[mapserver-users] Not transforming polygons to points

2009-05-08 Thread Oliver Wesp
Dear List,

I have some datasets where the data is organized in layers containing
both points and polygons. I read these datasets through ogr. I need to
integrate these datasets as two different layers into my mapfile. One
time to display just the polygons (works fine) and another to display
the points. Unfortunately mapserver transforms the polygons to points
so every node is shown. Is there any way to prevent this
transformation and to display only the features that are actually

best regards,
mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem: ANGLEITEM and TRANSPARENT

2009-06-22 Thread Oliver Wesp
Dear List,

I'm facing the same problems adressed in the messages below regarding
the transpareny of pixmap symbols. Pixmap symbols lose their
transparency after rotation or resizing with ANGLE
 or SIZE parameter. I'm working with mapserver 5.4.0 and gd 2.0.32. Is
anybody aware of this problem? Was this fixed with later versions of
GD? Any help is appreciated.

best regards,

On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 4:04 PM, Steve Lime wrote:

> As a follow up. The patch was not as complete as I hoped. I worked on the
> problem until late last night but did not end up committing anything- still
> working on it though.
> Steve
> >>> Steve Lime  05/30/06 1:01 PM >>>
> Christian: The problem seems to be in GD. Transparency is lost after
> rotation and I've tried a variety of methods
> to rebuild it post rotation and it simply doesn't work. That said, the
> folks have MapMedia have submitted a new
> image rotation function that should fix the issue and some others with
> resampling method. I need to integrate
> that into the development version for testing. I will do that tonite...
> Steve
> >>> Christian Wilmes  5/30/2006 8:11:39 AM >>>
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to visualize point-data with the mapserver. As symbol I'm using
> a transparent PIXMAP. Now I want to use ANGLEITEM in the STYLE-Object,
> ANGLEITEM itself is working fine, but using it causes the lost of the
> transperency. Instead of the parameter TRANSPARNZ in the SYMBOL-Object I
> also tried it with a gif and a png which has already a transparent
> background. The result is the same, without ANGLEITEM it works fine but
> without it doesn't.
> Does anybody have an idea how to fix that problem?
> Best Regards
> Christian
> --
> Bis zu 70% Ihrer Onlinekosten sparen: GMX SmartSurfer!
>  Kostenlos downloaden: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/smartsurfer
mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] msOGRFileNextShape(): OGR error. TopologyException: side location conflict

2009-08-18 Thread Oliver Wesp

we recently struggled with exactely the same kind of errors
(TopologyException) when reading S57 data through ogr. We discovered
that the problem only occured when gdal/ogr was build against GEOS. We
rebuild without GEOS support and the TopologyExceptions dissapeard.

Best regards,

2009/8/18 Daniel Morissette :
> Friend Vn 2000 wrote:
>> I still get this error now ( I use MS4W v2.3.1 - mapserv 5.2.1 ).
>> My data source is a .mdb Personal Geodabase file. This is the first time I
>> use this kind for input. I found the map engine doesn't work stably and this
>> error appears frequently. Sometime the error not shown but some features in
>> the map disappear mysterious-ly.
> I see two possibilities: it is either a bug in the OGR driver for Personal
> Geodatabase, or the specific file you are trying to open does not have clean
> topology in it, but either way this is very unlikely to be a direct
> MapServer issue. The first thing you should do is ensure that the dataset
> has clean topology in it. I'm sorry, I don't know how to do that with recent
> versions of ESRI software, but I remember that in the days of Arc/Info 7.x
> you'd do a CLEAN/BUILD on your coverage to rebuild the topology.
> Once you are sure that the topology is valid, you could try running
> GDAL/OGR's "ogrinfo" or "ogr2ogr" utilities on your dataset, if it's a OGR
> driver problem then the utilities will probably produce the same errors, in
> which case your best bet would be to file a GDAL/OGR ticket with a dataset
> to reproduce the issue, so that the maintainer of the driver can have a look
> and see if something can be done about this issue.
> Daniel
> --
> Daniel Morissette
> http://www.mapgears.com/
> ___
> mapserver-users mailing list
> mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/mapserver-users
mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] [Info] S-57 nautical map on MapServer

2010-07-23 Thread Oliver Wesp
We did similar work for IENC Data (inland water)  in Germany. Have a look at


We're reading S-57 .000 files direct through the OGR Library as Jeff
suggested. We also used scripts for generating tile indexes the way we
needed them and for generating symbols from the S-52 Standard. Also we
used a php wrapper script for generating a S-52 like pick report on

Feel free to contact me if you like more details.

