Re: [mapserver-users] distance between line and a given point usingmapscript

2009-07-28 Thread Mark Brooks
I got the looping through each result.  However, all distances are
calculated to -1, which I know can't be right.  In debugging, I'm also
echo'ing the shape index for each result, but it's always the same.  Am I
constructing the layer correctly?

// create array of points from database query results.
for ($i=0; $row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $i++){

$points[$row['snum']][$i]['lat'] = $row['lat'];
$points[$row['snum']][$i]['lon'] = $row['lon'];

} // End loop through points

// create map object
$map = ms_newMapObj('');

// create new layer for hurricane tracks.
$my_layer = ms_newLayerObj($map);

// set some fields for this new layer

// Create new class and add TEMPLATE.
$my_class = ms_newClassObj($my_layer);

// Loop through points, create line for each storm, and add track points
to new line object.
while (list($snum,$coordinates)=each($points)){

// Create new line object
$my_line = ms_newLineObj();

// Loop through each point coordinate for this snum
while (list($num,$coordinate)=each($coordinates)){

// Create new point object
$my_point = ms_newpointObj();

// Add point to line object

} // done adding this storm's points to the line object

// Now create a new shape object
$my_shape = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_LINE);

// Add feature to the layer

} // end creating and adding points to line objects and line objects to
the layer.

// Draw map.

// Make a new point object that will be our reference point.
$my_ref_point = ms_newpointObj();
$my_ref_point->setXY(-78.7,35.4);  // user-entered coordinates of where we
are querying from.

// Run a point query on the line object layer.
if (@$my_layer->queryByPoint($my_point,MS_MULTIPLE,-1)==MS_SUCCESS){

// Loop through results.
$num_results = $my_layer->getNumResults();
echo "# results = $num_results\n\n";

// Loop through each result
for ($num=0; $num<$num_results; $num++){
echo "result # $num:\n";

// Get this result
$my_result = $my_layer->getResult($num);

//$my_shape =
 // Get the shape
echo "shapeindex = ".$my_result->shapeindex."\n";
$my_shape = $my_layer->getFeature($my_result->shapeindex);
 // Get the feature
echo "distanceToShape =
".$my_ref_point->distanceToShape($my_shape)."\n\n"; //
calculate distance from ref point to feature


On Mon, July 27, 2009 11:54 pm, Steve Lime wrote:
> There are lots of samples that show you how to loop through a set of
> search
> results. There's a getNumResults() method for layer objects and then a
> getResult()
> method to retrieve each one individually.
> Steve
 Mark Brooks  07/27/09 9:50 AM >>>
> Steve,
> This is a huge help.  The only thing I had not figured out was the
> 'toleranceunits' and 'tolerance' fields.  I appreciate your help!
> I intend to add many, possible hundreds, lines to a layer.  Then query
> it with a given reference point.  How do I get the number of results and
> then loop through each one?
> Best Regards,
> Mark
> Steve Lime wrote:
>>> How do I query a layer with one or more line features to find all
>>> features with X miles of a given point?
>> Your line layer should like so:
>>   LAYER
>> NAME 'lines'
>> ...other junk...
>> TEMPLATE 'dummy' # to be queryable
>>   END
>> Then in mapscript you'd do a
>>   $my_layer->queryByPoint($my_point, MS_MULTIPLE, -1);
>> The buffer parameter is used to override a layer tolerance so setting to
>> -1 tells
>> the method to ignore it.  If you do use it then it's given in the units
>> of the layer
>> being searched (before any projection).
>> Does that help?
>> Steve
> Mark Brooks  07/24/09 3:26 PM >>>
>> I'm trying to create several new line objects and then find the lines
>> that are within x miles of a given point.  (i.e., how far away a given
>> point is from the track of a hurricane or the path of a ship).  I'm
>> having some difficulties and I hope someone can help.
>> How do I query a layer with one or more line features to find all
>> features with X miles of a given point?
>> Here is how I'm approaching the problem in PHP:
>> // Test array of points.  This is used to make a line.
>> $points[0]['lat'] = 35.5;
>> $points[0]['lon'] = -78.8;
>> $points[1]['lat'] = 36.5;
>> $points[1]['lon'] = -79.8;
>> $points[2]['lat'] = 37.5;
>> $poin

