie.  Without having to code a seperate dialog window.
> Mike Tonge
> Atkins
> -
>  ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun!  
> -
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Message number: 13449

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Message number: 13451

MI-L Fw: Severe distortion encountered when using the WMS client in Pro 7.5 !?

2004-09-28 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
I've discovered the cause of the error mentioned in my earlier post, an error which I 
still think is a bug, and have filed it with
MapInfo as such.

I'm running a screen resolution of 1280-by-1024 on my notebook. At some point (a long 
time ago) I entered the actual screen size
into the options in Pro to have it display paper distances correctly.

I've never given aspect ratios any thought, but when checking now, I discovered that 
the resolution and the entered screen size have
different aspect ratios, 1:1.25 versus 1:1. resp.

And the difference between these ratios (i.e. 1. / 1.25) were exactly the same as 
the error I experienced in WMS, a fraction
under 7%. When I removed the entered screen size values in the options, the distortion 

So the heads up is this: don't enter the actual screen size unless it has exactly the 
same aspect ratio as the resolution you're
running. Why? Because Pro errornously uses the screen size instead of - as it 
correctly should - the resolution when doing it's WMS

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 4:34 PM
Subject: Severe distortion encountered when using the WMS client in Pro 7.5 !?


I've been trying to build and setup an internal WMS server for MapInfo Pro 7.5 (using 
MapXtreme 3.0).

I'm experiencing a severe distortion in the returned map image in Pro, and therefore 
I've inserted a logging mechanism to monitor
the communication from Pro to MapXtreme.

I've found that, even though started with a workspace that clearly states that the map 
window should have exact width = height, the
BBOX parameter sent from Pro has an image height value almost 7% larger than the image 
width value. However, the accompanying bounds
(BBOX) only have dY at some 0.4% higher than dX, which in effect distorts the rendered 
WMS map image beyond any serious usage.

The BBOX sent matches the min/max values returned from MapperInfo in MapBasic almost 
exactly, so it has to be the width/height
parameters that errs.

I've tried to "hack" the height parameter, setting it equal to the width, but that 
only crashes Pro hard time.

All data's in Utm32 ED50, including the WMS service, so it's not a projection issue 
(as far as I can tell).

Has anyone experienced similar inaccuracies with the Pro WMS client ?

I'm running Pro 7.5 (release build 23) on Windows 2000.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

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Message number: 13530

Re: MI-L color palettes

2004-10-01 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Cinda,

Just tried "color palette mapinfo" on Google, and the first result was this page:

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Cinda Graubard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 10:36 PM
Subject: MI-L color palettes

I know there are tab files out there someplace that are the mapinfo color 
palette, for testing different printers and settings.
Any pointer would be much appreciated, I need it really soon.

Cinda Graubard

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Message number: 13569

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Message number: 13572

Re: MI-L Retaining Tool manager settings when upgrading mipro

2004-10-02 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Mike,

The Pro tools setup is saved in the registry at this branch (here for 7.5):


If you export it to a *.reg (plain text) file (using regedit.exe), you can replace the 
text "7.5" with "7.8" in the *.reg file, and
insert the new keys by just double-clicking the file or using Registry/Import... in 

However, the numbers associated with each tool seem to be random (same tool has a 
different number in 7.0 vs. 7.5), and I haven't
verified whether Pro will accept any number. And even if it does, you may have to 
clean out the tools registry setting for 7.8 prior
to inserted the new definition to prevent having all standard tools twice.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Osbourn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2004 12:24 AM
Subject: MI-L Retaining Tool manager settings when upgrading mipro

Anyone know how to retain your individual tool manager settings when
upgrading between different MI Pro apps?  We just received 7.8 and if memory
serves me when upgrading from 7.0 to 7.5 the tool manager items that were
customized had to be rebuilt.

Any help is appreciated


Mike Osbourn

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Message number: 13578

Re: MI-L autocommit and Oracle Spatial

2004-10-08 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Pablo,

I posted a somewhat similar question a while back, and didn't get closer to a solution.

What I found during my effeorts was that MapInfo runs exclusively in either autocommit 
mode or manual mode. Autocommit mode is the
default, and I found no option to turn this off when running in default mode.

But if you employ the statements "Server hdbc Begin Transaction" and "Server hdbc 
Rollback/Commit", you can control the transaction,
but you have to keep using them, even after a commit, which is rather annoying. This 
mode renders the database connection readonly
after a commit, and only allows writing after a new "begin transaction".

I ended up caching all sent statements in my own app (in a string array), so nothing 
is actually sent to Oracle before I issue a
commit. That way I have full control, and don't have to rely on any capabilities in 

However, I'm only using Oracle for alpha-numeric access, not spatial. So my approach 
may not be right - or applicable - to your

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Pablo Ramos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 2:02 PM
Subject: MI-L autocommit and Oracle Spatial

hi listers,
I have an oracle spatial connection using the toolkit Orainet and what i want is that 
some sentences that i send to oracle such as
inserts, update, etc.. no be commited when i send because i want that all that 
sentences were commited when i do
Server_Execute(connection,"COMMIT"). I have read that there ir an AUTOCOMMIT option 
but, can i set it off? Anyone can help me?

Best regards



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Message number: 13660

MI-L MB: Thematic legend and turning layers on/off

2004-10-25 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)

While adding a "day splitting" function to a MapBasic application, I've run into a 
strange behaviour in Pro 7.5.

The generated queries are added as layers, and all are thematicized. This works 
perfectly, and the legend shows the relevant
thematic definitions for all added thematic layers.

However, I've also added a function to turn layers on/off (i.e a series of "Set Map 
Layer Display xxx"), but every time I use it,
the legend is cleared although thematic layers are displayed.

Only after turning the displayed layers off and then on in the layer control, the 
legend window shows the correct (and customized)
thematic definition for the layer.

Does anyone have an explanation for this behaviour, and maybe even an idea for a 
work-around ?

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

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Message number: 13818

Fw: MI-L MB: Thematic legend and turning layers on/off - solved it

2004-10-25 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi again,

Ah, found that I needed to use an undocumented clause when setting the display for a 
thematic layer.

Set Map (Window W_id) Layer L_name Display VALUE

will display the thematic layer + legend, whereas

Set Map (Window W_id) Layer L_name Display Graphic

will only display the thematic layer, and not the legend.

Problem was, I was looking for a legend setting to do the trick, not a map/layer 

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 10:55 AM
Subject: MI-L MB: Thematic legend and turning layers on/off


While adding a "day splitting" function to a MapBasic application, I've run into a 
strange behaviour in Pro 7.5.

The generated queries are added as layers, and all are thematicized. This works 
perfectly, and the legend shows the relevant
thematic definitions for all added thematic layers.

However, I've also added a function to turn layers on/off (i.e a series of "Set Map 
Layer Display xxx"), but every time I use it,
the legend is cleared although thematic layers are displayed.

Only after turning the displayed layers off and then on in the layer control, the 
legend window shows the correct (and customized)
thematic definition for the layer.

Does anyone have an explanation for this behaviour, and maybe even an idea for a 
work-around ?

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

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Message number: 13818

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Message number: 13819

Re: MI-L End Program or Terminate Application

2004-11-04 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi David,

If using the MapBasic window works for you, you should me able to issue a 

Run Command "Terminate Application ""myApp.mbx""" 

to achieve the same effect programmatically.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "David Reid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'MapInfo-L'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 8:51 PM
Subject: MI-L End Program or Terminate Application

Having a brain fart here, isn't there a command to terminate or end an MBX
while retaining focus of the Mapinfo Window?

When I call either "End Program" or "Terminate Application", it closes the
mbx as it should, but I also loose focus of the Mapinfo Window and whatever
else is running takes focus (ie Excel or Ultra Edit or Outlook is brought to
focus over Mapinfo)

If I issue a "Terminate Application" in the Mapbasic Window, MI retains

Thanks for any help,
David Reid

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Message number: 13925

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Message number: 13928

Re: MI-L MapX run-time installation

2004-11-12 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Tim,

The way to go about it, is for you to include the mapx ocx and relevant files 
(dll's etc.) in your own installation. There's no easy
way around it, just the hard, as far as I know.

There is a section in the MapX (5.0) online help named "Distributing Your MapX 
Application" that explains in detail what to include
and where to put it.

Good luck.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Tim Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2004 10:19 AM
Subject: MI-L MapX run-time installation

Hi List,
I have a MapX question that I have asked MapInfo about, but I thought I
might get a good answer here earlier...


I want to distribute our MapX application. I have read the user manual
and it indicates that there are two ways to licence the run-time
The easy way is to install MapX from the MapX install CD, the other is
to include all the dlls etc. in my own installer.
I want to do the easy way.

How do I supply our customers with the MapX install CD?

Can I copy our CD and give it to our customers and then purchase
Or does MapInfo supply a CD with each run-time license purchased?

Is there a separate run-time installer CD than the main MapX development

Thanks for any help with this.

Kind regards

Tim Smith

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Message number: 14009

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Message number: 14011

Re: MI-L .ind file and FME

2004-11-25 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Greg,

Indexing in a desktop format is usually an app specific feature. FME may or may 
not be able to build MapInfo indicies technically,
but I don't think they want to bother with it. After all, the data produced by 
FME are always new tables, and as such have no
intrinsic definition of indicies. But I'm pretty sure you can't make FME create 
the indicies (anyone please correct me if I'm

But you can easily create multiple indicies by utilizing the MapBasic command 
CREATE INDEX, e.g. in a workspace (i.e. macro/script)
file :

!Version 300
!Charset WindowsLatin1

Create Index On MyTable1(MyColumn1)
Create Index On MyTable1(MyColumn2)
Create Index On MyTable2(MyColumn1)
Create Index On MyTable2(MyColumn2)
Create Index On MyTable2(MyColumn3)

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2004 1:46 AM
Subject: MI-L .ind file and FME

G'day all,

I am using FME to reproject our .tab files.  The .ind files do not get
recreated.  The reprojected files are created in a new directory.

How do I get FME to recreate/copy the .ind file along with the reprojected

If FME can't do this, is there another method through MapInfo/MapBasic,
without having to do it manually for each .tab?


Greg Francisco
Senior Mapping & Design Officer
Mapping and Design Services
Dept. of Infrastructure - Planning & Policy
Nauru House, Level 10, 80 Collins St,
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 3000.
61 3 9655 3424

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Message number: 14226

Re: MI-L Accuracy of an object variable?

2004-11-25 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Robert,

The accuracy (or better: resolution) of any (feature) object in MapInfo is 
dependent on the relevant projection bounds. The wider
the bounds, the poorer the accuracy/resolution.

The worst accuracy is using a straight lat/long table, since it needs to 
accomodate 4 km inside a 32 bit integer, resulting in a
coordinate accurracy/resolution of  > 1 centimeter/? inch.

It's possible to control the bounds in a table, rendering higher accuracy, but 
I suspect the cosmetic "layers" to always use the
general lat/long projection, rendering them as the poorer choice.

So I'd go for a (temporary) table anytime if accuracy is a concern.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Crossley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MapInfo List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2004 7:33 AM
Subject: MI-L Accuracy of an object variable?

Hi list,

While on a few occasions there has been some discussion on the accuracy of
putting an object into the cosmetic layer vs a table in terms of accuracy,
any comment on loss of accuracy taking an object from a table, processing
it as an object variable in memory and inserting it into another table
 from the object variable?



Robert Crossley

Agtrix P/L
9 Short St
PO Box 63
New Brighton 2483
Far Southern Queensland

153.549004 E 28.517344 S

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Message number: 14223

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Message number: 14227

Re: MI-L Docking Toolbars Automatically

2004-11-26 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Don,

You don't specify whether it's happening with a standard toolbar or with an 
application toolbar.

MapInfo can only dock the 5 standard toolbars automatically. Application 
toolbars need to be docked programmatically, usually in the

And all toolbars created by auto-loaded tools are app toolbars.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Hughes, Colleen / Don Mitchell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2004 8:23 PM
Subject: MI-L Docking Toolbars Automatically

Hi Everyone,

I am hoping someone can explain this one.  I have MapInfo Pro 7.8 set to
dock all the toolbars upon openning (i.e. in Options-->Toolbars, I have
unchecked the float check box for ALL toolbars).  However, I still have one
that always loads up floating.  When I check the Options--Toolbars, both the
float checkbox is checked again.  I uncheck this, check the box Save as
Default, and try again.  It still comes up as float.

There must be something I am missing.  Such a small problem and it is
driving me nuts.  Maybe I'm sleep deprived.

Any ideas out there.

Thanks in advance,
Don Mitchell

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Message number: 14253

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Message number: 14254

Re: MI-L Different Symbols for different Facilities on a map

2004-12-01 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Terry,

Actually you shouldn't want to remove the parantheses. It would be better to 
prefix with "FontSymbol", e.g.
FontSymbol(64,65280,14,"MapInfo Transportation",49,0)

Bitmapped symbols should be prefixed "CustomSymbol", whilest old vector symbols 
should be prefixed with just "Symbol".

The reason for this is to enable one to distinguish between the three types of 
symbols without having to decode the whole string,
and later possibly utilize the resp. three MB creator functions, MakeSymbol, 
MakeFontSymbol and MakeCustomSymbol.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Terry McDonnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 11:03 AM
Subject: RE: MI-L Different Symbols for different Facilities on a map

Hi Lars

Thanks a lot for your reply.  I'm so rusty at the moment that it's going
to take a bit of research to take in all you say (I haven't done any
MI/MB work for c. 1 year now, from a newbie anyway!).
One approach I could get on with immediately is to be able to store the
"symbology" string in a table field/var.  But I don't know how to
"cancel" the quotes in the string, as per my last question.  Any hints
on this?

Med venlig hilsen


-Original Message-
From: Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 30 November 2004 21:06
Subject: Re: MI-L Different Symbols for different Facilities on a map

Hi Terry,

- Original Message - 
From: "Terry McDonnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 4:57 PM
Subject: MI-L Different Symbols for different Facilities on a map

My questions are:
* Is there a better way, whereby I could use a symbol such as a
bitmap on disc, rather than a font character, as above?
* If the above is the only way, could I store the highlighted
text in a string and macro substitute it into the command? E.g.
Set Map Layer csrTempStop Display Global Global Symbol lcMISymbol
* How do I store the highlighted text in a string var or field?

lcMISymbol = "(64,65280,14,"MapInfo Transportation",49,0)" - as soon as
MB encounters the 2nd quotes, before "MapInfo", the string is complete,
and the rest causes an error.  (is there a cancellation code to bracket
around  quotes so that these appear in the stored text as-is?)

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Message number: 14300

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Message number: 14309

Re: MI-L Accessing columns in an open table

2004-12-12 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Arindam,

MapBasic uses a variable type called "alias" for this kind of indirect 
reference operation.

Dim a as alias
Dim tablename, columnname, result as string
a = tablename + "." + columnname
result = a

Alias variables work with all column types including the feature column OBJ / 

Furthermore all columns in a table have a secondary "numbered" name in addition 
to their given name. These are as follows: "COL1",
"COL2", "COL3" etc.

I.e., if the 3rd column in table MyTable is named STREET_NAME the two 
statements below are identical:

name = myTable.STREET_NAME

name = myTable.COL3

This can be utilized when looping thorugh a column list with ColumnInfo, e.g. 
ColumnInfo("myTable", "COL" + i, COLUMN_INFO_NAME)


Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Arindam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mapinfo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2004 9:06 AM
Subject: MI-L Accessing columns in an open table

Hi ,

Can anybody help me with a technique to access a cell in an open table, whose 
name is not known initially. The trouble is , the
tablename can be identified using the keyword "tableinfo". However once this is 
is assigned to a string variable say "name", I
cannot use "name.columnname" to access a cell, because the variable "name" is a 

Anyone has a solution ?


