Re: [Bulk] Re: Markdown development

2010-03-05 Thread Albert Skye
> See this:
> I think their assumptions about newlines is way off.

I don't know about their assumptions but I do know that I prefer that behaviour 
and it was one of the first departures I made from Markdown syntax.

When I insert a newline in my text, I mean for it to remain. I don't hard wrap 
my e-mail or other text.

The fixed-width character column can be useful but the paradigm is also brittle 
and pernicious; better to make things work without it because it smells really 
bad too.
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-05 Thread david parsons
In article <>,
John MacFarlane   wrote:

>./markdown -V
>markdown: discount 1.6.2
>But you should get:
>--at least according to the reference implementation (and most
>others). Backslashes don't escape `s inside code spans.

   Backslash?   Wait, is that ^A I see supposed to be 
   the character 01h or a backslash?

   -david parsons
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-05 Thread John MacFarlane
+++ david parsons [Mar 06 10 04:33 ]:
> In article <>,
> John MacFarlane   wrote:
> >`a`
> >
> >should render as
> >
> >a
> >
> >but discount (at least the version on babelmark) renders it as
> The version on Babelmark might be a little out of date; the
> 1.6 series doesn't leave that tick hanging.

Although discount 1.6.2 doesn't leave the tick hanging, it's still not
right, I think:

./markdown -V
markdown: discount 1.6.2

But you should get:


--at least according to the reference implementation (and most
others). Backslashes don't escape `s inside code spans.


Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-05 Thread Thomas Leitner
> I'd like to see the community cooperate toward a specification which
> addresses the shortcomings and ambiguities of Markdown (even if it
> need be released under a new name).

Not a spec for Markdown itself, but for a superset of Markdown:

I tried to address most ambiguities, especially in list parsing.

-- Thomas
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-05 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 5:10 PM, david parsons  wrote:
> In article <>,
> John MacFarlane   wrote:
>>Currently big players like reddit and github
>>use forms of markdown that depart significantly from John Gruber's
>>official specification;
>     Okay, I'm curious.   Since I'm the writer of the "forms of markdown"
>     that reddit and github use, just exactly where does discount depart
>     significantly from JG's official specification?

See this:

I think their assumptions about newlines is way off. But otherwise,
the additions they added make sense in the context of that site.


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-05 Thread david parsons
In article <>,
John MacFarlane   wrote:

>should render as
>but discount (at least the version on babelmark) renders it as

The version on Babelmark might be a little out of date; the
1.6 series doesn't leave that tick hanging.

>`` a```a ``
>should render as

Now that's a defect all right.   It looks like the reference
matches any run of ticks, not just the one or two that I read
from the standard.

That's easy to fix.  Harder if I want it to be elegant, but
still easy.   It will give me an excuse to release a 1.6.3
sometime next week.

-david parsons
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-05 Thread John MacFarlane
+++ John MacFarlane [Mar 05 10 18:05 ]:
> +++ david parsons [Mar 05 10 22:10 ]:
> > In article <>,
> > John MacFarlane   wrote:
> > >Currently big players like reddit and github
> > >use forms of markdown that depart significantly from John Gruber's
> > >official specification;
> > 
> >  Okay, I'm curious.   Since I'm the writer of the "forms of markdown"
> >  that reddit and github use, just exactly where does discount depart
> >  significantly from JG's official specification?
> Oh, I didn't know that either of those sites used discount.
> Discount is, in my experience, extremely accurate (and extremely
> fast). But github uses a documented variant for some purposes
> (, and, as for
> reddit, I'm just going on my experience having posts there formatted
> incorrectly. I think one context where that happened was an inline
> code span with backslashes. According to John Gruber's specification, as
> I understand it,
> `a\`
> should render as
> a\
> but discount (at least the version on babelmark) renders it as
> a\`
> Similarly,
> `` a```a ``
> should render as
> a```a
> but discount renders it as
> aa

Okay, looking back at the actual [spec]
I see that it was unfair of me to suggest that discount does
not satisfy it.  The spec is just too vague. For example, it never says
explicitly that backslash escapes don't work inside code spans (though
perhaps that's implicit, since if backslash escapes worked, you wouldn't
need the more complex method of using multiple-backtick delimiters).
I guess my interpretation of it was influenced by seeing what actually does.