[mapserver-users] MapInfo Vertical Mapper/PlanetEV Data and MapServer

2009-07-28 Thread Nolte, Tim
Does anyone have any experience with preparing MapInfo Vertical
Mapper/PlanetEV data for use with MapServer? I'm looking for some tips
and ways to streamline my process, as well as improve the performance of
my final MapServer maps.

Timothy J Nolte -
Network Planning Engineer

iPCS Wireless, Inc.
4717 Broadmoor Ave, Suite G
Kentwood, MI 49512

Office: 616-656-5163
mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Python

2009-07-28 Thread Mohammed Rashad
Why python mapscript is not used as php mapscript??
What are problems using python mapscript??
If i am using python mapscript can i develop an webgis interface which can
perform faster than interfaces built on php-mapscripts such as
cartoweb,ka-map etc...

Can i get more speed with python mapscript apps..

Is there any benefit in moving from php to python??

anybody please help
Any suggestion are always welcomed..

Thanks in advance

Mohammed Rashad K.M
mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Legend: Calling one of two layers shows both legend entries

2009-07-28 Thread CoFIS Web

Dear all,
I am using a mapfile with two layers.

When using Geomoose 2 as client and turning the first of these layers on 
from the legend, the respective signature will appear in the legend at 
its respective location (as expected), but also the legend location of 
the second layer.

I tried using STATUS ON / OFF at layer level - but no success. How can I 
change this? I added two screenshots for clarification. Mapbook snippets 
are below.

When calling the legend via URL in my browser, there is no such problem:
shows both legend signatures

shows only the signature of LAYER-01

Any hints on that?

Center for Development Research
Department of Ecology and Resource Management

Walter-Flex-Strasse 3
53113 Bonn (Germany)

Tel.:   +49 (0) 228 - 73-1793
FAX:+49 (0) 228 - 73-1889


mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Can google earth skin format be converted by GDAL to be used within MapServer?

2009-07-28 Thread John Mitchell
Can google earth skin format be converted by GDAL to be used within


John J. Mitchell
mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Mapserver Security

2009-07-28 Thread Bill Thoen
I have some questions about securing a MapServer WMS. From the googlits 
I've gathered it seems that the easy way is to use Basic Authentication 
if you have Apache. I do have that on my Linux-based server, so I sealed 
off the directory in which I have my mapfile and web template. And so 
far so good. If a browser attempts to access that directory it is 
challenged to produce a valid username/password.

However, in my CGI directory, I have a wrapper set up for this directory 
that looks something like this:


It works fine, but I don't know why it works because it accesses the 
mapfile in /theDir/, and /theDir is supposed to be password protected 
now by Apache. To make sure that I didn't already have a valid user in 
my browser, I shut it down and then tried again. When I ran that wrapper 
it picked up its info from the mapfile and then happily drew the map 
using the web template file that's also in that "protected" directory. 
It's as if there was no security at all!

But if I steer my browser to that directory and try to access the 
mapfile directly, I get challenged to produce a password before I can 
access any file in that directory.

I also just discovered another issue that should have been  obvious but 
I didn't realize the implications until now. That is, if someone just 
tries a getCapabilities and gets a list of what's on my server, then 
they can view those layers via calls to getMap regardless of whether my 
map file is in a protected directory or not. But I thought they had to 
read the map file for getCapabilities to work, and yet on my system, the 
map files in protected directories seem to be just as friendly to 
strangers as the mapfiles in my public directories.

So can anybody explain what I need to do to secure a Mapserver WMS site 
or can you point me to a "HOW TO" document that explains things? Also, 
are there any  other possible security surprises that I probably don't 
know about? I'd like to get these information leaks plugged up.

