Re: list corner case

2008-09-09 Thread Aristotle Pagaltzis
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-09-09 07:45]:
 jacob said:
This entirely contradicts Markdown's purpose and philosophy.
 and aristotle agreed:
That is my opinion too.
 it _might_not_ (or might) be in alignment with the purpose and
 philosophy of markdown, but hey, it does not contradict it,
 _certainly_ not entirely.
 this is what gruber says under markdown philosophy:
 Markdown is intended to be as easy-to-read and
 easy-to-write as is feasible. Readability, however, is
 emphasized above all else.
 he continues:
 A Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is,
 as plain text, without looking like it's been marked up
 with tags or formatting instructions.
 if the intent is ambiguous -- and it _clearly_ is ambiguous,
 since no one here can state unequivocally what was meant, which
 is why there are competing interpretations at work -- then the
 document certainly will not be _readable_, let alone
 publishable as-is. so it's out of the realm of the

With due respect I have to say it seems to me you are utterly
misinterpreting the second paragraph you quoted. My reading is
that “publishable as-is” refers to it not “looking like it’s been
marked up with tags or formatting instructions.” Simply put, all
it says is that Markdown documents should not look like code –
unlike HTML, which does.

Furthermore, regardless of whether you are claiming that a
document is readable or not, I know that as a human I have no
trouble extracting some meaning from any of the examples given
in this thread. Certainly if they contained real text, I would
have even less trouble to understand what the author meant, based
on contextual cues like, oh I dunno, *what the text says*.

My interpretation of the Markdown philosophy is that plaintext
documents have inherent meaning to humans, and the rules of the
syntax should be designed to infer that meaning correctly. You’ll
recall [1] that John’s motivation for designing Markdown was the
tedium of the common tasks in writing HTML by hand – putting in
tags for paragraphs, emphasis, quoting, etc. “It’s 2004.
Shouldn’t your computer be able to determine where you’ve written
paragraphs and sub-heads?” Obviously, the formatter should try
its best to reflect the structure of the written prose with the
appropriate means of HTML.

Imagine that someone was nice enough to buy you a gift: an
original typewritten manuscript for a classic novel. Let’s
say Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”. You could sit down with
this manuscript and read it, straight through, and get pretty
much the same reading experience as you would when reading it
in the form of a nicely bound and typeset book. Yes, it would
all be set in the typewriter’s smudgy fixed-width
Courier-esque typeface, with underlining instead of italics,
etc. — but the words would still flow, from page to mind,
just as Fitzgerald intended.

Is there such a thing as an invalid classic novel? So how can
there be such a thing as an invalid Markdown document?

The quote from Stanley Kubrick I used to start this article
is one of my very favorites. When you write and read text
that’s marked-up with HTML tags, it’s forcing you to
concentrate on the *think* of it. It’s the *feel* of it that
I want Markdown-formatted text to convey.

I can find no way to reconcile the above with your claim that
ambiguous writer’s intent puts a source document outside the
realm of Markdown’s philosophy of publishability.


Aristotle Pagaltzis //
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Re: list corner case

2008-09-09 Thread Albert Skye
 Markdown syntax presents a strong pattern of using blank lines
 to separate elements.
  Does it?
  I hadn’t noticed.

Good call, thank you; having concluded long ago that blank-line separation for 
block elements is it a good idea, I had forgotten that most implementations* 
were so lax about it. In any case, (b) still seems the most useful behaviour to 

* It seems ironic to follow the details of an informal and neglected 
implementation (i.e.,, rather than the spirit of the 
documentation. If you all want a formal (i.e., consistent) standard then you 
should define it yourselves because John Gruber is clearly not interested, and 
poring over the details of his implementation/documentation is not likely to 
yield one.
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Re: list corner case

2008-09-09 Thread Tom Humiston

Shorter version of my previous post:

Gruber gives this example...

3. Bird
1. McHale
8. Parish

...and states that it will be numbered 1-2-3. Which is enough to make  
clear that in Markdown's design, the kind of goofy content in list- 
item markers that we're discussing is ignored. Simple.

All this other talk strokes programmers' egos but doesn't result in  
more usable software. Read Alan Cooper's excellent book, The Inmates  
Are Running the Asylum; you'll see what I mean.

