Re: [mapserver-users] RE: Validation beyond [A-z]

2011-04-29 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

On 4/29/2011 6:37 AM, Jan Hartmann wrote:

Thanks Steve. I don't understand the syntax: in the regex versions I
use,"."  means"one and just one character", not any string. Any
string excluding the null-string would be".+"  or"..*"

Not "." means match any single character in the string. It does not mean 
match a string of just one character. Basically it means match any 
string the is not a null string.

"."   - match any character in a string the is not a null string
".*"  - match any string the is 0 or more characters
"^.$" - match a string the is exactly one character long
"^$"  - match only an empty/null string

".+"  - match any string that is one of more characters
"..*" - match any character followed by 0 or more characters

More generally, I still have problems with validation as a concept:
it's too difficult, and perhaps that's why it isn't documented. I

The doc team has done a great job with the documentation, but there are 
always areas for improvement and this is one of those areas that we need 
to improve the documentation.

have postings about this subject in my personal mapserver-dev
mail-archive dating from 2002 (couldn't find them on the official
site any more), and there still isn't a clear solution almost ten
years later.

IMHO the major security risk of MapServer CGI is that it gives access
to the filesystem outside the web-root. Wouldn't it be better to keep
security at that level, i.e. only let MapServer access explicitly
defined parts of the filesystem? Within these parts, it's up to the

Definitely not, in my opinion, I do not want my valuable data files 
which are sometimes licensed data in my document root tree where someone 
can download them.

Also, mapserver does not have any idea of what the webserver's document 
root is. In fact under Apache you can map any arbitrary directory into 
the a serviceable directory by the webserver.

web-site builder to put only those things that should be visible and
nothing else. You don't put an ultra-secret document on the web and
afterward restrict access to portions only, you just put there what
you want to show to the world. Same goes for validations on extent or
styles: just make your selections of what you want to show"before"
you let MapServer loose on it.

Mapserver serves imagery that is rendered in a context, it does not 
serve the underlining raw data files.

The same story can be told for database access and restrictions on
SQL queries: IMHO that is a matter for the database system. It's easy
enough to put everything behind barriers with user privileges and
views. Why should mapserver double all that security? Any competent
database administrator should know how to prevent SQL injects, and
MapServer should not be there to protect those who are unable to.

I've been working with Cloud VM's for about a year now, and in that
environment many security problems disappear: just make small,
dedicated servers and interconnect them, e.g. with cascading

So my view would be: let the Operating System and the Database do
everything needed to secure files and databases, and put in your web
services only afterwards. It all gets too complex with all those
interconnected securities at all levels of the system (my main
problem with Apache).

In the last ressort: KISS (Keep It Simple Steve (whoever)) :-)

This all sounds great, but I don't have a Cloud, or all the services to 
interconnect and cascade, and I'm not sure how I would set that up for 
all the applications I have running. Maybe this needs some documentation 
on how to do this better.

Regardless, mapserver has to support multiple environments. I do not 
think it is reasonable to tell all mapserver users that they have to 
re-architect there production environments because we do not want to 
provide some basic tools to help with security if they are not building 
systems like you are. If you know what you are doing then there is not 
problem defeating the tools mapserver provides by effectively making 
them a NOP.

As Steve L said, we can add a switch to turn it off if you want to 
create a bug and we should do a better job on this documentation.

Personally, I would be interested in learning more about how you setup 
and deal with the database, and filesystem issues and specifically how 
to deal with SQL injection attacks in postgresql.

Thanks for your interesting and thoughtful use case.

-Steve W



 On 04/28/11 18:48, Steve Woodbridge wrote

Hi Jan,

I do not think there is a global OFF switch for validation, but
where validation is required you can include the regex validation
string of /./ which means match anything except a null string, or to
also accept a null string then use /.*/

You still need to be aware of when you should put a validation in
place even if it accepts any string.

Regards, -Steve W

On 04/28/11 18:48, Jan Hartmann wrote:

I find the whole 

AW: [mapserver-users] Some issues with SLD and MapServer 6.0.0 Beta RC1

2011-04-29 Thread Arnd Wippermann

Here you can online see 

external graphic mostly not showing

Perhaps it has something to do with the complexity of the polygons. Locally
test with simplier polygons works. But also with the simplier polygons it
doesn't show the graphic if i apply the sld file from
.xml (gif image).

Rotated square not like 5.6.1

borders as thin lines without stroke set

The patch I cannot test. I'm not able to compile MapServer by myself.

Thank for watching the points


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Yewondwossen Assefa [] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 29. April 2011 19:48
An: Arnd Wippermann
Betreff: Re: [mapserver-users] Some issues with SLD and MapServer 6.0.0 Beta

On 28/04/2011 3:12 PM, Yewondwossen Assefa wrote:
> Sorry I hit send  with finishing the e-mail. I will through each items 
> tomorrow and report.
> On 28/04/2011 3:10 PM, Yewondwossen Assefa wrote:
>> On 28/04/2011 9:34 AM, Arnd Wippermann wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm interested in map styling with SLD and have tested it locally 
>>> with MapServer 6.0.0 Beta RC1 windows binaries from
>>> I have created an online application to play with SLD and the 
>>> different MapServer versions.
>>> /MapServ
>>> er_SLD_World.asp
>>> There the below issues can be seen. For the online application I 
>>> have only 6.0.0 Beta 7 available, but it is the same with RC1.
>>> Most things work great and create a good looking output.
>>> But some things doesn't work as expected.
>>> 1.
>>> It seems, that the output directory for debug is set static to 
>>> C:\Windows\Temp.
>>> msApplySLD(): Map file after SLD was applied 
>>> IMGPATH or IMGURL is not take in account.
>> Temporary files are now written into the tmp directory location. It 
>> depends on the platform but should respect the environment variables 
>> set on your platform regarding temporary paths. It is not hardcoded 
>> in Mapserver.  Ticket has 
>> notes on this.
>>> 2. fill external symbol
>>> Polygon fill with external graphic is erratic. If I zoom in one 
>>> level i get one tile (South America).
>>> It creates a file
>>> "" in 
>>> C:\Windows\Temp.
I am not sure I could reproduce this. With local test file, I was able to
get a fill polygon with external symbol working.
If you have a simple map/data I can use, you can create a trac bug and
attach it to them and assign it to me (osgeoid: assefa)

>>> 3. Continent, Continent_Else
>>> Filter PropertyIsLike doesn't work. With 5.6.1 it is ok.
>>> Expression from generated mapfile : EXPRESSION ("[Continent]" =~
>>> /^Africa/)
>>> 4. or_like_abcdef
>>> Filter Or and PropertyIsLike doesn't work. With 5.6.1 only the last 
>>> entry of PropertyIsLike are taken.
>>> With Or and PropertyIsEqualTo all entries are taken in both versions.
>>> Expression from generated mapfile (6 beta): EXPRESSION ( 
>>> ("[country]" =~
>>> /^A/) Or  ( ("[country]" =~ /^B/) Or  ( ("[country]" =~ /^C/) Or  ( 
>>> ("[country]" =~ /^D/) Or  ( ("[country]" =~ /^E/) Or  ("[country]"
>>> =~ /^F/))
>>> ) ) ) )
>>> msEvalExpression: Expression parser error. Failed to parse expression:
>>> ("[country]" =~ /^A/) Or ...
>>> With changing =* to ~* and / to " the mapfile works :
>>> EXPRESSION ( ("[country]" ~* "^A") Or  ( ("[country]" ~* "^B") Or ...
>>> It seems, that in the generated mapfile is a wrong expression.

I was able to reproduce this. I have added a bug
( on it and a patch that should
correct the issue. Is it  possible for you to test the patch and report
through the bug? Thx

>>> 5. symbol fill rotated
>>> Polygon fill with rotated square looks interesting, but not as 
>>> expected. Try with 5.6.1.
Here again I tried vectir synbols (weel-know sld symbols like star) as well
as the graphic symbols but could not see a problem. The roration parameter
should translate into an angle parameter in the style. I have tried this
using agg output. Here again if you have test data that demonstrate it
please open a trac bug.