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Message number: 14509

Re: MI-L Cracking .NET Assemblies

2004-12-17 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
I found an installed tool under VS.Net called DotFuscator at this path:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\PreEmptive 
Solutions\Dotfuscator Community Edition\dotfuscator.exe

According to its help file, it doesn't encrypt rather than it "obfuscates" MSIL 
to try and confuse and thereby deter any

The product home page is found here:

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

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Message number: 14611

Re: MI-L Dot NET and the Future of MapInfo Applications

2004-12-17 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Andrew,

So basically you suggest we all "roll over and play dead" ;-)

No, I recognize and respect the reasoning behind the arguments you give. And 
the fact that corporate VP's (and IT administrators
etc.) are far too susceptible to "the latest hype", especially from "well 
renowned" companies like Microsoft (btw., didn't that use
to mean IBM way back ??).

I'm the first to acknowledge that Microsoft has made some great software. I'm a 
Windows addict, and will most likely never move to
Linux or Unix. The MS/Office product is superb, and although OpenOffice is 
gaining itself a foothold, it's an uphill battle. But
that doesn't mean that Microsoft's development products are equally great or 
un-rivalled. The end-user desktop may belong to
Microsoft (today), but the rest of the world doesn't. Not even on the Windows 
server platform itself. That was the point I was
trying to make.

If Microsoft "ruled" the IT world as you suggest, Linux would never have seen 
the light of day. But it lives, and lives well, and
seems fast to become much more than a petty nuisance for mighty Microsoft. And 
it's not the only alternative around, just the most
widespread. More and more are turning towards Open Source software, not because 
it's necessarily better software (although it
frequently is, as you yourself say wrt. Mapserver), but because the priciple 
and ideas behind it appeals to a political demand for
independence and choice. Microsoft may be rich and powerful, but politics still 
rule. And although Microsoft is certainly not dumb,
dominance has its limits, even for Microsoft.

And Microsoft's attempts to use its dominance on the desktop to shove all kind 
of software down people's throat, will only intensify
the resistance against everything Microsoft offers, even the good stuff like 
Windows and Office.

Point of matter: In a current bid here in Denmark we're faced with a bid 
demand, that you have to argue why you DON'T suggest using
Open Source in favor of (any) commercial software. That's definitely not the 
beaten Microsoft way, and I expect this kind of demand
to spread.

But in the end, I guess we all go our separate ways, and time will tell who 
chose the better path :-)

Ps! And I'll wait and see if anyone really uses Mono to develop .Net on Linux 
before I believe it.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Canfield, Andrew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 4:07 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L Dot NET and the Future of MapInfo Applications

*Warning this is long*

I do not care much for .Net at all but the VS IDE is much easier to use for
the developer than MapBasic. If you really want to run cross-platform with
.Net then you can use Mono. It works in the same way Java works. Yes, it
works on different platforms but native code almost always runs and looks
better. Maybe that will change, it hasn't for Java so I'm not holding out
much hope for .Net.

.Net may be marketing hype but it is hype that developers and companies all
over are quickly buying into. The other developers will do what we have
always done keep on writing base libraries in C++ and providing interfaces
to it for the people who choose to buy into MS newest eye candy. OLE/COM was
the same way years ago. It was MS's newest thing and all the DDE programmers
said it was [EMAIL PROTECTED] It was and still is, so was DDE. But we adapted 
overcame and now we write COM wrappers for people who use VB and other
automation server languages.

Now it will simply be we write the same system level code and we provide a
managed wrapper around it for C#/VB/whatever clr language the consumer is
using. Make no mistake .Net will be MS's wave of the future. They will make
it be that way whether we like it or not. Look at how many VB6 programmers
screamed when they saw VB.Net yet MS has not changed VB.Net in any
significant way to pacify them.

People say "well we'll move to non MS technology". I say sure whatever I'll
believe it when I see it. Developers don't drive the use of technology the
users do and the users are eating up this .Net bullsh!t like it's the best
thing since heroin. The Open Source community may have some better
applications than those developed proprietarily such as Mapserver hands down
beats both ArcIms and MapXtreme in performance and flexibility but you must
be a developer to get it up and going. Another good example is Firefox vs.
IE6. However the OS community does not have a valid platform alternative for
users and the boat has long sailed on that sea. MS is to far ahead. To many
people use their stuff and OS platforms are way to far behind to catch up.
MS also isn't resting on it's laurels they will keep driving

Re: MI-L Dot NET and the Future of MapInfo Applications

2004-12-17 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Open Source software is not commercial software since the license agreement 
typically forbids selling it for money. The associated
services may be sold however.

Some software like MySQL come in both Open Source and commercial versions, but 
it's two separate versions, not a "commercial Open
Source" version.

And I never used the term "free software".

Any examples to the contrary ?

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Uffe Kousgaard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: MI-L Dot NET and the Future of MapInfo Applications

From: "Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Point of matter: In a current bid here in Denmark we're faced with a bid
> demand, that you have to argue why you DON'T suggest using Open Source in
> favor of (any) commercial software.

Just a comment:

Commercial software can easily be open source and free software can easily
be closed source. These 2 things are not neccesarily connected.


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Message number: 14618

Re: MI-L Friday Fun

2004-12-14 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
I've tried it multiple times now, and only managed to get all 10 right once ! I 
got all now (in)famous polynesian nations wrong
every time, except once, but I fear that was an example of blind luck :-)

The upside is, it's prompted me to teach myself the individual location of the 
also now "well known" 5 central asian republics, so
there's always something new to learn it seems.

BTW, has anyone else run into its "cheat assasinator" ? I did ;-)

Lars Nielsen

- Original Message - 
From: "François T.-Goulet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'MapInfo-L'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 10:42 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L Friday Fun

I wish I had Burkina Faso. I've got 3 Ex-URSS republics and Nauru?

Even with a map, it's hard to locate...
( A 21 sq km
island in the South Pacific Ocean and its highest point is 61 m. !!!

They have an International Airport... and they signed the Kyoto Protocol...
After all, it looks like a nice place... ;)

Francois T.-Goulet

At 16:08 2004-12-13, jonathan stokes wrote:

>Three years of a geography degree (obviously spent learning place names by
>rote) and I still only got like pathetic%. Hah now I know my mother was
>right when she said I should do a proper subject!!!
>Now off to decrease the average of the aforementioned Burkino Faso (Patrick
>I like your style!)
>-Original Message-
>From: Bill Thoen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: 13 December 2004 17:16
>To: MapInfo-L
>Subject: RE: MI-L Friday Fun
>On Mon, 13 Dec 2004, Lewis,Scott [Dartmouth] wrote:
> > On Mon, 13 Dec 2004, Bill Thoen wrote:
> >>
> >> "totally insignificant flyspecks on the world map that should have been
> >> colonized by proper countries years ago..."
> >
> > What kind of imperialistic dogma is this...?  Surely this can't be
> > coming from one who dedicates their time to the significance of
> > 'place'...
> >
> > The people from these countries may be of a different mind...
>Name one...
>But sorry if I offended you. Been reading too much of George MacDonald
>Fraser's "Flashman" series lately, and I'm afraid in a moment of weakness
>some of it rubbed off on me.
>Sarcasm doesn't translate well via e-mail I guess. I promise I'll be
>better behaved today.
>- Bill Thoen
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Message number: 14539

Re: MI-L Region style - Fill patterns

2004-12-23 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Peter,

The short answer is : no.

The longer answer is : not easily.

The first "row" of region brushes are vector based, and hard-coded. The rest of 
the brushes are made from small bitmapped tiles
included in the resource repository MIRES###.DLL, name/numbered 1 - 165 (in 

As I recall, you can add bitmap to this list, but it requires some lower level 

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "PeterTaylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 5:58 PM
Subject: MI-L Region style - Fill patterns

Is the a  way of controlling the distance between the lines in a hatch
or crisscross pattern?

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Message number: 14690

Re: MI-L Image Questions

2004-12-24 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Brad,

A registered image has by definition table bounds consistent with its image 
extent. So you can use
TableInfo(x,TAB_INFO_COORDSYS_MINX) etc. to find the bounds needed.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Brad Kollmyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 24, 2004 3:58 AM
Subject: MI-L Image Questions

I have a large number of images registered and displayed in a map browser
(with associated other data). I am looking for a script that would interator
over each image printing each one to a separate piece of paper.

Also is there a way to determine the bounds of an image?


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Message number: 14698

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Message number: 14700

Re: MI-L Limit to the number of controls on a Dialog?

2005-01-04 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi James,

23 controls is not a large number at all, I've made dialogs with 40+ controls 
on, and they work as expected. I don't think there is
a (practical) limit.

And it's perfectly ok to have controls outside the shown dialog box area. Such 
controls are as active as any shown (or hidden)
control, the only difference is that the user can't click on them (but may 
possibly be able to TAB to them, haven't tried).

You may have some cascading problem, having one control trigger another ?

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "James Stott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 11:25 AM
Subject: MI-L Limit to the number of controls on a Dialog?


Does anyone know if there is a limit to the number of controls that can
be displayed/used on a custom dialog in MapBasic.

I have a dialog that has 20 controls on it already (19 Checkboxes and a
button), but I have coded for another 3 checkboxes to be displayed/used.
The code complies with no errors at all. The other strange thing about
it is that if all the other 19 checkboxes are ticked, the code in the
handlers of the 3 checkboxes that do not show runs anyway.

Is the problem here that I have hit a limit to the number of controls I
can place on a dialog, or are there other factors that could be causing
these controls to not show?


James Stott

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Message number: 14735

Re: MI-L Setting the default PRF file.

2005-01-15 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Ian,

You did the right thing, it was just over-written later.

When a new user is defined, the content of "Default user" is used as a template 
to define the new user home.

However, if present, the MapInfo user installation 
(...\MapInfo\Professional\AddUser\) will run when the new users runs MapInfo Pro
for the first time, over-writing any MapInfo related files present in the user 
home tree. The MI user install only runs once for
each user, and I think the trigger is a key in the registry (in 

So you need to (1) supply the whole MapInfo user setup in "Default user", not 
just mapinfow.prf, and (2) you need to disable
MapInfo's user setup (delete or rename).

As for the registry settings, I think MapInfo Pro will add these if they're not 
present. But is ought to be easy to extract them
(only from HKEY_CURRENT_USER, not HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) to a *.reg file, and 
execute this if necessary. I also think mapinfow.exe has
an optional argument "-regserver" that'll do it for you.

>From personal experience I can assure you that this (eventually) will work. :)

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Ian Tidy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MapInfo-L" 
Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2005 12:51 AM
Subject: MI-L Setting the default PRF file.

OK, hopefully someone will know how to do this, but how do you create a
default preference file for all new user profiles on a Win2000/XPPro
machine.  I have tried coping the MAPINFO.PRF file to the default user
\Application\MapInfo directory, but this hasn't worked.

I know I could copy it in after the profile is created, but I would like it
to be created automatically with the right settings.

Does anyone know how to create a default MapInfo preference file and where
do you put it?

Our machines will be running Windows XP Pro SP2 or Windows 2000 SP6.


Cheers Ian

Ian Tidy
GIS Administrator
Works Asset Department
Napier City Council
Hastings St, Private Bag 6010, Napier, New Zealand
Phone +64-6-835-7579 Ext. 8115
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Message number: 14863

Re: MI-L Readability on a small map....?

2005-01-22 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Wendy,

Even adding 125 texts on a single paper is a task in itself. With 9 pt font 
size I can only fit 62 lines on a single Letter page.

Even with your "skinny" county shown upright in the middle, adding a column of 
9 pt labels on each side is only barely enough. And
as for the lines, well you said it yourself ...

How about breaking up your map into 2 or 3 maps/pages instead, is this possible 
? That seems to be a cartographic wise better

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message - 
From: "Wendy Antonio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 11:02 PM
Subject: MI-L Readability on a small map?


We are making simple maps of multiple program sites in our county, which 
happens to be long and skinny. About the best we can do for
scale is 1 mi = 6.55 inches to make it fit on an 8 1/2 X 11 inch page. We have 
up to 125 locations that need to be displayed, with
at least a number at the location of for each site. Many overlap.

Do any of you have an example to share about how one can graphically handle 
this type of issue so the map is readable? We've
experimented with a few variations on trying to draw each label out to the side 
and stack them, but the large number of lines
looks... well...awful.

All ideas/links to wonderful solutions/sympathy welcome!

We appreciate all the help the members of the list provide - have a good 

Wendy Antonio
Senior Program Consultant
Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County
FAX: 727.547.5610

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Message number: 14971

Re: MI-L Differences between MapInfo and ArcView.

2005-02-14 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Robert,

I've only worked briefly with ArcGIS v9, but I think I can answer the question 
you mention:

> Project = Workspace.

No, an ArcGIS project is much more than a simple workspace. An Arc project 
includes tools and GUI setup. A workspace is just an
automation macro.

>MapInfo's spatial objects have colour etc. as a property of that object,  
>meaning that you can set the style of different objects
in one table to  display differently by default - no need to thematicise every 

Yes, ArcGIS works with styles per layer. But in AG you can apply styles from 
external data sources based on attributes in the
tables, so it's similar to how a MapInfo table would function. Thematic 
coloring is on top of this.

>MapInfo has text spatial objects, allowing you to create text that can be  
>more accurately placed on a map.  These objects can have
a database  attached the same as other spatial objects.

ArcGIS only works with labels, not text objects, afaik.

> You can mix spatial object types in one table (not recommended, but handy  
> some times).

Handy maybe, but mixed topography tables usually throw MapInfo users into a 
fit. Single topology tables is not a severe limitation,
and I'll wager that the vast majority of MapInfo tables are single topology 

> Each table has a projection, and you can have a map composed of layers  that 
> are different projections.

As can ArcGIS v9.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

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Message number: 15210

Re: MI-L Exporting GeoPDF files - benefits?

2005-02-16 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
I've looked for a summary on the net, but it seems to be somewhat illusive. Can 
anyone on the list help alleviate my limited insight

Which benefit(s) will GeoPDF provide if implemented ?

- easy packaging of data sets for scale unlimited viewing ?
- a vehicle for distibution of map data for end-user sale ?
- encryption of data with option for explicit unlocking ?
- delivery of map setups for effortless professional printing ?

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Phil Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 3:51 PM
Subject: MI-L Exporting GeoPDF files

I have been reviewing the messages on the MapInfo list server and I wanted
to take a poll to see if you, the end users, would find it valuable if
MapInfo supported the ability to produce GeoPDF files?

For those of you who do not know what a GeoPDF is, it is:

A fully legal 1.6 PDF file that contains the maps projection coordinate
system, layers and attribute data associated with point, poly-line and
polygon shapes.

I truly appreciate your response.

Thank you,

Philip G. Lee

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Message number: 15260

Re: MI-L dynamic update of calculated value

2005-02-17 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Gilbert,

If you want answers directly and/or off-list, you should enable us to send them 
to you. I have mine bounce.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Gilbert Haché" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 10:59 PM
Subject: MI-L dynamic update of calculated value

In Mapbasic I do a query in a table and return a calculated value




I ask for sum of those value, result is browser is 75

If I change data values



Existing browser on values is still 75

Unless I ask for the request again, I can't have the "150" I want to show in 
the existing browser. Any ideas how I could "refresh"
the value in my existing result browser without having to redo the query?

Gilbert Haché

Solutions Consortech Inc.

6300, Auteuil, Bureau 505

Brossard, Québec, Canada, J4Z 3P2

Tél/Tel. : (450) 676-1555 Ext. 211

Télécopieur/fax : (450) 676-8851

Courriel/email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Message number: 15286

Re: MI-L Differences between MapInfo and ArcView.

2005-02-21 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Morgen,

> Ahh the never ending debate

True, but even more relevant today, after years of stand-still on MapInfo's 
part !

>One comment in this string of emails I would like to pick up on.
>Handy maybe, but mixed topography tables usually throw MapInfo users
>into a fit. Single topology tables is not a severe limitation,
>and I'll wager that the vast majority of MapInfo tables are single
>topology anyway.
>Absolutely incorrect in my experience (..)

As the culprit behind the statement, I need to ask you whether this is your 
personal experience as a super user, or an opinion
ordinary users have given you ?

My point wasn't that it was a bad feature - for super users - on the contrary. 
I personally think it's a neat thing with many
applications. But I fear this sentiment isn't shared by too many ordinary 
users. And the majority of data I've seen at multiple
customers is de-facto single topology.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Ellingham Morgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 12:36 AM
Subject: RE: MI-L Differences between MapInfo and ArcView.