Best regards,

2010/7/23 easyl :
> Since several months I was looking for an good example or tutorial for
> rendering S-57 nautical charts on MapServer.
> After searching without any success I tried to build up my first map with
> limit knowledge.
> IMO, the most hardest part is how to render them with S-52 style standard.
> (The project http://www.opencpn.org/ has done a really good work to render
> nautical map in an application.)
> Some resource:
> http://home.gdal.org/projects/s57/index.html
> http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/S-57_data
> http://www.s-57.com/
> Here is a short description of what I have done.
> 1) Conver S-57 (*.000) files into shapefiles by using ogr2ogr.
>    An S-57 file is split into several shapefiles;
>    Each shapefile contains single one layer of single geometry type.
>    For example:
>    src.000 -- DEPARE --> Area    (a shapefile)
>                  +                  +--> Line     (a shapefile)
>                  |
>                  +-- (other layer)  .    (a
> shapefile)
>   Here is the ogr2ogr commands
>   > ogr2ogr -skipfailure -append -f "ESRI Shapefile" output/DEPARE/A
> src.000 -nlt POLYGON DEPARE
>   > ogr2ogr -skipfailure -append -f "ESRI Shapefile" output/DEPARE/L
> src.000 -nlt LINESTRING DEPARE
>   The SOUNDG layer must be converted with special care.
>  > ogr2ogr -skipfailure -append -f "ESRI Shapefile" output/SOUNDG/P src.000
> 2) Construct mapfile
>  2.1) Generally there are (at least) two things to take care: scale and
> layer priority.
>         S-57 data may have different scale value and overlap with each
> other.
>         Moreover, a S-57 data may not have a rectangle extent.
>         For those reasons, I construct mapfile with the following manner:
>         Sort layers after scale value, then layer priority.
>         Group them if necessary.
>         MAP
>           LAYER
>               // scale:       1:100,000
>               // priority:    low
>              CONNECTION "shapefile/10/DEPARE/A/DEPARE.shp"
>              DATA "DEPARE"
>              GROUP "DEPARE"
>           END
>           LAYER
>               // scale:       1:100,000
>               // priority:    high
>              CONNECTION "shapefile/10/LIGHTS/P/LIGHTS.shp"
>              DATA "LIGHTS"
>              GROUP "LIGHTS"
>           END
>           LAYER
>               // scale:       1:10,000
>               // priority:    low
>              CONNECTION "shapefile/1/DEPARE/A/DEPARE.shp"
>              DATA "DEPARE"
>              GROUP "DEPARE"
>           END
>           LAYER
>               // scale:       1:10,000
>               // priority:    high
>              CONNECTION "shapefile/1/LIGHTS/P/LIGHTS.shp"
>              DATA "LIGHTS"
>              GROUP "LIGHTS"
>           END
>         END
>  2.2) apply style. It is the hardest part.
>         Here I give abother two examples.
>    NAME DEPARE_A_150_1
>    CONNECTION "shapefile/150/DEPARE/A/DEPARE.shp"
>      "proj=longlat"
>      "ellps=WGS84"
>      "datum=WGS84"
>      "no_defs"
>    END
>    CLASS
>      EXPRESSION ([DRVAL1] < 3)
>      STYLE
>        COLOR 115 182 239
>      END
>    END
>    CLASS
>      EXPRESSION ([DRVAL1] >= 3 && [DRVAL1] < 8)
>      STYLE
>        COLOR 156 198 247
>      END
>    END
>    CLASS
>      EXPRESSION ([DRVAL1] >= 8)
>      STYLE
>        COLOR 214 235 239
>      END
>    END
>  END
>    NAME LIGHTS_P_1500_1
>    CONNECTION "shapefile/1500/LIGHTS/P/LIGHTS.shp"
>      "proj=longlat"
>      "ellps=WGS84"
>      "datum=WGS84"
>      "no_defs"
>    END
>    CLASS
>      EXPRESSION ([COLOUR] == 3)
>      STYLE
>        COLOR 255 0 0
>        SIZE [VALNMR]
>        OPACITY 50
>        OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
>      END
>    END
>    CLASS
>      EXPRESSION ([COLOUR] == 4)
>      STYLE
>        COLOR 0 255 0
>        SIZE [VALNMR]
>        OPACITY 