Indeed, in one respect, discount conforms to the spec for inline
code spans better than  The syntax document says:
"The backtick delimiters surrounding a code span may include spaces — one
after the opening, one before the closing."  I'd not noticed this
before, but this seems to say pretty unambiguously that there is
*one* optional space at each end., and all other
implementations except discount (and the most recent lunamark, which I
just updated), gobble any number of spaces at the beginning and end
of a code span.

Test case:  `  hello  `


PS.  I've now fixed the problem with
`` this```case ``
in lunamark and peg-markdown.

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-05 Thread Chad Nelson
Hash: SHA1

> Yuri provided some good reading, but I thought it important to point
> out a specific comment by J.G. regarding the name of such a project:

That's only a problem if he "despises" whatever we come up with. :-)

There are certainly a few additional things I'd like to see in Markdown,
but my biggest irritation is the ambiguity of the syntax. (I only recall
one at the moment, but I ran into many of them while developing my
implementation.) Just clarifying those places would be a huge plus.

On the other hand, as has been mentioned, they only arise in fairly rare
edge cases, so I might just have to live with them. It just feels
*messy* with those in there.
- -- 
Chad Nelson
Oak Circle Software, Inc.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-05 Thread John MacFarlane
+++ david parsons [Mar 05 10 22:10 ]:
> In article <>,
> John MacFarlane   wrote:
> >Currently big players like reddit and github
> >use forms of markdown that depart significantly from John Gruber's
> >official specification;
>  Okay, I'm curious.   Since I'm the writer of the "forms of markdown"
>  that reddit and github use, just exactly where does discount depart
>  significantly from JG's official specification?

Oh, I didn't know that either of those sites used discount.
Discount is, in my experience, extremely accurate (and extremely
fast). But github uses a documented variant for some purposes
(, and, as for
reddit, I'm just going on my experience having posts there formatted
incorrectly. I think one context where that happened was an inline
code span with backslashes. According to John Gruber's specification, as
I understand it,


should render as


but discount (at least the version on babelmark) renders it as



`` a```a ``

should render as


but discount renders it as


(Hm, just noticed that peg-markdown and lunamark get that one wrong,
too. I'll have to fix that. At least pandoc gets it right.)


Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-05 Thread Fletcher T. Penney
When I first started to write MultiMarkdown, I hoped it would become
obsolete when the official markdown spec included footnotes and
possibly tables.  Then I added a few other features, and it also
became clear that Markdown wasn't going to evolve any further in an
official capacity.

Which is not necessarily a bad thing.  The basic markdown syntax is
good.  We all use it because we think it's the best markup language
out there, and those of us who extended it do it because we think it
would be the perfect markup language with just one or two new
features  That doesn't mean that the core markdown syntax needs to
add those features.

What I would like to see is the following:

1) Fix the syntax specification for the one or two edge cases that
lead to unintentionally different outputs from various markdown
implementations (e.g. nested lists).  It would be nice to have a stamp
of approval from Gruber on this part

2) Develop an opt-in "consortium" or whatever that would allow the
most common add-on features (e.g. footnotes) to have a well thought
out specification that could be consistent across those markdown
implementations that wanted to include them.  This would not be
interpreted as an official "markdown 2.0" or anything like that -
simply that it would be nice if the various markdown derivatives could
be as cross-compatible as possible.  I suspect this list of new
features would be rather short - there are likely several features in
MMD, for instance, that don't need to be included in other flavors
(e.g. citations, asciimathml, etc)

The point is that each of these variant forms of Markdown evolved to
scratch someone's particular itch.  It would be nice to standardize
the areas that overlap, but there's no need to limit the various
alternative features that are only needed by a few people.

Just my $.02


Fletcher T. Penney
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-05 Thread david parsons
In article <>,
John MacFarlane   wrote:
>Currently big players like reddit and github
>use forms of markdown that depart significantly from John Gruber's
>official specification;

 Okay, I'm curious.   Since I'm the writer of the "forms of markdown"
 that reddit and github use, just exactly where does discount depart
 significantly from JG's official specification?