>>> 6. fill solid
>>> Polygon with solid fill without stroke shows thin lines of the borders.

Same as above.

>>> Some other issues are likely not supported by MapServer, but would 
>>> be nice t

Re: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable

2011-04-29 Thread pcreso

Just as you have suggested. Have a CGI wrapper script, which determines the 
variable's value based on hostname (or whatever), then append this (to the 
QUERY_STRING prior to executing mapserver.


As shown in the link below, both the CONNECTION & DATA strings in the mapfile 
are supported by the preprocessor for variable substitution.


Brent Wood

--- On Sat, 4/30/11, Nicolas BOUTET  wrote:

From: Nicolas BOUTET 
Subject: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable
Date: Saturday, April 30, 2011, 1:56 AM

Dear All,  I have 2 MapServer servers. One for Production use, and the other 
for Validation use.The MAP files placed on those servers are similar except 
that each server has a different Oracle database as datasource.For now, I have 
some different CONNECTION values depending if the map file is on the Production 
or on the Validation server. So finally I must have different MAP files.  Is 
there a way to have exactly the same map files on the 2 servers, and to use a 
variable to parameterize the CONNECTION.  For example, I would like to set the 
CONNECTION of my layers to “%ORACLECONNECTIONSTRING%” and to set a CGI 
Environment variable named ORACLECONNECTIONSTRING to the correct value on each 
server.   Nicolas  
-Inline Attachment Follows-

mapserver-users mailing list
mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Efficiency - Postgres/gis view or Mapserver data definition join

2011-04-29 Thread pcreso
Hi Dana, 

Usually it does not matter much, as mapserver passes the query to Postgis 
anyway, as you noted. However, mapserever does do some parsing & rewriting of 
the query before issuing it, and this can cause issues.

Also note that when working in the db, it is easier to use explain, check 
indexes, etc to optimise your query, so if it is anything but a simple join, 
I'd suggest creating it in the database is the tidier way to do this.

I guess I approach it with the premise that mapserver is the rendering engine, 
Postgis is the data management/query engine. If your dba is going to be able to 
see the views/queries/joins which the db implements, & manage/optimise the db 
for these, it is much easier if they are inplemented in the db than scattered 
around in mapfiles.

This said, I use where clauses all the time in mapfiles, for layers based on 
data driven categories within a single table, for example, map LAYER DTIS = 
"select ... where category='DTIS';", etc. I'd suggest views in this case are 
just clutter :-)

It is a case-by-case basis... for informed advice, seeing the actual query 
would be useful

 Brent Wood

--- On Fri, 4/29/11, Dara Olson  wrote:

From: Dara Olson 
Subject: [mapserver-users] Efficiency - Postgres/gis view or Mapserver data 
definition join
Date: Friday, April 29, 2011, 6:34 AM


Greetings.  I am hoping that I have posted 
this on the most appropriate list, please let me know if I should be 
posting to a different list. 
In our Mapserver application, we join a lot of tables 
together - generally one table with geometry to a "flat" table with 
tabular data.  My question is - is it more efficient/faster to create 
a view in PostgreSQL doing the join and link to the view table from 
Mapserver or to define the join (SQL statement) with Mapserver in 
the data definition within the layer definition? Does it even matter 
because Mapserver sends the request to PostgreSQL/GIS? 
Also, we have joins that take a field within the flat 
table to determine which table to join to get geometry.  For example, 
if the flat table column "join" value is equal to 1 then it joins to 
"table1" to get geometry or if column "join" value is equal to 2 then it joins 
to "table2" to get geometry. I read something that you were not supposed to use 
WHERE clauses in the Mapserver data definition.  Would this be better to do 
as a view and link to the view table from the data definition?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks 
in advance!
-Inline Attachment Follows-

mapserver-users mailing list
mapserver-users mailing list

RE: [mapserver-users] RE: Validation beyond [A-z]

2011-04-29 Thread Lime, Steve D (DNR)
"." is a pattern that says the string contains at least one character, it's a 
wild card so that's why anything matches. Granted, regex's aren't easy to use 
but you can accomplish a lot with very simple patterns, plus I've not seen or 
been presented with a better idea.

Validation is (and will be) pushed for a couple of reasons:

-  To keep users from making poor decisions by forcing them to 
explicitly make (and think about) them

-  To try and limit unintended uses (we could go much further here)

Not everyone is risk aware and I feel a responsibility to try and help users 
limit risk. I suppose the lack of documentation doesn't support that last 
statement but we can fix that.  Without validation efforts there's potentially 
an inherent assumption that the rest of the codebase is insecure. We've made 
mistakes and take the topic seriously.

That said, I'm not adverse to a "no validation" switch as long as it's off by 
default, file a ticket...


From: Jan Hartmann []
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 5:38 AM
Cc: Lime, Steve D (DNR);; Rahkonen Jukka
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] RE: Validation beyond [A-z]

Thanks Steve. I don't understand the syntax: in the regex versions I use, "." 
means "one and just one character", not any string.

Any string excluding the null-string would be ".+" or "..*"

More generally, I still have problems with validation as a concept: it's too 
difficult, and perhaps that's why it isn't documented.

I have postings about this subject in my personal mapserver-dev mail-archive 
dating from 2002

(couldn't find them on the official site any more), and there still isn't a 
clear solution almost ten years later.

IMHO the major security risk of MapServer CGI is that it gives access to the 
filesystem outside the web-root. Wouldn't it be better to keep security at that 

i.e. only let MapServer access explicitly defined parts of the filesystem? 
Within these parts, it's up to the web-site builder to put only those things 
that should be

visible and nothing else. You don't put an ultra-secret document on the web and 
afterward restrict access to portions only, you just put there what you want to 

to the world. Same goes for validations on extent or styles: just make your 
selections of what you want to show "before" you let MapServer loose on it.

The same story can be told for database access and restrictions on SQL queries: 
IMHO that is a matter for the database system.

It's easy enough to put everything behind barriers with user privileges and 
views. Why should mapserver double all that security?

Any competent database administrator should know how to prevent SQL injects,

and MapServer should not be there to protect those who are unable to.

I've been working with Cloud VM's for about a year now, and in that environment 
many security problems disappear: just make small, dedicated

servers and interconnect them, e.g. with cascading services.

So my view would be: let the Operating System and the Database do everything 
needed to secure files and databases, and put in your web services only 

It all gets too complex with all those interconnected securities at all levels 
of the system (my main problem with Apache).

In the last ressort: KISS (Keep It Simple Steve (whoever)) :-)



On 04/28/11 18:48, Steve Woodbridge wrote

Hi Jan,

I do not think there is a global OFF switch for validation, but where

validation is required you can include the regex validation string of

/./ which means match anything except a null string, or to also accept a

null string then use /.*/

You still need to be aware of when you should put a validation in place

even if it accepts any string.


   -Steve W

On 04/28/11 18:48, Jan Hartmann wrote:
I find the whole validation issue difficult and not well documented 
(, last updated four hours ago). How 
do I put all validation off? I really don need that much security.


On 04/28/11 18:19, Lime, Steve D (DNR) wrote:
I see the problem, just not sure how to fix it. Steve W. provided some 
possibilities but that's probably not the only approach. It would be helpful if 
some interested person(s) got together and drafted an RFC. I think the devs 
would be in a position to help define implementation details if the problem is 
well defined along with a proposed solution.


 [] On Behalf Of Rahkonen Jukka
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 4:21 AM
Subject: [mapserver-users] Validation beyond [A-z]


Validation is nowadays needed in 

Re: [mapserver-users] free() methods in MapScript, compatibility MS 5.x and 6

2011-04-29 Thread Alan Boudreault
That's what I thought. Thanks for testing.


