MI-L Test - Please Ignore

2003-07-07 Thread Richard Burkmar

Richard Burkmar
Swift LG
GIS Division

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Message number: 7521

RE: MI-L VB DLL and MapBasic

2003-03-25 Thread Richard Burkmar

The problem with using VB in this way with MapBasic is that in VB (version 6
and below - I don't know about NET) you can only build DLLs which can be
used by other languages that support COM. To use a VB DLL from another
language, you must instantiate an instance of class defined by that DLL and
MapBasic can't do that. DLLs created by some other languages (e.g. C) can be
used more conventionally.

Richard Burkmar
Swift LG
GIS Division

-Original Message-
From: Brian Kliner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 25 March 2003 08:14
To: Richard Burkmar (E-mail)
Subject: FW: MI-L VB DLL and MapBasic


-Original Message-
From: Robert Crossley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 24 March 2003 10:25
To: MapInfo List
Subject: MI-L VB DLL and MapBasic

Hi all,

I am actually looking at immersing myself in a new technique tomorrow -
creating DLLs for  forms that can be called and loaded with data from from
MapBasic, and
return data or commands to MapInfo.

A friend has used them extensively, and he promised to work on it with me.
Provided we can get communication  between a DLL created in VB and mapInfo
(his work
was in C), it should provide a solution for some of the greatest problems
that I see in MapBasic: lack of decent form building tools like text/ colour
manipulation, grids
and tree views, and the inability to create new controls or arrays of
controls on a  dialog/ form.  If that can be done, I will probably make even
more of my work MapInfo
centric than before (at present I use Access or VB apps for data entry).

Are there any pitfalls to the technique?  We want to create a VB DLL that
accepts arrays passed to it from MapBasic, and hands back data or commands
to MapInfo
as a result.  Of course, it would be even easier if someone had an example
of that they would be willing to pass on.


Robert Crossley
Neo Software
9 Short St
New Brighton 2483
Far Southern Queensland

P: 02 6680 1309
F: New Connection
M: 0419 718 642

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Message number: 6063

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Message number: 6087

RE: MI-L Integrated Mapping

2003-01-29 Thread Richard Burkmar

I remember when we converted a number of integrated mapping applications
from VB4 to VB6, the project type had to be changed to an ActiveX exe. As
far as I can remember, the major difference between standard and ActiveX
projects is that the latter allow communication by COM (which is what you
need for integrated mapping).  I'd change the project type back to ActiveX
exe if I were you.

Richard Burkmar
Swift LG

-Original Message-
From: Cameron Crum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 29 January 2003 01:56
Subject: MI-L Integrated Mapping

I think I'm going crazy. I have an integrated app written in VB6 that I
have been using for years. The project was intially set up as a stand
alone exe, but somewhere along the way it got changed to an ActiveX exe.
I changed it back and now when I try to run it I get the error:

Runtime Error '98':
 A property or method call cannot include a reference to a private
object, either as an object or as a return value

The part it crashes on is when I try to set the callback object. I have

Set Statobject = New Mapin
mi.SetCallback Statobject

where Mapin is the Class that contains the callback routines. Does
anyone have any clue what is happening here? I have some other apps with
identical code that seems to work fine. I did notice that when I changed
back to a Standalone EXE it told me that the properties of the Class
were not valid for this type of application. Essentially, it took away
the property that allowed me to make the class public. However, in my
other stand alone apps, the class does not have this property either and
they compile and run just fine.



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Message number: 5188

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Message number: 5196

RE: MI-L Black maps in MapXtreme Win 3.0

2003-01-23 Thread Richard Burkmar

I had a similar problem on one particular server at a customer site - every
time the application tried to contact the map broker, the MapXBroker failed
and needed to be restarted. The following advice sent to me by MapInfo tech
support solved the problem on that machine.

Hope it helps you.