Thanks in  advance,
- Bill Thoen

mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Mapserver Security

2009-07-28 Thread Andy Colson

Bill Thoen wrote:
I have some questions about securing a MapServer WMS. From the googlits 
I've gathered it seems that the easy way is to use Basic Authentication 
if you have Apache. I do have that on my Linux-based server, so I sealed 
off the directory in which I have my mapfile and web template. And so 
far so good. If a browser attempts to access that directory it is 
challenged to produce a valid username/password.

However, in my CGI directory, I have a wrapper set up for this directory 
that looks something like this:



It works fine, but I don't know why it works because it accesses the 
mapfile in /theDir/, and /theDir is supposed to be password protected 
now by Apache. To make sure that I didn't already have a valid user in 
my browser, I shut it down and then tried again. When I ran that wrapper 
it picked up its info from the mapfile and then happily drew the map 
using the web template file that's also in that "protected" directory. 
It's as if there was no security at all!

But if I steer my browser to that directory and try to access the 
mapfile directly, I get challenged to produce a password before I can 
access any file in that directory.

I also just discovered another issue that should have been  obvious but 
I didn't realize the implications until now. That is, if someone just 
tries a getCapabilities and gets a list of what's on my server, then 
they can view those layers via calls to getMap regardless of whether my 
map file is in a protected directory or not. But I thought they had to 
read the map file for getCapabilities to work, and yet on my system, the 
map files in protected directories seem to be just as friendly to 
strangers as the mapfiles in my public directories.

So can anybody explain what I need to do to secure a Mapserver WMS site 
or can you point me to a "HOW TO" document that explains things? Also, 
are there any  other possible security surprises that I probably don't 
know about? I'd like to get these information leaks plugged up.

Thanks in  advance,
- Bill Thoen

mapserver-users mailing list

Without reading/answering all your questions:

apache security protects apache paths, so /xyz is protected because you 
put access rights on /xyz.

you didnt put access rights on /cgi-bin, so /cgi-bin is not protected. 
A cgi program (mapserv in this case) does not know anything about apache 
security, so it can access any path it wants.  Apache also has no 
control over cgi programs, so it cannot stop mapserv from acccessiinng 
(sp?) any path it wants.

mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Python

2009-07-28 Thread Alan Boudreault
Hi  Mohammed,

See comments below...

On July 28, 2009 10:33:58 am Mohammed Rashad wrote:
> Why python mapscript is not used as php mapscript??
PHP is just a lot more popular/easier than python for dynamic websites. I 
think this is the only reason.

> What are problems using python mapscript??
There is no problem...

> If i am using python mapscript can i develop an webgis interface which can
> perform faster than interfaces built on php-mapscripts such as
> cartoweb,ka-map etc...
There is a no significant performance gain between the two languages.

> Can i get more speed with python mapscript apps..
I don't understand your question.. if the performance of your application 
would be very important, you wouldn't choice a mapscript binding.

> Is there any benefit in moving from php to python??
Of course... the use of python itself. ;)

> anybody please help
> Any suggestion are always welcomed..
> Thanks in advance


Alan Boudreault
mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Mapserver Security

2009-07-28 Thread Gregor at HostGIS


it accesses the 
mapfile in /theDir/, and /theDir is supposed to be password protected 
now by Apache.

Correct. But the browser is not calling /theDir/ as an URL. The browser 
is calling /cgi-bin/wrapper.cgi

Therefore, Apache will only apply security for /cgi-bin/ to the request. 
After the request has been approved (since cgi-bin is not protected) 
Apache pays no attention at all to what the program DOES, including 
accessing file paths.

But if I steer my browser to that directory and try to access the 
mapfile directly, I get challenged to produce a password before I can 
access any file in that directory.

Exactly right. Apache matches the URL or directory that the BROWSER 
requested, and in this case the browser was in fact trying to access 

So can anybody explain what I need to do to secure a Mapserver WMS site 
or can you point me to a "HOW TO" document that explains things?