On April 29, 2011 01:40:42 pm Armin Burger wrote:
> Alan
> I used a script creating 3 different type of objects without applying
> the "free" method, put it in a loop with 1M cycles and opened it in a
> browser. Checking the memory usage of the Apache process while running
> the script showed no increase of memory at all. So I would guess the
> free() is not needed any more. Test was made with MS 5.6
> Armin
> On 29/04/2011 15:13, Alan Boudreault wrote:
> > Hi Armin,
> > 
> > Although I'm not sure if the free call was useful... since it was only
> > removing the php object from a global list but the object was not really
> > freed until the end of the script... I would suggest to simply add a
> > such condition "if ms_version<  6 ... obj->free()" rather than removing
> > them to be compatible 5.6/6.0 and avoid any issue. You can also do a
> > quick test in your script with some echo of the memory used before the
> > end of the script and see if the free() removal has any effect.
> > 
> > Alan
> > 
> > On April 27, 2011 01:25:54 pm Armin Burger wrote:
> >> Hi everybody
> >> 
> >> in MapServer/MapScript 6 the various class methods "free()" have been
> >> removed. If I want to have PHP/MapScript code compatible with both
> >> MapServer 5.x and 6, the easiest would be to completely remove these
> >> method calls from the code.
> >> 
> >> My question is just if these free() methods are still somehow required
> >> or recommended for MapServer/MapScript 5.x or if I can silently drop
> >> them without any drawbacks.
> >> 
> >> Cheers
> >> Armin
> >> ___
> >> mapserver-users mailing list
> >>
> >>

Alan Boudreault
mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Some issues with SLD and MapServer 6.0.0 Beta RC1

2011-04-29 Thread Yewondwossen Assefa

On 28/04/2011 3:12 PM, Yewondwossen Assefa wrote:
Sorry I hit send  with finishing the e-mail. I will through each items 
tomorrow and report.

On 28/04/2011 3:10 PM, Yewondwossen Assefa wrote:

On 28/04/2011 9:34 AM, Arnd Wippermann wrote:


I'm interested in map styling with SLD and have tested it locally with
MapServer 6.0.0 Beta RC1 windows binaries from

I have created an online application to play with SLD and the different
MapServer versions. 


There the below issues can be seen. For the online application I 
have only

6.0.0 Beta 7 available, but it is the same with RC1.

Most things work great and create a good looking output.

But some things doesn't work as expected.

It seems, that the output directory for debug is set static to
msApplySLD(): Map file after SLD was applied
IMGPATH or IMGURL is not take in account.

Temporary files are now written into the tmp directory location. It 
depends on the platform but should respect the environment variables 
set on your platform regarding temporary paths. It is not hardcoded 
in Mapserver.  Ticket has 
notes on this.

2. fill external symbol
Polygon fill with external graphic is erratic. If I zoom in one 
level i get

one tile (South America).
It creates a file
"" in
I am not sure I could reproduce this. With local test file, I was able 
to get a fill polygon with external symbol working.
If you have a simple map/data I can use, you can create a trac bug and 
attach it to them and assign it to me (osgeoid: assefa)

3. Continent, Continent_Else
Filter PropertyIsLike doesn't work. With 5.6.1 it is ok.
Expression from generated mapfile : EXPRESSION ("[Continent]" =~ 

4. or_like_abcdef
Filter Or and PropertyIsLike doesn't work. With 5.6.1 only the last 
entry of

PropertyIsLike are taken.
With Or and PropertyIsEqualTo all entries are taken in both versions.
Expression from generated mapfile (6 beta): EXPRESSION ( 
("[country]" =~

/^A/) Or  ( ("[country]" =~ /^B/) Or  ( ("[country]" =~ /^C/) Or  (
("[country]" =~ /^D/) Or  ( ("[country]" =~ /^E/) Or  ("[country]" 
=~ /^F/))

) ) ) )

msEvalExpression: Expression parser error. Failed to parse expression:
("[country]" =~ /^A/) Or ...

With changing =* to ~* and / to " the mapfile works :
EXPRESSION ( ("[country]" ~* "^A") Or  ( ("[country]" ~* "^B") Or ...

It seems, that in the generated mapfile is a wrong expression.

I was able to reproduce this. I have added a bug 
( on it and a patch that 
should correct the issue. Is it  possible for you to test the patch and 
report through the bug? Thx

5. symbol fill rotated
Polygon fill with rotated square looks interesting, but not as 
expected. Try

with 5.6.1.

Here again I tried vectir synbols (weel-know sld symbols like star) as 
well as the graphic symbols but could not see a problem. The roration 
parameter should translate into an angle parameter in the style. I have 
tried this using agg output. Here again if you have test data that 
demonstrate it please open a trac bug.

6. fill solid
Polygon with solid fill without stroke shows thin lines of the borders.

Same as above.

Some other issues are likely not supported by MapServer, but would 
be nice

to have them.

Changing the hatch width with sld. see "group3, hatch" as it is 

with mapfile class.

UserStyles from applied SLD not supported in WMS Styles

WMS request GetStyles creates only one userstyle with rules from the
different styles described in the mapfile. Should it not create 

userstyles for each style described in the mapfile?


mapserver-users mailing list

For new features/enhancements, It would also be better to add them in 
trac and mark them as enhancements. They can be addressed for future 
versions > 6.0.

best regards,


Assefa Yewondwossen
Software Analyst


Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
Fax:   (613) 565-0925

mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] free() methods in MapScript, compatibility MS 5.x and 6

2011-04-29 Thread Armin Burger


I used a script creating 3 different type of objects without applying 
the "free" method, put it in a loop with 1M cycles and opened it in a 
browser. Checking the memory usage of the Apache process while running 
the script showed no increase of memory at all. So I would guess the 
free() is not needed any more. Test was made with MS 5.6


On 29/04/2011 15:13, Alan Boudreault wrote:

Hi Armin,

Although I'm not sure if the free call was useful... since it was only
removing the php object from a global list but the object was not really freed
until the end of the script... I would suggest to simply add a such condition
"if ms_version<  6 ... obj->free()" rather than removing them to be compatible
5.6/6.0 and avoid any issue. You can also do a quick test in your script with
some echo of the memory used before the end of the script and see if the
free() removal has any effect.


On April 27, 2011 01:25:54 pm Armin Burger wrote:

Hi everybody

in MapServer/MapScript 6 the various class methods "free()" have been
removed. If I want to have PHP/MapScript code compatible with both
MapServer 5.x and 6, the easiest would be to completely remove these
method calls from the code.

My question is just if these free() methods are still somehow required
or recommended for MapServer/MapScript 5.x or if I can silently drop
them without any drawbacks.

mapserver-users mailing list

mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] error and temp file handling with 6.0.0

2011-04-29 Thread Jeff McKenna

On 11-04-29 1:59 PM, Arnd Wippermann wrote:


I'm a bit confused about how MapServer log errors and where it saves
temporary files.

In my mapfile I have declared

CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "file.err" #and DEBUG is not set

LOG "file.log" #in the WEB block
TEMPPATH ...   #in the WEB block

The recommending steps to log errors in MapServer are documented at

If I was in your situation I would follow those 7 steps listed in that 

Have a nice weekend :)


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] error and temp file handling with 6.0.0

2011-04-29 Thread Arnd Wippermann

I'm a bit confused about how MapServer log errors and where it saves
temporary files.

In my mapfile I have declared 

CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "file.err" #and DEBUG is not set

LOG "file.log" #in the WEB block
TEMPPATH ...   #in the WEB block

Playing with SLD and polygon fill with exernal graphic doesn't work, but
creates nevertheless some output.

error output will be written in file.err and file.log, but the messages not
the same.