Re: [mapserver-users] Re: Mapfile multiple CLASSITEM's

2010-08-09 Thread Oliver Wesp
It's not possible to use more than one field in CLASSITEM but it's is
indeed possible to use more than one field in your expression, so you
don't need CLASSITEM at all.

Say you have to fields ANIMAL and ANIMALSIZE.

   ANGLE 360
   COLOR 0 0 0
   SIZE 10
   SYMBOL "YourPointSymbol"
   WIDTH 1
   ANGLE 360
   COLOR 0 0 0
   OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100
   SIZE 10
   SYMBOL "YourPointSymbol"
   WIDTH 1

You still need more than one class but it does the trick.

Best regards,

2010/8/9 Donatas Malinauskas :
> Yes, Sumit, I understand - with few classes I can describe different
> animals, but the problem is that the same PIG in the map should be in
> severel different colours. The column value (eg. big pig - fills white,
> biggest pig - fills yellow, very big pig - fills red and so on) I read from
> data table...Is it possible to fill the same PIG ( in the same class) in
> different colours depending on data column value?
> Thanks :)
> Sumit Sharma [via OSGeo.org] wrote:
>> I use CLASSITEM for only one value, I think you can not use it for
>> multiple values.
>> However for your problem you can easily solve it by using expression in
>> class and color value in style
>> As for your example...
>>      NAME "PIG"
>>      STYLE
>>        ANGLE 360
>>        OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
>>        SIZE 10
>>        SYMBOL "YourPointSymbol"
>>        WIDTH 1
>>      END
>>    END
>> and so on you can make other classes for different "animals"
>> Hope this will resolve your problem
>> View message @
>> http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/Mapfile-multiple-CLASSITEM-s-tp5388609p5388702.html
>> To unsubscribe from Mapfile multiple CLASSITEM's, click here
>> .
> ___
> mapserver-users mailing list
> mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/mapserver-users
mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] WMS GetFeatureInfo returning no results with 5.6

2010-11-05 Thread Oliver Wesp
Dear List,

I'm trying to execute a GetFeatureInfo Request to an S57-File via OGR.
The Request works fine in 5.2.0 returning all the attributes.
Trying the same request and the same mapfile with Mapserver 5.6.1 or
5.6.5 I just get "Search returned no results.".

Did I miss some configuration changes from 5.2 to 5.6 or is something
else going wrong?

All this happens on a Windows Server 2003 Box.

Below is the mapfile.

Any help ist appreciated.

best regards,

 EXTENT 5.3120 49.577 31 67
 CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "c:\wms\logs\mapserver.log"
 CONFIG "CPL_DEBUG" "ON" #turns on gdal debugging
 CONFIG "PROJ_DEBUG" "ON" #turns on proj debugging
 #config options fuer gdal
 CONFIG GDAL_DATA "c:\Programme (x86)\FWTools2.4.7\data"

DRIVER AGG/PNG #Ausgabe von GD auf AGG gewechselt, das GD Probleme
mit Transparenzen hat
MIMETYPE 'image/png'

"init=epsg:4326" #Standardprojektion. Alle moeglichen Projektionen
werden in WEB.METADATA.WMS_SRS gesetzt