 -david parsons
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-05 Thread John MacFarlane
+++ Yuri Takhteyev [Mar 05 10 14:27 ]:
> > I'll second that. Though it would be best if we could still use the
> > Markdown name; a different one would just make one more confusing
> > text-markup specification for people to ignore. If we could call it
> > Markdown2 or something similar, it would be obvious that it expands on,
> > and supersedes, the original Markdown.
> Required reading:
> Of course, there are many many other relevant threads, but this would
> give you a taste.

A lot has happened since early 2008. For example, we now have
two implementations based on a PEG, which could serve as a basis for
a formal specification of markdown's grammar:

(Of course, this is just my interpretation of the markdown syntax
specification, which leaves a lot undecided.)

The main problem is political.  After following this group for several
years, I'm doubtful that we'd be able to come to consensus about a
grammar.  Perhaps we could agree on a process, with a voting system for
deciding disputed issues and a mechanism for deciding on extensions.
But that's a big undertaking, and it's not clear what authority such
decisions would have.  Currently big players like reddit and github
use forms of markdown that depart significantly from John Gruber's
official specification; if they're going to ignore that, then I'm
guessing they'd also ignore a more detailed grammar devised by a
markdown working group.


Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-05 Thread david parsons
In article <>,
Albert Skye   wrote:
>Not only is [Markdown] dead, it's starting to smell really bad. (Apologies to 

There are some hilarious edge/pathological cases which doesn't 
right, but for the most part it works and if the places where it doesn't 
are offensive, there are literally dozens of other implementations out there
that have been tweaked more recently than

>It's author appears to have little interest in developing the tool and
>participating in the community which uses it.

He's got a Perl implementation that works for him, and there are many
other implementations that are basically compatable with his code &
test suites.   There's not much he needs to do, so why should he run
around and do busywork?

-david parsons
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-05 Thread Waylan Limberg
On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Yuri Takhteyev  wrote:
>> I'll second that. Though it would be best if we could still use the
>> Markdown name; a different one would just make one more confusing
>> text-markup specification for people to ignore. If we could call it
>> Markdown2 or something similar, it would be obvious that it expands on,
>> and supersedes, the original Markdown.
> Required reading:
> Of course, there are many many other relevant threads, but this would
> give you a taste.
> - yuri

Yuri provided some good reading, but I thought it important to point
out a specific comment by J.G. regarding the name of such a project:

If anyone wants to undertake this effort, they may say it is "inspired
by markdown" but they are going to have to name is something
different. I get the impression that the name "Markdown2" is not quite
different enough here.

There's another interesting comment he made regarding a specific
markdown implementation here:

I don't point these comments out to discourage such an effort from
happening (maybe it should).  However, if it does happen, imo it will
either need J.G.'s blessing or will need to happen separate from this
community/list. Although, I would imagine an announcement of and link
to such an effort wouldn't be objectionable.

Additionally, I did not point those comments out in an effort to
reflect negatively on J.G. He created Markdown and is entirely
entitled to such a position. I would very likely take a simple
position if I was in his shoes and/or shared his opinion. Currently,
my opinion regarding the need for a fork/restart/refresh is


\X/ /-\ `/ |_ /-\ |\|
Waylan Limberg
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-05 Thread Yuri Takhteyev
> I'll second that. Though it would be best if we could still use the
> Markdown name; a different one would just make one more confusing
> text-markup specification for people to ignore. If we could call it
> Markdown2 or something similar, it would be obvious that it expands on,
> and supersedes, the original Markdown.

Required reading:

Of course, there are many many other relevant threads, but this would
give you a taste.

- yuri
Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown development

2010-03-05 Thread Chad Nelson
Hash: SHA1

> I'd like to see the community cooperate toward a specification which
> addresses the shortcomings and ambiguities of Markdown (even if it
> need be released under a new name). 

I'll second that. Though it would be best if we could still use the
Markdown name; a different one would just make one more confusing
text-markup specification for people to ignore. If we could call it
Markdown2 or something similar, it would be obvious that it expands on,
and supersedes, the original Markdown.
- -- 
Chad Nelson
Oak Circle Software, Inc.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Markdown development

2010-03-05 Thread Albert Skye
Not only is [Markdown] dead, it's starting to smell really bad. (Apologies to 

It's author appears to have little interest in developing the tool and 
participating in the community which uses it.

I'd like to see the community cooperate toward a specification which addresses 
the shortcomings and ambiguities of Markdown (even if it need be released under 
a new name).
Markdown-Discuss mailing list