Remove MapServer from cgi-bin and place it somewhere where it will not 
be directly accessible from the web -- for example /usr/local/bin/mapserv.

Modify your wrapper.cgi to use the new path to mapserv

Then password-protect the directory which contains wrapper.cgi

The result will be that one can only access MapServer through 
wrapper.cgi, and that wrapper.cgi will be password protected. If you're 
the only one using MapServer and only to serve "protected" layers, this 
should be just what you need.

are there any  other possible security surprises that I probably don't 
know about? I'd like to get these information leaks plugged up.

As far as MapServer bugs, nope. This one isn't even an Apache bug; it's 
the way Apache works and is documented to work, just misunderstood. But 
following the above (password-protect cgi-bin and move mapserv out of 
it) will get past this surprise.

HostGIS, Open Source solutions for the global GIS community
Greg Allensworth - SysAdmin, Programmer, GIS Person, Security
Network+   Server+   A+   Security+
mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Mapserver Security

2009-07-28 Thread Steve Lime
Others may have different ideas but it seems to me you'll need to secure the 
wms binary 
rather than a directory. (I wouldn't store mapfiles and templates in a web 
accessible location
anyway.) There are probably many ways to do this. One idea might be to have 
WMS binaries, one for password-protected stuff and another for public stuff, 
call 'em 
wms1 and wms2. Latest versions of MapServer allow you to set an env variable 
MS_MAPFILE_PATTERN. This is used as a regex test against the requested mapfile 
and can
help restrict what can be loaded. It's not fool proof but is a good start. You 
could set that
variable conditionally based on what binary (wms1 or wms2) is requested (see 
You'd apply password protection against the wms1 in this case.

You can go further and not allow full path mapfiles at all. (see MS_MAP_NO_PATH 
in this
document: In this 
you'd set:

  SetEnv WMS1_MAPFILE 'some path'
  SetEnv WMS2_MAPFILE 'some other path'

and users could only use WMS1_MAPFILE or WMS2_MAPFILE in WMS calls (or CGI 
calls for that 
matter). You might even be able to secure one wms binary based on the mapfile 
requested. That
is, any URL request with WMS1_MAPFILE requires basic authentication.


>>> On 7/28/2009 at 11:47 AM, in message <>, Bill 
>>> Thoen
> I have some questions about securing a MapServer WMS. From the googlits 
> I've gathered it seems that the easy way is to use Basic Authentication 
> if you have Apache. I do have that on my Linux-based server, so I sealed 
> off the directory in which I have my mapfile and web template. And so 
> far so good. If a browser attempts to access that directory it is 
> challenged to produce a valid username/password.
> However, in my CGI directory, I have a wrapper set up for this directory 
> that looks something like this:
> MS_MAPFILE=/var/www/html/theDir/
> export MS_MAPFILE
> QUERY_STRING="map=${MS_MAPFILE}&zoomdir=0&zoomsize=2&layer=counties&layer=states&
> ...
> /var/www/cgi-bin/mapserv
> It works fine, but I don't know why it works because it accesses the 
> mapfile in /theDir/, and /theDir is supposed to be password protected 
> now by Apache. To make sure that I didn't already have a valid user in 
> my browser, I shut it down and then tried again. When I ran that wrapper 
> it picked up its info from the mapfile and then happily drew the map 
> using the web template file that's also in that "protected" directory. 
> It's as if there was no security at all!
> But if I steer my browser to that directory and try to access the 
> mapfile directly, I get challenged to produce a password before I can 
> access any file in that directory.
> I also just discovered another issue that should have been  obvious but 
> I didn't realize the implications until now. That is, if someone just 
> tries a getCapabilities and gets a list of what's on my server, then 
> they can view those layers via calls to getMap regardless of whether my 
> map file is in a protected directory or not. But I thought they had to 
> read the map file for getCapabilities to work, and yet on my system, the 
> map files in protected directories seem to be just as friendly to 
> strangers as the mapfiles in my public directories.
> So can anybody explain what I need to do to secure a Mapserver WMS site 
> or can you point me to a "HOW TO" document that explains things? Also, 
> are there any  other possible security surprises that I probably don't 
> know about? I'd like to get these information leaks plugged up.
> Thanks in  advance,
> - Bill Thoen
> ___
> mapserver-users mailing list

mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Mapserver Security

2009-07-28 Thread Gregor at HostGIS

Latest versions of MapServer allow you to set an env variable called

Holy cow!

  SetEnv WMS1_MAPFILE 'some path'
  SetEnv WMS2_MAPFILE 'some other path'

Wow! Wow!

Super cool. I hadn't even heard of these. Thanks for the tip!

HostGIS, Open Source solutions for the global GIS community
Greg Allensworth - SysAdmin, Programmer, GIS Person, Security
Network+   Server+   A+   Security+
mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Mapserver Security

2009-07-28 Thread Steve Lime
Problem with MS_MAPFILE_PATTERN is that if using it for the path part of a 
mapfile you
could use back references to get elsewhere. I imagine it's possible to craft a 
regex that
wouldn't allow '..' but it's not trivial (examples welcome!). Not allowing 
path'd mapfiles 
at all is more restrictive and is certainly a goal of mine now when setting 
apps up.

I should add that we are very interested in security improvements so please let 
us know
if you run into issues or have ideas! 


>>> On 7/28/2009 at 1:15 PM, in message <>, Gregor 
>>> at
HostGIS  wrote:
>>  Latest versions of MapServer allow you to set an env variable called
> Holy cow!
>>   SetEnv MS_MAP_NO_PATH 1
>>   SetEnv WMS1_MAPFILE 'some path'
>>   SetEnv WMS2_MAPFILE 'some other path'
> Wow! Wow!
> Super cool. I hadn't even heard of these. Thanks for the tip!

mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Python

2009-07-28 Thread Alan Boudreault
What about OpenLayers ?

On July 28, 2009 02:14:41 pm Mohammed Rashad wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:34 PM, Alan Boudreault
> wrote:
> > Hi  Mohammed,
> >
> > See comments below...
> >
> > On July 28, 2009 10:33:58 am Mohammed Rashad wrote:
> > > Why python mapscript is not used as php mapscript??
> >
> > PHP is just a lot more popular/easier than python for dynamic websites. I
> > think this is the only reason.
> >
> > > What are problems using python mapscript??
> >
> > There is no problem...
> >
> > > If i am using python mapscript can i develop an webgis interface which
> >
> > can
> >
> > > perform faster than interfaces built on php-mapscripts such as
> > > cartoweb,ka-map etc...
> >
> > There is a no significant performance gain between the two languages.
> >
> > > Can i get more speed with python mapscript apps..
> >
> > I don't understand your question.. if the performance of your
> > application
> > would be very important, you wouldn't choice a mapscript binding.
> I need a webgis interface which is used in areas with low bandwidth such as
> 30kb/s browsing speed. so webgis interface should display maps easily. I
> used cartoweb in my last project
> . But it takes a lot time to open website. 
> I also tried KaMap. That's why i thought of changing to python mapscript.
> Both of these uses php mapscript. Changing to python will help me???
> I googled python vs php and got positive response for python. I search and
> found no webgis interface built on python. So i decided to develop one
> application.
> I want to know that python mapscript interface can reduce the problems
> relating to speed which is low in other interfaces...
> If all these cant solve my problem , then using mapserver in CGI mode will
> help?
> Thanks in advance
> > > Is there any benefit in moving from php to python??
> >
> > Of course... the use of python itself. ;)
> >
> > > anybody please help
> > > Any suggestion are always welcomed..
> > >
> > > Thanks in advance
> >
> > Alan
> >
> > --
> > Alan Boudreault
> > Mapgears
> >

Alan Boudreault
mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] pretty maps

2009-07-28 Thread Andy Colson

Hi All,

I am a programmer, and not an artist or a mapper.  (I cant even draw 
good stick figures.)