"wms_name" "WMS"
"wms_title" "WMS"
"wms_srs" "EPSG:4326 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 EPSG:31469
EPSG:2397 EPSG:2398 EPSG:2399 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:4258"

CONNECTION "c:\s57\ENC\DE11.000"
DATA "36"
NAME "Coverage"
COLOR 203 205 127
TEMPLATE dummy.html
"wms_abstract" "Coverage"
"wms_title" "Coverage (COVR)"
"wms_include_items" "all"
"wms_srs" "EPSG:4326"
mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Re: WMS GetFeatureInfo returning no results with 5.6

2010-11-05 Thread Oliver Wesp
Found out that it works as soon as I define a TOLERANCE of at least 1
Pixel for the Layer. Thats fine for me also I don't know if that is


2010/11/5 Oliver Wesp :
> Dear List,
> I'm trying to execute a GetFeatureInfo Request to an S57-File via OGR.
> The Request works fine in 5.2.0 returning all the attributes.
> Trying the same request and the same mapfile with Mapserver 5.6.1 or
> 5.6.5 I just get "Search returned no results.".
> Did I miss some configuration changes from 5.2 to 5.6 or is something
> else going wrong?
> All this happens on a Windows Server 2003 Box.
> Below is the mapfile.
> Any help ist appreciated.
> best regards,
> Oliver
>  EXTENT 5.3120 49.577 31 67
>  DEBUG 5
>  CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "c:\wms\logs\mapserver.log"
>  CONFIG "CPL_DEBUG" "ON" #turns on gdal debugging
>  CONFIG "PROJ_DEBUG" "ON" #turns on proj debugging
>  #config options fuer gdal
>  CONFIG GDAL_DATA "c:\Programme (x86)\FWTools2.4.7\data"
>    NAME 'PNG'
>    DRIVER AGG/PNG #Ausgabe von GD auf AGG gewechselt, das GD Probleme
> mit Transparenzen hat
>        MIMETYPE 'image/png'
>        EXTENSION 'png'
>        "init=epsg:4326" #Standardprojektion. Alle moeglichen Projektionen
> werden in WEB.METADATA.WMS_SRS gesetzt
>        METADATA
>                "wms_name" "WMS"
>                "wms_title" "WMS"
>                "wms_onlineresource"
> "\wms\Mapfiles\master.map&";
>                "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326 EPSG:31466 EPSG:31467 EPSG:31468 
> EPSG:31469
> EPSG:2397 EPSG:2398 EPSG:2399 EPSG:25832 EPSG:25833 EPSG:4258"
>        END
>  END
>        NAME COVR
>        STATUS ON
>        CONNECTION "c:\s57\ENC\DE11.000"
>        DATA "36"
>        FILTER '3'
>        CLASS
>                NAME "Coverage"
>                STYLE
>                        COLOR 203 205 127
>                        OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
>                END
>        END
>                "init=epsg:4326"
>        END
>        DUMP TRUE
>        TEMPLATE dummy.html
>        METADATA
>                "wms_abstract" "Coverage"
>                "wms_title" "Coverage (COVR)"
>                "wms_include_items" "all"
>                "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326"
>        END
>  END
>  END
mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Mapserver crashes with large number of layers

2010-12-08 Thread Oliver Wesp
Dear List,

we're kind of stuck with the following problem:

First of all we are running Mapserver 5.6.5 in CGI Mode on Windows
2003 Server (64bit). Webserver is Apache 2.2.

We have a large Mapfile (seperated into 5 different parts using
INCLUDE) with a total of 571 Layers. The layers have different
MAXSCALEDENOM values  so not all of them are drawn at all scales. The
layers are referencing the DATA via TILEINDEX (it's S-57 data read
through OGR). Most of the layers cover only a small area, so if I zoom
in to the map more and more layers must be taken into account of
drawing but only a small number must be drawn. All of the layers are
divided into three groups using the GROUP parameter.
What happens if I zoom in to the map at some point mapserver crashes
(actually it's not crashing it just stucks). If I reduce the total
number of layers (by commenting out parts of the mapfile) the map will
be drawn again. So my guess is that there is a problem with the number
of layers (or styles?, or symbols?, or number of layers per group?)
I turned on debugging on all of my layers but that didn't helped. If I
check the taskmanager mapserver.exe goes to 100% cpu usage and goes
back to zero after a few seconds but it's not being terminated. It's
still running in the process list. Debug output stops right in the
middle of the line. No error message is send to the client or written
to any of the logfiles. Actually no response is send to the client at
all. If I terminate the process using the task manager "Premature end
of script headers: mapserv.exe" is written to the apache error.log and
the client shows "Internal Server Error".

