Re: [mapserver-users] PerlMapscript on Windows (Helmut Seidel M.A.)

2012-11-14 Thread lfilak

Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 19:20:48 +0100
From: "Helmut Seidel M.A." 
Subject: [mapserver-users] PerlMapscript on Windows
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed 

Hello everybody, 

I've just started on Mapserver  again - I normaly use (opensuse 12.2-/ 
ubuntu 12.04-) Linux and and would like to use perl scripting. On both 
Linuxes it is no problem to install Perl Mapscript but as far as I've 
seen MS4W and OSGEO don't come with Perl Mapscript. As my Scripts have 
to run on Windows I wonder whether there is an easy way to install it or 
does it mean compiling for Windows? Is there some kind of howto for 
installing PerlMapscript? 

Thanks very much

In the source directory mapscript/perl the README file explains the 
compilation process. I've never tried on Windows however and don't know if 
it will work.

mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] A Thank You

2013-05-28 Thread lfilak

Good day.
I wanted to forward a thank you from our end-users to the developers,  
maintainers & repository maintainers.
We recently updated from 5.0 to 6.0 and although it's not the latest  
version the users really like the AGG output vs. the GD output we've used  
in the past.

Kudos to all.


Lowell Filak
Medina County Engineers
mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] A Thank You

2013-05-28 Thread lfilak

And thanks to you Lowell, for pushing this FOSS4G use in your corporate

I'm also curious to know what platforms and packages of MapServer your
infrastructure runs on, at the development and production levels?  (I've
seen you on here mentioning Windows before)

On my side, I feel it's as important to promote the software users as well.



The platform has varied through the years but is now all Linux (Ubuntu  
Precise) using ubuntugis-stable for updates.
I think the Windows reference points to an attempt to help out a user with  
PerlMapscript which we use.


Lowell Filak
Medina County Engineers
mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Mapserver WMS & Grey-scale Images

2011-10-06 Thread lfilak

Good day.
We currently use Mapserver/Mapscript for several different functions. One 
of those functions is to serve orthophotography via WMS. Does anyone know 
if there is a way to configure Mapserver or Perl Mapscript to consume color 
images and serve grey-scale?
Thank you. 

Lowell Filak
Medina County Engineers
mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Re: Mapserver WMS & Grey-scale Images

2011-10-11 Thread lfilak
Perhaps to use OUTPUTFORMAT with  

FORMATOPTION "PALETTE=/path/to/palette.txt"

may help


Thank you, that should work. 

mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] IE/Windows mis-registered clicks

2011-11-30 Thread lfilak
We have been having a persistent problem which seems to be occurring more 
with the advent of MS-Windows 7. We were able to track the problem down in 
MS-Windows XP some time ago and could provide users with an easy fix but 
now the setting changes needed under Vista & 7 are more cumbersome. We 
found that a user running XP, using IE, and who had changed their screen 
DPI from "Normal Size" to "Large Size" could not click on the map image and 
have IE return valid pixel coordinates. When the user picked on pixel 
400,400 of the map image IE would return something like 200,200. I'm sure 
it's the difference between the default 96DPI and their modified 120DPI. 
Unfortunately the problem is not easily reproducible in XP and only seems 
to effect XP installs that have undergone some sort of "update", but we 
don't know what. With 7 I'm beginning to wonder if every user of our site 
using 7 & IE is having issues. At least with XP the one case I was able to 
study proved that it effected not just our site but google maps also, but 
with 7 I can't verify anything. Is anyone else experiencing this issue and 
have a fix?
Thanks in advance! 

mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] SWIG MapScript Documentation Notes

2010-04-07 Thread lfilak

Good day all.
Thanks to a bad rule that has been sending my mapserver-users mail to 
/dev/null I'm sure I'm probably missing something...
However, where should notes regarding the SWIG MapScript documentation be 
sent for inclusion in the doc?

Lowell Filak
mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] problem renaming the mapscript module for perl (swig problem???)

2010-05-18 Thread lfilak

Message: 6
Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 12:55:48 +0200
From: Christian Fritze 
Subject: [mapserver-users] problem renaming the mapscript module for
perl(swig problem???)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 

Hello everybody! 

For evaluation purposes we need to run a mapserver 5.6.3
incl. mapscript for perl in parallel with version 5.0.0
(system is a 64 bit SLES 10 with swig 1.3.27). 