Fri Apr 29 14:20:31
2011,2492,,simple_continents_shp_4326,-1,86.660156 -93.339844
183.339844 3.339844,-1.00 -1.00,,msDrawMap(): Image handling error.
Failed to draw layer named 'continents'. 
msOGRFileNextShape(): OGR error. IllegalArgumentException: Points of
LinearRing do not form a closed linestring 

[Fri Apr 29 14:27:03 2011].453000 msOGRFileNextShape(): OGR error.
IllegalArgumentException: Points of LinearRing do not form a closed
[Fri Apr 29 14:27:03 2011].453000 msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed
to draw layer named 'continents'.

Why do MapServer uses two files to log errors? And it seems, one have to
look in both, because the messages are not equal.

If declared, this path is used to save the temporary mapfile and the
temporary sldfiles. But the external graphic is saved in the System Temp
Directory C:\WINDOWS\TEMP.
Should the graphic not saved at the same place?

Also there is an error message that speaks of TMPPATH instead of TEMPPATH:
[Fri Apr 29 14:10:42 2011].937000 msSLDApplySLDURL: WMS server error. Could
not open SLD http://localhost/.../sld_polygon_fill_symbol_external.xml and
save it in temporary file C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\4dbaaac2_b34_0.sld.xml. Please
make sure that the sld url is valid and that the temporary path is set. The
temporary path can be defined for example by setting TMPPATH in the map
file. Please check the MapServer documentation on temporary path settings.


mapserver-users mailing list

RE: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable

2011-04-29 Thread Nicolas BOUTET
Yes, I realize reading you that the include statement can be inserted at any
place in the main Map file.

So, it works !!!


Thanks a lot David


De : Fawcett, David (MPCA) [] 
Envoyé : vendredi 29 avril 2011 17:03
À :;
Objet : RE: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable




I didn’t have a mapfile that utilizes connection handy, but I did test using
INCLUDE to substitute the value for DATA in an individual layer.  


Here is part of the layer definition:



  NAME "watersheds"


  #DATA 'majclip'




The file contains:


  DATA "majclip"


Based on this, I would assume that you should be able to do the same with
the CONNECTION for each of your layers.




From: Nicolas BOUTET [] 
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 9:49 AM
To: Fawcett, David (MPCA);
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable


Thank you David,


Yes, using INCLUDE should be a good solution. But as I know in MapServer
5.6, CONNECTION is a parameter of my LAYER objects, and not an object
itself. So I cannot have a CONNECTION object declared in a separate map
file… And I prefer to not have to duplicate the layers in different map





De : Fawcett, David (MPCA) [] 
Envoyé : vendredi 29 avril 2011 16:37
À :;
Objet : RE: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable


One potential way to do it would be with the use of ‘include’s.


The primary mapfile wouldn’t have a connection object, but it would contain:




Then on each machine, you would have a different version of
that contained the correct connection object for that machine.  


This wouldn’t give you the flexibility of changing it through the CGI
interface, but would allow you to use the same exact mapfile on both




[] On Behalf Of Nicolas BOUTET
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 8:57 AM
Subject: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable


Dear All,


I have 2 MapServer servers. One for Production use, and the other for
Validation use.

The MAP files placed on those servers are similar except that each server
has a different Oracle database as datasource.

For now, I have some different CONNECTION values depending if the map file
is on the Production or on the Validation server. So finally I must have
different MAP files.


Is there a way to have exactly the same map files on the 2 servers, and to
use a variable to parameterize the CONNECTION.


For example, I would like to set the CONNECTION of my layers to
“%ORACLECONNECTIONSTRING%” and to set a CGI Environment variable named
ORACLECONNECTIONSTRING to the correct value on each server. 




mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable

2011-04-29 Thread Rahkonen Jukka

No problem at all. I have it this way

For each layer
GROUP "default" 
INCLUDE "/usr/map/"
maxscaledenom 500010 
minscaledenom 250010
NAME "roadsclose"
DATA "way from (select way, osm_id ,highway,ref, name, tunnel from osm_line 
where highway is not null order by priority desc) as foo using unique osm_id 
using srid=3067"

And the "/usr/map/" file is

CONNECTION "host=localhost dbname=xxx user=yyy password=zzz port=5432"

Helps a lot when changing something on the database side also because there is 
only one place to update in the mapfiles.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

nen viesti-
Lähettäjä: puolesta: Nicolas BOUTET
Lähetetty: pe 29.4.2011 17:49
Vastaanottaja: 'Fawcett, David (MPCA)';
Aihe: RE: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable
Thank you David,


Yes, using INCLUDE should be a good solution. But as I know in MapServer
5.6, CONNECTION is a parameter of my LAYER objects, and not an object
itself. So I cannot have a CONNECTION object declared in a separate map
file. And I prefer to not have to duplicate the layers in different map





De : Fawcett, David (MPCA) [] 
Envoyé : vendredi 29 avril 2011 16:37
À :;
Objet : RE: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable


One potential way to do it would be with the use of 'include's.


The primary mapfile wouldn't have a connection object, but it would contain:




Then on each machine, you would have a different version of
that contained the correct connection object for that machine.  


This wouldn't give you the flexibility of changing it through the CGI
interface, but would allow you to use the same exact mapfile on both




[] On Behalf Of Nicolas BOUTET
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 8:57 AM
Subject: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable


Dear All,


I have 2 MapServer servers. One for Production use, and the other for
Validation use.

The MAP files placed on those servers are similar except that each server
has a different Oracle database as datasource.

For now, I have some different CONNECTION values depending if the map file
is on the Production or on the Validation server. So finally I must have
different MAP files.


Is there a way to have exactly the same map files on the 2 servers, and to
use a variable to parameterize the CONNECTION.


For example, I would like to set the CONNECTION of my layers to
"%ORACLECONNECTIONSTRING%" and to set a CGI Environment variable named
ORACLECONNECTIONSTRING to the correct value on each server. 




mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable

2011-04-29 Thread thomas bonfort
As David stated, the INCLUDE keyword does not have to be a full
mapserver object, it can be any valid mapserver keywords.


On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 16:49, Nicolas BOUTET  wrote:
> Thank you David,
> Yes, using INCLUDE should be a good solution. But as I know in MapServer
> 5.6, CONNECTION is a parameter of my LAYER objects, and not an object
> itself. So I cannot have a CONNECTION object declared in a separate map
> file… And I prefer to not have to duplicate the layers in different map
> files.
> Nicolas
> De : Fawcett, David (MPCA) []
> Envoyé : vendredi 29 avril 2011 16:37
> À :;
> Objet : RE: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable
> One potential way to do it would be with the use of ‘include’s.
> The primary mapfile wouldn’t have a connection object, but it would contain:
> Then on each machine, you would have a different version of
> that contained the correct connection object for that machine.
> This wouldn’t give you the flexibility of changing it through the CGI
> interface, but would allow you to use the same exact mapfile on both
> machines.
> David.
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Nicolas BOUTET
> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 8:57 AM
> To:
> Subject: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable
> Dear All,
> I have 2 MapServer servers. One for Production use, and the other for
> Validation use.
> The MAP files placed on those servers are similar except that each server
> has a different Oracle database as datasource.
> For now, I have some different CONNECTION values depending if the map file
> is on the Production or on the Validation server. So finally I must have
> different MAP files.
> Is there a way to have exactly the same map files on the 2 servers, and to
> use a variable to parameterize the CONNECTION.
> For example, I would like to set the CONNECTION of my layers to
> “%ORACLECONNECTIONSTRING%” and to set a CGI Environment variable named
> ORACLECONNECTIONSTRING to the correct value on each server.
> Nicolas
> ___
> mapserver-users mailing list
mapserver-users mailing list

RE: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable

2011-04-29 Thread Nicolas BOUTET
Thank you David,


Yes, using INCLUDE should be a good solution. But as I know in MapServer
5.6, CONNECTION is a parameter of my LAYER objects, and not an object
itself. So I cannot have a CONNECTION object declared in a separate map
file… And I prefer to not have to duplicate the layers in different map





De : Fawcett, David (MPCA) [] 
Envoyé : vendredi 29 avril 2011 16:37
À :;
Objet : RE: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable


One potential way to do it would be with the use of ‘include’s.