Ahh the never ending debate, I used the ESRI products at uni and found
them excellent to conduct my research and present my results
graphically, I am now in the workforce and use MI extensively - and have
found it good enough to do my work easily and efficiently.

Neither is technically better or worse, or may I say easier to learn.
ESRI's base packages are pretty simple, it's the weird and wonderful
extensions that get people worried (network analyst any1?).

One comment in this string of emails I would like to pick up on.

>Handy maybe, but mixed topography tables usually throw MapInfo users
into a fit. Single topology tables is not a severe limitation,
and I'll wager that the vast majority of MapInfo tables are single
topology anyway.

Absolutely incorrect in my experience, this excellent MapInfo feature
has allowed me to combine open space areas (turf, sports fields) with
infrastructure data (points - lights, litter bins etc) - on many
occasions this has proven to be the difference between going ahead with
our surveillance and not. I would estimate that 75% of all of our civil
spatial data has a mixed topology - something I would assume would be
universal across local government institutions.

Each has their Positives and negatives  Arc+ = Layouts, high end
advanced analysis, X tools! Arc- = Cost, compartment syndrome. MI+ =
stand alone package, cost, universal translator, labelling ! MI- =
printing, map creation.

Just my opinion as a humble end user people - thanks for letting me
waste my morning whilst looking like im working


-Original Message-
From: Canfield, Andrew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, 19 February 2005 1:07 AM
To: 'Frank, Claude'; MapInfo-L
Subject: RE: MI-L Differences between MapInfo and ArcView.

Sorry I should have put that. The ESRI systems we currently use here are
- 8.3 and we will be getting upgrades to v.9 pretty soon but as of yet I
haven't had any experience with it other than demoing it to see if we
to upgrade some of our 8.3 stuff to v.9. Our current MapInfo versions
v.5 - v.7.8. I only have one user with 7.8 though the bulk of them are
running 6.5. So basically the user comparasons are based on MapInfo 6.5
against ESRI 8.3 because my dual users seem to most often have this
setup on
their machines as far as versions go.

-Original Message-
From: Frank, Claude [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 6:54 AM
To: MapInfo-L
Subject: RE: MI-L Differences between MapInfo and ArcView.

Just curious-are these impressions reflective of the latest version of
ArcGIS (v.9) or more about ESRI prodcuts historically?

-Original Message-
From: Canfield, Andrew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 7:39 AM
To: 'Flavio Hendry'; Lars V. Nielsen (HVM); MapInfo-L
Subject: RE: MI-L Differences between MapInfo and ArcView.

I agree. I have to teach new users here. MapInfo is very intuitive for
Windows users. It functions very much like a Windows application. ESRI
functions like a Unix application. We have both types of users here and
people who are used to Unix seem to pick up ESRI tools faster than those
who are used to Windows only.

MapInfo also wraps a lot of functionality into one touch buttons and
walk through dialogs such as the afore mentioned "update column". I mean
I suppose you could break it down by Windows UI design guidelines and
see all the places ESRI breaks from that.

One of the really hard things for people to get used to is the palette
style tool sets which exist outside the main UI. Where you have your
palette such as ArcToolBox and you use it

Re: MI-L hidden oracle password

2005-02-21 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Daniel,

I think integrated security is still a Microsoft only technology, so Oracle 
most likely won't have support for it.

However, I think it's possible to omit the password and possibly the username 
from the connection string in the TAB file, which will
make MapInfo prompt you for it.

If you need to open without prompt but with a hidden password, you'll need to 
have an application open the connection for you.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Mills, Daniel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MapInfo List (E-mail)" 
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 3:40 PM
Subject: MI-L hidden oracle password

hi all

I want ot connect to an Oracle 9i database using live access.  The layer is
to open automatically so i do not have to enter username/pwd.  However,  i
do not wish to include the username/pwd within the tab file.  Can i use
something like "integrated security" as i have set up OS Authentication on
my database or is there another way.

Daniel Mills
GIS Consultant
Oracle Certified Professional
WRc plc
Direct +44 (0) 1793 865205
Fax +44 (0) 1793 865201

Visit our websites and, as well as for collaborative research projects.


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addressed to WRc clients, any opinions or advice
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the governing WRc client Agreement.

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Message number: 15353

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Message number: 15364

Re: MI-L Mixed entity types - Differences between MapInfo and ArcView

2005-02-22 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Mats,

Your post is actually right on the button. Excellent insight and a good idea.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Mats Elfström" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: ; "Ellingham Morgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 2:45 PM
Subject: MI-L Mixed entity types - Differences between MapInfo and ArcView

Hi Lars - and the list!

I would like to offer another point of view on this question.
I have always regarded the ability to mix object types in a MapInfo table
as a great advantage.
The advantage of being able to store geographic information grouped on
subject matter, rather than its more or less arbitrary geometric
representation, is so obvious that it needs no argument.

Then why is not used, or regarded as a less desirable feature, or even a
I think the problem lies in the way MapInfo handles mixed topology tables,
when drawing them, making selections or thematic maps.
Then, it's true that mixed tables can create problems, and questions posed
by users often fall into these categories.
For instance, no one can be sure that points appear on top of regions when
drawing a table where both object types occur,
but this could be taken care of in the draw engine, by allowing an
internal draw order for each table.
Thematic maps are virtually impossible to create from mixed tables, but
this could be taken care of in the thematic engine by allowing different
schemes for points, lines and so on. Neither seems to be an impossible
programming task.

So my advice to MI Pro would be, continue to allow mixed tables but follow
this up in the interface and give users the tools to process these in an
intelligent and controlled fashion.

Hälsning / Best regards Mats.E

FB Engineering AB
Södra Förstadsgatan 26
211 43 Malmö

Tel: 040-660 25 50
Mobil: 0705-27 60 27
Fax: 040-660 25 99

"Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
2005-02-21 18:34
Sänd svar till
"Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Ellingham Morgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: MI-L Differences between MapInfo and ArcView.

Hi Morgen,

> Ahh the never ending debate

True, but even more relevant today, after years of stand-still on
MapInfo's part !

>One comment in this string of emails I would like to pick up on.
>Handy maybe, but mixed topography tables usually throw MapInfo users
>into a fit. Single topology tables is not a severe limitation,
>and I'll wager that the vast majority of MapInfo tables are single
>topology anyway.
>Absolutely incorrect in my experience (..)

As the culprit behind the statement, I need to ask you whether this is
your personal experience as a super user, or an opinion
ordinary users have given you ?

My point wasn't that it was a bad feature - for super users - on the
contrary. I personally think it's a neat thing with many
applications. But I fear this sentiment isn't shared by too many ordinary
users. And the majority of data I've seen at multiple
customers is de-facto single topology.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Ellingham Morgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 12:36 AM
Subject: RE: MI-L Differences between MapInfo and ArcView.

Ahh the never ending debate, I used the ESRI products at uni and found
them excellent to conduct my research and present my results
graphically, I am now in the workforce and use MI extensively - and have
found it good enough to do my work easily and efficiently.

Neither is technically better or worse, or may I say easier to learn.
ESRI's base packages are pretty simple, it's the weird and wonderful
extensions that get people worried (network analyst any1?).

One comment in this string of emails I would like to pick up on.

>Handy maybe, but mixed topography tables usually throw MapInfo users
into a fit. Single topology tables is not a severe limitation,
and I'll wager that the vast majority of MapInfo tables are single
topology anyway.

Absolutely incorrect in my experience, this excellent MapInfo feature
has allowed me to combine open space areas (turf, sports fields) with
infrastructure data (points - lights, litter bins etc) - on many
occasions this has proven to be the difference between going ahead with
our surveillance and not. I would estimate that 75% of all of our civil
spatial data has a mixed topology - something I would assume would be
universal across local government institutions.

Each has their Positives and negatives  Arc+ = Layouts, high end
advanced analysis, X tools! Arc- = Cost, compartment syndrome. MI+ =
stand a

Re: MI-L Export ArcView To MID/MIF

2005-02-26 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Jorge,

The better choice is using the ogr2ogr utility -

It's inluded in the OpenEV package, which can be downloaded here -

Or you can search Google for the more limited shp2mif utility.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Jorge Cordero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2005 12:41 AM
Subject: MI-L Export ArcView To MID/MIF

I need website can me dowloand utility that allows export to ArcView to
MapInfo (MID/MIF)


TSUI Jorge Eduardo Cordero Rodriguez

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Message number: 15447

Re: MI-L Help with projections, please

2005-02-28 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi David,

It seems that the map in question are part of some annual series, which 
suggests that the projection is known and well defined. You might want to query 
the library along this path.

If this approach fails, you may also digitize elements from the map as if it 
was a "flat" map. If you also digitize at least four control points around the 
state with known locations, preferably using the graticule, and afterwards 
perform some sort of "rubber-sheeting" on the entire dataset, you might be able 
to get the data into your preferred projection. I believe there are a number of 
available tools for this.


Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "David T. Hughes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'MapInfo List'" 
Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2005 4:16 AM
Subject: MI-L Help with projections, please

Okay.  I know that there ARE different projections, and that they are
different mathematical models of the world (spheroids, mercator, etc. etc.).
Here's the deal that has me beat:

I'm working with some antique maps of Native American treaty boundaries (you
can see them at[EMAIL 
gct2 -- then click on the map of Alabama in the top left).  Drafted in
1897 or 1898.  They are in the public domain here but are still a very
important resource for people working on Enclosed Nations issues.

Anyhow, I want to use those as part of a MI series of searchable material
linking treaties, people, and times.

BUT, before I can do that I need to reproject them to something (ANYTHING!)
MI will understand.  Since I don't know the original projection (I own the
original volume these came from) and cannot find any reference to it at all,
I'm stumped.

Not knowing the original projection makes it very tortuous to bring them as
anything at all that links to the other maps (all are in UTM NAD1927, Zone
14/15, North America).

Is there a simple way in MI 7.5 (or any external utility freely available)
to load the SID or TIF or BMP to a program, click on 4 or more lat/lon
interesections, enter the coordinates of the intersections, and then tell
the program "Okay, now warp it into a projection my software knows about"?

I'm out of options on this, and really need to find a patch by the end of
this semester.

Thanks in advance to anyone who has any ideas at all -- I'll even store the
results and put together a SUM at the end of the mail if there is interst
from others in the same esoteric use.

Dave Hughes
Newton, Kansas USA

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Message number: 15444

Re: MI-L shift in coordinates

2005-02-28 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi tcuncayk,

Aka. UTM zone 36 ...

I assume it's an mbx application ?

Did you set the correct projection prior to handling coordinates in the app ?

I.e. Set Coordsys Earth Projection 8,28, "m", 33,0, 0.9996, 50,0

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 2:46 PM
Subject: MI-L shift in coordinates

hi there 

Is there anybody having same problem.

I have a table in UTM ED 50 center meridian 33 degree
map window projection is also same

I create object reading coordinates from database.
numbers are integer like 525000 x and 4032000 y
I create object as variable and add nodes one by one

when I insert object into table
corner points returns as 
524,999.9985  x coordinate 
4,032,000.005 y coordinate

what can be the problem?

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

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Message number: 15458

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Message number: 15459

MI-L New tool : Project

2005-03-04 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi all,

I just put up a new freeware tool for download called "Project". Well, it's 
actually not new, it's been in production usage for 3
years now, but it's a new download.

It handles complete user setups on a project basis: workspace + management of 
applications, tool bar placement, and style
preference, all wrapped up into one file.

It's available for download at this address :

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

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Message number: 15536

Re: MI-L Tool Button Status

2005-03-05 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Sal,

You can't get MapBasic to tell you the status of a ToggleButton.

You have to keep track of it yourself in your code, and maybe repeatedly set it 
to this "saved" state.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Sallyann Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2005 4:35 PM
Subject: MI-L Tool Button Status

I have created a tool button handler routine to operate from a custom Tool 
Button.  This is a ToggleButton and I want to check the
status of this button - is it up or down?
I have used CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_TOOLBTN) which tells me the ID of the button 
callingthe Handler, but how do I check whether the
button is up or down?  I have tried ReadControlValue() but this only works 
within Dialogs, not with Tool Buttons.


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Message number: 15541

Re: MI-L Doing a select with a where clause causes MapInfo to han g.

2005-04-06 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Tom,

You wouldn't be any chance have defined a variable with the name Site_Name in 
your app ?

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Thoen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tom Doonan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 10:34 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L Doing a select with a where clause causes MapInfo to han g.

On Wed, 6 Apr 2005, Tom Doonan wrote:

> select Site_Name from "myTable" where Site_Name like "%3%"

Nothing wrong with that, except that if myTable is large, this select
(anything where Site_name has a '3' in it) may take a while.

> It seems I get the same problem whenever I add a where clause. I don't
> believe there is anything wrong with the query and the table is very small.
> I tried a number of similar queries on different tables and I always get
> MapInfo to hang.

I thought that maybe it was the number between the wildcards in the serach
criteria, but I just tried on a table of addresses where ZIP like "%4%"
and it worked fine.  Don't know what to tell you...

- Bill Thoen

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Message number: 15973

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Message number: 15974

Re: MI-L Mixing VB and VB.NET on the same machine?

2005-04-14 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Bill,

But they will co-exist if installed in chronological order. I did it (after 
clearing enough disk space), and they both work as they

So if what Ian says is true, and it certainly sounds very plausible, you need 
to install VB6 and in the right order,
regardless of what's currently installed.

Cheaper than buying a new pc anyway. But I understand your concern about 
messing with a running installation. Scary! :-)

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
To: "'Bill Thoen'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'MapInfo-L'" 

Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 3:04 AM
Subject: RE: MI-L Mixing VB and VB.NET on the same machine?

I think this is the experience of most people who have installed VS6 AFTER
VS2003 - you will run into a couple of annoyances:

1. The re-association of file types

2. A possible redirection of the MSDN help files.

3. One colleague reported a problem with MS Office 2000, which required a
re-install of Office (no details on this - sorry).

The former is mostly a problem with C++ libraries, tools and general
programming utilities.

The second is easily fixed with a re-install of one or the other Help files.

I would recommend that the latest Service Pack (SP6) for Visual Studio 6 is
installed. And my experience (and that of colleagues) is limited to systems
running Win2K and WinXP, with all Windows Updates (including those for MDAC)
in place and working well.

Of course, WinXP is 'smarter' in protecting essential DLLs from being
overwritten by older versions. Win98 and WinSE are pretty poor at dealing
with so-called DLL Hell. (Forget Win95; NT4 - ?)

Visual Source Safe (latest issue: VSS 6.0d) has some other issues (probably
not of concern)

Lastly (and probably not of interest) - VS6 SP6 can cause a problem with IIS
- see article 842329 at

<;en-us;842329 >.

Also see the "Install Instructions for Service Pack 6" at

lt.aspx >

Sorry this is so long.

Ian Thomas

GeoSciSoft - Perth, Australia

-Original Message-

From: Bill Thoen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, 15 April 2005 6:46 AM

To: MapInfo-L

Subject: MI-L Mixing VB and VB.NET on the same machine?

I've got to support some MapInfo integrated mapping code that's coming my

way real soon now, but the only machine I have free that has enough

horsepower and disk space already has .NET Visual Studio already installed

on it. Does anybody know if I can install VB 6.0 on that machine without

hosing up the Visual Studio .NET installation?

- Bill Thoen


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Message number: 16100


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Message number: 16104

Re: MI-L Pushing Mapinfo to the limit with respect to no of columns in thematic maps

2005-04-18 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Jan,

Seems to me that you need to limit the number of displayed slices intelligently 
rather than make pies with 300 slices. Probably
using an app.

I'm sure I ain't getting any benefit out of a pie chart with 300+ slices. Not 
to mention finding appropriate colors to distinguish
them all with.

Aren't you really just interested in displaying e.g. the 10 largest slicest in 
each pie ? Or maybe all slices larger than a certain
percentage in each pie ?