Good Luck,

Richard Burkmar
Swift LG

You may need to check the rights for starting both the MapXServer and the
MapXBroker. When installing MapXtreme you must have Admin permissions to
the machine. If you log in as another user to start the MapXBroker you must
first give that user permission to start the MapXBroker. Logged in as Admin
please do the following:

Start > Run

type: dcomcnfg

Select MapXBroker and press properties

In the Security tag select custom tag permissions > Edit in the user/group
who should be able to start the MapXBroker.

Do the same for the rest as well.

When you have changed the properties for MapXBroker, change the properties
of the MapXServer, too.

-Original Message-
From: Harmen Smit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 23 January 2003 11:23
Subject: MI-L Black maps in MapXtreme Win 3.0

We have a problem in MapXtreme Windows v3.0: we get only black maps. This
means the Map Object is corrupt and we have to restart the brokerservice.
Does anyone know why this happens and how to solve this problem?

Harmen Smit

Harmen Smit
  Geodan IT bv
  President Kennedylaan 1
  1079 MB Amsterdam (NL)
  Tel: +31 (0)20 - 5711 311
  Fax: +31 (0)20 - 5711 333
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Message number: 5091

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Message number: 5105

RE: MI-L Dominant feature type ?

2002-12-02 Thread Richard Burkmar

It may not be of any direct use to you, but you may nevertheless be
interested to know that the MapX layer object has a 'PredominantFeatureType'

Richard Burkmar
Swift LG

> -Original Message-
> From: Lars V. Nielsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 29 November 2002 14:21
> Subject: MI-L Dominant feature type ?
> Hi List,
> Has anyone developed a performance efficient way of
> determining the dominant feature type of a table ?
> I'm moving MI data to the Arc'ish side, and need to
> automatically convert into single-topology layers.
> Querying with Area() and ObjectLen() is not an option. It's
> simply too slow and ineffeicient.
> Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
> Lars V. Nielsen
> Hvenegaard & Meklenborg, Odense
> Denmark
> http://www.hvm.dk

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Message number: 4360

RE: MI-L MapX vs. MapObjects

2002-07-22 Thread Richard Burkmar


I've just been converting a reasonably large MapX application (VB6) so that
it will work with either MapX or MapObjects. I have quite a bit of
experience with MapX, but this was my first MapObjects project. The first
thing which struck me was the number of similarities between the two object
models - I was able to leave large chunks of code unaltered, e.g. when
iterating the map layers collection. As you would expect, there are also one
or two areas where the two architectures are completely different - for
example in dealing with highlighting and selections (actually MapObjects
doesn't really have any built-in support for these, but you have the tools
to implement them). It was also a major nuisance that shape files can only
contain topology of a single type, so the code had to accommodate several
shapefiles where a single MapInfo table had been sufficient with MapX.

But, all in all, I was pleasantly surprised with how quickly I implemented
the MapX application with MapObjects.

The big surprise for me, as someone with relatively little ESRI experience,
came when I started throwing 'real' quantities of data at the application.
During development and testing I had used relatively small shapefiles and
had not noticed any difference in performance between MapX and MapObjects.
However, when I started using larger quantities of data, the performance of
MapObjects suffered to a far greater extent than MapX - and I'm talking in
the region of an order of magnitude. The big performance hits came when:

* opening shapefiles
* searching for objects in shapefiles based on attribute values (when you
don't know the location)
* editing shapefiles

The performance in some areas of the application was so bad that I was
forced to change the architecture. To be fair to MapObjects, this is perhaps
to be expected when converting an application built around MapX and I may
have had similar problems converting a MapObjects application to MapX.

The thing I dislike the most is that to have a reasonable performance with a
large shapefile, it must have a 'spatial index'. Trouble is, if you edit
that shapefile (e.g. insert a new object) the spatial index is destroyed and
needs to be recreated (otherwise just panning the map will cripple the
application) - but recreating a large spatial index can take minutes. Get
the picture? I have found that to get a reasonable performance I have to
organise my data in certain ways, e.g. by having a smaller shapefile into
which new objects can be captured and reserving the larger shapefiles for
data which is mostly static.