The primary mapfile wouldn’t have a connection object, but it would contain:




Then on each machine, you would have a different version of
that contained the correct connection object for that machine.  


This wouldn’t give you the flexibility of changing it through the CGI
interface, but would allow you to use the same exact mapfile on both




[] On Behalf Of Nicolas BOUTET
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 8:57 AM
Subject: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable


Dear All,


I have 2 MapServer servers. One for Production use, and the other for
Validation use.

The MAP files placed on those servers are similar except that each server
has a different Oracle database as datasource.

For now, I have some different CONNECTION values depending if the map file
is on the Production or on the Validation server. So finally I must have
different MAP files.


Is there a way to have exactly the same map files on the 2 servers, and to
use a variable to parameterize the CONNECTION.


For example, I would like to set the CONNECTION of my layers to
“%ORACLECONNECTIONSTRING%” and to set a CGI Environment variable named
ORACLECONNECTIONSTRING to the correct value on each server. 




mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Force Mapserver into rendering 8bpp png images(instead of 4bpp)?

2011-04-29 Thread Rahkonen Jukka

Probably through some tuned OUTPUTFORMAT and perhaps by having 
QUANTIZE_COLORS=256. Maybe this can lead your closer to the goal

-Jukka Rahkonen-

-Alkuperäinen viesti-
Lähettäjä: puolesta: christian yrrman
Lähetetty: pe 29.4.2011 16:18
Aihe: [mapserver-users] Force Mapserver into rendering 8bpp png images(instead 
of 4bpp)?
Dear All,

former subject of this thread was "Re: NoDATA value, transparency for
paletted IMG file" -

I'm having difficulties displaying 4bit-per-pixel PNG images served
via WMS to a GoogleEarth-API-Application (the NoData-Values aren't
transparent but "shaded black", whereas this worls well for 8bpp PNG
images- so I assume the GE-API can't display transparency for 4bpp

Is there a way to force mapserver into the creation of 8bpp PNG files,
even if the corresponding color table only has 9 entries (I think
that's the reason for this)?

Thanks for your help and greetings!


On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 12:42 PM, ChrisFern [via]
> Dear Frank, dear all,
> thanks for your reply.
> I think I have narrowed down the problem and it isn't really a mapserver
> issue - the 8bit paletted img gets rendered to a 4bit-per-pixel png whereas
> the correctly transparent RGB img gets rendered to an 8bit-per-pixel png.
> Seems that the Google Earth API can't detect/deal with the NoData value in
> this 4bpp png and renders this value sort of "shaded black" (which I would
> like to get ridd of). GIMP for example can deal with the transparency in
> this 4bpp png.
> If I switch to RGBA in the output format, then I have the transparency
> however the image is much bigger:
>    NAME png
>    MIMETYPE "image/png"
>    EXTENSION "png"
>    FORMATOPTION "transparent=on"
> Is there a way I can force the mapserver to produce 8bpp pngs?
> THANKS for your help - highly appreciated - and greetings,
> Chris
> PS here's the gdalinfo output for the 4bpp png:
> Driver: PNG/Portable Network Graphics
> Files: lb_usa.png
> Size is 1024, 768
> Coordinate System is `'
> Corner Coordinates:
> Upper Left  (    0.0,    0.0)
> Lower Left  (    0.0,  768.0)
> Upper Right ( 1024.0,    0.0)
> Lower Right ( 1024.0,  768.0)
> Center      (  512.0,  384.0)
> Band 1 Block=1024x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Palette
>   NoData Value=0
>   Image Structure Metadata:
>     NBITS=4
>   Color Table (RGB with 9 entries)
>     0: 1,1,1,0
>     1: 0,0,0,255
>     2: 12,16,120,255
>     3: 31,62,140,255
>     4: 33,110,158,255
>     5: 42,156,154,255
>     6: 61,184,104,255
>     7: 59,214,45,255
>     8: 113,235,47,255
> If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
> below:
> To unsubscribe from NoDATA value, transparency for paletted IMG file, click
> here.
mapserver-users mailing list

mapserver-users mailing list

RE: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable

2011-04-29 Thread Fawcett, David (MPCA)

I didn't have a mapfile that utilizes connection handy, but I did test using 
INCLUDE to substitute the value for DATA in an individual layer.

Here is part of the layer definition:

  NAME "watersheds"
  #DATA 'majclip'

The file contains:

  DATA "majclip"

Based on this, I would assume that you should be able to do the same with the 
CONNECTION for each of your layers.


From: Nicolas BOUTET []
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 9:49 AM
To: Fawcett, David (MPCA);
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable

Thank you David,

Yes, using INCLUDE should be a good solution. But as I know in MapServer 5.6, 
CONNECTION is a parameter of my LAYER objects, and not an object itself. So I 
cannot have a CONNECTION object declared in a separate map file... And I prefer 
to not have to duplicate the layers in different map files.


De : Fawcett, David (MPCA) []
Envoyé : vendredi 29 avril 2011 16:37
À :;
Objet : RE: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable

One potential way to do it would be with the use of 'include's.

The primary mapfile wouldn't have a connection object, but it would contain:


Then on each machine, you would have a different version of 
that contained the correct connection object for that machine.

This wouldn't give you the flexibility of changing it through the CGI 
interface, but would allow you to use the same exact mapfile on both machines.


[] On Behalf Of Nicolas BOUTET
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 8:57 AM
Subject: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable

Dear All,

I have 2 MapServer servers. One for Production use, and the other for 
Validation use.
The MAP files placed on those servers are similar except that each server has a 
different Oracle database as datasource.
For now, I have some different CONNECTION values depending if the map file is 
on the Production or on the Validation server. So finally I must have different 
MAP files.

Is there a way to have exactly the same map files on the 2 servers, and to use 
a variable to parameterize the CONNECTION.

For example, I would like to set the CONNECTION of my layers to 
"%ORACLECONNECTIONSTRING%" and to set a CGI Environment variable named 
ORACLECONNECTIONSTRING to the correct value on each server.


mapserver-users mailing list

RE: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable

2011-04-29 Thread Fawcett, David (MPCA)
One potential way to do it would be with the use of 'include's.

The primary mapfile wouldn't have a connection object, but it would contain:


Then on each machine, you would have a different version of 
that contained the correct connection object for that machine.

This wouldn't give you the flexibility of changing it through the CGI 
interface, but would allow you to use the same exact mapfile on both machines.


[] On Behalf Of Nicolas BOUTET
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 8:57 AM
Subject: [mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable

Dear All,

I have 2 MapServer servers. One for Production use, and the other for 
Validation use.
The MAP files placed on those servers are similar except that each server has a 
different Oracle database as datasource.
For now, I have some different CONNECTION values depending if the map file is 
on the Production or on the Validation server. So finally I must have different 
MAP files.

Is there a way to have exactly the same map files on the 2 servers, and to use 
a variable to parameterize the CONNECTION.

For example, I would like to set the CONNECTION of my layers to 
"%ORACLECONNECTIONSTRING%" and to set a CGI Environment variable named 
ORACLECONNECTIONSTRING to the correct value on each server.


mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Parameterized MapFile using CGI variable

2011-04-29 Thread Nicolas BOUTET
Dear All,


I have 2 MapServer servers. One for Production use, and the other for
Validation use.

The MAP files placed on those servers are similar except that each server
has a different Oracle database as datasource.

For now, I have some different CONNECTION values depending if the map file
is on the Production or on the Validation server. So finally I must have
different MAP files.


Is there a way to have exactly the same map files on the 2 servers, and to
use a variable to parameterize the CONNECTION.