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Jan Byrkjeland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 9:42 AM
Subject: MI-L Pushing Mapinfo to the limit with respect to no of columns in 
thematic maps


I am trying to come round the following known limitations of

1) Max number of columns in a table = 255
2) Max number of fields in a pie chart = 30

My challenge is that the information I want to display in thematic maps
consists of far more than 255 information fields/columns. For simplicity
lets assume that I want to display a pie chart of 300 fields/columns.

My solution to this based on my (limited knowledge of Mapinfo) is that I
would split the 300 fields/columns in groups of 30 (actually 28 fields from
the 300 and 2 extra fields for transparent pie slices) and use 11 thematic
layers stacked above each other.

I want the thematic maps to be based on the the same master table, so
ideally I would put all information fields in the same table, but due to the
max 255 limit, this will not work. So I suggest (Have not tried it yet) that
I put lets say 200 of the information fields/columns in the master table and
the remaining 100 in an other table, and then use the Add column statement
in order to add more columns to the master table.


Will this work? Is it possible to exceed the number of columns to a table by
adding temporary columns with the Add Columns statement ?

If yes - Fine!
If no - How can I possibly create complicated thematic maps based on more
than 255 columns ?

Thanx for any ideas


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Message number: 16123

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Message number: 16124

Re: MI-L proyection CRS - ETRS-TMzn

2005-04-21 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Off course you can, you may just have to define them yourself in the 

The ETRS89 datum is 115, and the rest is just as normal UTM. Datum 115 was 
defined in MapInfo Pro 6.0

"Danish Projections" includes its two relevant ETRS89 projections.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "S. Esteban Rodríguez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mapinfo-L" 
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 1:18 PM
Subject: MI-L proyection CRS - ETRS-TMzn

Is posible to use in MapInfo the CRS - ETRS-TMzn projection??   is as the
Regional COnformal Projections --> (conformal projection Europe)??

Explanation of ETRS89 / (X, Y, Z) pan-European CRS with Datum ETRS89 in
cartesian coordinates

Description of CRS - ETRS-TMzn

Country  Europe
Country identifier  EU
CRS identifier  ETRS-TMzn
CRS alias  ETRS89 Transverse Mercator CRS
CRS valid area  Europe
CRS scope  CRS for conformal pan-European mapping at scales larger than 1 :
500 000
CRS remarks  zn is the zone number, the numbering is analog UTM (starting
with 1 for 180° West increasing eastwards to 180° East) but only valid for
Europe zn 26 for central meridian 27° West to zn 39 for central meridian 51°
Datum identifier  ETRS89
Datum alias  European Terrestrial Reference System 1989

Datum type  geodetic
Datum anchor point

Datum realization epoch  1989
Datum valid area  Europe / EUREF

Datum scope  European datum consistent with ITRS at the epoch 1989.0
and fixed to the stable part of the Eurasian continental
plate for georeferencing of GIS and geokinematic tasks

Datum remarks  see
Boucher, C., Altamimi, Z. (1992): The EUREF Terrestrial
Reference System and its First Realizations.
Veröffentlichungen der Bayerischen Kommission für
die Internationale Erdmessung, Heft 52, München 1992,
pages 205-213
- or -

Prime meridian identifier  Greenwich
Prime meridian greenwich longitude  0°
Prime meridian remarks
Ellipsoid identifier  GRS 80
Ellipsoid alias  New International
Ellipsoid semi major axis  6 378 137 m
Ellipsoid shape  true
Ellipsoid inverse flattening  298.257222101
Ellipsoid remarks  see Moritz, H. (1988): Geodetic Reference System 1980.
Bulletin Geodesique, The Geodesists Handbook, 1988, Internat. Union of
Geodesy and Geophysics
Coordinate system identifier  TMzn
Coordinate system type  projected
Coordinate system dimension  2
Coordinate system remarks  Projection: Transverse Mercator in zones, 6°
Coordinate system axis name  N
Coordinate system axis direction  North
Coordinate system axis unit identifier  metre
Coordinate system axis name  E
Coordinate system axis direction  East
Coordinate system axis unit identifier  metre
Operation identifier  TMzn
Operation valid area  Europe
Operation scope  for conformal pan-European mapping at scales larger than 1:
500 000
Operation method name  Transverse Mercator Projection
Operation method name alias  TMzn

Operation method formula  Transverse Mercator Mapping Equations, in
Practical Geodesy, 1997, pages 81-84, 111-114

Operation method parameters number  8
Operation method remarks

Operation parameter name  latitude of origin
Operation parameter value  0°

Operation parameter remarks  0°, the Equator

Operation parameter name  longitude of origin
Operation parameter value  central meridian (CM) of each zone

Operation parameter remarks  central meridians 27°W, 21° W, ... , 45°E,

Operation parameter name  false northing
Operation parameter value  0 m

Operation parameter remarks

Operation parameter name  false easting
Operation parameter value  500 000 m

Operation parameter remarks

Operation parameter name  scale factor at central meridian
Operation parameter value  0.9996

Operation parameter remarks

Operation parameter name  zone number zn
Operation parameter value  26, 27, 28, ... , 38, 39

Operation parameter remarks

Operation parameter name  width of zones
Operation parameter value  6°

Operation parameter remarks

Operation parameter name  latitude limits of system
Operation parameter value  0°
84° N

Operation parameter remarks

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Message number: 16163

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Message number: 16178

Re: MI-L MapInfo stuff

2005-04-23 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Bill,

Yeah, I know they exist, but MapInfo only trickle them out to the users, e.g. 
at MapWorld.

I gotten several items from Partner Conference and courses, but there's never 
seems to have been a definite effort about "pushing"
them out. When I worked with the Danish distributor, we've several times wanted 
to have MapInfo merchandice to give to attendents at
our conference booths, MapInfo courses etc., but the available selection has 
always been very (and too) sparse.

Merchandicing has always seemed like an "inside" thing for MapInfo, only used 
as rewards to the employees.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Thoen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MapInfo-L" 
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 6:48 PM
Subject: Re: MI-L MapInfo stuff

These things do exist. Just go to MapWorld or other MapInfo conferences
and do something worth remembering, and they might give you a T-shirt,
baseball cap, mug, pen, or plaque.

On Fri, 22 Apr 2005, Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro) wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> It may be better these days, but I've always felt that MapInfo seriously 
> underestimates the value of merchandicing :-)
> Isn't MapInfo Corp. the only source of such items ? Given the fact that they 
> have to approve any 3rd party use of their trademarks
> (and never have?).
> Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
> Lars V. Nielsen
> GisPro, Denmark
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Eric Gagnon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Mapinfo List" 
> Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 3:07 PM
> Subject: MI-L MapInfo stuff
> Hi, everybody
> Is there such a place where we can buy mapinfo: T-shirts, mugs, pens,
> mouse pads, stickers etc..with mapinfo logos on it.
> Eric Gagnon, B.Sc., GIs Specialist
> -
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> Message number: 16195
> -
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> Message number: 16200

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Message number: 16201

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Message number: 16210

Re: MI-L MapInfo stuff

2005-04-22 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Eric,

It may be better these days, but I've always felt that MapInfo seriously 
underestimates the value of merchandicing :-)

Isn't MapInfo Corp. the only source of such items ? Given the fact that they 
have to approve any 3rd party use of their trademarks
(and never have?).

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Eric Gagnon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mapinfo List" 
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 3:07 PM
Subject: MI-L MapInfo stuff

Hi, everybody

Is there such a place where we can buy mapinfo: T-shirts, mugs, pens,
mouse pads, stickers etc..with mapinfo logos on it.

Eric Gagnon, B.Sc., GIs Specialist

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Message number: 16195

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Message number: 16200

Re: MI-L proyection CRS - ETRS-TMzn

2005-04-22 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
The projection file has a complete set of UTM WGS84 (datum 104) - 120 zones 

Why don't you just copy that section, and change the datum to 115 ?  The UTM 
zone definition is independent of the datum used.

The format of a projection clause is described exhaustively in the appendicies 
in the MapInfo manual.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "S. Esteban Rodríguez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mapinfo-L" 
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 11:02 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L proyection CRS - ETRS-TMzn

I see that the danish system is "UTM Zone33 Euref89", 8, 115, 7, 15.0, 0,
0.9996 , 50, 0 in the prj file, i know that the 115 is the datum
(because lars say it me) but and the other parameters??
I would have paste one new row in the prj file with "CRS - ETRS-UTM30", 8,
115, ?, ?, ?, ? , ?, ? and later how i will can refer to this proyection??

or i can put in the mapbasic window:
Set CoordSys Earth
  Projection 8, 115 ,"m",?,?,?, ?, ?, ?

someone can solve the interrogations please?

for the 30 zone it would be:
set map CoordSys Earth  Projection 8, 115,  "m" ,  -3,   0, 0.9996,
50, 0 ???

A greeting!

-Mensaje original-
De: Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: jueves, 21 de abril de 2005 20:24
Para: S. Esteban Rodríguez
CC: Mapinfo-L
Asunto: Re: MI-L proyection CRS - ETRS-TMzn

Off course you can, you may just have to define them yourself in the

The ETRS89 datum is 115, and the rest is just as normal UTM. Datum 115 was
defined in MapInfo Pro 6.0

"Danish Projections" includes its two relevant ETRS89 projections.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message -
From: "S. Esteban Rodríguez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mapinfo-L" 
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 1:18 PM
Subject: MI-L proyection CRS - ETRS-TMzn

Is posible to use in MapInfo the CRS - ETRS-TMzn projection??   is as the
Regional COnformal Projections --> (conformal projection Europe)??

Explanation of ETRS89 / (X, Y, Z) pan-European CRS with Datum ETRS89 in
cartesian coordinates

Description of CRS - ETRS-TMzn

Country  Europe
Country identifier  EU
CRS identifier  ETRS-TMzn
CRS alias  ETRS89 Transverse Mercator CRS
CRS valid area  Europe
CRS scope  CRS for conformal pan-European mapping at scales larger than 1 :
500 000
CRS remarks  zn is the zone number, the numbering is analog UTM (starting
with 1 for 180° West increasing eastwards to 180° East) but only valid for
Europe zn 26 for central meridian 27° West to zn 39 for central meridian 51°
Datum identifier  ETRS89
Datum alias  European Terrestrial Reference System 1989

Datum type  geodetic
Datum anchor point

Datum realization epoch  1989
Datum valid area  Europe / EUREF

Datum scope  European datum consistent with ITRS at the epoch 1989.0
and fixed to the stable part of the Eurasian continental
plate for georeferencing of GIS and geokinematic tasks

Datum remarks  see
Boucher, C., Altamimi, Z. (1992): The EUREF Terrestrial
Reference System and its First Realizations.
Veröffentlichungen der Bayerischen Kommission für
die Internationale Erdmessung, Heft 52, München 1992,
pages 205-213
- or -

Prime meridian identifier  Greenwich
Prime meridian greenwich longitude  0°
Prime meridian remarks
Ellipsoid identifier  GRS 80
Ellipsoid alias  New International
Ellipsoid semi major axis  6 378 137 m
Ellipsoid shape  true
Ellipsoid inverse flattening  298.257222101
Ellipsoid remarks  see Moritz, H. (1988): Geodetic Reference System 1980.
Bulletin Geodesique, The Geodesists Handbook, 1988, Internat. Union of
Geodesy and Geophysics
Coordinate system identifier  TMzn
Coordinate system type  projected
Coordinate system dimension  2
Coordinate system remarks  Projection: Transverse Mercator in zones, 6°
Coordinate system axis name  N
Coordinate system axis direction  North
Coordinate system axis unit identifier  metre
Coordinate system axis name  E
Coordinate system axis direction  East
Coordinate system axis unit identifier  metre
Operation identifier  TMzn
Operation valid area  Europe
Operation scope  for conformal pan-European mapping at scales larger than 1:
500 000
Operation method name  Transverse Mercator Projection
Operation method name alias  TMzn

Operation method formula  Transverse Mercator Mapping Equations, in
Practical Geodesy, 1997, pages 81-84, 111-114

Operation method parameters number  8
Operation method remarks

Operation parameter name  latitude of origin
Operation parameter value  0°

Operation parameter remarks  0°, the Equator

Operation parameter name  longitude of origin
Operation parameter value  central meridian (CM) of each zone

Operation parameter remarks  centr

Re: MI-L Help needed for Run Command statment

2005-04-26 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Christophe,

You can only use the first method.

The second will not work, precisely because an mbx and the RunCommand/MBW 
domain don't share variables.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Christophe Brabant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 8:16 AM
Subject: MI-L Help needed for Run Command statment

Hi everyone
I want to create some hundred Region objects, each with approximately two
hundred nodes on each, and I have identified two ways :
1) Create the Region objects with no nodes, and run a loop with "Alter
Object ... Add Node"
Very penalizing for CPU
2) Put the nodes coordinates into a String in this form :
Dim coord as String*1024' for example
Dim obj as Object
coord = "(" + x1 + "," + y1 + ") " + "(" + x2 + "," + y2 + ") " + "(" + x3 +
"," + y3 + ") " + 
' the statement below don't work
Run Command "Create Object Region Into Variable " + obj + " " + nb_nodes + "
" + coord ...
Questions :
With the first method, how to increase the speed of the Alter Object
statements ?
With the second, how could I use variables into the Run Command statement ?
Thank you

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Message number: 16246

MI-L SpatialWare log file bloating

2005-04-27 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
We running a SpatialWare 4.5 installation on SQL Server 2000. Suddenly the 
spatialware.log file has started to fill up quickly,
something it hasn't done before.

A sample from the log file:

Error from dbcursorfetchex in pr_exec_fetch
Error from dbcursorfetchex in pr_exec_fetch
Invalid encoded geometry, the type is eÝHx1d.
Invalid encoded geometry, the type is ÷4ºx1f.
Invalid encoded geometry, the type is x1bµJx1e.
Invalid encoded geometry, the type is âíÛx1e.
Error from dbcursorfetchex in pr_exec_fetch
Error from dbcursorfetchex in pr_exec_fetch
Syntax error detected at line 1: syntax error at 'hg_restricted_server'.
Syntax error detected in xp_spatial_query
Syntax error detected at line 1: syntax error at 'hg_restricted_server'.
Syntax error detected in xp_spatial_query
Syntax error detected at line 1: syntax error at 'hg_restricted_server'.
Syntax error detected in xp_spatial_query
Syntax error detected at line 1: syntax error at 'hg_restricted_server'.
Syntax error detected in xp_spatial_query
Syntax error detected at line 1: syntax error at 'hg_restricted_server'.
Syntax error detected in xp_spatial_query
Error from dbcursorfetchex in pr_exec_fetch
Invalid encoded geometry, the type is Poin.
Invalid encoded geometry, the type is Poin.
Invalid encoded geometry, the type is Poin.
Syntax error detected at line 1: syntax error at 'hg_restricted_server'.
Syntax error detected in xp_spatial_query
Error from dbcursorfetchex in pr_exec_fetch
Syntax error detected at line 1: syntax error at 'hg_restricted_server'.
Syntax error detected in xp_spatial_query
Syntax error detected at line 1: syntax error at 'hg_restricted_server'.
Syntax error detected in xp_spatial_query
Error from dbcursorfetchex in pr_exec_fetch

Does anyone know of a way to turn this logging off ? Or maybe if anyone can 
explain this sudden behaviour ??

It doesn't seems there's anything actually wrong on the server, so it ought to 
be safe to just turn the logging off.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

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Message number: 16260

Re: MI-L Zoom to raster resolution

2005-04-27 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Uffe,

Not immidiately as far as I know.

But it ought to be fairly easy to build a tool to make a fake 1:1 registration, 
query the table bounds and calculate the necessary
zoom/scale from it.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Uffe Kousgaard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mapinfo-L" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 1:02 PM
Subject: MI-L Zoom to raster resolution

In ArcGIS there is a command called "zoom to raster resolution", which will
change the zoom level, so the dots in the raster bitmap matches that of the
screen (natural resolution). Does anything similar exist in MapInfo?