For me, the greatest difference between MapX and MapObjects is that with
MapObjects, performance issues dictate the way the data is managed to a
greater extent than does MapX. MapX does not have the same data-related
performance issues and therefore gives you more freedom over the management
of your data and architecture of your application.

Richard Burkmar
Swift LG

-Original Message-
From:   Alex Eshed
Sent:   15 July 2002 07:31
Subject:MI-L MapX vs. MapObjects

Greetings List,

My apologies if this has posted earlier recently.

We have seen several discussions comparing MI Pro with ArcView. However, I
don't recall seeing anything with similar comparisons between MapX and
MapObjects. I need that comparison now.

Any and all contributions very welcome.

TIA to all responders. Will summarize.

Best regards,

Alex Eshed   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OPISOFT Ltd.   Tel: +972-3-6136050 ext. 213
SHAP Building  Fax: +972-3-6139850
3 HaYetzira St.
Ramat Gan 52521

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RE: MI-L CCMapXFindFeature

2001-09-11 Thread Richard Burkmar

Do you have a dataset bound to the layer? If the field you are looking for
cannot be bound in a dataset bound to the layer, it throws an exception (see
Search method documentation).

Richard Burkmar
Swift LG

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of open open
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 3:08 PM
Subject: MI-L CCMapXFindFeature


I need to search from layer(MY_LAYER_NAME) some values !

CCMapX m_map;

LPCSTR ndx = "100"; // Id
LPCSTR column = "text"; // column name

CCMapXLayerFind lf = m_map.GetLayers().Item(MY_LAYER_NAME).GetFind();
CCMapXFindFeature ff = lf.Search(ndx, "");

This case works fine if my layer table starts with column "text", but if
it doesn't then it doesn't find what I am looking for ?
Any ideas how to implement it ?

Thanks in advance,

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MI-L MapX - ECW support on Win2000

2001-08-28 Thread Richard Burkmar

Has anyone had success with the following combination of software?

MapX 4.5.1
ECW plug-in 6014 for MapX
Windows 2000

My MapX app with the ECW plug-in works fine on NT4 and 95/98, but crashes on
a Windows 2000 machine when I try to display an ECW image. MapInfo 6.5
successfully displays the ECW image on the same Windows 2000 machine - but
the ECW support is 'built-in' on MI 6.5 (i.e. it doesn't rely on the same
6014 plug-in).

If anyone out there has tried this combination, it would very useful to me
if you could say whether or not it works for you.

Richard Burkmar
Swift LG

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RE: MI-L Editing with MapXtreme

2001-01-17 Thread Richard . Burkmar

MapXtreme is great for building tools to browse and query your MapInfo 
spatial data over an intranet/internet, but its not real efficient for building 
tools to allow your users to edit the spatial data (neither is MapX - the 
underlying technology).  
However, if you are talking about modifying the geosets which your users 
will see, then MapXtreme comes with a 'Geoset Manager' tool to allow you to do 
Richard Burkmar

  -Original Message-From: K.Raghu Rami Reddy 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 17 January 2001 
  05:18To: majordomoSubject: MI-L Editing with 
      Can you 
  suggest me how to edit the maps with MapXtreme. We are using ASP for creating 
  web pages.
  Thanks in 
  byeK.Raghu Rami Reddy
Patni Computer Systems Ltd,
Electronic Sadan III,
MIDC, Bhosari, Pune - 411015.
Ph: (020) 7121881


RE: MI-L Fonts and Symbols in MapX

2001-01-12 Thread Richard . Burkmar

Hello John,

Is this on a machine with MapInfo Pro installed or without it?  When you are
distributing a MapX application you have to make sure you include all the
MapInfo fonts in your setup program (I don't think they are included in the
version 4 MapX OCX Customer Installation).