Right know we have no idea of what to look at. If anybody has any hint
what might goes wrong we maybe would be able to look at it and maybe
fix it. But right now we're stuck.

Best regards,
mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Mapserver crashes with large number of layers

2010-12-08 Thread Oliver Wesp

thanks for your help. Like you recommended I tried the request through
the commandline hoping for some kind of new error messages. Instead
the request just did what it should und returned the png without any
error. So it  works through commandline and crashes through cgi.

I also made a test on a 32bit machine and it shows the same behaviour.
And indeed we build mapserver by ourself but we can replicate the
problem with the binary from MS4W.

Best regards,

 2010/12/8 Jeff McKenna :
> Hello,
> I can give you the steps that I would do in this situation:
> - test this on a different machine
> - test on a 32bit machine
> - test on a Linux machine
> - if you build mapserv yourself, test with a binary/package (MS4W, FGS) and
> see if you can replicate the problem
> - convert your layers to shapefiles and retest (in other words see if
> avoiding using OGR helps at all)
> - get the exact CGI query string that causes problems in your browser and
> then try that same command through the commandline (examples at:
> http://www.mapserver.org/cgi/mapserv.html)...actually I would try that test
> first (because an error might be shown at the commandline, that is not
> displayed through the browser)
> - test with one big mapfile (avoid using includes just to see if that is the
> issue)
> - it might be an issue with tileindex on a layer...so if possible test
> without using a tileindex
> - but really, the best test is to start reducing the number of layers until
> you find the minimum number of layers that still cause the problem..then
> focus your testing on those few layers that are causing troubles (I often do
> this, and yes it takes time)
> Those are my initial thoughts.
> -jeff
> --
> Jeff McKenna
> MapServer Consulting and Training Services
> http://www.gatewaygeomatics.com/
> On 10-12-08 10:58 AM, Oliver Wesp wrote:
>> Dear List,
>> we're kind of stuck with the following problem:
>> First of all we are running Mapserver 5.6.5 in CGI Mode on Windows
>> 2003 Server (64bit). Webserver is Apache 2.2.
>> We have a large Mapfile (seperated into 5 different parts using
>> INCLUDE) with a total of 571 Layers. The layers have different
>> MAXSCALEDENOM values  so not all of them are drawn at all scales. The
>> layers are referencing the DATA via TILEINDEX (it's S-57 data read
>> through OGR). Most of the layers cover only a small area, so if I zoom
>> in to the map more and more layers must be taken into account of
>> drawing but only a small number must be drawn. All of the layers are
>> divided into three groups using the GROUP parameter.
>> What happens if I zoom in to the map at some point mapserver crashes
>> (actually it's not crashing it just stucks). If I reduce the total
>> number of layers (by commenting out parts of the mapfile) the map will
>> be drawn again. So my guess is that there is a problem with the number
>> of layers (or styles?, or symbols?, or number of layers per group?)
>> included.
>> I turned on debugging on all of my layers but that didn't helped. If I
>> check the taskmanager mapserver.exe goes to 100% cpu usage and goes
>> back to zero after a few seconds but it's not being terminated. It's
>> still running in the process list. Debug output stops right in the
>> middle of the line. No error message is send to the client or written
>> to any of the logfiles. Actually no response is send to the client at
>> all. If I terminate the process using the task manager "Premature end
>> of script headers: mapserv.exe" is written to the apache error.log and
>> the client shows "Internal Server Error".
>> Right know we have no idea of what to look at. If anybody has any hint
>> what might goes wrong we maybe would be able to look at it and maybe
>> fix it. But right now we're stuck.
> ___
> mapserver-users mailing list
> mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/mapserver-users
mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Mapserver crashes with large number of layers

2010-12-10 Thread Oliver Wesp
Thanks anyone for the help.