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Message number: 16259

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Message number: 16262

Re: MI-L Max number of layers in a mapper

2005-04-30 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Philippe,

Nothing as good as discovering it for yourself. You can with this simple 
MapBasic app :

Dim i As Integer
Open Table ".TAB" As ANY_TABLE
For i = 2 To 9
Add Map Layer ANY_TABLE
print "Add layer # "+i

and wait for MIPro to hurl its guts. Takes a while though (thrashed it manually 
after adding more than 2000 layers).

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Solomon Côté, Philippe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 9:36 PM
Subject: MI-L Max number of layers in a mapper

Hi all !

Just an easy one for you out there on this late Friday afternoon:

What is the maximum number of layers we can add into a map in MapInfo 7.8?

Thanks a lot.


Philippe Solomon Côté

KOREM inc.

MapInfo Québec, opéré par KOREM inc.

680, boul. Charest Est, bureau 120
Québec (Québec)  G1K 3J4
Tél. : (418) 647-1555
Téléc. : (418) 647-1666
Sans frais : 1 888 440-1MAP
Localisation : Québec  Montréal

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Message number: 16314

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Message number: 16322

MI-L Google Maps satellite imagery as WMS

2005-05-05 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)

I've been playing around a little with Google Maps, and spurred by a post on 
mapserver-users I sat down a built myself a WMS front for the two satellite 
imagery layers on Google Maps. It's not complete yet, as it only throws xml 
formatted exceptions. And I would like to include other layers too.

I've opened the two imagery layers succesfully in both MapInfo Pro 7.5 and 7.8, 
but as other clients may support other "dialects". Please let me hear of any 

Layer 1 consists of circa 3 by 3 degree tiles, layer 2 of 1½ by 1½ degre tiles. 
And it's flattened at higher latitudes, just as Earth appears from 
geostationary orbit.

The server URL to enter into MIPro is as follows:

Don't try and display the whole world, as the server script in that case needs 
to fetch a humongous number of 64K tiles (8192 for layer 1, four times as many 
for layer 2), and my ISP do enforce a 30 second script timeout. 

Instead create a TAB without displaying it right away, and include it in 
mappers with zoom layering on. Max. zoom of 1000 km seems adequate for layer 1, 
half for layer 2.

Feel free to play with it. If anyone's interested in hosting it on his own 
server (with longer timeout/higher traffic volume), send me an email.

And finally the disclaimer: this is provided as-is. If I need to pull the 
script due to complaints about excessive traffic or some other issue, I will do 
so without warning. However, I will submit a post here if it comes to that. And 
any issues concerning the legality of use of Google Maps resides solely with 
the end-user.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

Re: MI-L reading the map header file

2005-05-05 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Sure - RTFM :-)

But handy shortcuts are also an essential part of ones programming toolbox.

The four GET statements are very simple to use, and the MAP file format 
(header) hasn't changed for a lng time.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Uffe Kousgaard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mapinfo-L" 
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: MI-L reading the map header file

Hello Jaromir,

The information you are looking for is exactly where it is defined below 
(Daniel Mills which refers to an older posting of mine).

Primary and most accurate (open) source for information is the MITAB library 
(read the source code) unless you have access to the MapInfo Corp.'s own 

More accessible is this document, which may not be 100% accurate:


- Original Message - 
From: "Jaromir Svasta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MapInfo List (E-mail)" 
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: MI-L reading the map header file

>I am long trying to find a better way to get types of all objects stored 
>in a map other than looping through all objects in a table. I know it must 
>be somewhere, because MapInfo knows it immediately - for instance, after 
>pressing the style override button, only those style buttons are offered 
>that correspond to bject types found in a table (region, line, point or 
>text). Is it in a map header? Is the map header documented somewhere?
> Thanks!
> (I hope my english is comprehensible...)
> -- 
> Jaromir SVASTA
> On Wed, 04 May 2005 12:08:04 +0200, Mills, Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
>> hi,
>> sometime ago i asked if it was possible to determine the number of 
>> features
>> within a tab file by directly reading the .data or .map file.  somebody
>> kindly supplied the following code
>> Open File strMapFile for binary as #1 ByteOrder LowHigh
>> Get #1, 317, nPoints ' nPoints etc are integer variables
>> Get #1, 321, nLines ' plines + lines + arcs
>> Get #1, 325, nRegions   ' regions + rects + ellipses
>> Get #1, 329, nText

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Message number: 16369

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Message number: 16372

MI-L Google Maps satellite imagery as WMS - now complete coverage

2005-05-13 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)

After some further digging, I found that the two WMS layers published 
previously were the two highest resolution levels. But that
there were 7 lower resolution layers to fetch, including the whole Earth as a 
single 256-by-256 pixels tile.

Unfortunately the tile index routine I had found on the net wasn't able to 
retrieve these levels due to the applied integer math, so
I had to build me own indexing routine, which took awhile.

But it worked out, and so I have added a third layer in the WMS - SAT_AUTO - 
that seamlessly renderes all 9 resolution levels
according to zoom level. I have succesfully zoomed from whole Earth to 10 km 
without problem.

I've also taken the liberty to embed a small Google logo in the rendered 
images, just to acknowledge the origin of the data.

If you've already registered the service in MI Pro, you have to remove and 
re-add it to force Pro to read the new extended
capabilities document. The easiest way is to choose the service in the list, 
choose "Edit", copy the displayed URL and cancel,
remove the service from the list, and add the service again, pasting the URL 


Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message ----- 
From: Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
To: MAPINFO-L Mailinglist
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 11:47 AM
Subject: Google Maps satellite imagery as WMS


I've been playing around a little with Google Maps, and spurred by a post on 
mapserver-users I sat down a built myself a WMS front
for the two satellite imagery layers on Google Maps. It's not complete yet, as 
it only throws xml formatted exceptions. And I would
like to include other layers too.

I've opened the two imagery layers succesfully in both MapInfo Pro 7.5 and 7.8, 
but as other clients may support other "dialects".
Please let me hear of any experiences.

Layer 1 consists of circa 3 by 3 degree tiles, layer 2 of 1½ by 1½ degre tiles. 
And it's flattened at higher latitudes, just as
Earth appears from geostationary orbit.

The server URL to enter into MIPro is as follows:

Don't try and display the whole world, as the server script in that case needs 
to fetch a humongous number of 64K tiles (8192 for
layer 1, four times as many for layer 2), and my ISP do enforce a 30 second 
script timeout.

Instead create a TAB without displaying it right away, and include it in 
mappers with zoom layering on. Max. zoom of 1000 km seems
adequate for layer 1, half for layer 2.

Feel free to play with it. If anyone's interested in hosting it on his own 
server (with longer timeout/higher traffic volume), send
me an email.

And finally the disclaimer: this is provided as-is. If I need to pull the 
script due to complaints about excessive traffic or some
other issue, I will do so without warning. However, I will submit a post here 
if it comes to that. And any issues concerning the
legality of use of Google Maps resides solely with the end-user.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

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Message number: 16475

Re: MI-L Layer Control Box Bigger?

2005-06-02 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Gretchen,

The layer control is a fixed dialog that can't be resized.

The only possibility is hacking into the resource dll, but it's not easy and 
there's no guarantee of a good result.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Gretchen Heldmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 6:25 PM
Subject: MI-L Layer Control Box Bigger?

Hello all,

I searched the archive but could not find any information on this-  is there 
any way to make the layer control box larger when I access it?  I have like 
30 layers open and wish to not have to scroll through the list because I can 
only see 9 at a time.  I would like to have the box be larger so I can see 
all 30, is there a way to maximize the box?  (It only gives the red x to 
click out, and doesn't give re-size arrows if I hover over the edges)   I'm 
not very familiar with code, but I have successfully opened things in 
Notepad and edited them before- is it a matter of editing something in the 
.wor file?  I'm using MapInfo Pro 7.8, any thoughts welcomed.  Thanks,


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Message number: 16649

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Message number: 16650

Re: MI-L creating points in spatial ware

2005-06-03 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Robert,

Your query should at least read :

set sw_geometry =  'ST_POINT(' + longitude + ',' + latitute + ')'

and maybe even

set sw_geometry =  'ST_POINT(' + CAST(longitude as varchar(25)) + ',' + 
CAST(latitute as varchar(25)) + ')'

The textual representation given to sw_geometry is parsed and executed (by a 
trigger), but it doesn't allow for variable
substitutions, so you need to extract and format the values. Did you remember 
to spatialize the table with "exec
sp_sw_spatialize_column ..." first ?

If you run the statement via a MapBasic program the command is as follows:

hStmt = Server_Execute (hDBc,
"update dbo.T_FTPSITE_RAWDATA_MKYMTDATA set sw_geometry =  'ST_POINT(' 
+ CAST(longitude as varchar(25)) + ',' +
CAST(latitute as varchar(25)) + ')'"

i.e. just as it's stated above, just enclosed in MapBasic text apostrophes. A 
command in a command if you will.

You can use a stored procedure if you want, but the syntax of the update is the 

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Crossley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MapInfo List" 
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 3:23 AM
Subject: MI-L creating points in spatial ware

Hi all,

I have a csv table of data that includes x and y coordinate coordinates
that I want to insert into a spatialware sql server database.  That part
is easy enough, but I want to then create the points on the server side.

This is the first time that I am trying to do object creation and
manipulation on the server through spatialware - normally all of this is
done through MI Pro.

I have inserted the data into the table on the server that has been
created with easyloader (and then had the data deleted), and I get the
records in OK.  I am using an ado recordset, and on the program side I add
all the data to the recordset and the do an update.  THis doesn't allow me
to create the spatial points as I add them to the recordset.

I thought I would then update the table with a command like this

update dbo.T_FTPSITE_RAWDATA_MKYMTDATA set sw_geometry =

where longitude and latitude are the fields that have the data for x and y
coordinates expressed in the projection of that table.

It seems to run OK, but then when i open the table up in MapInfo, there
are no objects in the table.

I am concerned that the field references won't carry through to the

Is this syntax right, or should I use a stored procedure?


thanks r


Robert Crossley

Agtrix P/L
9 Short St
PO Box 63
New Brighton 2483
Far Southern Queensland

153.549004 E 28.517344 S

P: 02 6680 1309
F: 02 6680 5214
M: 0419 718 642
skype: robertcrossley

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Message number: 16653

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Message number: 16668

Re: MI-L spatailware update query

2005-06-05 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Robert,

First of all, an update is to be performed on one table, not two as in your 
sample queries.

Secondly, you're missing a vital part of the statement, namely the join clause.

In contrast to the somewhat special/limited SQL syntax in MIPro, all statements 
in MS/SQL involving two or more tables need an
explicit join clause. Typically an inner join or a left/right join, depending 
on your requirements. It's also possibly to define an
outer/cross join if nothing alphanumeric binds the tables together, e.g. if 
it's a spatial match.

Think of MIPro as always performing an implicit outer/cross join. Take a look 
at the sample in "Using Cross Joins" in MS/SQL Books

And lastly, I think all statements with spatial condition needs to be run thru 
"sp_spatial_query". But I'm not 100% sure whether
this applies to all kinds of statements (select, insert, update) or just some 
of them. Better to always use it.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Crossley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MapInfo List" 
Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 5:57 AM
Subject: MI-L spatailware update query

Hi all,

Thanks for the answers to the queries on spatialware so far, particularly
lars and anand.  I will post a summary of the strategy used and the tricks
learned once I get a bit more understanding of what I have actually done.

I can join 2 tables with a spatial query as follows:
exec sp_spatial_query '
from T_AMAL_HARV_OPS a, T_GPS_LOCS b where
ST_Contains(a.sw_geometry, b.sw_geometry)'

My latest problem is to try to update a column with the value from field
 from another table, but where the join is by a spatial relationship.

Logically, it should be something like:


but have been trying:

exec sp_spatial_query '


exec sp_sqlexec '


Where 'ST_Contains('+CAST(T_AMAL_HARV_OPS.SW_GEOMETRY AS varchar(25))+',
'+CAST(T_GPS_LOCS.SW_GEOMETRY AS varchar(25))+ ')'

Any leads?



Robert Crossley

Agtrix P/L
9 Short St
PO Box 63
New Brighton 2483
Far Southern Queensland

153.549004 E 28.517344 S

P: 02 6680 1309
F: 02 6680 5214
M: 0419 718 642
skype: robertcrossley

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Message number: 16671

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Message number: 16672

Re: MI-L spatailware update query

2005-06-06 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Robert,

The join clause needs to be set in MS/SQL typically as one of the two samples 
below :

-- with an alphanumeric join clause
Update Table1
Set Field1 = Table2.Field2
 From Table1 inner join Table2 on =

-- without an alphanumeric join clause
Update Table1
Set Field1 = Table2.Field2
 From Table1 cross join Table2

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Crossley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "MapInfo List" 
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 6:38 AM
Subject: Re: MI-L spatailware update query

Thanks Lars,

Yes it seems that I was using a sql format that was probably from MS  
Access, and I did find the correct syntax later in MSDN (I normally use  
google first).

The normal format is as follows:

Update Table1
Set Field1 = Table2.Field2
 From table1,Table2

Or you can have an inner join specified in the From clause.

I couldn't get this to work using a spatial join so have created a stored  
procedure that uses a spatial query to get the result and a key to the  
table to be updated, inserts this data into a temproary table, and then  
updates the original table from a normal update query.  This works quite  

The script is as follows (I may get around to parameterising it at some  
point in the future if I need to use it more.)


exec sp_spatial_query '
  from T_AMAL_HARV_OPS a, T_GPS_LOCS b where ST_Contains(a.sw_geometry,  

#Data AS D

drop table #Data

On Sun, 5 Jun 2005 13:02:50 +0200, Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)  

> Hi Robert,
> First of all, an update is to be performed on one table, not two as in  
> your sample queries.
> Secondly, you're missing a vital part of the statement, namely the join  
> clause.
> In contrast to the somewhat special/limited SQL syntax in MIPro, all  
> statements in MS/SQL involving two or more tables need an
> explicit join clause. Typically an inner join or a left/right join,  
> depending on your requirements. It's also possibly to define an
> outer/cross join if nothing alphanumeric binds the tables together, e.g.  
> if it's a spatial match.
> Think of MIPro as always performing an implicit outer/cross join. Take a  
> look at the sample in "Using Cross Joins" in MS/SQL Books
> Online.
> And lastly, I think all statements with spatial condition needs to be  
> run thru "sp_spatial_query". But I'm not 100% sure whether
> this applies to all kinds of statements (select, insert, update) or just  
> some of them. Better to always use it.
> Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
> Lars V. Nielsen
> GisPro, Denmark
> - Original Message -
> From: "Robert Crossley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "MapInfo List" 
> Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 5:57 AM
> Subject: MI-L spatailware update query
> Hi all,
> Thanks for the answers to the queries on spatialware so far, particularly
> lars and anand.  I will post a summary of the strategy used and the  
> tricks
> learned once I get a bit more understanding of what I have actually done.
> I can join 2 tables with a spatial query as follows:
> exec sp_spatial_query '
> from T_AMAL_HARV_OPS a, T_GPS_LOCS b where
> ST_Contains(a.sw_geometry, b.sw_geometry)'
> My latest problem is to try to update a column with the value from field
>  from another table, but where the join is by a spatial relationship.
> Logically, it should be something like:
> Where dbo.ST_Contains(T_GPS_LOCS.SW_GEOMETRY,  
> but have been trying:
> exec sp_spatial_query '
> Where dbo.ST_Contains(T_AMAL_HARV_OPS.SW_GEOMETRY,  
> OR
> exec sp_sqlexec '
> Where dbo.ST_Contains(T_AMAL_HARV_OPS.SW_GEOMETRY,  
> OR
> Wh

Re: MI-L VB problems with MapInfo Runtime

2005-06-06 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Milo,

Is it as simple as the file name ? 

Full MIPro = mapinfow.exe, runtime versions = mapinfor.exe

Maybe something needs to be updated in the registry.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: Milo van der Linden 
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 11:47 AM
Subject: MI-L VB problems with MapInfo Runtime

Hello readers,

I have an integrated Mapping VB project which runs perfectly with MapInfo 
Professional. VB is the main program here, it embeds MapInfo via OLE.