So my question is, how do ya'll make pretty maps?  Is there a tool you 
use?  Are there standards/common colors/symbols that should be used? (I 
assume watter should be blue... and red-green dotted lines to show alien 
landing sites :-) )

Also, are there people/company's around that we could hire to make my 
maps look pretty?  (I'm think of sending them my mapfile and shapefies, 
and they'd send me a mapfile back, and it wouldn't be too expensive)

I don't have permission to spend money on this yet, but I can see it 
coming down the road.  I'd like to know what my options are.


mapserver-users mailing list

RE: [mapserver-users] pretty maps

2009-07-28 Thread Fawcett, David
For thematic maps, Color Brewer is a lot of help.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Andy
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 2:39 PM
To: mapser all users
Subject: [mapserver-users] pretty maps

Hi All,

I am a programmer, and not an artist or a mapper.  (I cant even draw 
good stick figures.)

So my question is, how do ya'll make pretty maps?  Is there a tool you 
use?  Are there standards/common colors/symbols that should be used? (I 
assume watter should be blue... and red-green dotted lines to show alien

landing sites :-) )

Also, are there people/company's around that we could hire to make my 
maps look pretty?  (I'm think of sending them my mapfile and shapefies, 
and they'd send me a mapfile back, and it wouldn't be too expensive)

I don't have permission to spend money on this yet, but I can see it 
coming down the road.  I'd like to know what my options are.


mapserver-users mailing list
mapserver-users mailing list

RE: [mapserver-users] pretty maps

2009-07-28 Thread Bob Basques
I use this color tool as well: ( ) 


>>> "Fawcett, David"  wrote:

For thematic maps, Color Brewer is a lot of help.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Andy
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 2:39 PM
To: mapser all users
Subject: [mapserver-users] pretty maps

Hi All,

I am a programmer, and not an artist or a mapper.  (I cant even draw
good stick figures.)

So my question is, how do ya'll make pretty maps?  Is there a tool you
use?  Are there standards/common colors/symbols that should be used? (I
assume watter should be blue... and red-green dotted lines to show alien

landing sites :-) )

Also, are there people/company's around that we could hire to make my
maps look pretty?  (I'm think of sending them my mapfile and shapefies,
and they'd send me a mapfile back, and it wouldn't be too expensive)

I don't have permission to spend money on this yet, but I can see it
coming down the road.  I'd like to know what my options are.


mapserver-users mailing list
mapserver-users mailing list

mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Legend: Calling one of two layers shows both legend entries

2009-07-28 Thread Brent Fraser

  Sounds like a GeoMoose problem; you might try asking their email list.

  I seem to recall a similar problem with GeoMoose 1.6.1; try using
underscores (_) instead of a dash (-) in the layer name.

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser

> Dear all,
> I am using a mapfile with two layers.
> When using Geomoose 2 as client and turning the first of these layers on
> from the legend, the respective signature will appear in the legend at
> its respective location (as expected), but also the legend location of
> the second layer.
> I tried using STATUS ON / OFF at layer level - but no success. How can I
> change this? I added two screenshots for clarification. Mapbook snippets
> are below.
> When calling the legend via URL in my browser, there is no such problem:
> http://host/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/srv/coffeeshop/map/
> shows both legend signatures
> http://host/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/srv/coffeeshop/map/
> shows only the signature of LAYER-01
> Any hints on that?
> Thanks,
> Nils
> --
> Center for Development Research
> Department of Ecology and Resource Management
> Walter-Flex-Strasse 3
> 53113 Bonn (Germany)
> Tel.:   +49 (0) 228 - 73-1793
> FAX:+49 (0) 228 - 73-1889
> E-Mail:
> Web:
> ___
> mapserver-users mailing list

mapserver-users mailing list