We didn't actually solved the problem but we found out how to avoid
it. First thing we found out was that the map was succesfully drawn
and that mapserver stucks after that. I tried it with mapscript and
the map image gets written to disk and after that php cgi stucks the
same way mapserver cgi does before. We didn't find out what exactly
happens but it's seems mapserver stucks when writing to the log files.
When we did some try and error with the logging mechanism we found out
(by accident) that everything is fine as soon as we turn of debugging
in the mapfile. For the moment I'm fine with this workaround but I
will try to get a small demo together as soon as as possible so maybe
somebody can have a look at it.

Best regards ,

2010/12/8 Umberto Nicoletti :

> Looks like a deadlock to me.
> If you have msvc on the machine try to attach the debugger to the
> process and see where it's stuck by requesting a stacktrace for
> example. If msvc is not available I'd try ProcessMonitor from
> sysinternals and last but not least good ole gdb (yes it does run on
> Windows).
> Recompile mapserver with debugging symbols to get accurate function
> names and line numbers from the debugger.
> Last step: verify that the mapserv process ran by apache is not
> loading different dlls from the command line you used to test it.
> HTH,
> Umberto
>> all. If I terminate the process using the task manager "Premature end
>> of script headers: mapserv.exe" is written to the apache error.log and
>> the client shows "Internal Server Error".
>> Right know we have no idea of what to look at. If anybody has any hint
>> what might goes wrong we maybe would be able to look at it and maybe
>> fix it. But right now we're stuck.
>> Best regards,
>> Oliver
>> ___
>> mapserver-users mailing list
>> mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org
>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/mapserver-users
mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Segmentation Fault on Solaris parsing Template

2008-04-24 Thread Oliver Wesp
Dear List,

I had a running installation of mapserver 4.8.1 on a solaris box which
suddenly stopped working. I'm using mapserver as cgi and everything
was fine until suddenly mapserver crashes with a segmentation fault. I
made a few tests and what it comes down to is that mapserver crashes
parsing the template in mode=browse. If I make a request with mode=map
everything is fine. With mode=browse mapserver generate the images,
returns the template just before the line where the first variable
substitution appears and crashes. Here is some more information from
the core dump:

gdb mapserv_481 core

#0  0xfe633218 in strlen () from /usr/lib/libc.so.1
#1  0xfe686530 in _doprnt () from /usr/lib/libc.so.1
#2  0xfe6882d8 in snprintf () from /usr/lib/libc.so.1
#3  0x00029cbc in processLine (msObj=0xecb48, instr=0xffbe9a30
"/tmp/map_sb120895549616000.png", mode=0) at maptemplate.c:2384
#4  0x0002c26c in msReturnURL (msObj=0xecb48, url=0x1023a0
"..//html/error.html", mode=0) at maptemplate.c:2918
#5  0x0001f244 in writeError () at mapserv.c:200
#6  0x00023bf8 in main (argc=2, argv=0xffbeb5a4) at mapserv.c:1276

I don't have direct access to the machine but there have been some
software installation and I don't now if some libs have changed. Maybe
someone can give me some hints...

best regards,
mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Build Mapserver 5.0.2 with sde support on solaris 5.8

2008-05-14 Thread Oliver Wesp
Dear List,

I'm trying to build mapserver 5.0.2 with support for sde 9.2 on my
solaris 5.8 box. The following problem occurs:

Undefined   first referenced
 symbol in file
c::c(N6,  (int0_t))
c::c(n6,  (int0_t))
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to shp2img
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I guess the missing references are in libCrun.so.1 so I tried to add
"-L/usr/lib -lCrun" but that gives me "libCrun not found" but
libCrun.so.1 is located in /usr/lib.

Any ideas?

I'm trying to build with gcc 3.2.3.

best regards,
mapserver-users mailing list