I sometimes find that even when my setup program (based on the VB6 setup1)
has apparently correctly installed fonts, MapX cannot correctly display maps
with symbols which use them.  I've found this particularly on NT - its as if
the fonts have not been registered properly.  I have found that this can
usually be fixed simply by going to the font folder and viewing the font

Richard Burkmar

-Original Message-
Sent: 10 January 2001 23:12
Subject: MI-L Fonts and Symbols in MapX

Dear List

Has anyone on the list had a problem with MapX not honouring Fonts or
symbols set in MapInfo Pro.
Is there a list of fonts and symbols that MapX can handle.


John Maguire
Cartographer QNT

GPO Box 1010
Brisbane QLD 4001, Australia

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Re: MI-L MapXtreme

2001-01-10 Thread Richard . Burkmar

(Resend - forgot title before)

To modify the Java World applet you need to modify and recompile the source
java code which is supplied.  Unless you are already familiar with Java,
don't even think about it until you've invested some effort in learning java
I've opted for another approach which is to implement an interface in HTML
with heavy use of JavaScript.  You'll be absoulely amazed at the interfaces
you can build with 'Dynamic HTML' in the newer Browsers (Netscape 4 and IE4
onwards) by learning a little JavaScript (which you can do from many
tutorials/examples available on the web).  The HTML interface examples which
come with MapXtreme for NT don't even come close to illustrating the type of
sophisticated interface which you can develop in this way.
Don't be too put off by HahtTalk by-the-way - its a very standard BASIC
language, and if you've any experience with VB, its a snip.
Good Luck,
Richard Burkmar
Swift LG
-Original Message-
From: Steve McCrone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 10 January 2001 06:51
Subject: MI-L 

This topic is concerning MapXtreme ver 2.0 for NT.  I am trying to get
started with the product but am very confused. I managed to get the Hello
World and Java World samples running but I have no idea on how to start
modifying the existing code to add new functionality.
Than sample apps on the web all seem to use the non-java code, since there
is not "toolbar". Is there a reason for this? is the java code too tough to
develop in?
I wish to take the least complicated path at this point. I really do not
wish to get into learning HahtTalk, unless absolutely neccessary.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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RE: MI-L - MapXtreme

2001-01-10 Thread Richard . Burkmar

Hi Flavio,

We're busy porting our SwiftMap desktop product (MapX based) to the web.
This is designed, initially, as an intranet solution for UK local

All the best,

Richard Burkmar
Swift LG

 -Original Message-
From: Flavio Hendry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 10 January 2001 11:19
Subject: RE: MI-L - MapXtreme

Hi Richard
I've opted for another approach which is to implement an interface in HTML
with heavy use of JavaScript.  You'll be absoulely amazed at the interfaces
you can build with 'Dynamic HTML' in the newer Browsers (Netscape 4 and IE4
onwards) by learning 
I completely agree and I wonder what you have created, is there a site where
one can look at it ?
And FYI: Our JS/DHTML/CSS MapXtreme implementations is on www.mapserver.ch
Best regards 

xx Announcing the ultimate JavaScript Mapping Solution xx
  !!! Neapoljs: Live on http://www.mapserver.ch 
  Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards
   Flavio Hendry- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 TYDAC AG - http://www.tydac.ch
Geographic Information Solutions
 Buristrasse 23 -- CH-3006 Bern
   Tel +41 (0)31 368 0180 - Fax +41 (0)31 368 1860
   MAPINFO Strategic Partner - PCI Reseller - FME Distributor

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2001-01-10 Thread Richard . Burkmar

modify the Java World applet you need to modify and recompile the source java 
code which is supplied.  Unless you are already familiar with Java, don't 
even think about it until you've invested some effort in learning java 
opted for another approach which is to implement an interface in HTML with heavy 
use of JavaScript.  You'll be absoulely amazed at the interfaces you can 
build with 'Dynamic HTML' in the newer Browsers (Netscape 4 and IE4 onwards) by 
learning a little JavaScript (which you can do from many tutorials/examples 
available on the web).  The HTML interface examples which come with 
MapXtreme for NT don't even come close to illustrating the type of sophisticated 
interface which you can develop in this way.
be too put off by HahtTalk by-the-way - its a very standard BASIC language, 
and if you've any experience with VB, its a snip.
Richard Burkmar