Now I have removed MapInfo Professional 7.8 from my development machine and 
installed MapInfo Runtime 7.8

My program now throws the error 429, ActiveX can't create object. Somehow it 
seems my VB app. is not Able to trigger the MapInfo Runtime to start.

Any suggestions?

Kind regards,

Milo van der Linden
GIS Consultant  AVD-ICT
Hoogbloklandseweg 24
4205 NE Gorinchem
  mobile:  +31(0)183508150

Want a signature like this? 

Re: MI-L VB problems with MapInfo Runtime

2005-06-06 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Good point. "MapInfo.Runtime" instead of "MapInfo.Application" perhaps ??

I don't have a runtime version installed, so unfortunately I can't test it 

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Peter Horsbøll Møller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Milo van der Linden" 
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 12:02 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L VB problems with MapInfo Runtime

You are close, Lars. I think it is the name of the MapInfo OLE object that is 

But unfortunaltely I don't remember what it should be

Peter Horsbøll Møller
GIS Developer
Geographical Information & IT

Odensevej 95
DK-5260 Odense S.

Tel +45 6311 4900
Direct +45 6311 4908
Mob +45 5156 1045
Fax +45 6311 4949

-Original Message-
From: Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 11:56 AM
To: Milo van der Linden
Subject: Re: MI-L VB problems with MapInfo Runtime

Hi Milo,

Is it as simple as the file name ?

Full MIPro = mapinfow.exe, runtime versions = mapinfor.exe

Maybe something needs to be updated in the registry.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: Milo van der Linden
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 11:47 AM
Subject: MI-L VB problems with MapInfo Runtime

Hello readers,

I have an integrated Mapping VB project which runs perfectly with MapInfo 
Professional. VB is the main program here, it embeds
MapInfo via OLE.

Now I have removed MapInfo Professional 7.8 from my development machine and 
installed MapInfo Runtime 7.8

My program now throws the error 429, ActiveX can't create object. Somehow it 
seems my VB app. is not Able to trigger the MapInfo
Runtime to start.

Any suggestions?

Kind regards,

Milo van der Linden
GIS Consultant  AVD-ICT
Hoogbloklandseweg 24
4205 NE Gorinchem
  mobile:  +31(0)183508150

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Message number: 16679

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Message number: 16680

Re: MI-L Quick Start Dialog in MI 7.8 never displays an option for Open Last Used Workspace b=dH5hgawjvi2Dc6vOlaJlrpcyhWleP0rWDXh5DnW6T4zfscuzRinWsjJ+JslwH/nhdNuPVpMKHBd/sYqHohBylD/9pWf6KjKmIDTWqtVx5

2005-06-06 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Don,

There's never been something called a named workspace, although many think so. 
Workspaces are essentially just macros to create a
given work situation, they're not "projects" as such, you can't "close" a 

What Pro can do is save the work state just before it closes down, and give you 
the option of reopening this automatically saved
state when restarting Pro. But you need to enable it to save the state to 
enable it to offer you to open it. My guess is that you've
unchecked the "save workspace" option, and thereby disabled the option to 
reopen it.

This automtically saved workspace is saved the same place every time, and will 
never overwrite any of your own created workspaces.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Don Mitchell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MapInfo Directionsmag" 
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 6:16 PM
Subject: MI-L Quick Start Dialog in MI 7.8 never displays an option for Open 
Last Used Workspace
DFBFhYlk3vlCCHEHD+NehiQun+H364SWNrq6dK9Z4= ;

Hi Listers,

Has anyone had this problem?  When I start MapInfo Pro 7.8, the Quick Start 
Dialog appears, but there is never an option to open the
last Workspace I used.  It is dimmed out and not available to choose.  It seems 
MapInfo isn't storing the name of the last used
workspace.  This problem seems to have appeared with version 7.8.  We have 
version 7.0 on another computer and it works fine.

Any ideas how to fix this, or is this just a flaw in version 7.8

Thanks in advnace.

Yours truly,

Don Mitchell, FT, GIS PG
385 Highview Drive
St. Thomas, ON
N5R 5Z5

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Message number: 16687

Re: MI-L More spatialware stuff

2005-06-07 Thread Lars V. Nielsen \(GisPro\)
Hi Robert,

You're not easily discouraged by the steepnes I see ;-)

MS/SQL doesn't understand the spatial functions (ST_POINT, ST_POLYLINE
etc.), they always need to be interpreted by SpatialWare, i.e. by
sp_spatial_query by passing the complete command to it as a command string.

The functions are not MS/SQL objects, hence it makes no sense to address
them with owner prefix (e.g. dbo).

The spatial fields typically named "sw_geometry" contain a binary blob,
which SpatialWare (i.e. the collection of stored procedures) can create and
interprete as required. It's not a text field containing a command to create
gemeortry, e.g. 'ST_POINT(123,456)', although such a value can be used to
populate a command string to send to sp_spatial_query.

The stored procedure sp_spatial_query receives a command string which it
decodes, changes to something MS/SQL can understand and execute, and passed
this changed command string to MS/SQL. The problem with older versions of
SpatialWAre was that this pre-decoding was more limited wrt. what MS/SQL
could handle, limiting the usefulness of the spatial extension. It's
supposedly much better in later versions.

I admit it's not very clear how the work is divided between MS/SQL and
SpatialWare, but generally sp_spatial_query needs a complete command string.

Have you tried this alternative for the first query you give ?

exec sp_spatial_query 'Insert Into [dbo].[T_GPS_LOCS] (I_GPSLOCS_ID,
SW_GEOMETRY) Select I_GPSLOCS_ID, ST_Point(' + CAST(F_LONG as varchar(25))
+',' + CAST(F_LAT as varchar(25)) + ') From TMP_GPS_LOCS'

Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Crossley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MapInfo List" ;
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 8:46 AM
Subject: MI-L More spatialware stuff

Hi all,

I am working with spatialware and on a steep learning curve.  I am trying
to create polylines into a table based on data from another.  One error is
that ST_Polyline is an invalid object, and it isn't in the functions list
as is ST_Point.  Where is it or can't I use this function in the same way
that I use ST_POINT.  Another is that my approach may be totally invalid
for very obvious reasons that I am unaware of.

I first create a list of vertices in VB, and format these into a
C_VERTEX_LIST field.  I was rather hoping that I could then use a simple
insert query like the one that I am using for a point insert query (that


But this is different to inserting a polyline, as the field that I am
passing contains functions themselves (ST_PATH, ST_POINT)

What I would like to do:

Insert Into T_GPS_TRACKS (I_GPS_TRACKS_ID, sw_geometry)
Select I_GPS_Tracks_ID, dbo.ST_Polyline(C_VERTEX_LIST) from tmp_gps_tracks

gives an invalid object name dbo.ST_Polyline

A record in the field C_VERTEX_LIST currently looks like:

ST_PATH(LIST{ ST_Point( 149.0716,-21.30197), ST_Point( 149.0715,-21.3025)})

If I run:
Insert Into T_GPS_TRACKS (I_GPS_TRACKS_ID, sw_geometry)
exec sp_spatial_query 'Select I_GPS_Tracks_ID,
dbo.ST_Polyline(C_VERTEX_LIST) from tmp_gps_tracks'

gives no errors, but doesn't put any data into T_GPS_TRACKS either.
Howerver, just running the select part of it (exec sp_spatial_query
'Select I_GPS_Tracks_ID, dbo.ST_Polyline(C_VERTEX_LIST) from
tmp_gps_tracks) gives the following error:
SW-70901: Syntax error detected at line 77: syntax error at '('.



Robert Crossley

Agtrix P/L
9 Short St
PO Box 63
New Brighton 2483
Far Southern Queensland

153.549004 E 28.517344 S

P: 02 6680 1309
F: 02 6680 5214
M: 0419 718 642
skype: robertcrossley

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Message number: 16698

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Message number: 16703

Re: MI-L need help for handlers

2005-06-09 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Christophe,

Two problems with your code:

1. SelChangedHandler is called whenever a selection CHANGES, i.e. also when a 
selection is cleared (and thus not present). And a
selection can consist of several records, not just one, so you need to build a 
loop around your call to CommandInfo()

2. The "table" of a mapper window is always the cosmetic layer, named 
"Cosmetic#". The cosmetic layer is also defined for layout
windows, but not for browsers and graphs, so you need to make sure it's called 
as a result of a change in a valid window.

Furthermore, WinChangedHandler is called if the content of the window is 
changed. It's not an intelligent event, it doesn't tell you
why the content changed. That you'll need to figure out for yourself.

But if the changes are prompted by yourself (update ...), why do you need a 
change event ?

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Christophe Brabant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 12:04 PM
Subject: MI-L need help for handlers


Here is the code I use :


As Integer

Sub SelChangedHandler

sel_rowid = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_ROWID)

End Sub

Sub WinChangedHandler

As Integer

' window id of the changed window
win_id = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_WIN)

Print WindowInfo(win_id, WIN_INFO_TABLE)

End Sub

When I move an object in any layer, Cosmetic1 is always printed, even if the
object has been mapped with a table
( for example c:\temp\ with an Update statement (Update mytable
Set Obj=object .)

What I need is printing the table name (.TAB) mapped with the moved object,
and know at which line the object is stored
into .TAB file.

Thank you - Christophe

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Message number: 16751

Re: MI-L Point accuracy in spatialware

2005-06-09 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Robert,

I've always had the understanding, that coordinates are stored in SpatialWare 
using double precision numbers, and as such don't have
bounds related limitations.

But MapInfo Pro has, and if you're viewing the SpatialWare tables thru it, the 
bounds gotten from the mapcatalog will definitely
have an impact on the accuracy.

I think you're right about the spatial objects in SpatialWare not carrying 
projection information, just as they don't carry styles
information. The projection information including the bounds are esclusively 
gotten from its mapcatalog entry.

It does sound strange that objects built from the same coordinate sets end up 
being different, but if it's related to different
bounds degradation when viewed in Pro it's understandable. Your account of the 
refresh makes it sound as if this is indeed the case.
Did you get your bounds tool / update to work ?

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Crossley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MapInfo List" 
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 4:40 PM
Subject: MI-L Point accuracy in spatialware

Hi all,

Have been noticing strange or perhaps not so strange behaviour in data
retrived from spatialware.

I have a system that generates points in spatialware from GPS data files
(csv) using ST_POINT(field1, field2)

Does some interpretation of sensors to determine what they are doing

Generates tracks using ST_SPATIAL(ST_POINT(x,y)) or
ST_SPATIAL(ST_POLYLINE(ST_POINT(x,y) ST_POINT(x,y)) depending on whether
the vehicle has moved.

The points in the track file are generated from the same coordinates as
the points in the point file, except they are written into a string first
before generating the geometry, whereas the points are created directly
 from the values in the x and y fields using ST_POINT(xfield, yfield).

However when I open the map of the two tables, the points generated in the
GPS data do not match the vertices of the points or the points in the
tracks layer.

They are both in the same projection, but I had an interesting effect when
my extents in MapInfo_MapCatalog did not include my tracks (approximated
lines), where the lines were jagged initially but after changing the
extents and refreshing the table, they came much closer to the points.
Makes me wonder if it is not a bounds clause or something along the lines
of jacques's white paper on coordinate accuracy.

I am using WGS 84 lat/long.  No bounds is specified on the projection.
The error is about 50 cm.

Is there a difference in the way that the functions calculate the spatial

The way the manual reads is that the spatial objects do not care what
projection they are, but that is handled at the interpretation level.  You
have to reproject the objects themselves if you want to compare to objects
in a differnt projection.

Anyway I need to confirm that the contents of the string being passed to
the ST_SPATIAL command is the same numbers as used in the ST_POINT, but
that will wait until the morning (its after midnight here).

In the meantime, any pointers to techniques to ensure accuracy of


Robert Crossley

Agtrix P/L
9 Short St
PO Box 63
New Brighton 2483
Far Southern Queensland

153.549004 E 28.517344 S

P: 02 6680 1309
F: 02 6680 5214
M: 0419 718 642
skype: robertcrossley

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Message number: 16759

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Message number: 16764

Re: MI-L What's wrong with this code?

2005-06-09 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Terry,

You may be hazzling with ambiguous names. MapBasic is notorious for first 
allowing name mixups, and then almost consistently picking
the wrong entity.

Do you by any chance also have an opened table, a column in another opened 
table, or a variable named "eastings" ?

Have you tried to split your update into three statements, one for each field, 
to see if it makes a difference ? Perhaps prompting a
change by swapping the order of updates ?

The entity "stop.eastings" referenced in your note$ puzzles me. Have you 
fetched the relevant row (fetch rec gnRowID from STOP)
before issuing the note$ ?

Your table names STOP may also conflict with the MapBasic statement "stop", 
although it really ought to yield a totally different
error message.


Normally in a SelChangedHandler it ought to be simplest to use (update) the 
current selection. I presume that you're trying to
update the coordinate values caused by a visually moved point object ? How 
about instead using:

Update Selection Set  Northings = CentroidY(OBJ),   Eastings = 
CentroidX(OBJ),   Last_Udate = CurDate()

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Terry McDonnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 7:03 PM
Subject: MI-L What's wrong with this code?

Can anyone see the problem with this code in my SelChangedHandler?:
note "Eastings = " + str$(stop.eastings)
 Update STOP
  Set Northings = CentroidY( OBJ),
   Eastings = CentroidX( OBJ),
   Last_Udate = CurDate()
  where RowID = gnRowID ' Change the N/E values to the new coords in the
OBJ, after the move

I put the note in as a debug aid to a) satisfy myself that I was getting
into the handler, and b) to confirm that Stop.Eastings exists.

But at run-time I get an error on the Set.. command, to the effect that
Eastings doesn't exist.
But the note works.

I quadruple-checked that the field IS actually called this, and that
it's spelt right, and that the syntax of the command is as in Help.  It
doesn't object to Northings.

Me flummoxed!

'ppreciate it


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Message number: 16765

Re: MI-L setting a variable value in integrated mapping.

2005-06-22 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Robert,

You can call one sub and one function inside your MapBasic app directly from VB 
using OLE. Both take a text string as argument. In
OLE these are the Do method and the Eval function in the MBApplication object, 
which in your MB app corresponds to the
RemoteMsgHandler sub and RemoteQueryHandler function.

You can also from VB read and write all variables declared in the MB app as 
Global's. These are accessed thru the MBGlobals
collection in OLE.


In your code, you call  the DO method on the Application object, which is the 
same as running the provided command in the MB window.

And even if you'd used the MBApplication object, your example tries to call the 
missing RemoteMsgHandler sub with a text string
"Call action(1)" as argument.


If it's a single value you're transferring, I would just transfer it as a text 
from VB, i.e.

set oMBObject = oMIObject.MBApplications(sMapBasicProgram)
oMBObject.Do Str(iGPSFileID)

and have the mb app's RemoteMsgHandler issue this call

Call Action(Val(CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_MSG)))

If you're transferring mutiple values, define them as Global in mb, poke the 
values from VB using the MBGlobals collection, and call
the RemoteMsgHandler with an empty argument, letting it pick up the values from 
the Global variables.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Crossley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MapInfo List" 
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 4:02 PM
Subject: MI-L setting a variable value in integrated mapping.

Hi all,

I know that this has been covered before - almost, and I have been reading
(and even answering this very question), but I can't seem to find an easy
answer for the question:

I want to run a sub routine in a mapbasic app that runs using values for
variables that I pass to it from vb.

An example fo the Mapbasic program:

Include "MapBasic.def"
Declare Sub Main
Declare Sub Action(ByVal iGPSFileID as Integer)
Sub Main

End Sub

Sub Action(ByVal iGPSFileID as Integer)
Note iGPSFileID
End Sub

And the vb code:

Set oMIObject = CreateObject("MapInfo.Application")
oMIObject.Do "Set Application WIndow " & iMainFormHwnd ' MainForm.hWnd
If Err > 0 Then
 Call AddTrace(lvlError, "Could not start MapInfo for:")
 On Error Resume Next
 oMIObject.Do "Set Window Message Show Position (0,0) Width 10 Units
""cm"" Parent  " & iMainFormHwnd
 oMIObject.Do "Run Application " & gDquote(sMapBasicAppDir &
 oMIObject.Do "Call action(1)"

There has been some discussion on this before, but I did not see an
elegant solution, except perhaps an external DDE which I haven't been able
to find again.  Google seems to have failed me on this one.

