The Delorme Earthmate Consumer Grade Antenna works very well with  Geographic 
Tracker (The latest version) The price was right $179.00 which  included 
Delorme's TopoUsa and StreetAtlas.
It is a simple USB connection with a suction cup mount antenna, I taped  mine 
down (it was on a boat.) The antenna has about twelve feet of cable.
The trick to getting it to work with Geographic Tracker is to have the  
Antenna hooked up first and the Delorme GPS interface software running before  
start Mapinfo and Geographic Tracker.
After that it is very simple to draw lines or points in your editable  layer.
One other thing, it is very important to have the projection of all of your  
layers set to WGS84.
Beyond that, it is almost a no-brainer.
Hope this Helps.
Jon Gramm
MapInfo-L mailing list

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