  -Original Message-From: Steve McCrone 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 10 January 2001 
  06:51To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: MI-L 
  This topic is concerning MapXtreme ver 2.0 for 
  NT.  I am trying to get started with the product but am very confused. I 
  managed to get the Hello World and Java World samples running but I have no 
  idea on how to start modifying the existing code to add new 
  Than sample apps on the web all seem to use the 
  non-java code, since there is not "toolbar". Is there a reason for this? is 
  the java code too tough to develop in?
  I wish to take the least complicated path at this 
  point. I really do not wish to get into learning HahtTalk, unless absolutely 
  Any advice would be greatly 

RE: MI-L MB/VB MapInfo Crashes on Exit if a VB application has a reference to it

2001-01-04 Thread Richard . Burkmar

Trey wrote:

>> I plugged in your  code to VB5 ... and it would not run
>> this does without any error [changed the DIM] 

The 'Dim mobjMI As MapInfo.MapInfoApplication' line will only work if you
set the VB project to reference the MapInfo OLE automation type library
(forgot to mention that!).  I tried declaring as a variant as you did (and
removed the reference to MI type library) and got the same results as I had
before.  I should have mentioned that I am NT4SP5, VB6SP4 and MapInfo 6.

I wonder what the critical difference between our environments is?  Thanks
for trying this out for me anyway Trey.

Carol wrote:

>>I suggest you rethink using GetObject() and use CreateObject which will 
>>create a NEW instance of MapInfo even if one is currently running. Then, 
>>the user can quit MapInfo or whatever without problems.

I can't do that Carol because my application (it's a gazetteer search
engine) is designed to work alongside a normal full MapInfo Pro session.
The user can start and stop the application at will.

>>What you didn't say in your message was if there is a connection between 
>>what is going on in your vb application and what is happening in MapInfo.

The application runs independently but sends commands to the MI session to
recenter/re-zoom map windows etc.

>>Another possiblity is to manipulate MapInfo using windows API to remove
>>"x" or exit menu commands. The user could quit MapInfo from your vb 

I don't want to have to do that because its taking MI functionality away
from the user - and as I mentioned before, the user must be able to stop and
start my application at will during and MI session.

Thanks for your suggestions.

Richard Burkmar

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MI-L MB/VB MapInfo Crashes on Exit if a VB application has a reference to it

2001-01-03 Thread Richard . Burkmar

Can anyone with integrated mapping experience or anyone from MapInfo tech
support help me with this?

If you have a VB application which runs alongside MapInfo Pro and connects
to the MapInfo session through OLE, then MapInfo will crash if closed before
the VB application releases its reference to MapInfo.

Here's how to replicate the problem. Create a VB project with a single form
and button and paste the code shown below into the form module.  

Private mobjMI As MapInfo.MapInfoApplication

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set mobjMI = GetObject(, "MapInfo.Application")
End Sub 

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Set mobjMI = Nothing
End Sub

Run MapInfo then run the VB application.  If you next quit MapInfo, it will
crash instead of ending cleanly.  I noticed this on NT with Dr Watson
running.  If Dr Watson is not installed (or if its configured so that it
does nothing) then you may not notice the problem.

Clicking the button to release the VB reference to MapInfo before quiting
MapInfo, allows MapInfo to end cleanly.  But, of course, you cannot predict
when the user will quit MapInfo.  
I have tried running a MapBasic program with an 'end handler' which informs
my VB application to release the reference, but once the end handler is
entered, the VB program seems to wait for MapInfo to end before it will
release the reference - so MapInfo still crashes.

Any ideas anyone?

Richard Burkmar.

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RE: MI-L MB Set ProgressBar Statement problem

2000-12-13 Thread Richard . Burkmar

>>You mean "set progressbars ..." operates globally on different mbx's
>>running simultaneously?!?

Yes, it seems that "set progressbars..." affects the parent MI session
environment - much as many of the other MB commands do, but there's no way
(that I can see) of querying the MI session to see if they're currently on
or off.