For example, I would like to set the CONNECTION of my layers to
"%ORACLECONNECTIONSTRING%" and to set a CGI Environment variable named
ORACLECONNECTIONSTRING to the correct value on each server. 




mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Mapserver usage with commercial vendors data

2011-04-29 Thread Smith, Michael D ERDC-CRREL-NH

You can also do labeling via the TEXT directive with something like

TEXT "[LABEL_INT]#[LABEL_EN]"  #MapServer 6 syntax
WRAP "#"

Performance on Oracle Spatial (which we use for national and international
scale datasets, including NavTeq and TomTom) is quite good.


Michael Smith
Remote Sensing/GIS Center
US Army Corps of Engineers
Hanover, NH

On 4/29/11  10:03 AM, "thomas bonfort"  wrote:

> Paolo,
> On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 15:19, Paolo Crosato  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I work for an LBS based company, we have our own proprietary rendering
>> engine for producing maps, and we work mainly with data from Navteq and
>> Teleatlas. Presently our rendering engine is behind the competition in terms
>> of visual quality (we have a bad support for antialiasing, label names with
>> both native and transliterate names are missing, and so on). Introducing new
>> features in our current rendering architecture would require quite a lot of
>> coding and re-engineering, so we are looking for alternative renderers,
>> possibly open sourced. During this research project I came across Mapserver,
>> and it seems it would suit our needs in terms of high quality rendering and
>> customization.
>> However, there are still some open issues, mainly questions, I'd like to
>> ask.
>> In regards to rendering:
>> 1) Is there any way to align labels in different encondings for the same
>> city? I mean something like writing Москва́ and Moskvá vertically aligned,
>> like on Google Maps.
> MapServer itself currently only supports a single label per feature,
> but it does support label wrapping on specific characters so you can
> pass it both Москва́ and Moskvá with a bit of database scripting.
> You'd probably have to use utf8 encoding and have a font that supports
> all international characters, but that shouldn't be a problem.
> Extending mapserver so it supports multiple labels per feature could
> also be a possible solution.
> for the wrapping method, supposing you have a label_int (Москва́) and
> label_en (Moscow) fields, you'd use something like "select id,
> the_geom, label_int||'#('||label_en||')' as label from mytable" in
> your data statement, and then
> LABELITEM "label"
>  WRAP '#'
>> 2) Is there any plan to support 2.5D rendering for buildings?
> There's a bug open for that in the bug tracker, with no concrete
> follow-up recently due to lack of funding and/or developper interest.
> Adding such support would be feasible.
>> In regards to working with high loads of data:
>> 1) We render our maps from data provided by vendors like Navteq, and they
>> have a lot of details and features. Is there anyone working in the same
>> field, who could share some of his experience?
> building a relatively complete mapfile for navteq data isn't a
> daunting task, although getting everything to display correctly at all
> scales can be time-consuming.
>> 2) Is it more efficient to work with PostGis/Oracle Spatial or with
>> shapefiles? I suppose the former would be faster, since shapefiles provided
>> by Navteq would require about 100gigs for Europe only, just to store the
>> data.
> Indexed shapefiles will be slightly faster than postgis, but the
> flexibility you gain by being able to do "complex" queries with
> postgis (like ordering the data to get most important ones to show up
> first, etc...) is largely worth the slight overhead. I'd say that if
> you want high quality map rendering, postgis is going to be a must,
> otherwise shapefiles will do. (I have no experience with oracle)
>> 3) In regards to the hardware, I reckon we would need at least one
>> workstation dedicated to rendering. Currently we are hosting our rendering
>> service on dual Xeon (quad core), with 16G of ram and SAS arrays of hard
>> disks, would one server like this be ok or would it be better to have more
>> machines, especially if planning to use RDBMS to hold the data? I'm asking
>> this because with currently work with detailed data from Europe, North and
>> South America, so it's quite a lot of stuff :)
>> From my tests in these scenarios, the db backend is the bottleneck, so
> you can beaf that one up as much as you can (i.e. lots of ram and ssd
> disks). A fast cpu and a reasonable amount of memory for the rendering
> host can do no harm, although that is a less important factor from my
> testing.
> regards,
> thomas
> ___
> mapserver-users mailing list

mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Mapserver usage with commercial vendors data

2011-04-29 Thread thomas bonfort

On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 15:19, Paolo Crosato  wrote:
> Hi,
> I work for an LBS based company, we have our own proprietary rendering
> engine for producing maps, and we work mainly with data from Navteq and
> Teleatlas. Presently our rendering engine is behind the competition in terms
> of visual quality (we have a bad support for antialiasing, label names with
> both native and transliterate names are missing, and so on). Introducing new
> features in our current rendering architecture would require quite a lot of
> coding and re-engineering, so we are looking for alternative renderers,
> possibly open sourced. During this research project I came across Mapserver,
> and it seems it would suit our needs in terms of high quality rendering and
> customization.
> However, there are still some open issues, mainly questions, I'd like to
> ask.
> In regards to rendering:
> 1) Is there any way to align labels in different encondings for the same
> city? I mean something like writing Москва́ and Moskvá vertically aligned,
> like on Google Maps.
MapServer itself currently only supports a single label per feature,
but it does support label wrapping on specific characters so you can
pass it both Москва́ and Moskvá with a bit of database scripting.
You'd probably have to use utf8 encoding and have a font that supports
all international characters, but that shouldn't be a problem.
Extending mapserver so it supports multiple labels per feature could
also be a possible solution.

for the wrapping method, supposing you have a label_int (Москва́) and
label_en (Moscow) fields, you'd use something like "select id,
the_geom, label_int||'#('||label_en||')' as label from mytable" in
your data statement, and then

 WRAP '#'

> 2) Is there any plan to support 2.5D rendering for buildings?
There's a bug open for that in the bug tracker, with no concrete
follow-up recently due to lack of funding and/or developper interest.
Adding such support would be feasible.

> In regards to working with high loads of data:
> 1) We render our maps from data provided by vendors like Navteq, and they
> have a lot of details and features. Is there anyone working in the same
> field, who could share some of his experience?
building a relatively complete mapfile for navteq data isn't a
daunting task, although getting everything to display correctly at all
scales can be time-consuming.

> 2) Is it more efficient to work with PostGis/Oracle Spatial or with
> shapefiles? I suppose the former would be faster, since shapefiles provided
> by Navteq would require about 100gigs for Europe only, just to store the
> data.
Indexed shapefiles will be slightly faster than postgis, but the
flexibility you gain by being able to do "complex" queries with
postgis (like ordering the data to get most important ones to show up
first, etc...) is largely worth the slight overhead. I'd say that if
you want high quality map rendering, postgis is going to be a must,
otherwise shapefiles will do. (I have no experience with oracle)

> 3) In regards to the hardware, I reckon we would need at least one
> workstation dedicated to rendering. Currently we are hosting our rendering
> service on dual Xeon (quad core), with 16G of ram and SAS arrays of hard
> disks, would one server like this be ok or would it be better to have more
> machines, especially if planning to use RDBMS to hold the data? I'm asking
> this because with currently work with detailed data from Europe, North and
> South America, so it's quite a lot of stuff :)
>From my tests in these scenarios, the db backend is the bottleneck, so
you can beaf that one up as much as you can (i.e. lots of ram and ssd
disks). A fast cpu and a reasonable amount of memory for the rendering
host can do no harm, although that is a less important factor from my

mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Mapserver usage with commercial vendors data

2011-04-29 Thread Paolo Crosato


I work for an LBS based company, we have our own proprietary rendering 
engine for producing maps, and we work mainly with data from Navteq and 
Teleatlas. Presently our rendering engine is behind the competition in 
terms of visual quality (we have a bad support for antialiasing, label 
names with both native and transliterate names are missing, and so on). 
Introducing new features in our current rendering architecture would 
require quite a lot of coding and re-engineering, so we are looking for 
alternative renderers, possibly open sourced. During this research 
project I came across Mapserver, and it seems it would suit our needs in 
terms of high quality rendering and customization.
However, there are still some open issues, mainly questions, I'd like to 

In regards to rendering:
1) Is there any way to align labels in different encondings for the same 
city? I mean something like writing ??? and /Moskvá /vertically 
aligned, like on Google Maps.