I have written to an ini file before and this works OK, but I thought i
should try something smarter if I could.

Can I use DDE poke to put it in?

Am going to bed now so won't reply for a while.


Robert Crossley

Agtrix P/L
9 Short St
PO Box 63
New Brighton 2483
Far Southern Queensland

153.549004 E 28.517344 S

P: 02 6680 1309
F: 02 6680 5214
M: 0419 718 642
skype: robertcrossley

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Message number: 16860

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Message number: 16878

Re: MI-L Update not updating!

2005-06-25 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Dave,

The value of "CurrentRow" is set when traversing a table using one of the Fetch 
commands. The subcaluse "Where ROWID = xxx" is only
used to update a single record. E.g., this snippet will update "OnMission" only 
in those records where a given condition is true.

Fetch First From Vessels
Do Until EOT(Vessels)
If some_condition_is_true Then
CurrentRow = Vessels.ROWID
Update Vessels Set OnMission = True Where RowID = CurrentRow
End If
Fetch Next From Vessels

The proper full SQL syntax for a conditioned update (update Vessels set 
OnMission = true where some_condition_is_true) is
unfortunately not supported by MIPro. But there is a work-around. If you need 
to update a whole series of records, this is the
easiest way to do it :

select * from Vessels where some_condition_is_true
update Selection set OnMission = True

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "David Baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 9:12 AM
Subject: MI-L Update not updating!

I'm having some trouble trying to use the following command:

  Update Vessels Set OnMission = True Where RowID = CurrentRow

I find that OnMission is never set to True. If I use this command instead:

  Update Vessels Set OnMission = True

then I find that all the recrods get their OnMission field set to True. So, the
problem appears to lie with the "Where RowID = CurrentRow" part of the
command. So, I did some printing of variables as below:

  Select * from Vessels Where ID = Chosen
  CurrentRow = Vessels.RowID
  Print ">" & CurrentRow & "<"
  Print ">" & Vessels.RowID & "<"
  Select * from Vessels where RowID = CurrentRow
  Print "SelectionInfo: >" & SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_TABLENAME) & "<"
  Print "SelectionInfo: >" & SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_SELNAME) & "<"
  Print "SelectionInfo: >" & SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS) & "<"
  Print CurrentRow - Vessels.RowID

I get the following:

  SelectionInfo: ><
  SelectionInfo: ><
  SelectionInfo: >0<

The first 2 print statement show that my first "Select *" worked - there is a 
(113) where Vessels.ID = the variable Chosen.

My 2nd "Select *" command doesn't work though - I'm trying to select row 113 & I
end up with an empty selection.

Anyone know why?  I'm stumped on this, as the code is pretty trivial, and I have
exact same coding in other places in my application & it works fine - just this 
particular instance has me stumped!



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Message number: 16939

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Message number: 16941

Re: MI-L Compressing numerically sequential rows

2005-06-25 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Kent,

Seems to be that you should attempt to generate a dataset with non-overlapping 
intervals, i.e. duplicate "St. Paul" into (at least)
two intervals, 55101-55112 and 55114-55195 (as 5 digit zips).

The way to proceed is to build some helper tables, but as MIPro's SQL syntax is 
somewhat limited, it may prove to be more work than
is reasonable. An mbx would most likely be a better choice. I've made an 
attempt at basic MIPro scripting nevertheless. The idea is
to split intervals whenever another interval lies within an outer interval. It 
even works if several levels of intervals are
embedded within each other, but most likely will turn out garbage if interval 
partially overlaps.

It didn't work at first because of the way MIPro handles selections. The only 
way to circumvent this was to save the selections
STARTS and ENDS as temporary base tables.

The input consists of a single table ORIG with three columns: NAME (text) and 
ZIP1 and ZIP2 (integers). The NAME contains the zip
area name, while the ZIP1-ZIP2 defines the interval. You should convert your 
zips values to either 5 or 9 digit zip integers.

The column DUMMY is added to enable faking outer/cross joins, which normally 
isn't supported in MIPro.

The part between LOOP BEGINS and LOOP ENDS are run as many times as is 
necessary (probably only a few times), stopping when the
selection SPLIT turns up empty. The statements before the loop are to be run 
once before running loops, the statements after are run
once after running loops.

Just copy'n'paste into the MapBasic window to run the relevant statements, 
replacing names as needed. Hope it works on (a copy of)
your data.


Alter Table ORIG (Add DUMMY Integer) 'leave the value to be zero at all times


Commit Table ORIG as ""
Open Table "" As ORIG2


' -- STOP if no rows in SPLIT !!!



' -- work-around: save and re-open selections as permanent base tables to 
prevent clearing
Commit Table STARTS as ""
Commit Table ENDS as ""
Close Table STARTS
Close Table ENDS
Open Table "" as STARTS
Open Table "" as ENDS



Insert Into ORIG ( NAME, ZIP1, ZIP2) Select NAME, ZIP1, ZIP2 From STARTS
Insert Into ORIG ( NAME, ZIP1, ZIP2) Select NAME, ZIP1, ZIP2 From ENDS

Close Table SPLIT
Close Table STARTS
Close Table ENDS
Close Table ORIG2

Commit Table ORIG

' -- LOOP ENDS --

Alter Table ORIG (Remove DUMMY)


Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2005 9:24 PM
Subject: MI-L Compressing numerically sequential rows

I am attempting to compress 1.2 million ZIP plus 4 rows into fewer rows
based on the city with which they are associated.  I have an mbx that will
provide the range for each city, i.e. St. Paul, 55101-0001 to 55195-9998,
however the range is inclusive of ZIP+4's that are not in St. Paul,
55113-0001.  I think I have an idea of how this can work, however, the
spirit is willing but the coding is weak.  I sorted the file by ZIP+4 and
then updated recnum with rowid, which means when St. Paul ZIP4's are
selected, those not contiguous breaks in the data will show up as
non-sequential recnums.  That is as far as I've gotten.
I am not looking for a completely written mbx, maybe a few pointers or
even snippets of code I can run in the MapBasic window.
Thank you.

Kent Treichel
Tax Research
Minnesota Department of Revenue
MS 2230
600 North Robert St
St. Paul, MN 55146-2230

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Message number: 16944

Re: MI-L Why does clearing a caretographic legend window screw up my app?

2005-07-01 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hello Terry,

I suppose the lack of much response to your query a week ago - apart from 
people getting into "holiday mode" - is due to the lack of
tangible stuff.

If you were to build a small test scenario (wor + mbx) that illustrated what 
happened, and published it all incl. source code and
instructions, that would give people like myself a chance to experiment a 

As it is now, I can't tell where to start and what to do.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Terry McDonnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 7:18 PM
Subject: MI-L Why does clearing a caretographic legend window screw up my app?

Dear List

I create what I understand to be a thematic display: two layers
representing the catchment area and drop-off area, in terms of zones, of
local taxi-bus services, a different colour for each.  I create a
caretographic legend window with the key to the display.

As soon as I manually, or via code, close the legend window, all my menu
items, and toolbars just disappear, and I'm left with the MI defaults.
This can't be right!?

How can I avoid this?  Surely there must be a step to take I'm missing?
Surely someone out there has encountered and overcome this?  I say this
because I sent up this request a few months ago and didn't hear a

'ppreciate it

Terry McDonnell

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Message number: 16999

Re: MI-L Batch output to PDF

2005-07-03 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Warren,

Another solution is utilizing PDFlib (

It comes in many flavours, although not in a version MapBasic can use right 
away, but is avaliable both as COM and .Net.

However, source code is available, so it ought to be possible to compile a 
"MapBasic friendly" DLL version.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Warren Vick, Europa Technologies Ltd." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 7:05 PM
Subject: MI-L Batch output to PDF

Hello all,

I have a project which needs to output PDF's in batch - not just in
MapInfo/MapBasic but other applications too. Therefore I'm looking for a
generic Windows-based batch PDF solution and I seem to remember that this
one has come up before on the list.

I currently have Acrobat Standard v6 but this doesn't seem to have any batch
tools (correct me if I'm wrong!). I can handle the application control to
print multiple documents, I'm just looking for a printer emulating writer
that will neatly/accurately make a PDF for each one. One key issues is how
the output PDF's are named. Sequentially with a file name template (e.g.
"mypdf001.pdf", "mypdf002.pdf", etc.) would be reasonable but I would then
need to do a batch rename. It would be ideal if the writer could find a clue
in the output for the filename (e.g. using a hidden item of coded text).

There seem to be a million-and-one PDF writers out there now. Any

Warren Vick
Europa Technologies Ltd.

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Message number: 17009

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Message number: 17011

Re: MI-L Create Styles from variables

2005-07-06 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Jorge,

You need to use the "current style" setting to achieve it. "Run Command" runs 
in a different "sandbox" from the apps, but the
"current" state is common to them both.

Something along these lines :
Run Command "Set Style Pen "+sPenDefinition
penVar = CurrentPen()

And it's always a good idea to save and restore the original state after you're 

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Jorge Gil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 7:12 PM
Subject: MI-L Create Styles from variables

Hi listers,

I'm writing a tool that generates some thematic maps and I'm having
trouble with the restrictions of the Style statement to take variables.
Does anyone know if it's possible to use the 'Create Styles' command
specifying From and To Styles as a variable?
This is the code that I expected to work:

Dim min_style, max_style, line_styles () As Pen

'min_style and max_style can in the actual tool be changed by the user
min_style = MakePen(2,2,255)
max_style = MakePen(2,2,12345)

Create Styles
From min_style
To max_style
Vary Color By "HSV"
Number 16
Into Variable line_styles

I tried all sorts of workarounds to define the Pen statement but nothing
works. A 'Run Command' command can't be used because the result is in
turn passed into a variable.
Any ideas?

Many thanks,


Jorge Gil
Simulation Developer


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Message number: 17035

Re: MI-L Writing MapBasic Programs without MapBasic

2005-07-14 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Kevin,

You can always use another text editor to write your MapBasic code. A lot of 
MB'ers do, is my impression.

But MapBasic applications need to be compiled using the MapBasic compiler. 
MapInfo only runs the compiled mbx's, not the source code

With one exception, namely the workspaces. A workspace is in fact a macro, and 
some basic automation can be achieved using plain
text MapBasic source code. No looping and conditional statements are possible 
though, but variable usage is possible. Just save/make
one and check out the wor file in a text editor.

There are as yet no alternative compilers available, since the mbx format is 
propriatary and unpublished. As far as I know anyway.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 11:45 PM
Subject: MI-L Writing MapBasic Programs without MapBasic


Is it possible to write a MapBasic program in a text editor and expect
MapInfo to be able to run it? If not is there any tools out there that would
allow that to happen without MapBasic.

Thank You

Kevin Rich
Time Warner Cable

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Message number: 17158

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Message number: 17160

Re: MI-L T mark placement tool

2005-08-03 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi John,

Wouldn't a custom line styles be a better choice ?

The free Line Style Editor can be used to build such if no-one has one ready 
for use.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: CDR Group 
To: MapInfo List Server 
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 6:24 PM
Subject: MI-L T mark placement tool

Hi all

I am in search of a wee utility that will place a "T" mark perpendicular
to a property boundary - denoting ownership/responsibility of that boundary
i.e. usually a fence or wall.

Hoping someone has already mastered this one


John Ievers
CDR Group
Tel: 01433 621 282
Fax: 01433 621 292

Re: MI-L Old MapInfo version running new MapBasic scripts

2005-08-11 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)

It may be worthwhile, if you encounter this again, to do a proper 6.5 compile 
and compare the resulting mbx with the
"down-versioned" mbx. Just to put the issue to rest. I really don't think 
MapBasic is clever enough to make that kind of intricate
problems :-)

Has anyone ever contemplated a version aware MapBasic code parser ?

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Thoen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MapInfo-L" 
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 3:00 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L Old MapInfo version running new MapBasic scripts

On Thu, 11 Aug 2005, Peter Horsbøll Møller wrote:

> You can also just open the .mbx file in a text editor that can show
> binary values, eg. UltraEdit.
> At the top of the file you'll see the version that was used to compile
> or link the MapBasic application. This version number is not necessary
> the same as the version of MapInfo that is required to run the
> application.

I have been finding that since MI ver 7.5, this isn't always reliable. I
have had a couple of instances where I had mbx's that were not using
advanced features, but when I wound a 7.5 or 7.8 mbx back to 6.5, it
crashed every time I tried to run it.

But this trick still works sometimes. Not sure why it's now so variable,
and for sure it used to work all the time.

- Bill Thoen

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Message number: 17458

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Message number: 17461

Re: MI-L AutoLoad MBXs

2005-08-13 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
It may also be a question of concurrency either among the autoloaded 
application or with regard to opened tables/windows.

Does your app check for any requirements when loaded ? I.e. looking for a 
defined menu or some window or some other GUI condition to
be true ?

I frequently fall into this trap when converting "normal" apps to autoloaded 
apps, because the autoloaded mbx's are loaded before
any workspaces are run from the command line (e.g. by double-clicking on a 
workspace file), and if my app require an active mapper
when loaded, it'll quit every time and thus not autoload.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Nabors, Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mike Mayer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 11:22 PM
Subject: RE: MI-L AutoLoad MBXs

I've not seen a problem with the Autoload function but an alternative(to
see if it the Autoload function or something else) would be to put all
the MBX's in his startup.wor. file which will also load MBX's on
startup.  This file can usually be found in

c:\documents and settings\username\application

Just add the full path lines with a "Run Program" in front of them

Run Application "O:\MIData\Tools\MapBasic\MBX\MA_1.1\Legal.MBX"
Run Application "O:\MIData\Tools\MapBasic\MBX\MA_1.1\MI_Startup.MBX"

Also, once you've done this, remove the Autoload checkboxes in
Toolmanager so they don't try to load twice.

If the mbx files start loading all the time then there is some quirck or
bug in the Toolmanager.  If things don't get any better, then there is
something else at play(security,drives not always mapping, or something

Good luck


From: Mike Mayer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 12:12 PM
To: Mapinfo Listserver
Subject: MI-L AutoLoad MBXs



I have a small problem with the autoload function on a co-workers
computer.  We have some MapBasic programs we like to use and that I have
written.  Once loaded onto my computer and other co-workers computers
these work fine.  However, on one computer the programs will not load
every time MapInfo starts up.  The tools have been added to the Tool
Manager, and the "loaded" and "autoload" options are selected.  The mbx
files are stored on the server for access by everyone.  Has anyone had
any problem similar to this??  Any suggestions?? Thanks in advance.

Mike Mayer

GIS Technician

Strongbow Exploration Inc.

Suite 800 - 625 Howe St.

Vancouver, BC V6C 2T6

(604) 668-8355 <>


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Message number: 17477

Re: MI-L VB trap MI error (OLE, Integrated mapping)

2005-08-15 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Milo,

One way to make Pro a little more intelligent about trapping errors is the 
deligate the execution to an mbx and trap the error in
that. Each mbx (MBApplications collection in VB) has DO and EVAL, same as Pro 
itself. The equivalent routines in the mb app is
RemoteMsgHandler and RemoteQueryHandler.

Then you can return any error in either an mb global variable (MBGlobals 
collection in VB) or directly from the RemoteQueryHandler
if you swap the DO to be an EVAL.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Milo van der Linden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 10:39 AM
Subject: MI-L VB trap MI error (OLE, Integrated mapping)

Dear Listmembers,

I have a Visual basic application that uses the statement
to open tables in MapInfo. During the opening of a certain table I
get several index errors "cannot find index for column Pietje". I
want to get these errors into visual basic because now they are
causing my application to halt and the mapinfo dialogs are drawn in
the back so I can't press the ok button upon them...

Is there a way to let MapInfo parse these errors to my visual basic
application instead of showing it's own error dialogs? Is there a
construction similar to "set progressbars off" for MapInfo's common
dialogs? In the MapBasic helpfile this isn't described clear enough
to use.