>>If that's the case, you're going to have to find some way for your
>>applications to communicate.

User's of my apps often have third party MBX's running simultaneously, so
setting up some form of communication between them is not usually an option.

>>The question I'd ask is how badly is this needed, because
>>that solution is pretty kludgy.

Well its just not very attractive sometimes to have the progress bar dialogs
popping up but it doesn't affect the functioning of the app to leave them

Richard Burkmar.

-Original Message-
From: Bill Thoen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 13 December 2000 14:03
Subject: Re: MI-L MB Set ProgressBar Statement problem

You mean "set progressbars ..." operates globally on different mbx's
running simultaneously?!?

If that's the case, you're going to have to find some way for your
applications to communicate. Perhaps through a common file, table,
or DDE. The question I'd ask is how badly is this needed, because
that solution is pretty kludgy.

> That's all very well within the context of my program, but if another
> MapBasic program is running which has already used 'Set ProgressBar Off',
> program interfers with it by setting the progress bars on again.  Is there
> any way I can test whether or not status bars are 'on' or 'off' so that I
> can decide whether or not its appropriate to set them on again?

- Bill Thoen

GISnet, 1401 Walnut St., Suite C, Boulder, CO  80302
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RE: MI-L MB Set ProgressBar Statement problem

2000-12-13 Thread Richard . Burkmar

Hi Jacques,

Its the progress bar which is automatically displayed by MapInfo that I want
to stop.  When you issue some MapBasic commands, e.g. 'Commit Table...',
MapInfo automatically pops up its own progress bar while the save operation
is being carried out.  I  can stop this with 'Set ProgressBars Off', but I
don't want to interfere with other people's MB programs that may be running
at the same time (and which may want the progress bars on), so I would like
to set them on again, but only if they were already on before I turned them

Seems as clear as mud when I put it like that!

Richard Burkmar

-Original Message-
From: Jacques Paris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 13 December 2000 13:03
Subject: RE: MI-L MB Set ProgressBar Statement problem

You wrote ;" Sometimes in my MB programs I issue commands which invoke the
MapInfo progress bar dialog (e.g. Commit Table) but I don't want the dialog
popping up"

Why are you using progress bar when if you do not want to see them. There
are only two advantages to the PB (in my eyes) 1/ making the user take
patience by seeing the progress of the processing and 2/ interrupting the
processing if something gets wrong.

Besides that, programming PB is not as easy as making a simple loop, and is
not as fast at processing time (my estimation)

Jacques PARIS


For MapInfo support, see the Paris PC Consult enr. site  at

For MapBasic questions see the J.Paris site at

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: December 13, 2000 6:49 AM
Subject: MI-L MB Set ProgressBar Statement problem

Can any MapBasic programmers help me out with this?

Sometimes in my MB programs I issue commands which invoke the MapInfo
progress bar dialog (e.g. Commit Table) but I don't want the dialog popping
up so I before I run the statement I use 'Set ProgressBar Off' and once the
statement has run I use 'Set ProgressBar On'.

That's all very well within the context of my program, but if another
MapBasic program is running which has already used 'Set ProgressBar Off', my
program interfers with it by setting the progress bars on again.  Is there
any way I can test whether or not status bars are 'on' or 'off' so that I
can decide whether or not its appropriate to set them on again?

Richard Burkmar.

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MI-L MB Set ProgressBar Statement problem

2000-12-13 Thread Richard . Burkmar

Can any MapBasic programmers help me out with this?

Sometimes in my MB programs I issue commands which invoke the MapInfo
progress bar dialog (e.g. Commit Table) but I don't want the dialog popping
up so I before I run the statement I use 'Set ProgressBar Off' and once the
statement has run I use 'Set ProgressBar On'.  

That's all very well within the context of my program, but if another
MapBasic program is running which has already used 'Set ProgressBar Off', my
program interfers with it by setting the progress bars on again.  Is there
any way I can test whether or not status bars are 'on' or 'off' so that I
can decide whether or not its appropriate to set them on again?