2) Is there any plan to support 2.5D rendering for buildings?

In regards to working with high loads of data:
1) We render our maps from data provided by vendors like Navteq, and 
they have a lot of details and features. Is there anyone working in the 
same field, who could share some of his experience?
2) Is it more efficient to work with PostGis/Oracle Spatial or with 
shapefiles? I suppose the former would be faster, since shapefiles 
provided by Navteq would require about 100gigs for Europe only, just to 
store the data.
3) In regards to the hardware, I reckon we would need at least one 
workstation dedicated to rendering. Currently we are hosting our 
rendering service on dual Xeon (quad core), with 16G of ram and SAS 
arrays of hard disks, would one server like this be ok or would it be 
better to have more machines, especially if planning to use RDBMS to 
hold the data? I'm asking this because with currently work with detailed 
data from Europe, North and South America, so it's quite a lot of stuff :)

Thanks in advance for any feedback.


Paolo Crosato


Paolo Crosato
Ubiest SPA

mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Force Mapserver into rendering 8bpp png images (instead of 4bpp)?

2011-04-29 Thread christian yrrman
Dear All,

former subject of this thread was "Re: NoDATA value, transparency for
paletted IMG file" -

I'm having difficulties displaying 4bit-per-pixel PNG images served
via WMS to a GoogleEarth-API-Application (the NoData-Values aren't
transparent but "shaded black", whereas this worls well for 8bpp PNG
images- so I assume the GE-API can't display transparency for 4bpp

Is there a way to force mapserver into the creation of 8bpp PNG files,
even if the corresponding color table only has 9 entries (I think
that's the reason for this)?

Thanks for your help and greetings!


On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 12:42 PM, ChrisFern [via]
> Dear Frank, dear all,
> thanks for your reply.
> I think I have narrowed down the problem and it isn't really a mapserver
> issue - the 8bit paletted img gets rendered to a 4bit-per-pixel png whereas
> the correctly transparent RGB img gets rendered to an 8bit-per-pixel png.
> Seems that the Google Earth API can't detect/deal with the NoData value in
> this 4bpp png and renders this value sort of "shaded black" (which I would
> like to get ridd of). GIMP for example can deal with the transparency in
> this 4bpp png.
> If I switch to RGBA in the output format, then I have the transparency
> however the image is much bigger:
>    NAME png
>    MIMETYPE "image/png"
>    EXTENSION "png"
>    FORMATOPTION "transparent=on"
> Is there a way I can force the mapserver to produce 8bpp pngs?
> THANKS for your help - highly appreciated - and greetings,
> Chris
> PS here's the gdalinfo output for the 4bpp png:
> Driver: PNG/Portable Network Graphics
> Files: lb_usa.png
> Size is 1024, 768
> Coordinate System is `'
> Corner Coordinates:
> Upper Left  (    0.0,    0.0)
> Lower Left  (    0.0,  768.0)
> Upper Right ( 1024.0,    0.0)
> Lower Right ( 1024.0,  768.0)
> Center      (  512.0,  384.0)
> Band 1 Block=1024x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Palette
>   NoData Value=0
>   Image Structure Metadata:
>     NBITS=4
>   Color Table (RGB with 9 entries)
>     0: 1,1,1,0
>     1: 0,0,0,255
>     2: 12,16,120,255
>     3: 31,62,140,255
>     4: 33,110,158,255
>     5: 42,156,154,255
>     6: 61,184,104,255
>     7: 59,214,45,255
>     8: 113,235,47,255
> If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
> below:
> To unsubscribe from NoDATA value, transparency for paletted IMG file, click
> here.
mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] free() methods in MapScript, compatibility MS 5.x and 6

2011-04-29 Thread Alan Boudreault
Hi Armin,

Although I'm not sure if the free call was useful... since it was only 
removing the php object from a global list but the object was not really freed 
until the end of the script... I would suggest to simply add a such condition 
"if ms_version < 6 ... obj->free()" rather than removing them to be compatible 
5.6/6.0 and avoid any issue. You can also do a quick test in your script with 
some echo of the memory used before the end of the script and see if the 
free() removal has any effect.


On April 27, 2011 01:25:54 pm Armin Burger wrote:
> Hi everybody
> in MapServer/MapScript 6 the various class methods "free()" have been
> removed. If I want to have PHP/MapScript code compatible with both
> MapServer 5.x and 6, the easiest would be to completely remove these
> method calls from the code.
> My question is just if these free() methods are still somehow required
> or recommended for MapServer/MapScript 5.x or if I can silently drop
> them without any drawbacks.
> Cheers
> Armin
> ___
> mapserver-users mailing list

Alan Boudreault
mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] RE: Validation beyond [A-z]

2011-04-29 Thread Rahkonen Jukka

I am not so sure that we all are competent database administrators. Lots of us 
has started with tutorials like and they do not tell much about fighting against 
SQL injection.

I consider it is good to have security settings in Mapserver. I admit they 
should be easy to use and well documented.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

-Alkuperäinen viesti-
Lähettäjä: puolesta: Jan Hartmann
Lähetetty: pe 29.4.2011 13:37
Kopio: Rahkonen Jukka;
Aihe: Re: [mapserver-users] RE: Validation beyond [A-z]
Thanks Steve. I don't understand the syntax: in the regex versions I use, "." 
means "one and just one character", not any string.
Any string excluding the null-string would be ".+" or "..*"

More generally, I still have problems with validation as a concept: it's too 
difficult, and perhaps that's why it isn't documented.
I have postings about this subject in my personal mapserver-dev mail-archive 
dating from 2002
(couldn't find them on the official site any more), and there still isn't a 
clear solution almost ten years later.

IMHO the major security risk of MapServer CGI is that it gives access to the 
filesystem outside the web-root. Wouldn't it be better to keep security at that 
i.e. only let MapServer access explicitly defined parts of the filesystem? 
Within these parts, it's up to the web-site builder to put only those things 
that should be
visible and nothing else. You don't put an ultra-secret document on the web and 
afterward restrict access to portions only, you just put there what you want to 
to the world. Same goes for validations on extent or styles: just make your 
selections of what you want to show "before" you let MapServer loose on it.

The same story can be told for database access and restrictions on SQL queries: 
IMHO that is a matter for the database system.
It's easy enough to put everything behind barriers with user privileges and 
views. Why should mapserver double all that security?
Any competent database administrator should know how to prevent SQL injects,
and MapServer should not be there to protect those who are unable to.

I've been working with Cloud VM's for about a year now, and in that environment 
many security problems disappear: just make small, dedicated
servers and interconnect them, e.g. with cascading services.

So my view would be: let the Operating System and the Database do everything 
needed to secure files and databases, and put in your web services only 
It all gets too complex with all those interconnected securities at all levels 
of the system (my main problem with Apache).

In the last ressort: KISS (Keep It Simple Steve (whoever)) :-)



On 04/28/11 18:48, Steve Woodbridge wrote

Hi Jan,

I do not think there is a global OFF switch for validation, but where
validation is required you can include the regex validation string of
/./ which means match anything except a null string, or to also accept a
null string then use /.*/

You still need to be aware of when you should put a validation in place
even if it accepts any string.