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re: list corner case

2008-09-09 Thread Bowerbird
waylan said:
   Actually, any method that returns results different than what the
author expects will force the author to become less ambiguous.

assuming they notice.

if you put the results in some kind of indented block, they might not.

(which is probably why this corner case hasn't been noticed before.
it took some sleuthing for john to uncover different implementations.)

if you leave it hanging there as a bare paragraph (i.e., do nothing)
they're far more likely to notice that it wasn't formatted as intended,
and that's likely to get them to ask themselves what they'd intended...
(markdown didn't seem to know what i wanted; oh, i was too vague.)

but at any rate, what you've made here is a good point, so i feel i can
make good on my intention to opt out of this thread from now on...


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plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at
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Re: list corner case

2008-09-09 Thread John MacFarlane
It has been interesting to hear people's thoughts on this. Let me
summarize the considerations I've been weighing.

Against (b):  it's just too unexpected.  Nothing in the markdown
syntax description would lead one to expect that changing the list
marker would start a sublist.  I'm curious, though, to hear whether
Michel Fortin has a rationale for doing it this way in PHP Markdown;
I think he's the only (b)-category implementer who hasn't weighed
in on this discussion.

One argument for (c) that initially appealed to me is that it allows
the writer to have two consecutive lists without any intervening
block element--something that is otherwise impossible in markdown.
So it adds expressive power, whereas (a) just gives you another
(more obscure) way to express something you can already express.

The more I thought about it, though, the less impressive I found
this consideration.  For (c) only gives you a way to have consecutive
lists if one is ordered and one unordered.  It doesn't help if you
want to have two consecutive ordered lists, e.g.:

1. foo
2. bar

1. baz
2. quux

This gets parsed as one big ordered list by all implementations.
It seems to me that if markdown needs a way to express consecutive
lists, it needs a *general* way to do so, one that will work even
if the lists are of the same type.

Another argument for (c) is that John Gruber's markdown syntax
description gives the definite impression that ALL the markers
in an ordered list are numbers, and that ALL the markers in an
unordered list are *, +, or -. Unordered lists use asterisks, pluses,
and hyphens — interchangably — as list markers... Ordered lists
use numbers followed by periods... Gruber does say that the actual
numbers you use to mark the list have no effect on the HTML output
Markdown produces, but note that he says numbers here; there is no
suggestion that you can use bullet markers in an ordered list.
On this ground it might be argued that (a) would not be the expected

On the other hand, (a) is the most well-established interpretation,
since it's the interpretation of and all the implementations
that have essentially copied its regular expression transformations.
I know there's markdown out there that continues ordered lists with
unordered list markers (I found one instance of this when I replaced
BlueCloth with rpeg-markdown and someone complained that his lists
had changed).  I've also seen at least one markdown cheat-sheet that
advertises this behavior

So even though I think (c) is a slightly better interpretation of the
markdown syntax document, I'm inclined to defer to the canonical
implementation here, in the interest of not breaking existing documents.
That means that, even though my two implementations fall into groups
(b) and (c), I'm starting to favor (a).


+++ John MacFarlane [Sep 07 08 18:24 ]:
 I'm curious how people think the following *should* be interpreted:
 -  one
 2. two
 As you can see, implementations split into three groups here:
 (a)  treat as an unordered list,  Python markdown, MultiMarkdown, BlueCloth, MarkdownJ,
 (b)  treat as an unordered list with an ordered sublist
  PHP Markdown, Text::Markdown, Pandoc
 (c)  treat as an unordered list followed by an ordered list
  Maruku, Discount, PEG Markdown
 Markdown-Discuss mailing list
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Re: list corner case

2008-09-09 Thread Sherwood Botsford
I'll admit the interpretation of

1.  foo
*   baz
-   bar
-   biff
*   qix
-   qak
7. qux

as a single list counter intuitive.

My gut feel for that, after having used with ttree for a few
months is that this would be a three level nested list.  I KNOW that's not
what the docs say.

But the philosophy of markdown is that of an email message.  Who changes
bullets in the middle of a list? And since indents in email are normally
used for quoting, I expect the above to be shorthand for

1. foo
  * baz
- bar
- biff
  * qix
- qak
2.  qux
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