So i need to store the mapserver binaries in a separate
directory (no problem of course) and rename the mapscript
module for perl to something like 'mapscript563'.
Following the instructions on
i did the following: 

1. In .../mapserver-5.6.3/mapscript/perl/plmodule.i
   changed the line '%allowexception;' to
   '%feature("allowexcept");' (the former being an alias
   to the latter introduced in swig 1.3.28...)
2. In .../mapserver-5.6.3/mapscript/perl/Makefile.PL
   changed the line "'NAME' => 'mapscript'," to
   "'NAME' => 'mapscript563',"
3. In .../mapserver-5.6.3/mapscript/mapscript.i
   changed the line "%module mapscript" to
   "%module mapscript563"
4. Changed directory to .../mapserver-5.6.3/mapscript/perl/
   and issued:
   swig -shadow -perl5 ../mapscript.i
   perl Makefile.PL

So i ended up with files
which seemed fine at first glance. 

However, examining those files shows that not all
function calls in got changed from
'mapscript::*' and 'mapscriptc::*' to
'mapscript563::*' and 'mapscript563c::*' 

Function calls starting with 'mapscript::' are always calls
Function calls starting with 'mapscriptc::' always appear
in subs that call one of mapscript::RFC24_ADD_PARENT_REF(...)
or mapscript::RFC24_DEL_PARENT_REF(...)
Everything else is changed to the intended '563' names. 

Is this due to an incomplete interface file for swig?
And will it become a problem after deployment anyway?
(I just test the installation process as such but don't
have access to the applications for actually testing the
functioning of the mapscript module...) 

Any help appreciated, thanks in advance... 


It may be splitting hairs but is it possible that needs to be 
removed prior to re-swig.

Aside from that, this question is beyond me.
Can you obtain a small snippet of code to test with?
There should be some sample Perl scripts in the install. 

mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] mapserver-users Digest, Vol 108, Issue 12

2017-01-09 Thread lfilak

On 2017-01-09 09:25, wrote:

Send mapserver-users mailing list submissions to

Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2017 06:37:44 +
From: "Schepers, Benjamin" 
To: "''"

Subject: [mapserver-users] Oblique aerial images with mapserver?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi list,

are there any suggestions or concepts out there to serve oblique
aerial images with mapserver / opensource-software?
The oblique images are not mosaicked and are just indirectly
georeferenced. There do exist ground-footprints as shape with path to
each file - comparable to a tileindex.

One way I thought of, could be mosaicking each direction (N-E-S-W) and
add them as separate layers to the service... (I know the results look
a bit strange and I also don't know such software for mosaicking -
Google's/Bing's secret? Are there any open solutions for that?)
Another idea could be to use a "special tileindex mode" for each
direction, where just the most matching oblique will be rendered from
Would you suggest a real 3D-solution? How to serve that?

Any more hints are welcome :)
... and a happy new year!


For the oblique images, we use the ground footprint layer to populate a 
DB table with the four corners of each image and a calculated center for 
each shot. That table is used as a match against the center of the 
current map extent to locate the oblique that is the "closet" as a view 
starting point.
We then use Imagemagick for three different operations to merge the 
oblique and the map image. Rotate the current map image to match the 
orientation of the oblique image. Distort (-disort Perspective) to 
stretch the map image to match the perspective of the oblique. Composite 
to merge the map image and oblique into a single image.
The navigation is not fancy, there are pan arrows provided to allow the 
user to move to the next oblique to the N,S,E,W of the current oblique 
and a compass rose to allow the user to change the oblique perspective 
N,S,E,W. With the pan arrows and compass rotated to match whatever 
perspective is being viewed.
We have yet to investigate the methods used in Birds-eye to see how that 
works. We expect that the plugin provided by the oblique vendor is being 

Hope that helps.

mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Oblique aerial images with mapserver?

2017-01-10 Thread lfilak

Hi Lowell,

thank you for your response.

< For the oblique images, we use the ground footprint layer to
populate a DB table with the four corners of each image and a
calculated center for each shot. That table is used as a match against
the center of the current map extent to locate the oblique that is the
"closet" as a view starting point.
OK so far... could be done in a lot of ways.

We use PerlMagick for the image manipulation but there are plenty of 
ways to access the ImageMagick tools.
The trouble with creating a WMS service of the oblique is that the image 
needs to be warped to fit into the orthogonal map view or the map needs 
to be warped to fit into the oblique view. What we experienced, is that 
warping the cadastral data to the oblique has the best end result. 
Otherwise, you loose the clarity in the oblique and it is slow.
Perhaps if a projection string for each tile was generated and saved in 
the DB table, the projection could be used for the layer when rendering 
a map image instead of the basic image type of re-projection being done 
via ImageMagick.?

mapserver-users mailing list