Kind regards,

Milo van der Linden

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Message number: 17484

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Message number: 17486

Fw: MI-L Spatialware and SQL server 2000 SP4

2005-08-15 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
I've been digging further into our "SpatialWare vs. MS/SQL SP4" problem, and 
the breakthru came after I issued the following

exec sp_spatial_query 'select HG_AsText(sw_geometry) from myTable'

It reported something along these lines: GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(719085 6))

The second parameter's supposed to be a UTM Northing value, between 600 and 
650 in Denmark, but it's a factor 1**6 too low.

I then issued this command that mimics the expression I've been using to 

select 'ST_POINT(' + CAST(Easting as varchar) + ' , ' + CAST(Northing as 
varchar) + ')' from myTable

and right enough, it returns something like this: ST_POINT(719085 , 

The value 6 (siz) returned by HG_AsText matches the second value perfectly - 
provided one ignores the "e+006" bit.

I'm wondering whether SpatialWare under MS/SQL SP4 fails to read this part, 
rendering the spatializing useless ?

MS/SQL unfortunately seems hard-wired to treat any number beyond 1,000,000 as a 
scientific number that needs to be exponentialized,
and apparently so even before SP4. However, why things break now after 
installing SP4 is still a mystery to me.

Maybe one of the MapInfo techies will comment on this ? I've cc'ed this mail to 
support in case they've failed to reopen the list
after the holidays ;-X

As we're not really interested in submetres, I substituted my creator 
expression with the one below, and now it seems to work, but a
proper solution would be very nice, especially since not all are able to or 
willing/interested in discarding submeter decimals.

'ST_POINT(' + CAST(CAST(Easting as int) as varchar) + ' , ' + 
CAST(CAST(Northing as int) as varchar) + ')'

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Lars V. Nielsen (Hvenegaard)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ole Gregor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "MapInfo-L" 
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: MI-L Spatialware and SQL server 2000 SP4

Hi Ole,

We've just installed SP4, and there is a serious problem we're trying to
address. We're finding that the below statement that has worked up until SP4
now renders point at 0,0:

UPDATE myTable SET sw_geometry = ' ST_Point('+CAST(Easting as
varchar(25))+','+CAST(Northing as varchar(25))+')'

I've verified that the insert + update trigger is defined on myTable, and
has verified that the sw_geometry values are not null. They're supposedly
valid point object, that render fine but with an invalid placement.

I've extracted the trigger content. It must be somewhere in the shown loop
that the error occur, but I can't determine whether it's the
master..xp_table_trigger (SpW extended sp) or in the UPDATE that errs:

FETCH NEXT FROM spatialtable_iu_cur INTO @spatialtable_iu_key
EXEC master..xp_table_trigger '[MYDB].[dbo].[myTable]', '[sw_member]',
'[sw_geometry]', '[MYDB].[dbo].[myTable#25t19]', @spatialtable_iu_key

UPDATE [MYDB].[dbo].[myTable] SET [sw_geometry] = a.spatialvalue FROM
[MYDB].[dbo].[myTable#25t19] AS a
WHERE [MYDB].[dbo].[myTable].[sw_member] = @spatialtable_iu_key
  AND a.keyvalue = @spatialtable_iu_key

DELETE FROM [MYDB].[dbo].[myTable#25t19] WHERE keyvalue =

FETCH NEXT FROM spatialtable_iu_cur INTO @spatialtable_iu_key

I was prompted to backup the master and msdb databases after the SP4
install, so it may be the changes in the master database that's causing the

We're running SpW 4.5, but as I remember you're running 4.8, so it doesn't
look like a version dependent problem in SpW.

I would recommend to not install SP4 before this problem has been solved.

Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen

Hvenegaard A/S
Rugaardsvej 55, DK-5000 Odense C
- Original Message - 
From: "Ole Gregor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 10:14 AM
Subject: MI-L Spatialware and SQL server 2000 SP4


I'm running Spatialware on SQL server 2000 on a Win2000 server.

A present with SP3a and we are planning to apply the new SQL server SP4,
but there has been rumors about problems with this new service pack in
combination with Spatialware

Is there any known problems ?

Ole Gregor,
Udviklingskonsulent i Miljø og Teknik
Viborg Amt

(45) 87 27 13 07

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Message number: 17392

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Message number: 17487

Re: MI-L ODBC and mapinfo

2005-08-16 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Joel,

If the table is cached locally, searches are local in MapInfo, and has nothing 
to do with ODBC or MS/SQL. An MS/SQL uses apostrophes
(') for texts, not quotes (") as MapInfo does.

Quotes (") are normally valid in MS/SQL, but only as variable escape characters.

However, are you sure your ID is a text and not a number ?

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Cohen, Joel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 9:22 AM
Subject: MI-L ODBC and mapinfo

Has anyone experienced performance issues with a ODBC connection from
Mapinfo to SQL server 2000.

I have a table that has about 30K records, when I try and run a super simple
query like id = "1" the search seems to create a cursor within SQL and
subsequently search through all the items in the cursor. This is a very time
consuming request, for a search that really should be very simple.

Other Info:

The table is alinked and cached.
The data was loaded into SQL via the easy loader application from Mapinfo.

Mapinfo Version 8


Joel Cohen

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Message number: 17500

Re: MI-L Create polygons from WMS input

2005-08-16 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Fred,

WMS is raster, and has no embedded vector "intelligence".

But you can digitize your own polygons in a new layer on top of the WMS image 
in Pro.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Fred Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 3:24 AM
Subject: MI-L Create polygons from WMS input

Hi All,
I'm trying to figure out a way to create a set of polygons that the coverage
area of Terraservers Urban Area data available through WMS. Is there some
way I can "cookie cut" a new layer after loading this that gives me polygons
representing the major cities this data covers?
Fred Williams
Offroute, Inc.
p 775.787.7444
f  775.787.7499

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Message number: 17501

Re: MI-L Universal Translator not working

2005-08-17 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Christine,

What is the version of the tables that fail ? Are the tables that fails in 
general another version than the tables that translate ok

Just open the TAB file in notepad and look at the second line.

Your UT notes "20020403" as its build date, a rather old version it seems.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Ronning, Christine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Uffe Kousgaard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Mapinfo-L" 

Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 8:25 PM
Subject: MI-L Universal Translator not working


I'm trying to convert some MapInfo .tab files to ESRI shapefile using the 
Universal Translator.  All .tab files open up in MapInfo
no problem.  Most of the files I'm trying to do this with have worked, but a 
few have not.  I don't see any consistancy with those
that convert and those that don't.  The log is found below and is says "no 
specified layers were found".  What does this mean?

Universal Translator output from run on August 17, 2005 11:10:07 AM
(Note: 'FME' in the text below refers to the underlying translation engine.)

  Universal Translator (20020403 - Build 610)

FME Session Duration: 0.1 seconds

No specified layers were found in MapInfo Dataset 'F:\June_17'.
Program Terminating

Translation FAILED.
Unable to generate mapping file.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks,


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Message number: 17524

Re: MI-L SQL question

2005-08-17 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi David,

Sum() is an aggregate function that sums exactly one column.

Try using: ( sum(a)+sum(b)+sum(c) ) / sum(d)

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Dewen Hou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mapinfo-L" 
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 9:38 PM
Subject: MI-L SQL question

Hi All,

I couldn't do a SQL like "sum(a+b+c)/sum(d)" in Mapbasic. Any idea?

Thanks a lot,

David Hou

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Message number: 17526

Re: MI-L MapImagery Images in MapXtreme 2004

2005-08-31 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Julian,

MapXtreme 2004 is based on .NET, and as such (in principle) doesn't use 
"normal" DLL's. like miraster.dll

Are you sure it's the 2004 version you're using, or is it the MapX based COM 
version instead ?

And you're definitely not off-topic. This is MapInfo-L, nor 
MapInfoProfessional-L :-)

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Julian Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 10:46 AM
Subject: MI-L MapImagery Images in MapXtreme 2004

Hello list!


Has anybody looked at opening ERS images etc. in a MapXtreme
application. In the past I have just installed MapImagery to the MapX
folder to update the miraster DLL. Poking around with it now I notice
that MapXtreme 2004 has the MIRASTER.DLL in C:\Program Files\Common
Files\MapInfo\MapXtreme\ yet I don't seem to be able to install
MapImagery to this location.


Does anyone have any ideas?


Thanks in advance - and my apologies for being slightly off the topic of
MapInfo Pro!



Julian Parker
Systems Analyst

Digital Mapping Solutions
Level 2, 2 Hardy Street
Ph: 08 9474 6311 Fax: 08 9474 6411
Mobile: 0438 844 079 <>  


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Message number: 17681

Re: MI-L Landscape layout orientation

2005-09-01 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Christine,

The layout orientation is determined by the default printer setup.

Have you by any chance disabled saving printer settings to workspaces ?

If so, does the default printer have portrait orientation as default ?

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Ronning, Christine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 10:10 PM
Subject: MI-L Landscape layout orientation

Hi List,

I know I've asked something similar to this before but I can't seem to
find it anywhere in my notes or in the archives.

I have a series of pages in a layout view.  I want to save them in
landscape orientation, but each time I open the workspace they've gone
back to portrait.  When this happens I have to readjust all the map
frames again so they fit in the pages properly.  How can  I adjust the
layout orientation to landscape so it stays like this each time I open
the workspace?  Have also had this problem with the number of pages that
is displayed.  Thanks


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Message number: 17722

Re: MI-L Selecting my map window

2005-09-02 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Terry,

MapperInfo() only works on windows that is a mapper.

So you need to check it before using MapperInfo(), like this:

If WindowInfo(lnWindowID,WIN_INFO_TYPE) = WIN_MAPPER Then ...

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Terry McDonnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 1:53 PM
Subject: MI-L Selecting my map window

Hello again, Dear List
Hopefully this will be a quickie.  I could spend all day searching
through Help
I want to disappear a particular layer, "csrZonesInRoute", which I do by
the following code:
lnWindowID = FrontWindow()  
lnNoLayers = MapperInfo( lnWindowID, MAPPER_INFO_LAYERS) 
I  = 1
Do while I <= lnNoLayers
  If LayerInfo( lnWindowID, I, LAYER_INFO_NAME) = "csrZonesInRoute" then
 Remove Map Layer "csrZonesInRoute"
 I = lnNoLayers + 1   ' to get out of the loop
 I = I + 1
  End If

Trouble is this layer has a legend window associated with it (I know the
Legend window ID, BTW)
So, if the Legend window is uppermost, the line: "lnNoLayers =
MapperInfo( lnWindowID, MAPPER_INFO_LAYERS)" returns an error "Expecting
mapper window" - obviously.
So what I want to do is first to ensure that the mapper window is to the
fore, i.e. selected front window.  
How do I do this?
'ppreciate it
Terry McDonnell

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Message number: 17747

Re: MI-L Map Basic Application not inserting text where wanted

2005-09-06 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Christine,

You've also defined the column names as local variables, and they override any 
table based column references. If you delete the
problematic local variables (rowid, _15_19, ...), you should be fine.

Further, when referencing table values, you should always use the 
"TableName.ColumnName" notation to prevent such ambiguities.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
From: "Ronning, Christine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bazeley, Gordon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 8:33 PM
Subject: MI-L Map Basic Application not inserting text where wanted

Hi List,

Just wondered if you could look over the following code and see if there's 
anything obviously wrong!  I'm trying to identify the
maximum value from a row based on values in Table "Population_Var" and place 
the column name of this value into another column.
I've managed to find this maxmimum value, and with the help of this list write 
code that should update the column with text values,
but can't seem to get it to insert any text values.

Include "MapBasic.def"

Declare sub main

sub main

Open Table "Population_Var" Interactive
Alter Table Population_Var (Add Max_Count float
Add Ratio_Dif float
Add Max_Name char(14)
Add Max_C_Group char(14))
Update Population_Var Set Max_Count = Maximum(Maximum(Maximum

Update Population_Var Set Ratio_Dif = (1-(_15_19/Max_Count))+

Dim sum As Float, counter, rowid as Integer, Max_Count, 
_15_19,_20_24,_25_29,_30_34,_35_39,_40_44,_45_49 As Float,
Max_C_Group, Max_Name As String
Open Table "Population_Var" Interactive
Fetch first from Population_Var
Do while EOT(Population_Var)
If Population_Var._15_19>Max_Count then
End if
If Population_Var._20_24>Max_count then
End if
If Population_Var._25_29>Max_Count then
End if
If Population_Var._30_34>Max_count then
End if
If Population_Var._35_39>Max_Count then
End if
If Population_Var._40_44>Max_count then
End if
If Population_Var._45_49>Max_Count then
End if
Update Population_Var Set Max_Name=Max_C_Group Where rowid=counter
counter = counter+1
Fetch Next from Population_Var

End Sub


Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks so much


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Message number: 17771

Re: MI-L Different area calculation in MapInfo and ArcView

2005-09-19 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)

The difference between "spherical" and the newer "cartesian" calculation is
that Pro applies a "scaling factor" to the "cartesian" value to get closer
to the real "spherical" value. Some versions ago the spherical method was
_the_ method, but cartesian was added for just this case.

What you need to understand, is that a calculated (cartesian) area value for
a polygon in a specific projection is only valid for that projection. If you
reproject the data to another projection, the very same calculation will
render a different (cartesian) value. That is what the "spherical" approach
is addressing, trying to generate a common value regardless of projection.

However, as I understand it, the "spherical" approach calculates the scaling
factor from the polygon mid point (or centroid?), and applies this to the
whole polygon. This is off course going to be inaccurate for larger
polygons, but for smaller polygons (like cadastres and smaller counties)
this should be just fine.

ArcView may only have the cartesian version, hence the difference and
similarity you experience.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 11:49 AM
Subject: MI-L Different area calculation in MapInfo and ArcView


I have problems with the different area calculation in MapInfo and ArcView.
The data is an import file from ArcView. If I calculate the area of polygons
in MapInfo with
SphericalArea function it is more than 1 % smaller than the one in ArcView.
The function
CartesianArea in MapInfo returns a more similar area calculation to the one
in ArcView ?
Does anybody has experience ? The projection is Gauss-Krueger.

Thank's for help in advance.


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Message number: 17921

Re: MI-L Zoom Problem in Integrated Application

2005-09-29 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Jeremy,

Do the layers in the map setup (workspace?) have zoomed layering turned on ?
If so, turn it off.

Especially raster layers normally have default zoom layering turned on,
unless turned off in your preferences (later versions only).

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message -
From: "Jeremy Davies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 9:30 AM
Subject: MI-L Zoom Problem in Integrated Application

Hi ppl,

I am creating an integrated mapping application with Mapinfo and Visual
Basic. I have the map window coming up in a picture box on screen fine and
the integrated zoom tool works, but it won't let me go any higher than 10
km. Any higher than this and the layers that have the map on them go blank.

There are seven layers (each corresponding to a table) on my map, 6 adjacent
layers with the map picture itself (they are quite high resolution satelitte
photos) and one layer with points.

I can zoom in closer than this, but just if I try to zoom out past 10 km it
goes blank. This only happens in my integrated application and I can zoom
out as far as I like in Mapinfo itself.

Anyone know what this problem might be?



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Message number: 18058

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Message number: 18059

Re: MI-L SQL Server Tables

2005-10-17 Thread Lars V. Nielsen (GisPro)
Hi Andrew,

Refreshing is only needed to update a local copy of the table on MS/SQL.

The local copy is in MapInfo TAB format, and unless you can utilize MITAB to
extract the data, you need MapInfo Pro.

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
- Original Message -
From: "Andrew Tracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 12:32 PM
Subject: MI-L SQL Server Tables

Dear All

I currently have a series of tables, which I have loaded into SQL server
using Easyloader. I have then got the tables downloaded onto several machine
and network places. Currently I have a MBX, which runs on a night a
refreshes all tables. Does anyone know of a way of not using MapInfo and
using SQL server to refresh these tables, just a PC has to be left running
to run a MBX application.

Andrew Tracey
Information Support Officer
Corporate Information
Corporate Development
South Tyneside Council
Westoe Road
South Shields
NE33 2RL

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Message number: 18321

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Message number: 18329

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