Richard Burkmar.

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put "unsubscribe MapInfo-L" in the message body.

RE: MI-L Mapxtreme

2000-12-01 Thread Richard . Burkmar

I must be bored - now I'm replying to my own messages! I've just realised
that MapX 4.5 also comes with the paper poster object model - and its bigger
and better than the 3.5 version (as you would expect).


-Original Message-
Sent: 01 December 2000 15:44
Subject: RE: MI-L Mapxtreme


You'll find descriptions in the MapX on-line documentation e.g. 'C:\Program
Files\Common Files\MapX Common\Mapx40.hlp', but I'm not sure if it has an
overview of the object model.  MapX 3.5 used to come with a nice paper
poster which illustrated the object model - this was extremely useful to me
when I was learning MapX.  Some kind soul at MapInfo might be able to supply
you with a copy.

Richard Burkmar

-Original Message-
From: Anish Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 01 December 2000 14:09
To: mapinfo
Subject: MI-L Mapxtreme

Hi all

I am exploring the demo version of MapXtreme Hahtsite Appl. server along
with IDE ver 3.1. Can anyone tell me How to access the list of complete
available Objects, methods like g_objMapX.Layers & corresponding methods
avialable for Layers, etc..


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RE: MI-L Mapxtreme

2000-12-01 Thread Richard . Burkmar


You'll find descriptions in the MapX on-line documentation e.g. 'C:\Program
Files\Common Files\MapX Common\Mapx40.hlp', but I'm not sure if it has an
overview of the object model.  MapX 3.5 used to come with a nice paper
poster which illustrated the object model - this was extremely useful to me
when I was learning MapX.  Some kind soul at MapInfo might be able to supply
you with a copy.

Richard Burkmar

-Original Message-
From: Anish Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 01 December 2000 14:09
To: mapinfo
Subject: MI-L Mapxtreme

Hi all

I am exploring the demo version of MapXtreme Hahtsite Appl. server along
with IDE ver 3.1. Can anyone tell me How to access the list of complete
available Objects, methods like g_objMapX.Layers & corresponding methods
avialable for Layers, etc..


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RE: MI-L Centorid Arguments.

2000-11-10 Thread Richard . Burkmar


I think that the table probably contains some records without geometry.  To
identify and fix the problem records, you can select all records where
geom=null (can't remember the exact syntax).

Richard Burkmar
Swift LG

-Original Message-
Sent: 10 November 2000 12:14
Subject: MI-L Centorid Arguments.

Another small query.

After trying to update a column in a table with it's Easting  

Open Table "Q:\CAMS\MAPINFO\ROWtest.TAB" Interactive
Map From ROWtest
Update ROWtest Set Easting = CentroidX(obj)

Mapinfo throws back an error message :

Centroidx - could not fetch object from the current ROW argument.

Has anyone got a solution as I have a number of fields to update.
The table is not write protected or in use whilst trying to update.



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put "unsubscribe MapInfo-L" in the message body.

RE: MI-L MapX error creating a new table

2000-11-09 Thread Richard . Burkmar

wonder if you're getting the error because your using a stand-alone fields 
object - perhaps you have to use the fields collection of an extant 
Richard Burkmar

  -Original Message-From: MAGS (Mapping Global 
  Solutions) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 08 November 2000 
  16:05To: MapInfo-LCc: MapX (Foro de 
  Discusion)Subject: MI-L MapX error creating a new 
  Hi all !
  I'm working with VB 5.0 and MapX 4.5. 
  When I try to generate a new Mapinfo Table 
  on disk I have found an error:  "Automatization Error"
  The code we have is:
  Private Function 
  fgenera_layer_online() As Boolean
  lli_layerinfoAs New 
  MapXLib.LayerInfo    Dim 
  lcamposAs New 
  Fields    Dim lyr 
  On Error GoTo 
      fgenera_layer_online = 
  lcampos.Add "vehiculo", "vehiculo", miAggregationIndividual, 
  lli_layerinfo.Type = 
  lli_layerinfo.AddParameter "Filespec", App.Path + 
  lli_layerinfo.AddParameter "Fields", 
  Set lyr = Map1.Layers.Add(lli_layerinfo)
      fgenera_layer_online = 
  Exit Function
  MsgBox "Error: " + 
  Exit FunctionEnd Function
  I will appreciate a lot any help !