-Steve W

On 04/28/11 18:48, Jan Hartmann wrote:
> I find the whole validation issue difficult and not well documented 
> (, last updated four hours 
> ago). How do I put all validation off? I really don need that much 
> security.
> Jan
> On 04/28/11 18:19, Lime, Steve D (DNR) wrote:
>> I see the problem, just not sure how to fix it. Steve W. provided 
>> some possibilities but that's probably not the only approach. It 
>> would be helpful if some interested person(s) got together and 
>> drafted an RFC. I think the devs would be in a position to help 
>> define implementation details if the problem is well defined along 
>> with a proposed solution.
>> Steve
>> *From:* 
>> [] *On Behalf Of 
>> *Rahkonen Jukka
>> *Sent:* Thursday, April 28, 2011 4:21 AM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* [mapserver-users] Validation beyond [A-z]
>> Hi,
>> Validation is nowadays needed in quite a many places in a mapfile.  
>> However, we who live outside the English speaking world tend to have 
>> more characters in the alphabet than A to Z.  This makes the mapfile 
>> validation idea only half effective because for making things to work 
>> at all with the native data we must accept almost everything that is 
>> non-numeric with wildcards. Are there others who think that this is a 
>> problem?
>> Stephen Woodbidge commented slightly this topic in another thead a 
>> month ago (Mar 29, 2011)
>> -Jukka Rahkonen-
>> __

Re: [mapserver-users] RE: Validation beyond [A-z]

2011-04-29 Thread Jan Hartmann

Thanks Steve. I don't understand the syntax: in the regex versions I use, "." means 
"one and just one character", not any string.
Any string excluding the null-string would be ".+" or "..*"

More generally, I still have problems with validation as a concept: it's too 
difficult, and perhaps that's why it isn't documented.
I have postings about this subject in my personal mapserver-dev mail-archive 
dating from 2002
(couldn't find them on the official site any more), and there still isn't a 
clear solution almost ten years later.

IMHO the major security risk of MapServer CGI is that it gives access to the 
filesystem outside the web-root. Wouldn't it be better to keep security at that 
i.e. only let MapServer access explicitly defined parts of the filesystem? 
Within these parts, it's up to the web-site builder to put only those things 
that should be
visible and nothing else. You don't put an ultra-secret document on the web and 
afterward restrict access to portions only, you just put there what you want to 
to the world. Same goes for validations on extent or styles: just make your selections of 
what you want to show "before" you let MapServer loose on it.

The same story can be told for database access and restrictions on SQL queries: 
IMHO that is a matter for the database system.
It's easy enough to put everything behind barriers with user privileges and 
views. Why should mapserver double all that security?
Any competent database administrator should know how to prevent SQL injects,
and MapServer should not be there to protect those who are unable to.

I've been working with Cloud VM's for about a year now, and in that environment 
many security problems disappear: just make small, dedicated
servers and interconnect them, e.g. with cascading services.

So my view would be: let the Operating System and the Database do everything 
needed to secure files and databases, and put in your web services only 
It all gets too complex with all those interconnected securities at all levels 
of the system (my main problem with Apache).

In the last ressort: KISS (Keep It Simple Steve (whoever)) :-)



On 04/28/11 18:48, Steve Woodbridge wrote

Hi Jan,

I do not think there is a global OFF switch for validation, but where
validation is required you can include the regex validation string of
/./ which means match anything except a null string, or to also accept a
null string then use /.*/

You still need to be aware of when you should put a validation in place
even if it accepts any string.

   -Steve W

On 04/28/11 18:48, Jan Hartmann wrote:
I find the whole validation issue difficult and not well documented 
(, last updated four hours 
ago). How do I put all validation off? I really don need that much 


On 04/28/11 18:19, Lime, Steve D (DNR) wrote:

I see the problem, just not sure how to fix it. Steve W. provided 
some possibilities but that's probably not the only approach. It 
would be helpful if some interested person(s) got together and 
drafted an RFC. I think the devs would be in a position to help 
define implementation details if the problem is well defined along 
with a proposed solution.


[] *On Behalf Of 
*Rahkonen Jukka

*Sent:* Thursday, April 28, 2011 4:21 AM
*Subject:* [mapserver-users] Validation beyond [A-z]


Validation is nowadays needed in quite a many places in a mapfile.  
However, we who live outside the English speaking world tend to have 
more characters in the alphabet than A to Z.  This makes the mapfile 
validation idea only half effective because for making things to work 
at all with the native data we must accept almost everything that is 
non-numeric with wildcards. Are there others who think that this is a 

Stephen Woodbidge commented slightly this topic in another thead a 
month ago (Mar 29, 2011)

-Jukka Rahkonen-

mapserver-users mailing list

mapserver-users mailing list
mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Validation example wanted

2011-04-29 Thread Rahkonen Jukka

Great, it works with plain "." I was just reading a mail from yesterday by 
Stephen Woodbridge telling

"  I do not think there is a global OFF switch for validation, but where
validation is required you can include the regex validation string of
/./ which means match anything except a null string, or to also accept a
null string then use /.*/  "

You can see the supermarkets here:,borders,POI_free_query&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&BBOX=-574187,6558020,1615375,7978444&SRS=EPSG:3067&STYLES=&tag=shop&value=supermarket


thomas bonfort wrote:
> have you tried without the surrounding slashes? i.e.
   tag "."
   value "."

> On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 10:37, Rahkonen Jukka  
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Could somebody tell how can I make my WMS requests to validate? I am sending 
>> WMS GetMaps with two extra parameters "tag" and "value" by adding them to 
>> the end of the request like &tag=amenity&value=supermarket.
>> Tag and value can be anything and they should be used inside the following 
>> DATA "way from (select (way),osm_id,tags from osm_point where (tags 
>> @>'%tag%=>%value%')) as foo using unique osm_id using srid=3067"
>> I have tried to put a validation block in LAYER
>>    tag "/./"
>>    value "/./"
>> END
>> I have also tried to add these two lines into WEB-METADATA
>> tag_validation_pattern "/./"
>> value_validation_pattern "/./"
>> Because I am here you can guess that my trials were not successful.
>> I am using MS 6.0 beta7.  Queries with tag and value worked with 5.6.1 
>> version.
>> -Jukka Rahkonen-
> ___
> mapserver-users mailing list

mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Validation example wanted

2011-04-29 Thread thomas bonfort
have you tried without the surrounding slashes? i.e.
   tag "."
   value "."

On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 10:37, Rahkonen Jukka  wrote:
> Hi,
> Could somebody tell how can I make my WMS requests to validate? I am sending 
> WMS GetMaps with two extra parameters "tag" and "value" by adding them to the 
> end of the request like &tag=amenity&value=supermarket.
> Tag and value can be anything and they should be used inside the following 
> DATA "way from (select (way),osm_id,tags from osm_point where (tags 
> @>'%tag%=>%value%')) as foo using unique osm_id using srid=3067"
> I have tried to put a validation block in LAYER
>    tag "/./"
>    value "/./"
> I have also tried to add these two lines into WEB-METADATA
> tag_validation_pattern "/./"
> value_validation_pattern "/./"
> Because I am here you can guess that my trials were not successful.
> I am using MS 6.0 beta7.  Queries with tag and value worked with 5.6.1 
> version.
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
> ___
> mapserver-users mailing list
mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Validation example wanted

2011-04-29 Thread Rahkonen Jukka

Could somebody tell how can I make my WMS requests to validate? I am sending 
WMS GetMaps with two extra parameters "tag" and "value" by adding them to the 
end of the request like &tag=amenity&value=supermarket.

Tag and value can be anything and they should be used inside the following 

DATA "way from (select (way),osm_id,tags from osm_point where (tags 
@>'%tag%=>%value%')) as foo using unique osm_id using srid=3067"

I have tried to put a validation block in LAYER
tag "/./"
value "/./"

I have also tried to add these two lines into WEB-METADATA
tag_validation_pattern "/./"
value_validation_pattern "/./"

Because I am here you can guess that my trials were not successful.

I am using MS 6.0 beta7.  Queries with tag and value worked with 5.6.1 version.

-Jukka Rahkonen-
mapserver-users mailing list