RE: MI-L MapX Error: "Raster Engine Unable to Recognize Image File Format"

2000-10-12 Thread Richard . Burkmar
Title: MapX Error: "Raster Engine Unable to Recognize Image File Format"

In the MapX documentation, there is a 
section called 'Installing Raster Format Handlers'.  For Mr Sid, you 
need to include the files 'mrsid32.dll' 
'Mrsid.rhe' in the MapX directory.  
In 4.5 this is 'Program Files\Common Files\MapInfo Shared\MapX Common' - but 
look for the files on the computer where it works and you'll see for 
Richard Burkmar
Swift LG, GIS 

  -Original Message-From: Ben A Greenberg 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 11 October 2000 
  18:30To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: 
  MI-L MapX Error: "Raster Engine Unable to Recognize Image File 
  I am a Map X beginner. 
  I have created an application that among other 
  things  displays orthophotograpy.  The Orthophotos are in TAB format (originally generated from Mr Sid 
  images).  The .exe file runs fine on my machine, but when I run it from 
  another computer, I get the error  
  "Raster Engine Unable to Recognize Image File 
  Format"    ,the rest of the data layers load and the applications works fine (minus the raster image). 

  Is there a .dll file that I need to install?? The 
  files raster.dll and regraster.dll are loaded in the MapX Common files 
  I'm clueless at this pointAny ideas?? 
  Thanks in advance 

RE: MI-L Draw a Line

2000-10-12 Thread Richard . Burkmar


You could just draw any line, then double-click on it with the selector
tool.  A dialog will appear with the start and end nodes - you can alter
them to the values you reqiure.

Richard Burkmar
Swift LG, GIS Division

-Original Message-
From: Eric Gagnon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 11 October 2000 17:58
To: MapInfo-L
Subject: MI-L Draw a Line

Hi everyone,

Is there a utility that could help me draw a line from point A to point
I just want to specify the coordonates of point A & B, and let the
application do the rest.


Eric Gagnon

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put "unsubscribe MapInfo-L" in the message body.

RE: MI-L Windoze or Browser? That is the question....

2000-10-10 Thread Richard . Burkmar


For me the most compelling idea about delivering any sort of application
(including GIS) via the browser is the ease with which the software can be
deployed and maintained.  For a local government authority for example,
quite apart from removing the hassle of having to go around to dozens of
machines to update software every time there's an update, there is also less
dependency on the 'foibles' (i.e. the environment) of each individual client
machine in this 'thin client' paradigm.  The new 'Windows Installer'
technology does, if I understand it correctly, attempt to make deployment
and maintenace of standard (i.e. not browser-based) software more centrally
controllable, but there is still a critical dependency on the highly complex
(and volatile) individual client environment.

Taking the concept of centrally deployed/maintained applications even
further, we can imagine a scenario where Application Services Providers
could penetrate a market very quickly indeed when they develop a good
product.  A browser deployed application served up on the web, i.e. high
(potential) volume, would allow the ASP to provide the service at low cost.
This would allow rapid market penetration of the best software at rock
bottom prices to the most casual user.  Everybody wins (except vendors with
poor software).  You can imagine a highly competitive market where good new
software could reach large numbers of users very quickly - because the users
would not have to part with much money to try it out.

I'm probably getting a bit ahead of myself now - but the possibilities are
very exciting.

Richard Burkmar
Siwft LG, GIS Division

-Original Message-
From: Neil Havermale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 09 October 2000 22:52
To: MapInfo List (E-mail)
Subject: MI-L Windoze or Browser? That is the question

This is hopefully a start of a thread to better understand just where the
real opportunity and best technologies are for we(me) MapInfo
developers.  I need some help.

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